@asheawilliams3891 Ай бұрын
When you tell your dog to sit & u'd brb.
@ataldadudah9340 Жыл бұрын
Se tornou um dos meus favoritos, perfeito!!!
@AlphaJnx Жыл бұрын
POV:You are a father and u saw ur son playing ur Minecraft
@AN-DANH-666 2 жыл бұрын
Don't worry , i will comeback for you 😢
@magicalforestcreatures6594 2 жыл бұрын
What the dog doing?
@celal494 2 жыл бұрын
Every time I listen to this song, I feel like my memories from Minecraft are flashing before my eyes and no matter what, I feel peace.
@imaginedragons7145 2 жыл бұрын
I once had a dog name Faith, me and her went exploring once and we found a village and I went mining with her we found diamonds but on the way back I ran out of torches and I decided to go with out them with Faith and I fell through a hole.. and died with Faith just sitting there. I ran back with basic stuff during night and couldn't find the cave but I could hear barking and the I saw it. Faith was sitting right there . Right beside was a Skelton and...... She was shot and knocked into the hole I died in . Rip Faith
@snaggletooth2327 2 жыл бұрын
poor dog his owner prob accdentaly left him there, waiting for him to come back
@OMI788 2 жыл бұрын
I think 69 like button trying to tell somthin
@MentallyIllKitty 2 жыл бұрын
"Hurting somebody's feelings is as easy as throwing a rock into the ocean, but do you know how deep that rock goes?" think before you say or do something- sasha
@screenshotz5418 2 жыл бұрын
Minecraft Truly sparked my Adventurous side. Remembering the times; your first death, first house, first dog, first village, first defeat from ender dragon. First Server joined. First in everything you discover in minecraft makes you want time to go back to where it used to be. Back to being a child with lots of curiosity, joy, and a bit of sadness in which it will be carved into our memory as one of the best moments that had happened in our lives remembering till we grow old seeking to play the game again one last time before death makes its move.
@Muscabtalksmusic 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting take on gentrification!
@DAgatto 2 жыл бұрын
Love u
@DAgatto 2 жыл бұрын
Best shit im still here and forever here i love ur tracks 😎😑
@ziggyskills3498 2 жыл бұрын
There once was a minecraft player, me. I had a modded world with thirst and I had a horse, it was my first pet. We were venturing in the jungle when we ran out of thirst. I searched for a lake but to no avail. I placed my horse in a open hole, knowing I'd die so I could come back for it. I was about to type the coordinates in chat when I noticed a river, but it was too far and I died on my way there. I respawned in my house and realized I had lost the jungle I was in. It was a few thousand blocks from my base, and it was gone. To this day, I still haven't seen my horse.
@Psned_Frgz 2 жыл бұрын
Fun fact for y’all, Everytime your Minecraft dog loads,it’s a different one
@haroldcapaducio5253 2 жыл бұрын
My friend once told me " Wait I gotta find a dog in this game" to me, ZES. I hope we can continue our statue you promised
@SkyeTGR 2 жыл бұрын
SVEN!!!!! :'D
@tienatnguyentran1966 2 жыл бұрын
@dlyanrobloxian2135 2 жыл бұрын
When ever I know im not going to go on a world I go and find a mass horde of mobs and let my dogs die as heroes and the cats are let free to run about freely and the world is deleted. ☹︎
@hjkjhgfdcvb 2 жыл бұрын
i like it
@n_visor3083 2 жыл бұрын
"wait, I gotta go. See u tmr." "ok, bye. I'll wait for you." 6 years later... "Don't worry, I'm still waiting..."
@arungutange 2 жыл бұрын
nice vid i really apreceate the music ad content you apply and i subbed with noties and i liked when il do like a gameplay edit il totaly apply this awesome music and make some chill minecraft gameplay of me pvp'ing il tottaly attach credit to your channel
@DLH_Y0CC1 2 жыл бұрын
One time i was playing on my 2 year hardcore world it was so cool, me and my freinds made our own towns, and made some cool builds, we have never thought about beating the ender dragon becuase when we beat the wither, we all almost died, after i beat the wither, i got a family of dogs, they were super trained, i used an old spider grinder of mine to train my dogs, then one day we went to the caves to explore, we found a mine shaft when we got out, my friends thought about beating the ender dragon, so we all agreed, the 10 of us gathered supplies, crafted golden apples, and got diamond armor, my dogs Sumi and Dane and their baby Chime, were following me, so i made them sit, or atleast i thought i did, when we went to the strong hold (because when we dug an entire chunk we found it), we went into the end, and fought then lttle did i know when i was on top of a pillar destroying the end crystals, the explosion knocked me back i quickly ate a golden apples and placed water to land, but...when i landed, i misplaced the water, i died, my dogs landed in the water, i told my friends to make them a house, that reminded them of the adventures they had, sumis room had a cave room, dane had a nether room, Chime had an end room, i had a memorial that was like a big water fountain, like the one i had in their old dog house, that said R.I.P. Rys, they made me a statue, after they beat the dragon, they put my armor in a museum, every wepaon i had was in a museum, im so happy my dogs are safe.
