@ZinAngel 27 күн бұрын
Grandma 😢😢😢
@inesborstel5592 Ай бұрын
@patthonsirilim5739 Ай бұрын
that is why you should not pillage and rape you never hear the end of it even after 80 years and can you blame them the japs were brutal.
@nooronkolisvlogusa361 Ай бұрын
China is now torturing Ugyr men and women
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
The average salary of a Korean War Prostitute(war camp followers) in the WW2 is Yen 750 per month. The salary of Army General of Japan's Imperial Army was Yen 550 per month . The salary of a Petty officer of Japan's Imperial Army was Yen 15 per month. Everyone will notice how big money Korean War Prostitutes could earn in the WW2. Some of them bought three houses in the Korean peninsula working for only two years.Their bank notes that are still left in Japan and South Korea prove it. Almost all KOREAN or other nationalities' camp followers were more rich than presenr KOREAN historic liars and propagadits on this commnet section of a KOREAN fake, fabricated, groundless, shameful and distorted historic lies and propaganda video !
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
50,000 Vietnamese Women raped by South Korean soldiers during the Vietnam war and 20,000 mixed children with South Korean soldiers are still awaiting apology from South Korean's government and South Korean people. Campaign group urges recognition for women affected by sexual violence of South Korean troops and the children born as a result Totally 320,000 South Korean soldiers were deployed to Vietnam to fight alongside the US between 1964 and 1973, but the story of the country’s involvement in the conflict is largely untold. South Korea has never acknowledged claims of sexual violence allegedly perpetrated by its troops against thousands of women and girls, some as young as 12 - or the children born as a result. Are there mixed children between Japanese soldiers and locan women during the WW2 ????????Why are there 20,000 mixed children between Korean soldiers and Vietnamese women during the Vietnam War ??????
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
Shameful and cunning 2 KOREAS and 2 KOREANS(South & North)) want more money of compensation from Japan/Japanese with many historic fake, fabricated, groundless , malicious and distorted historic lies and propagnadas in the world . One of those KOREAN historic lies and propagandas is about historic lies of Korean camp followers in the WW2. A huge amount of money was donated to all camp followers in Korea, Taiwan, Philippines except for Japan in the WW2 from a Japanese private organization ((not Japanese government)) from Japanese pities, virtue , humanity and warm hearts . But almost all Japanese and even Japanese government already knew those camp followers including Japanese camp followers were recruited with money, were sold by their poor parents or were deceived by Korean pimps of Korean brothels. Japanese camp followers were major prat of those camp followers in the WW2. 2nd were Koreans ( Korean--Japanese at that time). About 55% of comfort women in the WW2 were Japanee,35% were Korean(Korean- Japanese at that time for the lawful and internationally approved annexation of the Korean peninsula by Japan from 1910 till the end of the WW2 in 1945) and 10% were Chinese etc. Japanese comfort women were most in the number.Even one Japanese war prostitute has never requested apology and compensation to Japan because they knew they decided by themselves to wrok as a war prostitute to get big money for her family's poverty. Very strangely and contradistinctively the communsit China and S&N Korea have never mentioned about so MANY JAPANESE comfort women till now if they insist women's human right is important in the world. Regrettably only in Indonesia some Japanese soldiers compel some women to wrok as prostitutes, but those Japanese soldiers were sentenced to the death by Japanese imperila army. The Fake story of Fake Korean war prostitutes was invented by the Asahi Shinbun(Newspaper) in Japan(not in Korea and China) for the first time in 1980s. But finally The Asahi Shinbun(Newspaper) admitted and apologized for their Fake stories of Korean war prostitutes for 32 years since 1980s and its president Mr. Tadakazu Kimura and several editors Mr. Nobuyuki Sugiura etc. took its responsibilty for fake news and were fired in Sept.2014. As of 2007 following money was donated by the Japanese PRIVATE organization.(BBC NEWS 10th/April 2007). From 2007 till 2018 much bigger money was donated to all war prostitutes from the Japanese PRIVATE organization. 565m yen ($4.7m) was raised in donations from the Japanese people, and given to 285 comfort women from Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines, each of whom received about 2m yen ($16,700) • 770m yen ($6.5m) in Japanese taxpayers' money was provided to pay for medical fees for these women, and for 79 other women from the Netherlands • 370 million yen ($3.1m) was spent building medical facilities and old peoples' homes in Indonesia, rather than compensating individuals there, and the rest was used for the fund's running costs and other smaller projects.
