@AlcottVerna-j1c 16 күн бұрын
Jones Jennifer Taylor Patricia Davis Kimberly
@EmetSheker 24 күн бұрын
So if moshiach comes and it isn't the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Chabad won't be part of עם ישראל anymore I guess. What could you say that would mitigate it if you mistook a person for royalty in the sight of the king? And how much moreso then if your proper identification of the king was the one thing holding him back from the throne where he will have the authority to do what is written? If you mistook someone with no driving experience for a coach driver, and insisted that THIS was your driver, the actual coach company might agree and hand him the keys but then what of the bus and the occupants? Moshiach might just say "go find your king" on the day that you realize it's a living person. It isn't a "thought", or a "metaphor", or an "era". A real leader has been raised up from arid ground -- in other words G-d has ensured there is always someone ready, no matter how impossible it might seem. To assume then that the Lubavitcher Rebbe must be moshiach is like Avraham assuming that G-d was limited and so He must have been speaking of Yishmael when He made the Promise to Avraham. G-d is not limited. It is possible that in far less number of years than the Rebbe attained to, someone might succeed where the Rebbe did not.
@EsatBargan 27 күн бұрын
Lewis Lisa Lee Cynthia Brown Eric
@veneravelikova3173 Ай бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/hICai2isr7Gtm5Isi=vFqHyMCLWSeuYf2W истинският Исус е черен. Вие нямате нищо общо с избраният народ
@NoahBodze-pm9ok 2 ай бұрын
Ok, genetic parasite.
@PyongyangSuperStar 2 ай бұрын
Global Power hierarchy: Jack and Amy The God of Money One The Head of State One The Unitarian Holy One The Trinitarian Holy One The Allahly Moslem One The Godly Christian One The Hashemly Jew One
@chanoellemusic2037 3 ай бұрын
May the memory of nephew be for a blessing 😢
@MargaretKerrigan- 4 ай бұрын
Thank you! Very useful info in this Tayna chapter that makes life more comfortable while moving through life,.. more comfortable while being connected to G-d. Helps to notice when we are not connected to G-d, including how to correct that and connect back up to the light. I found it interesting to realize while reading and listening to this video how fast we can become separated from G-d when we are connected to the external, and that arrogance separates us from G-d. Though it is comforting to learn how to connect back up to G-d fast by internalizing, having humility which invites G-d back in. Learning what arrogance is, - an aggrandizement of our identity instead of surrendering our identity, - and the consequence of surrendering our identity, that is a unity with G-d. - Arrogance is a denial of the unity with G-d which is basically idolatry. Being separated from G-d - is viewing that G-d is separate from us, - though the viewpoint of viewing from the light/G-d, there isn't any separation. Terrific.🌻
@MargaretKerrigan- 5 ай бұрын
This lesson was interesting learning about the viewpoint of the three distinctions, - nefesh, ruach, and neshamah and those consisting of ten faculties and those correspond to the ten divine manifestations and descend. The 10 divines (sefirot) are subdivided into general categories and those 3 sefirot are termed “mothers,” which are the root of the other seven sefirot, - and seven 'doubles'. The seven divine attributes, called “doubles” are the emotional attributes,.... 'seven days of creation'.. These seven attributes were through what G‑d created the world.🌻
@chabadofsarasota 5 ай бұрын
Love the summery!
@MargaretKerrigan- 5 ай бұрын
A lot of info in this lesson, including when the 2 different souls enter the body, both the animal soul & then the godly soul. The godly soul is a part of god, (a portion from G-d.) .. You can receive energy/connection to G-d from the righteous. Interesting what the sages taught, .. that if you attach yourself to a Torah scholar, it is then considered that you have attached yourself to the divine presence. Also, the 3rd soul is called the intellectual soul or garments of the soul with info on the attributes of the garments of the soul. The G-dly soul was derived from G-d’s level of thought where it was first contemplated and was created from the thought and wisdom of G-d. ...G-d and G-ds wisdom are one and the same. Thanks for the teachings.🌻
@JeruTheProphet 5 ай бұрын
Psalms 83 v 4 Ashkenazl Jews destroyed black Jerusalem.
