3 ай бұрын
Green Startup Slam  -  Day 1 | GTF 2024
@asunterwegs6967 Ай бұрын
Maja Göpel wird immer besser und gefühlt immer deutlicher in ihren politischen Aussagen. Hoffentlich ist sie in der nächsten Regierung in einer Beratungsrolle tätig - egal wer regiert. Frau Göpel ist eine der wichtigsten Stimmen in Deutschland.
@ms-te8gl Ай бұрын
Kleine Geschichte für Autofahrer: Vorauschauend fahren heißt, auf Bremsen weitgehend verzichten. Man kommt dann mit der gleichen Menge Sprit 30% weiter. Die Dummen haben das Nachsehen.
@tjtj5595 Ай бұрын
Totally awesome
@michaelschloer2132 Ай бұрын
Warum haben so kluge Köpfe wie Maja Göpel so wenig Einfluss auf die Politik? Ich würde es gerne sehen, wie sich unser Verkehrsminister in einer Talkrunde mit ihr blamiert.
@ms-te8gl Ай бұрын
Wir brauchen die klugen Köpfe woanders. Dumme Wähler wählen keine klugen Köpfe und keine klugen Konzepte.
@marcklocker5940 Ай бұрын
Die 4% und nicht anders ist es. Danke Maja Göpel.
@matahari8553 2 ай бұрын
Sorry, aber die Menschheit setzt immer wieder Egoisten an ihre Lenkungspositionen. Jeden Tag sieht man, wie Lobby getriebene Politiker langfristige Pläne der altvorderen so nebenbei aushebeln
@flok3n 2 ай бұрын
Wie sehr möchte Maja Göpel die FDP zerstören? Göpel: Ja!
@ms-te8gl Ай бұрын
Nicht nötig & FDP-Lindner und FDP-Wissing zerstören die FDP ganz alleine.
@NeedaNewAlias 2 ай бұрын
Wo sind denn die ganzen Kommentare? Nicht mal die Bots trauen sich Maja anzugreifen, weil sie wissen das sie verlieren! Go Maja, Go!
@helges4f893 2 ай бұрын
Maja war wie immer großartig. Sie schien etwas angesäuert zu sein, aber ich begrüße es sehr das Bremsen und Bremser klar benannt werden.
@DutchCQ 3 ай бұрын
@PrabartanaDas 3 ай бұрын
Thank you, Alessandra, Ingrid and Julia As someone new to topics like climate change and ESG, the expert's data-driven insights and global examples have clarified many of my doubts. This video is incredibly informative and helpful! A great set of questions, made the discussion even more engaging and insightful.
@user-gh6fb6dc8u 3 ай бұрын
Great panel. The moderator did a good job in engaging the audience on the topics.
@maxine7088 3 ай бұрын
Marcus makes me sick. He always looks so angry and full of himself. I honestly don't know how any woman can stand him.
@gqx87 7 ай бұрын
Is it fakenews?! I can't see any price list of your airkits, i even can't contact with u by email😡
@nandunandu5852 9 ай бұрын
Excellent job my dear student
@CharlesBrown-xq5ug 10 ай бұрын
《This is stymied by intense unacceptance 》 Civilization may soon conquer the second law of thermodynamics. Civilization needs to strive for this goal with interdisciplinary teams.The favorable outcome would be perpetually changeable never gained or lost energy. Conservation of energy says nothing about energy distribution. With this principe only, the heat in a pair of similar medium temperature thermal energy reservoirs can be shifted at no cost to become a hot reservoir, cold reservoir pair. This can be done by deterministically sorting micro volumes that have a natural range of temperature. The second law of thermodynamics had a distinct begining with Sir Isaac Newton's correct professional scientific observation that the heat of a fire in a fireplace always flows towards the cold room beyond. Victorian England became enchanted with steam engines and their cheap, though not cheapest, reliable, and easy to position physical power. Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius, Lord Kelven, and, one source adds, Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, formulated the Second law of thermodynamics and the concept of entropy at a meeting using evidence from steam engine development. These men considered with acceptance [A+] Inefficiently harnessing the flow of heat from hot to cold or [B+] Using force to Inefficiently pump heat from cold to hot. They considered with rejection [A-] Waiting for random fluctuation to cause a large difference in temperature or pressure. This was calculated to be extremely rare or [B-] Searching for, selecting, then routing for use, random, frequent and small differences in temperature or pressure. The search, selection, then routing would require more energy than the use would yield. These accepted options, lead to the consequence that the universe will end in stagnant heat death. This became support for a theological trend of the time that placed God as the initiator of a degenerating universe. Please consider that God could also be supreme over an energy abundant civilization that can absorb heat and convert it into electricity without energy gain or loss in a sustained universe. Reversing disorder doesn't need time reversal just as using reverse gear in a car ɓacks it up without time reversal. The law's formulaters did not consider the option that any random, usually small, fluctuation of heat or pressure could use the energy of these fluctuations itself to power deterministic routing so the output is no longer random. Then the net power of many small fluctuations from