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
Why can't any cunning and timid non-educated, low-intelligent eternal Anti-Japan/Japanese RACIST KOREAN or KOREAN--RUSSIAN world historic lira, propagandist and agitator try to deny or disprove for all lies and fake, fabricated, distorted historic propaganda of KOREAN war prostitute Kim-Bok-Dong in the WW2 ???????????? Kim Bok-Dong lied or propagandized in her all testimonie in the world she was in 15th Division of IJA( Imperial Japan's Army) in the Sino-Japan War and the WW2 and went to Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Singapore for 8 years with 15th Division of IJA during the WW2. But the 15th Division of IJA was not in Taiwan, Hong Kong ,Singapte at all during the WW2. The 15th Divisoon of IJA ended in Thailand at the end of the WW2 in 1945. And furthermore the WW2 continued for 6 years, not 8 years. Did Kim Bok-Dong work as war prostitute in the Korean War too after the WW2 ????!!!! All eternal Anti-Japan/Japanese racist Korean war prostitutes ,Korean populace and 2 Korean governments( South & North) with no reasonable and justifiable reasons/sources can never deceive Japan/Japanese and former IJA with Korean empty lies, fake and fabricated historic/political propagandas forever in this world!!! Regrettably Kim Bok-Dong can't deny or modify her former testimonies in the world with other her lies and historic fabricated propagandas from the Underground !!!
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
Can any Korean teach me which years is the real birth year of Kim-Bog-Dong ? Because she testified many birth years in all her testimonies in the world as 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938 and 1939 ? Why didn't Kim Bog-Dong memorize ever her own real birth year ? Korean war prostitutes " Kim Bok-Dong "in the WW2 and in the Korean War can never deny or modify her all fake, fabricated lies and propagandas in the world in the past from the Underground !!
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
Let's RECHECK more carefully and sincerely with only real world historic evidences ,facts and proofs which nation KOREA and KOREANS(North & South)or JAPAN/JAPANESE is lying and scattering so many Anti-Japan/Japanese racist ,malicious, fake, fabricated, groundless, shameful and distorted world historic lies and propahgandas in the world even now in 21st century after the WW2 with real Korean newspapers in 1930s. There are so many articles of abduction incidents of Korean women and girls by Korean men in the Korena peninsula before/during/after the WW2 except for below articles. Can any KOREAN try to deny or disprove for these real, shameful world historic facts and evidences ??? And also why are there about more 50,000 Korean professional prostitutes now in Japan according to the recent Japan's Police Report ? Never export so many KOREAN professional prostitutes not only to Japan but also to America, Canada, Australia, Europe and South East Asia. For what purpose did many Korean men abduct Korean women and girls in the Korean peninsula before/in the WW2 and the Korean War ? Where were those poor Korean women and girls sent in the WW2 and in the Korean War ? Were they sold To Korean brothels ? For money still even now in 21st century in 2 KOREAS( South & North) ??? Korean Newspaper 1939.08.31 동아일보 악덕소개업자가 발호, 이들이 유괴한 농촌부녀자의 수가 무려 100명 이상. 모두 일본경찰님들이 구출해내심. August 31, 1939 Donga Ilbo Over 100 women from farming villages were deceived by Korean traffickers (Kim Ok-man 김옥만 & his family) They were arrested and the women were rescued by Japanese policemen. Korean Newspaper 1936.05.14 매일신보 농촌부녀유인 악한을 검거. 여자를 만주에 창기로 팔려던 것을 일본경찰이 검거해서 여성을 구출함. 네명의 여자가 마수를 벗어남. May 14, 1936 Maeil Shinbo Traffickers (Korean comfort station owners' agents) were arrested by police for deceiving women from farming villages. Four women were rescued by Japanese police.
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
Rep accused of using donations for galbi, massages Tuesday October 5,2021 Rep. Yoon Mee-hyang allegedly embezzled money from a group supporting Korean war time prostitutes in the WW2 and the Korean War to pay for beef ribs, massages and traffic fines, said an opposition lawmaker Tuesday. Prosecutors indicted Yoon, the former head of the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan, in September 2020 for fraud, embezzlement and breach of trust following accusations that for decades she misappropriated donations to the so-called comfort women victims.