@MargaretKerrigan- 5 ай бұрын
An interesting lesson in Tayna regarding souls coming from source/G-d and descending through multiple worlds & levels before entering a body. This decent makes changes to the soul, and its 'level' which creates differences to others because each soul is affected to different degrees. A soul could descend to a very low level, though it is still unified with its original source/G-d and to a greater degree while staying connected to the righteous and sages of their generation who nurture their soul.🌻
@MargaretKerrigan- 5 ай бұрын
This chapter in Tayna is a good reminder that a good choice in life is to actively have righteous souls in your space/surroundings. Simple idea, but I had forgotten. Even though a soul might descend very low, it is still bonded/unified with the original source of pure wisdom/light. No matter how far a soul might descend/fall, it still remains bonded to the source of the light through being attached to higher level souls, righteous souls/sages where it is possible to get spiritual lessons and mentorship. I am thankful for the leaders who wrote and updated the Lessons in Tayna which inspire and motivate, and Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz who teaches these lessons. 🌻
@chabadofsarasota 5 ай бұрын
Good points, thank you.
@MargaretKerrigan- 5 ай бұрын
These lessons offer guidance for day-to-day life and are helpful for transformation.... G-d is limitless. G-d is the essence of everything, nothing else exists, nothing else exists other than G-d. There is nothing to be afraid of because nothing can be inconsistent with God's presence. 🌻
@chabadofsarasota 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comments
@MargaretKerrigan- 5 ай бұрын
Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz is a good teacher who comprehends the Tayna lessons well and delivers the teachings with good intent. Regarding intent, it was interesting to learn that if your intent when doing an action is not right, then that action stems from the animal soul, - not from the Godly soul. Negative traits are from the animal soul and it is the job of the animal soul to separate us from G-d.. Traits like the desire for self-glory or a feeling of gratification, laziness, anger, pride, and actions done without substance are from the animal soul, ..and these negative traits separate us from G-d.. However, if you stay steadfast in doing the right behavior and work on doing the right actions, this converts evil. ...Also, evil can be converted through study, fasting, and more, ...which then gives a person the power that enables them to fulfill their destiny/purpose. Was also interesting to note that the parents of Abraham operated mainly from the animal soul, though Abraham was a completely righteous individual. That there are 2 souls, 2 separate entities, pulling in different directions, fighting for control over the body. Plus, good to know that there are a few completely righteous individuals strategically placed on earth to be good role models, and if you stay steadfast with the right behavior, and work on the right action, including study, fasting, and more, this converts evil thus giving you the power that enables a person to fulfill their destiny/purpose. These lessons in Tayna - Kabbalah are a good life guide🌻
@chabadofsarasota 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for summarizing an important point
@MargaretKerrigan- 5 ай бұрын
Good to know. 🌻
@chabadofsarasota 5 ай бұрын
Appreciate the comment
@TawsifEC 5 ай бұрын
@MargaretKerrigan- 5 ай бұрын
Interesting viewpoints regarding different ways to connect to others and G-d, either through emotions which will work, though possibly experience a more chaotic life learning lessons over and over, - or through the directions in Tayna on how to live daily life and how to connect to G-d. I appreciate these instructions : ) The history of how and why Tanya was corrupted is given and what was done to fix that. Plus, information on how Tanya can counter/transmute spiritual upsets of now and of generations including widespread afflictions to go on to be successful with purpose and connect to G-d.. A guide for the spirit/soul. 🌻
@chabadofsarasota 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment
@MargaretKerrigan- 6 ай бұрын
Good history basics regarding Tayna and its different versions. Useful teachings for everyday life include learning about the power to transform to become more spiritual, focused on purpose, and how to have connection-unity with G-d. Rabbi Steinmetz explains/delivers this wisdom easily and understandably including how the soul serves and connects with G-d through thought, speech & action.🌻
@chabadofsarasota 5 ай бұрын
Glad you appreciate it
@HaimKona 6 ай бұрын
Rabbia !
@JeruTheProphet 6 ай бұрын
Judges 6 v 3. The Jewish people had came up against the children of Israel the Israelites the African Americans.
@JeruTheProphet 7 ай бұрын
When the creator Yahweh created the world there was no white European ever, so the biblical ancient Jews would have looked like me only black.