many replicant parts can be aggregated into a large difference. Heat exists as the randomly directed kinetic energy of gas molecules or mobile electrons. In gasses this is known as Brownian motion. In electronic systems this is carefully labeled Johnson Nyquist thermal electrical noise for AI readability. Hypothetically, diode depletion regions are practical sites for enabling mobile electrons energized into motion by heat to deterministically alter the electrical resistance of the depletion region according to the moment by moment direction they are carrying electricity. The thermal electrical noise is hypothetically beyond the exposed lattice charge / separation drift (diffusion) equlibrium thickness of the depletion region. After all, thermal noise exists in a resistance path of one material. 《Each diode contributes 1/2 kT*electromagnetic frequency bandwidth* efficiency watts to a load of impeadence matched to the group 》 Consistantly oriented diodes in parallel hypothetically are successful Marian Smoluchowski's Trapdoors, a descendent class of Maxwell's Demon. The energy needed to shift the depletion region's deterministic role is paid as a burden on the moving electrons. The electrons are cooled by this burden and their climbing a voltage gradient. Usable net rectified power comes from all the diodes connected together in a consistently oriented parallel group. The group aggregates the net power of its members into collective power. Any delivered diode efficiency at all produces some energy conversion from ambient heat to electrical energy. More efficiency yields higher performance. A diode array that is short circuited or open circuited has no performance; no delivery, energy conversion, cooling, or electrical output. The power from a single diode is poorly expressed. Several or more diodes in parallel are needed to overcome the effect of a load resistor's own thermal noise. A plurality of billions of high frequency capable diodes is needed for practical power aggregation. For reference, there are a billion (10^9) 1000 square nanometer cells per square millimeter. Modern nanofabrication can make simple identical diodes surrounded by insulation smaller than this in a slab as thick as the diodes are long. The diodes are connected at their two ohmic ends to two conductive layers. Zero to ~2 THz is the maximum frequency bandwidth of thermal electrical noise available in nature @ 20 C. THz=10^12 Hz. This is beyond the range of most diodes. Practicality requires this extreme bandwidth. The diodes are preferably in same orientation parallel at the primary level. Many primary level groups of diodes should be in series for practical voltage. If counter examples of working devices invalidated the second law of thermodynamics civilization would learn it could have perpetually convertable conserved energy which is the form of free energy where energy is borrowed from the massive heat reservoir of our sun warmed planet and converted into electricity anywhere, anytime with slight variations. Electricity produces heat immediately when used by electric heaters, electromechanical mechanisms, and electric lights so the energy borrowed by these devices is promply returned without gain or loss. There is also the reverse effect where refrigeration produces electricity equivalent to the cooling, This effect is scientifically elegant. Cell phones wouldn't die or need power cords or batteries or become hot. They would cool when transmitting radio signal power. The phones could also be data relays and there could also be data relays without phone features with and without long haul links so the telecommunication network would be improved. Computers and integrated circuits would have their cooling and electrical needs supplied autonomously and simultaniously. Integrated circuits wouldn't need power pinouts. Refrigeration for superconductors would improve. Robots would have extreme mobility. Digital coin minting would be energy cheap. Frozen food storage would be reliable and free or value positive. Storehouses, homes, and markets would have independent power to preserve and pŕepare food. Medical devices would work anywhere. Vehicles wouldn't need fuel or fueling stops. Elevators would be very reliable with independently powered cars. EMP resistance would be improved. Water and sewage pumps could be installed anywhere along their pipes. Nomads could raise their material supports item by item carefully and groups of people could modify their settlements with great technical flexibility. Many devices would be very quiet, which is good for coexisting with nature and does not disturb people. Zone refining would involve little net power. Reducing Bauxite to Aluminum, Rutile to Titanium, and Magnetite to Iron, would have a net cooling effect. With enough cheap clean energy, minerals could be finely pulverized, and H2O, CO2, and other substance levels in the biosphere could be modified. A planetary agency needs to look over wide concerns. This could be a material revolution with