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
Kim Hak-sun’s family was poor, so Kim Hak-sun stopped going to school. To earn some money, she did babysitting and maid’s work. She was adopted by Kim Tae-won, who sent her to a school for kisaeng (entertainer-prostitutes) when she was 14, for three years. In the spring of 1939, when Kim Hak-sun was 17, her adoptive father convinced her and another girl named Emiko, who was one year her senior, to go with him to China, “where you can make a lot of money.” Kim Hak-sun states clearly that she became a kisaeng because her family was poor. When I discussed her case with the Bungei Shunju editors, we agreed that it was similar to those of young Japanese women who were sold into prostitution by their parents. But how can anyone claim Kim was abducted?
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
International Review of Law and Economics Volume 65, March 2021, 105971 Contracting for sex in the Pacific War Author links open overlay panel  J.Mark Ramseyer, Harvard University Abstract The protracted political dispute between South Korea and Japan over the wartime brothels called "comfort stations" obscures the contractual dynamics involved. These dynamics reflected the straightforward logic of the "credible commitments" so basic to elementary game theory. The brothel owners and potential prostitutes faced a problem: the brothel needed credibly to commit to a contractual structure (i) generous enough to offset the dangers and reputational damage to the prostitute that the job entailed, while (ii) giving the prostitute an incentive to exert effort while working at a harsh job in an unobservable environment. Realizing that the brothel owners had an incentive to exaggerate their future earnings, the women demanded a large portion of their pay upfront. Realizing that they were headed to the war zone, they demanded a relatively short maximum term. And realizing that the women had an incentive to shirk, the brothel owners demanded a contractual structure that gave women incentives to work hard. To satisfy these superficially contradictory demands, the women and brothels concluded indenture contracts that coupled (i) a large advance with one- or two-year maximum terms, with (ii) an ability for the women to leave early if they generated sufficient revenue.
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
The South Korean activist group Chong Dae Hyup (Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery) is closely related to North Korea. For example, Yun Mi-Hyang (Chairwoman) was investigated for working with North Korea in 2013. Kim Sam-Suk (Yun Mi-Hyang’s husband) was arrested as a North Korean spy in 1993. Kim Eun-Ju (Kim Sam-Suk’s sister) was arrested as a North Korean spy in 1993. Choi Gi-Yong (Kim Eun-Ju’s husband) was arrested as a North Korean spy in 2006. Lee Seok-Gi (member) was arrested as a North Korean spy in 2013. Westerners must realize that North Korean operatives are using the comfort women issue to drive a wedge into U.S.-Japan-South Korea security partnership. The U.S. military interrogated hundreds of Korean POWs who belonged to the Japanese Army. They frequented comfort stations, and the following was what they said about Korean comfort women.
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
Why was the big boss of North Korean spies in South Korea "Youn Mee-hyang " who is mainly and deeply connected with the North Korean eternal Anti-Japan/Japanese historic propagandas and lies of fake and fabricated stories of Korean camp followers in the WW2 and in the Korean War like this Pro-North Korea South Korean historic propaganda video arrested and jailed recently by South Korean governmenyt in South Korea ? How can you Pro-North Korea South Korean historic liar and propagandist , the so called Libtard or one of Dupes in the world explain now about the following real fact to all viewers in the world here ? Can you Pro-North Korea South Korean propagandist surely do it now here in front of so many more well and highly educated intelligent viewers of many nations in the world than you Korean world historic ignoramus ? Your Korean fake, fabricated, groundless, distorted world historic knowledge in your whole Korean life was completel destroyed by real world historic fcats and evidences now. January 06, 2023 Korean Newspaper 5-yr term demanded for lawmaker over alleged embezzlement of donations for Korean camp followers in the WW2 victims SEOUL, Jan. 6 Prosecutors on Friday demanded a five-year prison term for independent Rep. Youn Mee-hyang on charges of embezzling funds donated to help support women who were camp followers during World War II. Youn was accused of collecting hundreds of millions of won in donations to her private bank accounts and spent some of them for personal use, including living expenses, while heading a major civic group for Korean camp followers in the WW2 , the so called Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Korean camp followers in the WW2. Youn led the group between 2005-20 before winning a parliamentary seat on the Democratic Party's (DP) ticket in 2020. The DP expelled Youn in 2021, and she has since been an independent. Prosecutors have pressed charges of violating the subsidy management act and the donation collection act as well as embezzlement.
