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Virtual Safe+Sound
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Electrical fire safety (BSL)
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Living Alone | Home safety
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What do firefighters wear?
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@firefighterfan2010 24 күн бұрын
Nice one Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service!👍🏻
@The-average-duc Ай бұрын
My dads a fire officer and he got me a book with a quiz what says the title to this song and he told me to search it on KZbin I did
@0525ohhwell 2 ай бұрын
The darn instructions tell you to not do exactly what they did. They do that because they know not everyone has the common sense to not try and refuel a super heated metal pan with ethanol. And yet, no matter what you do, you cannot save people from themselves or mistakes. For real though, if you have no respect for flammable liquids, maybe one of these things is not for you I guess....
@Mad-genius 5 ай бұрын
Didn't follow directions and paid the price. If you left your gas stove on with just the gas flowing and then light a cigarette an hour later would we be blaming the stove?
@firefighterfan2010 6 ай бұрын
Bring me back memories back in 2000s.
@garry843 6 ай бұрын
For millennia the naked flame has been our source of heat whatever the fuel. Treat it with stupidity then it will hurt you. Idiots always blame the equipment.
@gazm7265 7 ай бұрын
Im glad your good and well mate but its common knowledge to let the box cool down before refilling it, as you stated the burner went out so you refilled it again straight away meaning it was red hot. Big no no. Ive got a wall mounted bio ethanol fire in my living room and its warm and safe if you know how to use it correctly.
@alanmaddern8171 7 ай бұрын
I can remember doing "live carry downs " when I joined back in 1982! Keep up the good work, rgds, Alan 🚒🚒
@liberte1334 7 ай бұрын
It clearly states not to fill the burner while after it's been on recently!! Just follow the safety instructions! Common sense.
@TMZR248 8 ай бұрын
Moral of the story Don't be dumb.
@davej1425 11 ай бұрын
I served here back in the 1990’s with a lot of the faces in the film. Fire and Rescue was a different beast back then. Fantastic cinematography that really captures the ambiance of the place.
@user-qs6xz8dw6i Жыл бұрын
Maybe ya should read the instructions first, that’s why your a peasant and not a lord😊, I’m sure u weren’t refueling it and u were sure the flame was out for a couple of seconds! Wow, Darwin Award
@bruces6893 Жыл бұрын
That's a dick head comment
@jeraldjosey Жыл бұрын
I'm glad you're doing OK I hope for a speedy recovery
@thewanderingbox8253 Жыл бұрын
🤦🏻‍♂️ silly buggers
@sarahthompson5932 Жыл бұрын
I was looking to buy one of these, but these videos have swayed my decision not too. Thank you, for sharing your story.
@charlotteharris3476 Жыл бұрын
I have recently bought a bio ethinol fireplace... its perfectly safe to use .. ....who the hell tops up the fuel when the fire has only just gone out and then lights it you wait until the fire place has gone cold refill light ... perfectly safe 👌
@wellybobs4403 Жыл бұрын
Stupid people failing to follow instructions... DO NOT FILL WHEN STILL WARM! ITS EASY TO SEE WHAT HAPPENED!
@michelleh3271 Жыл бұрын
First thing I thought was, you're a health care worker, why are you working in high heels and an ill fitting skirt
@hayleyb1981 Жыл бұрын
well my grandma probably doesn’t need to press it every time she cooks it goes off
@benmakepeace5759 Жыл бұрын
Clearly tried to add more fuel while it wasn't fully out and sufficiently cooled. Then the bottle set alight in his hand, there's literally no other explanation.
@hayleyb1981 Жыл бұрын
292 the scene with the 4 firefighters infront of the engine and 2 on the open doors is from my local station, Tamworth!
@shamusm9252 Жыл бұрын
I have been working with that types of burners and never had problems - all you need is follow the instructions ITS FIRE it can be dangerous but if you careful it's great cheap way to heat up any room
@pa_maj.MARTINI-van-MAN Жыл бұрын
The swimming pool would have been my choice, water actually does extinguish ethanol, it's not oil based like petrol. Folk need to know that water does quench it, it Could save their own or someone's else's life. I've tried it but only after some research and using some common sense, it's basically alcohol which dilutes in water. Fire can be very dangerous but hey! so can water yet some folk sail, surf, swim with sharks and even drink the stuff, life has risks in almost everything and accidents will always happen at some point when we least expect. I'm glad you're ok guys, I can imagine your panic.
@UrbanStarman Жыл бұрын
Common sense prevails here these unfortunate people did not have the proper instruction to use the fire. I have used a bio fireplace for the last 18 months and have used it following instructions. It works fine and gives a nice flame and I leave it for 15 minutes before my next fill easy.
@HarryPotter-kz6kl Жыл бұрын
We have these products to thin the herd....... Graeme hurt himself later in the year trying to make a toasty in the bath.
@regplate2923 Жыл бұрын
Well, to try to re-fuel while the unit is hot is just stupid. It that didn’t occur to him then ……..it’s called natural selection.
@teresawilliamson4034 Жыл бұрын
Still as Important a message now as it was back then. Well Done to All Involved
@bea1365 Жыл бұрын
Notice they are offering child C*vid vaxx at Rugeley Fire Station & Burton Fire Station next. This is awful. My nephew took his "to go on holiday", he now has myocarditis. An NHS staff member at work in Staffordshire developed Bell's Palsy after having her first injection, felt like her body was shutting down. Died 3 weeks later, a fit and healthy 57 year old woman. Do not do this, children are not at risk, they do not need it. The Pf*zer document dump (the ones they tried to suppress for 75 years) is shocking. They lied about the trial, they manipulated and their own data shows the majority of participants immune system crashed after 1 month. The G*vernment is not about protecting people. Their actions have proven this time and time again.