@JeruTheProphet 7 ай бұрын
@Exodus26.13Pi 7 ай бұрын
Proclamation: The Wilderness Tabernacle is a picture of Heaven and Earth. Exodus 26:13 makes Pi π 3.14. Pi was first recorded by Moses in 1440 BC. Josephus the Historian's description of the Tabernacle in 94 AD was inaccurate. This oversight was discovered in 2015 AD. 330 Exodus 26 :7 15 Exodus 26:9, 12 - 1 Exodus 26:13 makes Pi = 314 3.14 = 314 circumference/100 diameter ≈ π ratio (100 cubit court per Exodus 27:9-18) ................................... This exciting news is similar to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Martin Luther's 95 Theses. The knowledge of Pi was lost from Exodus near 1000 BC. Josephus the Historian in 94 AD would NOT have had the understanding to properly explain the Tabernacle blueprints. He deferred to, in error, the Temple's structure and not Exodus 26:13 makes Pi. Consider King Josiah & the Prophetess Huldah rediscovering the scriptures, Right? This engineer appears to have caught this oversight or rediscovered Pi from Exodus in 2015. This might be difficult to grasp at first.
@JeruTheProphet 7 ай бұрын
The chaldees were originally born Negros our father Abraham is a descendant of the chaldees that shared the land with Ethiopians in Mesopotamia. The 12 tribes of Negros are the so called African Americans.
@lamontthompson3584 7 ай бұрын
Can you please tell who the Bible is for? Who are the real JEWS? What nationality was Yashua? Thank You!
@JeruTheProphet 7 ай бұрын
The chaldees were originally born Negros our father Abraham is a descendant of the chaldees that shared the land with Ethiopians in Mesopotamia. The 12 tribes of Negros are the African Americans.
@בגוניה 7 ай бұрын
@inaciorodrigues8741 8 ай бұрын
@בגוניה 9 ай бұрын
@בגוניה 9 ай бұрын
@בגוניה 9 ай бұрын
@elimelech44 10 ай бұрын
Tidbits awesome thxs Rabbi HnS
@commoveo1 Жыл бұрын
@jonathand6231 Жыл бұрын
promo sm
@GLOCKDPLUSFlowriders Жыл бұрын
Beautiful thanks. Good tip to separate the head straps and hold the knot at the same time with the same hand. Do you know where I could get a set of Shimusha Rabba Tefillin?
@chabadofsarasota Жыл бұрын
Sorry, I have no idea who sells a set of Shimusha Rabba.
@brucefriedman7399 Жыл бұрын
I have watched many videos on how to put on Tefilin. This is unquestionably the most useful. I don't recall seeing the part describing the point at which you make the bracha on the shel rosh though.
@chabadofsarasota Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the compliment. Regarding Bracha on Shel Rosh, in the Chabad custom, we do not say a Bracha (unless one spoke between Shel Yad and Shel Rosh.)
@ivykout2012 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, for the first time hearing your Torah explaination. I feel good to follow you!
@Alehamod Жыл бұрын
Dear Rabbi Chaim, I am a Muslim as Moses, Jesus, David, Suliman, Mohamed and Ibrahim were Muslim. I pray, I fast, I take care of my parents, I help extend families and the needy, I never engaged on false witness nor associate anyone with God. Is this similar to Torah teachings? Thank you. Ben Jaber
@Alehamod Жыл бұрын
Yah. The whole set of clothesline came with Moses. What a joke!!!!
@litacochran9448 Жыл бұрын
Shalom Rabbi from Texas
@walterseaman2995 Жыл бұрын
Thanks that was very helpful!
@jackwilliamatkins5602 Жыл бұрын
I, Jesus Christ, hereby depose Pope Francis..
@andrewfine2576 Жыл бұрын
Yasher koach!
@arthuraaron8815 2 жыл бұрын
Rabbi Steinmetz is a wonderful teacher with a great command of his topic. Tell all your friends to avail themselves of this transcendent teaching, they won’t be sorry.
@andrewfine2576 2 жыл бұрын
Yasher koach Rabbi
@andreaswepson3064 2 жыл бұрын
Shalom v'todah!
@stevenlennaman2073 2 жыл бұрын
Let me start with a thank you, I am looking for wisdom. Truth is, I am an Atheist and, again, looking for wisdom thank you for these recordings to help me learn and understand a religion followed by my mother-in-law. Because my wife is Agnostic with Jewish tendencies. (when my stepdad heard that, his head almost exploded)
@rabbichaimsteinmetz6826 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You
@Thomasservo 8 ай бұрын
Remember, Jesus loves you no matter what. No sacrifices needed, except the one he gave for all of our sins.
@alexpushin5369 2 жыл бұрын
א גרויסען ישר כח.
@shahzadibegum3130 3 жыл бұрын
Battleground Mobile India
@shahzadibegum3130 3 жыл бұрын
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