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
Judge overseeing Yoon Mee-hyang case is found dead Wednesday November 11,2020 A senior judge overseeing the criminal case against Rep. Yoon Mee-hyang, the former head of the Korean Council accused of embezzling public donations meant for wartime sexual slavery victims, died suddenly on Tuesday just ahead of the first trial, Seoul police said Wednesday. Lee Dae-yeon, a 54-year-old senior judge on the Seoul Western District Court, was found dead around 9:45 p.m. Tuesday night, Gangnam police said. He had collapsed in the restroom of a building in Samseong-dong in Gangnam District, southern Seoul, in the midst of a dinner with a group of fellow judges at a nearby restaurant. Emergency responders performed CPR on Lee, who was then transferred to a nearby general hospital where he was pronounced dead at 11:20 p.m.
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
A well-known and famous best seller book published in USA ,Korea and Japan titled " So Far from the Bamboo Grove" written by Ms. Yoko Kawashima Watkins in 1986 proved so many refugees of Japanese women from the northern part of the Korean peninsula and Manchuria to Japan were raped by northern Korean men after the end of WW2 . The Soviet Union's soldiers raped many Japanese women too, but the worst cases were by Korean men in the northern part of the Korean peninsula being supported by the Communist Soviet Union.
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
The so world-widely well-known and famous USA Government's final and official report about IJA( Imperial Japan's Army) in the WW2 named " THE IWG REPORT " that was publicly issued in USA in 2007 wasting so huge amount of USA Tax money(30 million US Dollars) and 8 years and 7 million historic documents due to insistent, persistent and strong requests from Communist Hans, Hans from Communist China and the Korean(South & North) living mainly in California ,New York and New Jersey of USA concluded finally and officially in the world USA Government could not find so called war crimes of IJA in the WW2 as Han descendant members of " The Global Alliance for Preserving the History of World War II in Asia "(GAPH, that is mainly organized by Han descendants from Communist China ,Ignatius Ding, Ivy Lee in Cupertino, California) propagandized many Anti-Japan groundless, fake and fabricated historic propagandas and fictions not only in North America but also in the world since 2012. USA government could not agree with their fake and fabricated propagandas and fictions of "GAPH" in spite of their groundless many historic propagandas and fictions by Communist Hans, Hans from Communist China and and the Korean(South & North) descendants not only in USA/Canada but also in Australia/Germany/France/Communist China ,2 Koreas ( South & North),Japan and other nations in the world with no real ,concrete and justifiable historic evidences and proofs.
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
THe case of a KOREAN camp follower " Kim Gun-ja" in the WW2 or the Korean War In 1993 a former Korean camp follower in the WW2 or in the Korean War " Kim Gun-ja " told Professor Ahn Byong Jik of Seoul University, "I was sold by my foster father." Yet she testified before UN Special Rapporteur Radhika Coomaraswamy that she was abducted by the Japanese military. Kim Gun-ja also testified before United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs in 2007 and said she was abducted by the Japanese military.
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
USA Army's official Report about Korean camp followers in the WW2 NO.49REPORT(1944) This is the interview survey which made a Korean comfort woman of U.S. forces the subject. When a homely Korean prostitute is allured into money of the Japanese military here, and I follow, it's recorded This report is based on the information obtained from the interrogation of twenty Korean "comfort girls" and two Japanese civilians captured around the tenth of August, 1944 in the mopping up operations after the fall of Myitkyin a in Burma.        Contents The report shows how the Japanese recruited these Korean "comfort girls", the conditions under which they lived and worked, their relations with and reaction to the Japanese soldier, and their understanding of the military situation. A "comfort girl" is nothing more than a prostitute or "professional camp follower" The interrogations show the average Korean "comfort girl" to be about twenty-five years old, uneducated, childish, and selfish. She is not pretty either by Japanese of Caucasian standards. In Myitkyina the girls were usually quartered in a large two story house (usually a school building) with a separate room for each girl. There each girl lived, slept, and transacted business. In Myitkina their food was prepared by and purchased from the "house master" as they received no regular ration from the Japanese Army. They lived in near-luxury in Burma in comparison to other places. This was especially true of their second year in Burma. They lived well because their food and material was not heavily rationed and they had plenty of money with which to purchase desired articles. They were able to buy cloth, shoes, cigarettes, and cosmetics to supplement the many gifts given to them by soldiers who had received "comfort bags" from home. While in Burma they amused themselves by participating in sports events with both officers and men, and attended picnics, entertainments, and social dinners. They had a phonograph and in the towns they were allowed to go shopping. The girls were allowed the prerogative of refusing a customer. In the latter part of 1943 the Army issued orders that certain girls who had paid their debt could return home. Some of the girls were thus allowed to return to Korea.
