@sanglunn 7 күн бұрын
Cahm doewn
@stephenkissane4268 10 күн бұрын
I can't believe sting accused this movie of glamourising drugs
@mattdrake7197 19 күн бұрын
This movie put me off heroin for life.
@yoiyoikokon Ай бұрын
I think watching this movie when I was 16 helped me to stay away from opiates. I smoked weed for a while, took LSD but nothing hardcore.
@Hopper-gn2ej Ай бұрын
Renton leaving the pub without saying anything is my favourite bit of the whole sequence, when you're so fed up with life and all it's bullshit, and resent everything and everyone around you and you just have to be fucking anywhere but here. I've done that more times than I can count, just left.
@beherit15 Ай бұрын
At the time I watched this movie I was such a junkie and at least it made me see my problem from a different perspective.
@calamityjames5323 2 ай бұрын
The scene where renton is stood next to plug. Very similar to a scene from The Passion of Christ where they decide to send Jesus to deasth and not the murderer.
@danielloyola3126 2 ай бұрын
Man i knew about this movie a long time ago and never had i watch the whole movie until now but seeing this scene gives me flashbacks and chills how realistic this scene is. Just wow.
@DodgyDaveGTX 2 ай бұрын
Methadone won't do _shit_ to help you get off gear unless you actually emotionally are ready to do so. I can see the appeal of state-mandated recovery/maintenance programs, but they're flawed and ultimately ineffective. Even if you incarcerate a person so they've got no choice but to detox... it still doesn't address the underlying cause of addiction. It's not simply a chemical dependence, not _at all._ Shit runs much deeper than that. Methadone, or bupe, might _get_ you clean, but beating physical withdrawals is only like 10% of the battle. The real work is _staying_ clean. And I do think the film certainly touched on that aspect somewhat. ATEOTD it's a lifelong battle, and addiction is merely a symptom of a much greater long-term issue (or issues - plural). And though it's fucking _brutal_ at times, it's certainly achievable, but only once you've reached the point where you're ready. And that's different for _everybody._
@CathyKitson 2 ай бұрын
0:53. Probably the most frightening moment in film history, certainly more terrifying than any horror film. The camera slowly advances, you start to get goosebumps when you realise what's happened. Allison's screaming becomes gutteral, like a dying, suffering animal. And then you see the pale, bloated face of a dead baby. We don't know if the poor little thing suffered or was in pain. But her life's snuffed out. It's the most powerful anti-drug message that's ever been sent.
@mikehealy4058 2 ай бұрын
Only thing u Can do in this type of situation is few Xanax and big Ole shot of H. To numb the pain and keep living that day to day life,one of us dies its called NHI(No Humans Involved). Giving those struggling free vending machines giving out needles cookers medical grade water,free crack pipes, meth bulb pipes narcan and condoms. The first 5 were put in place in the BK area East New York Bushwick within hours all machines were emptied
@Zorg2006 2 ай бұрын
Weird how the part with Begbie shouting at Spud's mum was cut from this.
@iamthesenete9123 3 ай бұрын
This is what happens if obi wan did death sticks
@gronolachunks 3 ай бұрын
This movie and requiem for a dream should be shown in high schoolers. This is RAW and very real to alot of people. Addiction is ones own damnation. A mother who lost her baby.. an addict… cooked up a shot to deal with the pain. The withdrawal is even worse. If this doesnt turn you off from drugs… god speed.
@lucienesther 4 ай бұрын
i was on the edge the whole time watching this scene
@lebogangtau1365 5 ай бұрын
Renton's narration is the best part of this movie😢
@catalintololoi5776 5 ай бұрын
Perfection !
@farmcat9873 6 ай бұрын
That judge looks at Mark Renten with a look cause he knows its a lie and sure if that was a real life judge he would of said exactly what he thought knowing its a line of bull$hit and he will see him over and over and over again and again.
@farmcat9873 6 ай бұрын
1:37 can't say I haven't been in a pretty similar situation and said exactly what Mark says cause that's what would fix everything just for that short period of time to numb it a little bit more just piling misery upon misery and where this drug takes you is nothing anyone really wants and the things seen and done you just want to forget and when these things seem normal to you cause its day in and day out of a never ending cycle you just need something to help make you forget and take away the pain even if its just for a second. I wish I only ever got 6 months for things I did to get money for the thing that keeps giving me never ending pain. Who ever would think this crap would of done these types of things to a person and whoever manufactured this drug first hope they have a nice seat in hell cause this is where I am but on this earth. Addiction such a horrible thing wish I never knew what that was.
