I did and he makes me out to be the one who has cheated and lied and nothing more than a side piece and god knows what else but I was never lying about being involved with him he chose to take someone else views that doesn't even know me at all as to what I was doing and he believes her over me and for that I gave up on trying to talk to him yesterday and our 23 year friendship is gone and he doesn't care to explain what his deal was for 2 years of being silent and no contact unless he needs something from me
@backtothestart0222 күн бұрын
so beautiful
@phelpsryan9680Ай бұрын
No matter what i did give you effort.sorry i broke your trust.we broke each others trust long long ago.i know your supper happy with your life right now.and your one lucky hard working woman.thanks for being by my side through everything. Many moons i laid next to you sleeping and watching you preciously sleep id tell myself how lucky i really was i truly had it .best life ever yet it was so simple but amazing.
@icysnow57cold64Ай бұрын
Romantic relationships are not a beautiful thing. Romance causes a lot of problems in this world. Life is a lot better without romance than it is with it. Romantic love is not special at all, and I think that the romantic type of love isn't real. More than half of romantic couples either break up with each other or divorce each other. Romantic relationships are objectively very prone to failure. And most couples who are still together are usually not happy being together. Also, there are a lot of toxic romantic relationships. Like an example is that abuse happens a lot in romantic relationships. Studies prove single, childless, women are the HAPPIEST demographic. Women are the happiest when single and focused on themselves.
@icysnow57cold64Ай бұрын
Romantic relationships are not a beautiful thing. Romance causes a lot of problems in this world. Life is a lot better without romance than it is with it. Romantic love is not special at all, and I think that the romantic type of love isn't real. More than half of romantic couples either break up with each other or divorce each other. Romantic relationships are objectively very prone to failure. And most couples who are still together are usually not happy being together. Also, there are a lot of toxic romantic relationships. Like an example is that abuse happens a lot in romantic relationships. Studies prove single, childless, women are the HAPPIEST demographic. Women are the happiest when single and focused on themselves.
@LiliaCerna2 ай бұрын
that delena ending was so perfect ❤
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Lo mejor de la vida por llegar, cuando ese sendero allanado,esa rolita,reflejitos mujer,noa toca por vida empieza a arrancar pasitos, segunda fase no todo lo va a hacer en un milagro imposible..
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Lanzadera de los mejores resultados,ya casi esta,la guinda del pastel,la pondra la que nadie espera....
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Nuestra remontada final pata /gata aventuras entre dos extremos mujeres perra orquídea como Quatermain o gatita letal comp Isabella shadowhunters que será
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Dichosa la copiloto mujer ,nos toca por vida ,ese amor casi imposible de creer,va tomando forma,ante tantos obstáculos de años y personas inadecuadas y vivir para contarlo...esos cachorros en crecimiento,mas libres, menos traumas ,y a un solo paso,para el milagro imposible a una carta igualada hombre s mujer
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Lanzadera tiempo record para una cardíaca no sabe con quién se juega los cuartos y canasta ante su asombro,así somos los únicos y valiosos para una gata /pata aventuras derrape final y canasta desde línea de triples..placaje a la.manera leonino a adorada
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Ya queda poco para esa canasta en el último segundo entre hombre y esa adorada,y dejar fuera de combate a las que se querían apropiarndel trabajo y esfuerzo y pan de tus cachorros en crecimiento..😮
@icysnow57cold642 ай бұрын
I don't think the romantic type of love is special, and I think that the romantic type of love isn't real. More than half of romantic relationships end in a breakup/divorce. Romance seems like an ugly thing. I think humans should just ditch concepts like dating, marriage, and pair bonding. I feel like this world would be a much better place without romance than it is with it. It does seem that nearly all mothers and fathers are hoping that their daughter never dates or get married and remain single for her whole life. Romantic relationships seem like a bad thing since there is a lot of dangers when it comes to them. The overprotective father/mother thing is proof that romantic relationships are a bad thing, and this world would be a much better place without them. If someday that the human race ditches the concept of romance and romantic relationships, and got rid of stuff like dating and marriage, fathers and mothers would be happy about it since they wouldn't ever have to worry about their daughter ever dating if that ever happened.
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Otoño con la mujer nos toca por vida, veremos si es capaz de ese salto croqueta con caída de pie...?
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Ese es el amor más increíble el de una carta igualada con una mujer entre un millón y sabe al final cede en ese amor...de amor negado a donde vas sin mi, pasado o presente... que será?
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Todo amor de verdad,al final hace derrapar a la que negaba ese amor , y frita por al final derretida.diga vale ..
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Muy pocos somos demasiado torpedeando a la mujer, nos toca por vida,en realidad era lo que más le llena el corazón y quien sabe si al final brindis orgullosa mi pícara sombra
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Todo encaja en un amor único, será moldea a la que nadie esperaba resucitará,ese Chuck y blair,indiana Jones y Marion ,o ese the 100th ,etc
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Pádel por parejas,juegan al bacarra contra enemigos y resurrección en puertas,de la que nadie espera...a ver si es capaz mi lacitos, rolitas o mujer,me toca por vida, y repite asignatura como las natillas
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Rodeo,romeo y enrique final de los únicos,a ver la cual le toca a cada uno
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Tras mucho esfuerzo,los mejores milagros van casi realizándose con la copiloto mujer,ya no se va ,a fuego empieza a resucitar,esa energía transmutica ,que tienen las parejas explosivas..m
@rainyalaska10322 ай бұрын
Can someone please tell me the couple at 1:52 ...!!!
@danielurbanoaguilar50782 ай бұрын
Los milagros imposibles a una carta ,rolitas,reflejitos o mujer imposible entre un millón..
