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Lý Tử Tiênm
Hello everyone, I am Li Zijin, 28 years old, a single girl, I want to share with everyone about my life and how I manage to maintain my life in a remote village. Due to difficult circumstances, my husband had to work far away, so I lived alone with my mother-in-law. Because I am mute, my mother-in-law kicked me out of the house. I was really shocked and had a hard time with my life and fate. I was really disappointed. I hope you will like my video and share it with your friends. Life in the countryside, remote areas, immerse yourself in nature and make the most of it to maintain your life. Watch colorful videos about nature, culture and beautiful life in a remote countryside, Sit back and relax and cheer yourself up to have more motivation towards a brighter future, thank you very much everyone.
The mute girl was helped by the militia and found a new home.
12 сағат бұрын
Kicked out of the house for being pregnant - an injustice that cannot be explained
19 сағат бұрын
Mute daughter-in-law abused and slandered by mother-in-law - what is the truth?
Күн бұрын
My husband went to work, leaving me at home with my mother-in-law and being abused by her.
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8 сағат бұрын
Thương cháu năm ở dưới la chuối khô
19 сағат бұрын
You're not a good person mother in-law no good how can you do your daughter in-law like that you evil😢
Күн бұрын
It hard watch this the way people do other it is shame before god face she kick her out of her house then come and treat her like she her dog
2 күн бұрын
I feel so sorry for her 😢
2 күн бұрын
Why don't she call the police on her she's on private land
2 күн бұрын
Thank you very much
11 күн бұрын
13 күн бұрын
Thank you everyone for watching the video. Remember to support and subscribe to my channel.
13 күн бұрын
13 күн бұрын
13 күн бұрын
Allez vous faire voir madame méchante aussi aller aussi travail moins faire travailler tout seul cette preuve fille aussi 😮😢
13 күн бұрын
Yes, thank you very much
13 күн бұрын
Je comprends pas les femmes comme vous aussi ça prendre des femmes aussi la cet quoi cette histoire 😢 j'aime pas leur fassions de fait avec elle 😮