@therebel4332 7 ай бұрын
The mum character had only just got on the stuff before the baby dies,, when sickboy is waffling on about Bond hes giving her the first hit shes had. Weeks later shes hooked, is startibg to look awful, and is now using junk to take away emotional pain. Nasty shyte.
@jasonmurdoc9533 8 ай бұрын
And that’s not even the most disturbing thing to happen with that baby
@sihaves8808 8 ай бұрын
Such a sad and moving clip.
@eduardosalsero 8 ай бұрын
I love her
@eduardosalsero 8 ай бұрын
Que sexi mujer
@Waferdicing 8 ай бұрын
@redneckhippiefreak 8 ай бұрын
I had not seen Train Spotting previous to my experimenting. If I had, I wouldn't have related to it to so much. I was a beach bum, Not that I didn't work but, I worked, lived and played on the beach. I also ate a lot of pills and gell-caps at the time.I was young and I understood what I was doing but I also always knew it would end one day. Well, Some friends came down to visit and I set us all up with a nice spot on the island to play and relax.. I expected to have fun with my friends on some ex or molly, maybe some K if I was found to be around it. One of them supposedly had Molly but, It was the white brown. Less than 20 min after taking it, I knew what it was. NOTHING could feel this good and be remotely healthy for me. Since then I don't really take anything, Mainly because at that moment, I fully recognized that my life nearly could have taken a turn had I not understood the power of heroin. It was everywhere and I had avoided it for a reason previously.. I so easily could have gotten a half a Key and drown in the Brown like so many since. Train Spotting was a basic documentary for so many that I have known. Im am blessed to have a sense of worth and awareness that so many lose along the way. RIP.
@fattymcfatso1083 8 ай бұрын
Baby was such a fuckin buzz kill.
@0versauced 8 ай бұрын
Fuck D.A.R.E, this is the kind of shit that should be shown in schools if you really want to steer kids away from drugs.
@saintrodgersdomino7384 8 ай бұрын
And that green sweatshirt wearing Scottish boy was picked up by Qui-Gon Jinn and became a Jedi master❤
@1ukjunglednbraver 8 ай бұрын
I've been there done it, saw the movie first it didn't glamorise it. The real experience is even worse than the film. The crime bit isn't neccery. I wish people understood that simple minds judge and assume. Willfull ignorance leads to asumptio s that make an arse out of you and not me. It's a stand up film there is zero glamor.
@dominicjohnson5352 8 ай бұрын
When trainspotting 2 came out the director wanted us to be all warm and fuzzy about the characters in this film. I just remember thinking they were the biggest losers of all time. Baby killing smack heads who had zero integrity or an ounce of interest in helping anyone else. I thought T2 absolutely sucked and was a poor bookend to this intelligent piece about how dehumanizing addiction is.....
@fattymcfatso1083 8 ай бұрын
Seemed like a completely unnecessary movie so I took a pass on it.
@asdf2593 8 ай бұрын
why couldn't that useless flap of skin take care of her own baby?
@metallitech 8 ай бұрын
A screaming-warning would have been nice.
@LCdrDerrick 8 ай бұрын
I can remember how this scene fucked me really up. There is some disturbing shit out there, like "Threads" or "Come and See" or the "Earthlings" documentation, but I remember that scene to hit me really hard deep within, almost traumatising. Nevertheless together with "Snatch" my favourite movie from the island and era.
@QualeQualeson 8 ай бұрын
The heroin mythos will never die. Too many people with too much to gain, especially by projection. Speculative creativity is also good. The author, the addict, law enforcement and the clueless general public all get something in return.
@eadanhuntley903 8 ай бұрын
'Calm down, everything's going to be just fine. Nothing could have been further from the truth.' Those two lines kill me, what they're about to discover in withdrawal.
@tixie1895 9 ай бұрын
My cousin died of cot death 2 weeks before my GCSEs. My parents didn’t let me go to the funeral and let me see my Dad and his brother carry the tiny coffin. My aunt was never the same. When I had my own baby, I was haunted by what happened to my cousin. I always struggled to watch this scene but now with my own children, it’s my worst nightmare.
@abraxasjinx5207 9 ай бұрын
Mind ay wee Dawn?
@silentdogfart4892 9 ай бұрын
The soundtrack to my youth
@needbettername8583 9 ай бұрын
"This movie glamourises drug use!" Ok, explain this scene to me. Please.