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
A case of a KOREAN camp follower " Mun Oku-chu" in the WW2. A former Korean camp follower woman in the WW2 Mun Oku-chu said in her memoir: "I was recruited by a Korean camp follower's owner. I saved a considerable amount of money from tips, so I opened a saving account. I could not believe that I could have so much money in my saving account. One of my friends collected many jewels, so I went and bought a diamond. I often went to see Japanese movies and Kabuki plays in which players came from the mainland Japan. I became a popular woman in Rangoon. There were a lot more officers in Rangoon than near the frontlines, so I was invited to many parties. I sang songs at parties and received lots of tips. I put on a pair of high heels, a green coat and carried an alligator leather handbag. I swaggered about in a fashionable dress. No one in town could guess that I was a camp follower woman. I felt very happy and proud. I received permission to return home, but I didn't want to go back to Korea. I wanted to stay in Rangoon." According to Professor Ahn Byong Jik of Seoul University, Mun Oku-chu continued to work as a prostitute in Korea after the war. Yet she testified before UN Special Rapporteur Radhika Coomaraswamy that she was abducted by the Japanese military.
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
Lee Ok-seon (Former Korean camp follower in the WW2),92 years old in 2019, who worked at several brothels during the WW2 at the age of 16 after being abducted by two KOREAN MEN not by Japanese soldiers and the Japanese, testified that at age 12 she received a sound beating from her own father for asking to be sent to a Kisaeng (prostitute)school. Such narratives do not exonerate Korea and its patriarchal system of oppressing their own women and girls long before the Japanese drafted them into the women's volunteer labor corps to "support efforts in aircraft manufacturing and other essential industries. The former Korean camp follwer women told the truth as much as their memories allowed, especially only in their early published testimonies, indicting mostly Japan, but also Korea. Whatever may have been the motives of some Korean shameless activists organization (The Korean Council for Women Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan)who are supported by Communist China and North Korea to demonize and blame Japan with a fabricated fiction and "coach" the former camp followers,they don't notice at all they were and still are manipulated for a maliciuos and mere political tool to blame and defame Japan with lies and fabricated fiction.
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
The case of a KOREAN camp follower " Kim Sun-ok"b in the WW2 or the Korean War In an interview with Professor Chunghee Sarah Soh of San Francisco State University , one of former Korean camp follower women in the WW2 or in the Korean War Kim Sun-ok said that she was sold by her parents four times. Yet she testified before UN Special Rapporteur Radhika Coomaraswamy that she was abducted by the Japanese army. Even UN Special Rapprteur Radhika Coomarswamy doesn't deny that lie even now in the world. This's one of notorious hypocrisies of the United Nations !!!!!!!!!!
@tarantulaxii7399 8 ай бұрын
Can any shamefl, timid, non-educated, low-intelligent groundless eternal Ant-Japan/Japanese KOREAN historic liar , historic agitator and historic propagandist try to deny or disprove for the reality, real fact and evidence against this North Korean and Pro-North Korea South Korean historic lies and propaganda video ??????????????? Why does the present South Korean president deny historic lies and historic propaganda video of North Korea and silly Pro-North Korea South Koreans ? What real historic evidences and facts can you show and prove us here ?????? May 27, 2020 South Korea probes 'Korean camp followers (comfort women)'Pro-North Korean support group( Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan), for fraud, local newspaper says South Korea’s top prosecutor has ordered an investigation into financial fraud allegations made against a Pro-North Korean support group for “comfort women(camp followers in the WW2)” - a euphemism for those who were forced or coerced into Japan’s wartime brothel system under various circumstances, including abduction , deception by Korean men and being sold by their poor parents - a local newspaper reported. Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-youl(now South Korea's President !!!!) ordered the investigation Tuesday of the Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance, which has been accused of accounting fraud and embezzlement of Korean camp followers (comfort women)' Pro-North Korean support group( Korean Council for Justice and Remembrance for the Issues of Military Sexual Slavery by Japan)
@mikesyria1787 10 ай бұрын
They can't apologize for the Nanking raping what are you waiting for
@Theturtleowl Жыл бұрын
In the Netherlands these events are told in history class, because they also took place in Indonesia, which was a colony of the Netherlands back then.
@sunahamanagai9039 Жыл бұрын
@anitapn1 Жыл бұрын
Rape and war never did good to people…it just leaves a big deep scar among people.. just for temporary pleasure Japanese left a deep scar in them.