@DLH_Y0CC1 2 жыл бұрын
only 9 remained
@dexter_animates2205 2 жыл бұрын
reminds me of the time I was Much much younger and I tamed a lot of pets and loved them all, they died due to a creeper explosion, I still have the file seconds before the explosion, But it happens anyway. Rip Play'r and Shred. I will cya later juicei and Jae.
@dexter_animates2205 2 жыл бұрын
I had one more dog. But He fell down a 45 block cave While i was traveling, I did not have enough time to get him and he fell into lava. I havent played 1.7 since.
@mexicanthanos4714 2 жыл бұрын
This is my favorite lofi video, i used to get so mad that i couldn't listen to it on loop lol, minecraft is one of my favorite games, and the only one i play on a regular basis, i like to listen to this while i play minecraft, makes the experience more fun (Apologies for the weired prfp & name this account was made 3 yrs ago)
@clydoscope5841 3 жыл бұрын
Well, a miracle actually happened.. So I was browsing through my files and found my old worlds in Minecraft which were deleted, it gave me a backup, and immediately jumped in the world called "My house". I found my house there, it looks different than what I build today, and then there it was, my dog, Blue man, I gave him a treat as I said goodbye and deleted the world.
@x.Masked.Kitsune.x 3 жыл бұрын
“Sometimes the best thing you can do to someone, *is be there for them* “ -Unknown
@sawzanimations4774 3 жыл бұрын
*He was like a father to me...*
@elpa6297 3 жыл бұрын
Saben, les digo algo?ARREPIENTANSE DE SUS PECADOS (cambio de mentalidad y actitud) El que lo ama guardara sus mandamientos..."Amaras al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu mente, con toda tu alma y con todas tus fuerzas"Amaos unos a otros como yo os eh amado""Amaras a tu projimo como a ti mismo""todo aqueel que ve a una mujer para codiciarla ya ha cometido adulterio con ella en su corazón" Dios a pesar de que sabía todas las veces que le fallaríamos, todas las veces que lo ofenderiamos, todas las veces que pecariamos contra el... El aun haci decidio darte la vida, decidio mostrarte su amor, incluso !Decidio enviar a su hijo unigénito para que todo aquel que en el cree no se pierda más tenga vida eterna¡ decidio regalarte la salvación, el decidio amarte apesar de todo lo que has hecho... Crees que una persona va al cielo por sus obras?, pues dejame decirte que NO estas en lo correcto, por que sois salvos por medio de la Fe no por obras para que nadie se glorie, la salvación se consigue solo creyendo en el Señor Jesucristo, creyendo en que su sacrificio ya ha sido único y suficiente para limpiarte de todo pecado SUFICIENTE para pagar todas tus deudas con el padre, solo arrepientete y ten Fe en el Señor Jesucristo. Por que no empiesas ahora mismo una relación con el Padre? Con Jesucristo si no quieres hacerlo oh no tienes ganas, solo hablale como si fuera tu amigo, pero con, mucho respeto, puedes contarle desde tu más grande preocupación y dejarla en sus hermosas manos, oh simplemente contarle como te fue en el día. Hoy mismo puedes elegir seguir al Señor Jesucristo hoy mismo puedes aceptarlo en tu corazón como tu Señor y Salvador,de la mejores decisiones que puedes tomar es... seguirlo, amarlo, aceptarlo💗 Cree en el Señor Jesus y seras salvo tu y tu casa.❤️ VIVA CRISTO REY SEÑOR DE TODO Y DE TODOS❤️ aunque puede que ahora no se den cuenta, realmente todo lo que necesitamos es a nuestro Señor todo poderoso Jesucristo❤️❤️❤️❤️ Si algún otro que sige y ama al Señor Jesucristo lee este comentario, por favor le pido que comparta el mensaje de la salvación y del amor de Dios❤️❤️ Alabado sea el Señor Jesucristo por los siglos de los siglos, viva El Señor Jesucristo Señor de señores Rey de reyes Viva Cristo Rey."He aquí yo estoy con vosotros hasta el fin del mundo"Mateo 28:20, mira te digo algo, lo creas oh no Jesucristo tiene amor eterno, el es todo lo que necesitamos, el es el mejor amigo y nuestro salvador eterno, mira