@Ovais_Siddiqui 9 ай бұрын
The cinematography and script level in this scene is 10 out of 10. Spud saying “ everything is gonna be fine” and rent continuing that by saying “ nothing could be farther from the truth. And then rent saying “ i wish i could think of something to say” and the sick boy’s immediate line of “ say something mark” increasing the pressure on rent and intensifying the moment. This scene is just poetry.
@reginaldd.paperstacks194 9 ай бұрын
@fattymcfatso1083 8 ай бұрын
So what is strange about that?
@MOZER405 10 ай бұрын
Heartbreaking scene.
@Lugh444 10 ай бұрын
I never understood, in Scotland they give you 3 Methadone doses a day? In the States we get one, unless you get split-dosing because of fast metabolism, you drink half your dose and take the rest home (or you get 2 bottles/day if you have take out privileges). So taking his 3 doses at once, he should be fine until the morning when he gets more. Also Methadone raises your tolerance, it's difficult to get high over it, and if you chip on top, it's more difficult to OD, not less.
@fattymcfatso1083 8 ай бұрын
In the states it must be extended release. If the Scotland dose is immediate release then he’d be sick for about 16 hours if he took them all at once. Since there’s no real kick in Methadone then he made a big mistake by taking all three at the same time. Plus he ODed.
@diegopereira-zs4ed 10 ай бұрын
I just laughed at that baby’s face, it’s just that um it’s for laughing, I mean, look a that, it happens because of dumb people not watching out where they left they drugs and it happens, I think it’s cool, kinda like a hard reflection
@thotbot7407 10 ай бұрын
wow youre so cool
@fattymcfatso1083 8 ай бұрын
Yeah. He is more badass than a dead baby!@@thotbot7407
@sw9458 10 ай бұрын
I’ve lost a child I was a stoner and thankfully my habit didn’t contribute to it but if it did I think I would’ve ended up like them pumping poison into my veins or taking my life
@jidabdullah 11 ай бұрын
I'm probably 9 years late but I just wanna address this. That bit where Renton says 'It wasn't just the baby that died that day. Something in Sick Boy was lost and never returned' hit me so hard because in 2015. I had a very traumatic breakup that pretty much led me to 4 years of drowning in every vice I could think of just to numb the pain. The day we broke up, I pretty much died. I recovered in 2019 only to realise that no matter what I do, I could never regain my former self. Who I am now. At this point is something I created as I was recovering. It's been better yes but that person is gone. Someone asked me once Would I do it all over again? in a heartbeat? fuck no. Worst years of my life. Although I learnt a lot from it. Hell, no This scene tells all. It's like looking at my life of 4 years of drugs, alcohol and meaningless sex to fill in a void that you could never regain. It's never enough. You want it every single fucking day. Never again Fuck
@isaaccrist8642 11 ай бұрын
2:34 this has to be one of my favorite shots in a movie ever, it’s one of the first things I think of when I think of this movie, it’s a perfect combination of lots of things firing on all cylinders. The transition, the placement of the shot in the scene, the decision to shoot them walking in the reflection at an angle, the music, the narration, something about the way Miller carries himself as he walks immediately after he breaks down in the previous shot compliments his performance between both shots, the sort of business casual suit and the messy bleached blonde locks, brilliant
@alanledesma4945 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, besides the story (which is awesome), Trainspotting also has amazing shots
@creepvision1380 Жыл бұрын
I think this scene is perhaps the most depressing, disturbing. and shocking scenes in the movie. Hard hitting stuff
@zonesquestiloveunderworld Жыл бұрын
I remember watching this film for the first time. Then a few days later me and my mate went looking for heroin. We were both 16 at the time. Now almost 20 years later I'm still totally hooked and living like a complete and utter deadbeat, my mate is dead, and 99% of the people I used to love have no interest whatsoever in speaking to me again, and I don't blame them at all. I stole so much from people I claimed were my best friends. I was somehow lucky enough to avoid a beating in all cases, but I've essentially beaten myself. My life completely and utterly revolves and heroin, and when I don't have it I don't do anything, I just stay at home waiting for "the man" to contact me so that I can feel alive once again. Of course it's completely unsustainable, like all impulsive addictions, but I'm past the point of caring, I can't pretend to care about my future because I don't. All I can do is enjoy my last days, it's much too late for anything else at this point, and my only remaining "friends" - my parents - are both in their late 70s and will probably die soon, which will only cause me to seek out the needle's blissful oblivion even more.
@zaynumar0 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like a sad fucking existence
@fattymcfatso1083 8 ай бұрын
You always wait for the connection to call you. You never call him first? Kinda strange.