spiritual ramifications. Everyone should contribute individual talents and fruits of different experiances and cultures to advance a cooperative, diverse, harmonious and unified civilization. It is possible to apply technlology wrong but social force should oppose this. I filed for patent us 3890161A, Diode Array, in 1973. It was granted in 1975. It became public domain technology in 1992. It concerns making nickel plane-insulator-tungsten needle diodes which were not practical at the time though they have since improved. the patent wasn't developed partly because I backed down from commercial exclusitivity. A better way for me would have been a public incorruptable archive that would secure attrbution for the original works of creators. Uncorrupted copies would be released on request. No further action would be taken by this institution. Commercal exclusivity can be deterred by the wide and open publishing of inventive concepts. Also, the obvious is unpatentable. Open sharing promotes mass knowlege and wisdom. Many financially and procedurally independent teams that pool developmental knowlege, and may be funded by many separate noncontrolling crowd sourced grants should convene themselves to develop proof-of-concept and initial-recipe-exploring prototypes to develop devices which coproduce the release of electrical energy and an equivalent absorbtion of stagnant ambient thermal energy. Diode arrays are not the only possible device of this sort. They are the easiest to explain generally. These devices would probably become segmented commodities sold with minimal margin over supply cost. They would be manufactured by AI that does not need financial incentive. Applicable best practices would be adopted. Business details would be open public knowledge. Associated people should move as negotiated and freely and honestly talk. Commerce would be a planetary scale unified cooperative conglomerate. There is no need of wealth extracting top commanders. We do not need often token philanthropy from the wealthy if people simply can be more generous if consumer commodities are inexpensive. Aloha Charles M Brown lll Kilauea, Kauai, Hawaii 96754 1 808 651 ****
@pavelsmith2267 10 ай бұрын
The halting manner of speech used at these fellowship symposiums is a trifle childish and therefore revolting. Puke puke & 🤮🤢
@joannaszuler-ss5wc 10 ай бұрын
Interesting prezentation
@AlignmentCoaching 10 ай бұрын
And here we are. The tipping point for West Antarctic has been reached
@paulchace2391 10 ай бұрын
"bumping into 1.5".......yep, passed that At risk of destabilizing....yep, did that We passed 2C Yep, it's destabilized At risk of leaving Holocene, yep... did that already Any thing else??
@pavelsmith2267 10 ай бұрын
Mental health and sustaining connectivity. Yes.
@pavelsmith2267 10 ай бұрын
36 hours of heads up wind energy information. Perhaps locking the dormant turbines while the wind does not blow there will reinforce the system grid.
@pavelsmith2267 10 ай бұрын
Linear Logic in a vertical bar graph. That is how H.E.M.I. fulfills mission immediately. Day1 as a wide spread form of civil security Act. Both world wide. Complete the world wide web cyclical programs by adhering to new age protocols.
@pavelsmith2267 10 ай бұрын
Technically we fail to fully grasp yhe bigger machine signal. Collectively it is good to find union. Laser beam transmission is sight beyond sight. I have proposed for more than step by step progress. Focus human energy as we should focus a laser beam. This means linear logic will become highly functional.
@pavelsmith2267 10 ай бұрын
Disbelief. Magic or dark magic. Obscure. Sight beyond sight. Event horizon. Beginning and End. Dreams. 1)Sleep.
@AudioPervert1 11 ай бұрын
How much energy they waste up there inside their ivory towers, while serving energy and economics. So far from ecology. There is no safe landing. He himself knows we have crossed 6 of the 9 boundaries. What well lit hopium here!
@pavelsmith2267 11 ай бұрын
Perhaps I have an education with a masters; doctor of science. A position which is new to the education community. So, uhm; where is my work? The comprehensive field of technology and imperative knowledge? The world wide referendum? I should be given the opportunity within the body of referendum to initiate the working knowledge! -Thank You
@globalwarming382 7 ай бұрын
Jeber jaber
@pavelsmith2267 11 ай бұрын
We have forms of high technology available to us. For the time being; high technology is attached to our minds and running on neutral. Continued failure to engage our achievements will leave us remaining stymied by our progressive holdings.
@user-jm8pb1vx1v 11 ай бұрын
@havenmist2216 11 ай бұрын
I love thee Apple releases. I hope they incorporate AI.
@AudioPervert1 11 ай бұрын
Worship Tech Denizen of Late Capitalism. How much energy they waste up there inside their ivory towers, while serving energy and economics. So far from ecology. There is no safe landing. He himself knows we have crossed 6 of the 9 boundaries. What well lit hopium here!