@claireoconnor35043 ай бұрын
Hi can have the whole list of this movies and tv shows I'm struggling to get please 🙏🏻
@icysnow57cold643 ай бұрын
I think humans should just ditch concepts like dating, marriage, and pair bonding. I feel like this world would be a much better place without romance than it is with it. It does seem that nearly all fathers and brothers are hoping that their daughters and sisters never date or get married and remain single for the rest of their lives. Romantic relationships seem like a bad thing since there is a lot of dangers when it comes to them. The overprotective father/brother thing is proof that romantic relationships are a bad thing, and this world would be a much better place without them. If someday that the human race ditches the concept of romance and romantic relationships, and got rid of stuff like dating and marriage, fathers and brothers would be happy about it since they wouldn't ever have to worry about their daughters and sisters ever dating if that ever happened.
@valeriamartinezsalazar91453 ай бұрын
Quiten a Iris de ahi 😭
@mariasocorrobarros18263 ай бұрын
@danielurbanoaguilar50783 ай бұрын
Guerreros de Dios y mujeres demasiado recíprocas cuando la verdad de un amor es fluir juntos,más que a donde
@danielurbanoaguilar50784 ай бұрын
Torpededa. Y a punto de caramelo nueces de macadamia.
@danielurbanoaguilar50784 ай бұрын
Milagro imposible porque entre dos ,no creo ninguna de las dos , código remontada por felicidad... añadida o me equivoco
@danielurbanoaguilar50784 ай бұрын
Enroque final para mejor amanecer mi tonta adorada porque para listas se estrellan
@danielurbanoaguilar50784 ай бұрын
Hay otra vez anillito de resultados mi tonta?
@danielurbanoaguilar50784 ай бұрын
Haz de luz para los únicos,a ver qué mujer me toca en ésta vida,la.misma mejorada o sorpresa estelar?
@danielurbanoaguilar50784 ай бұрын
Pimienta orquídea o orquídea Kokomo vintage, lacitos, reflejitos,etc la que me toca por vida prepara el salto...sino me equivoco
@icysnow57cold644 ай бұрын
I have a question. How do males and females bond with each other? I don't see how men and women can bond (especially romantically) with each other. Men and women think very differently from each other. It seems like it's impossible for men and women to emotionally connect with each other. I think women are naturally more inclined to love other females. Women are more hardwired to be social than men. Women are better at communicating than men. Women are more closer and touchy feely than men. Women tend to be more emotionally intelligent than men are and express their feelings more than men do. Women understand each other a lot more mentally and socially and emotionally. Women understand other women better than a man can.
@xarion1238Ай бұрын
Maybe it's because woman and man are different? Opposites attract and that stuff
@icysnow57cold64Ай бұрын
@@xarion1238 Not only are male and female brain structures very biologically different from each other, but experience shapes the brain. And in our society, men are brought up very differently from women. Thus, creating even more differences in brain structure and behavior. Also, it is scientifically known that men and women differ in their bodies and hormones etc. which also influencers behavior greatly. This prevents men and women from bonding with each other.
@marijajosipovic25064 ай бұрын
Sind sind das perfekte Paar und gehören zusammen einfach Traumpaar ❤😍🥺🥺🥺🥺zum Glück sind die dann am Schluss zusammen
@danielurbanoaguilar50784 ай бұрын
Donde el amor de mujer a hombre,hace ese milagro imposible
@danielurbanoaguilar50784 ай бұрын
Donde el amor único no es donde sino con quién es lo que marca lo que pasará en la balanza de una mujer adorada,así veremos qué sendero cogerá ....?
@danielurbanoaguilar50784 ай бұрын
Elecciones de amor ,en milagro imposible de una mujer, empieza a creer en el mejor Amor,yo solo acerco el milagro imposible,su balanza sera lo.mejor de un sueño milagro juntos
@danielurbanoaguilar50784 ай бұрын
Nuestro perfect en el mejor amor y después lo que hacemos,es lo que hace que ,la mujer nos toca por vida ,empiece a creer mejor en este amor ,y como antaño felicidad
@annabellelli21074 ай бұрын
La scena della biblioteca quando lei prende un libro è una meraviglia: lei è bellissima con i capelli sciolti. Tanto feeling si percepisce oltre alla recitazione, secondo il mio parere.
@danielurbanoaguilar50784 ай бұрын
Nuestro essensis ,temptation caramelo y nueces de macadamia,y lo mejor de la fusión de hombre y mujer...es lo que hará lo mejor de los.milagros.imposibles
@danielurbanoaguilar50784 ай бұрын
Pocos y pocas quedamos de ese lema cada oveja o loba con su pareja,tras años, instantes o esfuerzo hecho,etc donde se sabe quién eleva a su otra parte, alguno teme resucita una mujer de las que pocas quedan ..por qué será?
@danielurbanoaguilar50785 ай бұрын
Canasta del mejor tiró Arpon de hombre y mujer, leyenda viva, veremos si acertamos ella y yo ...
@danielurbanoaguilar50785 ай бұрын
Menu lanzadera leonadas o será de otro signo, pasado o presente,en la gran final...
@danielurbanoaguilar50785 ай бұрын
Mucho estilo, muy pocos brillamos con esencia propia y la copiloto mujer nos toca por vida, empieza a creer en nuestro milagro, canasta de 3 cómo bien sabe ella
@wajenny005 ай бұрын
This is gorgeus. Epic editing
@BrennaBear085 ай бұрын
😢😢😢 1:55 min which is episode of Supergirl Kara say forgive