yo aun soy joven tengo 13 años y unos cuantos meses, pero sea lo que sea que venga en el futuro, Jesucristo esta con nosotros hasta el fin del mundo, por que no empiesas una relación de amistad con Jesucristo ahora mismo ? "He aqui yo estoy a la puerta y llamo; si alguno oye mi voz y abre la puerta, entraré a él, y cenaré con él, y él conmigo" Apocalipsis 3:20 , que decides, ignorar? Oh atender al llamado, recibir vida eterna, y empezar a caminar con Jesucristo, decide que elegir... Dios no es una "religión",el es algo mucho más grande que eso, si lo conocieras tal vez pensarías diferente a el, mira tal vez me creas oh no, pero una vida con Cristo es la mejor vida, si alguien muriere en pecado, tristemente hiría a condenación eterna, pero JesuCristo es el salvador eterno, por que preferir vivir en los placeres del mundo, tan efimeros, es más sensato preferir a JesuCristo el eterno que al mundo pasajero uwu deben de arrepentirse de sus pecado y creer en JesuCristo.JesuCristo es el camino la verdad y la vida❤️Pasado el día de reposo,[a] al amanecer del primer día de la semana, vinieron María Magdalena y la otra María, a ver el sepulcro. 2 Y hubo un gran terremoto; porque un ángel del Señor, descendiendo del cielo y llegando, removió la piedra, y se sentó sobre ella. 3 Su aspecto era como un relámpago, y su vestido blanco como la nieve. 4 Y de miedo de él los guardas temblaron y se quedaron como muertos. 5 Mas el ángel, respondiendo, dijo a las mujeres: No temáis vosotras; porque yo sé que buscáis a Jesús, el que fue crucificado. 6 No está aquí, pues ha resucitado, como dijo. Venid, ved el lugar donde fue puesto el Señor. 7 E id pronto y decid a sus discípulos que ha resucitado de los muertos, y he aquí va delante de vosotros a Galilea; allí le veréis. He aquí, os lo he dicho. 8 Entonces ellas, saliendo del sepulcro con temor y gran gozo, fueron corriendo a dar las nuevas a sus discípulos. Y mientras iban a dar las nuevas a los discípulos, 9 he aquí, Jesús les salió al encuentro, diciendo: !!Salve! Y ellas, acercándose, abrazaron sus pies, y le adoraron. 10 Entonces Jesús les dijo: No temáis; id, dad las nuevas a mis hermanos, para que vayan a Galilea, y allí me verán. El informe de la guardia 11 Mientras ellas iban, he aquí unos de la guardia fueron a la ciudad, y dieron aviso a los principales sacerdotes de todas las cosas que habían acontecido. 12 Y reunidos con los ancianos, y habido consejo, dieron mucho dinero a los soldados, 13 diciendo: Decid vosotros: Sus discípulos vinieron de noche, y lo hurtaron, estando nosotros dormidos. 14 Y si esto lo oyere el gobernador, nosotros le persuadiremos, y os pondremos a salvo. 15 Y ellos, tomando el dinero, hicieron como se les había instruido. Este dicho se ha divulgado entre los judíos hasta el día de hoy. La gran comisión (Mr. 16.14-18; Lc. 24.36-49; Jn. 20.19-23) 16 Pero los once discípulos se fueron a Galilea, al monte donde Jesús les había ordenado. 17 Y cuando le vieron, le adoraron; pero algunos dudaban. 18 Y Jesús se acercó y les habló diciendo: Toda potestad me es dada en el cielo y en la tierra. 19 Por tanto, id, y haced discípulos a todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo; 20 enseñándoles que guarden todas las cosas que os he mandado; y he aquí yo estoy con vosotros todos los días, hasta el fin del mundo. Amén.Mateo 28 El que lo ama guardara sus mandamientos... por favor hermanos, jamas,enserio JAMAS veas pornografía oh cosas eróticas, 𝗝𝗔𝗠𝗔𝗦 𝘁𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗯𝗲𝘀, es horrible luchar contra esta asquerosidad, no te metas en este terrible vicio que puede practicamente arruinar tu vida, PORFAVOR no es broma, yo igual muchas veces lucho contra esa tentación, es horrible, por que todas las veces que he luchado contra esa tentación sexual, tarde oh temprano eh caido... es horrible, porfavor hermano jamas lo hagas de verdad...Es horrible esta adicción que aveces te hace esclavo...