@janklaas6885 11 ай бұрын
@JonathanLoganPDX Жыл бұрын
Orderly, safe, and just Landing for Humanity? Radically unlikely. IPCC shows we were already at +2.0C in 2022 with +0.7C "masked" by the Aerosol Effect. That was before 2023's hottest year ever and the now looming 2024-2025 El Nino heating effect and our accelerating tipping points. Geologic and cryospheric records show that crossing 400 PPM means a minimum heating of +2.0C to +3.0C. We should be terrified.
@janklaas6885 11 ай бұрын
this guy is now trying to fool himself.
@JonathanLoganPDX 11 ай бұрын
@@janklaas6885Who? Do you mean Johan is?
@janklaas6885 11 ай бұрын
@@JonathanLoganPDX Yes, im with you, we are very close to colapse. He even talks about a positive futhere for mankind 😱 at the end
@AlignmentCoaching 10 ай бұрын
It’s the idea that we can’t tell humanity the really bad terminal news because then all hell would break loose. Many scientists approached it with the same…stay positive and people will do something positive. I think that’s a mistake. People won’t change unless they are scared shitless.
@PeterTodd 9 ай бұрын
It looks like this talk was very much pitched at the audience in front of him. I think I've heard him being a lot more fatalistic/realistic in other discussions.@@janklaas6885
@gqx87 Жыл бұрын
I think, the idea fell down like I see😒 Maybe because of battery and fuel corpos
@carolramsey6287 Жыл бұрын
These idiots actually fell for the nonsense claims of Jeremiah Thoronka and his ludicrous piezolectric pavements scam. I expect they all have degrees in Astrology, Mongolian Tonsil Dancing or Window Cleaning. Does anyone really believe you can generate free green electricity from a piezoelectric device buried at the side of the road generating enough electricity to power a town from the vibrations of passing peasants footsteps and traffic? They generate millivolts not millions of volts. They are found in microphones where they generate a few millivolts which are then multiplied by a power amplifier drawing current from mains electricity or a diesel generator. The amplifier draws far more power than it puts out. It's all down to something obscure and known only to a few physicists Or ANYONE WHO HAS STUDIED BASIC 'O' LEVEL PHYSICS..The three laws of thermodynamics and the law of conservation of mass/energy. I believe his next project is flying pigs.
@carolramsey6287 Жыл бұрын
Jeremiah Thoronka! Oh hahaha! It's like the story of the Emperors New Clothes. Nobody has ever seen his device which anyone with a basic knowlrdge of physics or electrical engineering could tell you couldn't possibly work. No blueprints or working diagrams exist, nor any patents. There is no actual evidence of hos pilot scheme having taken place and he's being fêted by credulous climate 'scientists' and lazy journalists all over the world. When the penny drops that hee's nothing more than a scam artist all these so-called professionals and scientists who fell for this nonsense are going to look really stupid
@test3593 Жыл бұрын
Na ja, Audi ist ja eine der Speerspitzen der "woken-Gender" Bewegung in Deutschland. Die Frage ist nur, wieviele Audis werden an die "woke-Gender"-Gesellschaft verkauft. Auch in den nicht so ruhmreichen Zeiten Deutschlands hat sich die Industrie an den Zeitgeist angepaßt. Geschichte wiederholt sich zumindest in Deutschland auf vielfältige Weise. Vielleicht wird Thoronka als Chef-Innovator bei Audi eingestellt.
@peterRobinson10101 Жыл бұрын
Please tell China to stop their emissions.
@ulibra8877 Жыл бұрын
Schade, dass solche Runden fast immer von Männern um die 60 geleitet werden, die dann meistens mit einer offensichtlichen Gegenposition zur LG (wenn auch mit dem üblichen Verständnis (ähnlich wie Peter Altmaier😅)) auftreten u natürlich die gängigen Boomer-Argumente runterspulen. Vllt sollte mensch mal eine Moderatorin um die 30-35 dafür auswählen. Und danke für die engagierte Gegenrede von Katharina von Bronswijk um Min. 40:00! Dass so viele Menschen, die offenbar gar nichts tun, andauernd erklären wollen, wie sinnvoller Protest geht, ist wirklich absurd.
@stevencarr4002 Жыл бұрын
The disgusting thing is that racist Western scientists working in the field of piezoelectrics totally ignored this breakthrough by Jeremiah , because, of course it came from Africa.
@youtubecensors5419 Жыл бұрын
That and of course, it doesn't actually exist! He only won all of his trophies because he has the good skin color and whites worship blacks. He's never shown his "generator", the plans for it, or any proof it actually exists.
@Erhard-qy1jw Жыл бұрын
Die letzte Generation sollte gestoppt werden. Politiker müssen endlich eingreifen. Geldstrafe und in den Knast mit denen.