@kentejing42 Жыл бұрын
Kawawa naman sila lola.😢 Napakamalas nila ng panahon na yan hayaan nio lola patay na ung mga rapist mga hapon na yan
@avamusic8176 Жыл бұрын
Hahahahahahahaha banzaiiii
@Maharlikano_XYZ Жыл бұрын
Walang hiyang mga Hapon 😡😡😡
@Embargoman Жыл бұрын
I think is time for what I have seen from Sound of Freedom is that Jackie Chan should play Father Chen, it is a Chinese Catholic Priest who save a life of a Chinese Comfort girl from the Japanese military.
@pamraines5692 Жыл бұрын
It was a crime of rape on female children.
@sweetness1586 Жыл бұрын
i dont feel ashamed about the atom bombs the japanese deserved the bombs !!!!!!!
@monicamuramatsu3626 Жыл бұрын
I sympathize with the comfort women who have fallen victim in a poor korean society, but the eldery activists who participated in Chong Dae Hyup's Wednesday rally and spread lies are also equally guilty with Chong Dae Hyup. They were professional women who worked in legal comfort stations and were highly paid. They were never a sex slave for the Imperial Japanese Army. The crime of demeaning Japan, deceiving the Korean people, and deceiving the world is not light guilty. Today, scholars and citizens freed from oppression of speech are not silent. kzbin.info/www/bejne/rmOmlmCBjbZqbpY
@monicamuramatsu3626 Жыл бұрын
This is the truth. kzbin.info/www/bejne/jZDdqa2Hg5lon6s
@chicky-ek9gq Жыл бұрын
They should have put this in School Text Books . This Is a WAR on Women . Shame on All Those Men , Who ABUSED All These Young Girls and Women . May the LORD warp His Loving Arms Around All of These Young Girls and Women And Comfort Them . Much Love Hugs and Prayers for Them
@JamieBalderama-to5dc Жыл бұрын
mga lola panalo na po tayo sana nabubuhay pa kayo para masaksihan ito :(
@JasmineBliss Жыл бұрын
If Japan gov refused to include their war crimes into their school history, we ought to make friends with Japanese ppl. If they feel our genuine friendship, they will accept the truth when we share with them. Americans also helped to prevent Japanese war criminals like their emperor from punishment.
@w00borg34 Жыл бұрын
japan deserved the nukes
@ericthomasson5785 Жыл бұрын
Such sadness... These young girls and women were treated so barbarically. No matter the nationality it appears girls, young women and older women have been treated without conscience all over the world. Modern times haven't changed this.
@capvvay8391 Жыл бұрын
Autralian women are trash. Don't deserve apology.
@lunastarr1925 Жыл бұрын
cant believe that sheis 90 yrs old....she looks so young way beyond her age and physically strong
@lunastarr1925 Жыл бұрын
my parents and their frnds always talked of the heartless and inhumane jap soldiers they were also very shameless of being nude as they desired.....👹👹👹👹 and they enjoyed torturing by bloating up the bellies of their victims....with soapy water with a hose thru the mouth straight down their throat.....when d belly bloated the soldier wld step on it sending gushes of water thru the nostrils, ears, anusand u just name it
@yyk3026 Жыл бұрын
the world witnessed and will always remember the barbaric acts beyond common sense that exceed animals, only animals are able to do beyond human reason, the Nagasaski Hiroshima bomb is not comparable to the barbaric events committed by the Japanese army, karma will follow awaits Japan
@yyk3026 Жыл бұрын
the world witnessed and will always remember the barbaric acts beyond common sense that exceed animals, only animals are able to do beyond human reason, the Nagasaski Hiroshima bomb is not comparable to the barbaric events committed by the Japanese army, karma will follow awaits Japan
@yyk3026 Жыл бұрын
the world witnessed and will always remember the barbaric acts beyond common sense that exceed animals, only animals are able to do beyond human reason, the Nagasaski Hiroshima bomb is not comparable to the barbaric events committed by the Japanese army, karma will follow awaits Japan
@Rozi25 Жыл бұрын
Im terribly broken… Even if they’re not alive anymore… WE WILL REMEMBER and its a promise
@frozensmile6563 Жыл бұрын
It is known throughout the world that Allied soldiers raped large numbers of German women after Germany's defeat in World War II. 😄😄😄
@yozen5190 Жыл бұрын
my grandmother told me that her mother was born 1920s also oneday they encountered japanese and they caught but she bite the ear japanese man then run away on the deep forest(Bukid) to hide and so she is safe thank god