@cheses. 3 жыл бұрын
Can we stop for a moment and look how nostalgic Minecraft is for all of us?
@PigwigDonuts 3 жыл бұрын
Dang that's some pretty low comments
@PigwigDonuts 3 жыл бұрын
Cute but not
@PigwigDonuts 3 жыл бұрын
That dog looks like mine
@PigwigDonuts 3 жыл бұрын
Well the fire does
@PigwigDonuts 3 жыл бұрын
I mean furr not fire
@PigwigDonuts 3 жыл бұрын
It looks so peaceful in that place
@headofadministrationolson9922 3 жыл бұрын
I had this dog named Charlie named after my neighbor who moved away years ago I would always come over to Charlie’s house and play games then he moved away and I don’t know where he is now, Charlie if you ever find this a dog is named after you. Back to Charlie in game. He was my best companion he would go with me everywhere I always fed him steak and he had a nice home with a water fountain, dog bed, and plenty of room to move around in. Just a month ago while exploring in the dessert looking for temples I decided to go mining so I dug down one sand block fell right into a cave and was shocked to see this in the corner “Charlie hit the ground to hard” Since this dog was by my side for years I had to give a proper ceremony. All my friends gathered on the world and hosted a huge funeral for Charlie, in the moment I did shed some tears. I miss you Charlie…
@XihuanXihuan 2 жыл бұрын
@headofadministrationolson9922 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Notch, For Everything…
@justaguy4772 3 жыл бұрын
sven looks so lonley :(
@juancruzc5475 3 жыл бұрын
Ello Mr. Steve, can you pet me pls?
@lunacy530 3 жыл бұрын
The poor dog..
@DrEnderman-of5mp 3 жыл бұрын
I wish there were fewer bits in the video when I sleep they irritate my ear
@hitthat6120 3 жыл бұрын
Alright guys idk if this is me but I feel bad about having a pet in a world they die or I do and lose that world But I never have pets so I don’t have to go through this 😂 Each and every world I die in I am alone Nothing left beside other than the world itself I can fall forward with no regrets or sadness
@user-hd3rh 3 жыл бұрын
i deleted my minecraft world in 2014 and my dog is still waiting for me in the house
@oopsopps2073 3 жыл бұрын
I had a dog, his name was Sparks. I was playing hardcore and always brang Sparks around with me. I woke up bright and early in the evening, and found out that I left Sparks in a cave. I sat him down and remembered that I was cooking ores. I am sorry Sparks. Please, come back.
@Mr7ai 3 жыл бұрын
To everyone who's studying with this music: Checklist: • A bottle of water, at least 1liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate💧 • Your charger. You sometimes don't even notice that your device's battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time🔋 • Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones, because it blocks background noises. Also, if it's a late night study session, you won't wake up anyone🎧 • a tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.☕ • Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone , a few pens, paper or whatever you need.⌨ •Anything else you could need, what about a heat pad, a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy 🐈 Reminder: After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it's cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me. You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that's even better than listening to music while reading the book. 📖 I hope y'all had a good day, if not, that's okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight 😴🧸
@Mr7ai 3 жыл бұрын
@@puddlesucker1668 Thank you , Have a nice day!!! ( IF you wanna support me u can sub to me) , Byee!
@bobrigo.bobiah 3 жыл бұрын
I feel bad for this one Minecraft world, where I had a wolf family, 2 parents 1 kid, I basically made it survival for wolves.. I’ll see how that goes
@bucketofporknbeans2770 3 жыл бұрын
The scene the image is based on gets me everytime. Damn, that was two years ago already
@Spyder-fj4ig 3 жыл бұрын
To placing ur first block to ur last heart to losing ur dog to losing ur best friend in this game we now and know these are memories to hold to never let happen again
@eugenerefalbor8953 3 жыл бұрын
I'd Like To Think My Old Character Surviving In The Hardcore and The Rough Night...
@lordstingray6043 3 жыл бұрын