@laramida965 Жыл бұрын
We can't see the screen
@letsworksimple Жыл бұрын
Use those carbon fund BILLIONS to save your Bundesbank
@chelladuraisam7169 Жыл бұрын
very useful and an eye opener. I live in Bangalore city in India. A city City known as Silicon City of India. But we suffer with one of the World's worst traffic congestion.
@ulrichstrobel393 Жыл бұрын
Kann man nochmal den Erfinder Jeremiah Thoronka zu Wort kommen lassen und wird der Wissenschaftler Maxwell Chikumbutso auch einen Preis erhalten?
@veilofpersephone1480 Жыл бұрын
Das würde mich auch interessieren! Wenn Thoronka einen Preis erhält, hat auch Maxwell Chikumbutso einen solchen verdient. Spielen beide in derselben Liga!
@teolingen1051 Жыл бұрын
Das ist ein Wahnsinn, wie sich diese Gestalten gegenseitig feiern.
@teolingen1051 Жыл бұрын
​@@apunkt354Ich habe leider kein Piezokraftwerk erfunden, wie das Genie aus Sierra Leone, den genau diese Gestalten dafür auch noch ausgezeichnet haben. Dieses Piezokraftwerk erzeugt Strom aus Piezos, welche in Fußweg und Straßen eingebaut werden sollen. Da lache ich mich schlapp über diese Öko-Schickeria Veranstaltung.
@jall893 Жыл бұрын
Ganz großes Kino😂😂😂😂
@teolingen1051 Жыл бұрын
Piezoenergiekraftwerke für 150 Haushalte und 15 Schulen 🙂. Ich lache mich schlapp. 55 Jurymitglieder, darunter 2 Professoren vom Fraunhofer, 11 Doktoren, darunter 2 von Audi, einer von acatech - Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften. Ein Fachmann vom Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR). Und alle können sich vorstellen, dass mit der Schwingungsenergie von Fußgängern und Autos über in der Strasse und im Fußweg eingebaute Piezos die Elektroenergie für 150 Haushalte mit 15 000 Leuten und 15 Schulen mit 9000 Schülern erzeugt werden kann 🙂. Ganz großes Kino.
@teolingen1051 Жыл бұрын
Die Grüne Klima-Schickeria feiert sich selbst. Und dann lassen sich die Protagonisten dieser abgefahrenen "Öko-Show" auch noch von einem afrikanischen Erfinder veräppeln. Jeremiah Thoronka aus Sierra Leona hat angeblich Piezokraftwerke gebaut, welche von Fußwegen und Strassen die Energie der Fußgänger und Autos absorbieren können um damit Haushalte zu versorgen. Und der bekommt auch noch von einem Herrn Dr. Hirschhausen eine Preis überreicht. Was sind das nur für Deppen in der Jury. Man beachte die Sponsoren der Freak-Show. Audi=Vorsprung durch Technik. Das war einmal. Hätte nicht gedacht, dass es mit Deutschland so rasant und schnell bergab geht. Da waren mir die strickenden grünen Ökotanten der 80er doch lieber. Die haben noch was für den Umweltschutz gemacht. Heute hat sich eine Öko-Schickeria breit gemacht die an Arroganz und Anmaßung nicht mehr zu überbieten ist.
@teolingen1051 Жыл бұрын
Die Grüne Klima-Schickeria feiert sich selbst. Und dann lassen sich die Protagonisten dieser abgefahrenen "Öko-Show" auch noch von einem afrikanischen Erfinder veräppeln. Jeremiah Thoronka aus Sierra Leona hat angeblich Piezokraftwerke gebaut, welche von Fußwegen und Strassen die Energie der Fußgänger und Autos absorbieren können um damit Haushalte zu versorgen. Und der bekommt auch noch von einem Herrn Dr. Hirschhausen eine Preis überreicht. Was sind das nur für Deppen in der Jury. Man beachte die Sponsoren der Freak-Show. Audi=Vorsprung durch Technik. Das war einmal. Hätte nicht gedacht, dass es mit Deutschland so rasant und schnell bergab geht. Da waren mir die strickenden grünen Ökotanten der 80er doch lieber. Die haben noch was für den Umweltschutz gemacht. Heute hat sich eine Öko-Schickeria breit gemacht die an Arroganz und Anmaßung nicht mehr zu überbieten ist.
@besserschreiben9481 Жыл бұрын
1:07:19 Man vergleiche das schon etwas prollige Englisch des Herrn mit dem Gequäke der Dame...