@tomharris5777 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!!
@tomharris5777 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You!!
@mjcbryan 2 жыл бұрын
The instructions for all these burners clearly say not to refill so soon after using / whilst still hot. This is purely the result of being careless and not respecting what is a flammable fuel.
@manoahvanderwolf3259 2 жыл бұрын
Geesh, i know there's a saying 'never play with fire', but i got to admit that the whole 'culture' around these 'burners' has become immensely popular as it supposedly is 'safe' because terms like 'bio' have been thrown in and that it doesn't need an 'extractor' like a normal chimney since it shouldn't leave soot or anything since it burns perfectly. there's one thing using this stuff outside, but inside a home it becomes increasingly more dangerous. It's all easily said that you should follow the instructions, but the fact is 90% of people don't follow instructions period of any particular product. I'm sure that when these products get advertised far heavier on being a potentially dangerous product - people think otherwise. For example, people know Lamp Oil is dangerous and heavily flammable. Thus people stay away from it and take care. BioEthanol however does not ring any alarm bells, and as such, people tend to be less careful. I think these products really need to be advertised with far more safety concerns, and safety protection too. there should be a mandate on a seperate non-plastic filler access, with a safety valve, far enough away from any heat or flame. It should be relatively 'easy' to use a mechanism that simply does not open untill a specific temperature is reached (cold). Through a simple sensor or a bimetal mechanism, this would seriously improve safety.
@pa_maj.MARTINI-van-MAN Жыл бұрын
Sorry but you stated that "Lamp Oil is dangerous and heavily flammable" it's actually not that flammable and it's rather safe if used correctly. Petrol is highly flammable with its low flash point.
@MaximusJohal 2 жыл бұрын
Should be illegal to buy them, i was looking to get one until I saw this, also idiots out there will miss use it.
@Poontang123 2 жыл бұрын
Can't imagine how this must have impacted poor Rose. Great rescue! However I know from experience that she will be effected for life from this experience.
@Elephantlover1943 2 жыл бұрын
You can’t blame a fire , its a bit like people who fill a hot water bottle with boiling water and you can get burnt because you didn’t let water cool,so many things we have in our lives are dangerous because of us, if used properly it’s ok
@Elephantlover1943 2 жыл бұрын
you didn’t let it cool before adding more. ??
@0525ohhwell 2 ай бұрын
They did not. And the takeaway is supposed to be that these things are unsafe... Incompetent humans are unsafe, not the product.
@pierre1050 2 жыл бұрын
terrible :(
@itsonlysound 2 жыл бұрын
The fireman is recommending people don't use something that is completely safe (if you bother to read the instructions - which, call me crazy but if I've purchased something that contains flammable liquid that requires lighting on fire, I'm reading the instructions cover to cover) yet its ok for people to have regular fire pits, fireplace fires, gas cookers, light candles? We get it, people are morons, but you should be hitting home the importance of reading instructions and following them rather than attributing most of the blame to the product itself.
@grahamnumber7123 2 жыл бұрын
You're right yet so is the fireman. This technology risks accidents since it's a liquid fuel that burns very hot. Removing oxygen is the only practical way to put it out. Do the instructions say prevent tripping hazards near it? do not fill in windy conditions (splash yourself with fuel) Do not use at parties. DO not use near children? near people consuming alcohol? near pets or any area that has uncontrollable wildlife? Does it warn on the box that this product will explode if you fill it and it's not completely cool (if people don't see the flames they may well THINK it went out ages ago) In this case its clear that he should not have refilled while it was hot but we are of the mindset working with fire for 1000's of years, feeling warn and the fire dies out - we add fuel. A lapse of judgement. In context if someone knocks a log off a fire/ fire basket/ stove the burn risk is small, local, easily cooled and treated without the risk of being engulfed in flames. The log is easily visible, it has a structure that can be grabbed with tongues/2 pieces of wood, pushed away with a foot, a flick of a hand. The same is not true for ethanol and I think that is the point he's making. It sticks to you - the point is the guy with experience in accident is recommending not to buy this product. His advice - take it or leave it, I agree with his assessment for the average user. I also agree with your point (Darwin's award ? The guy's an idiot? not so much) but disagree it's safe tech just because you read the instructions. How many instruction manuals are written by idiots? I can think of a lot!. On the flip side how many "rules" are there that only exist because of idiots or poor judgement. That 60 area that's now a 40 despite there being no entrances or exits of other road users and it being outside of a town, city or village. The idiot that died making poor judgements was the reasoned. It could be a biker, inexperienced rider(s) that died - now because of those idiots, everyone must drive 40 where it was 60 before. (60 cough) is slow. Yet I've driven 175mph on my motorbike (in my younger years) the government says "Speed kills" which is the same as saying gravity kills so people should not climb. Live in higher up than 25 metres as higher isn't safe...Yet I know doing 170 or 38 or 600 in plane is safe in the context of where and when the focus point is applied (speed in this case) Average Jo isn't you or me. I spent 2 days putting out an oil tanker fire with the other guys on ship. We in the Navy were closest to the distress call. It was physically exhausting and scary at times. There wasn't an instruction manual that could have avoided the collision, that caused the fire when the 2 ships collided. It was the culmination of a set of events in progress in the same way as airline disasters. Planes have to be made safer, the profit margin on these stoves is nuts, so they should make them safer too.
@pa_maj.MARTINI-van-MAN Жыл бұрын
@@grahamnumber7123 The thing is, it goes out very easily with water. It's basically alcohol which dilutes with water instantly, weakening it's strength and makes it none flammable, not like petrol which is oil based and does not mix with water. Just before I wrote this, I tested it in my sink. I lit some ethanol in a small shot glass and emptied it into a small bowl of water...it went out immediately when entering the water. I then poured some water into the lit shot glass, it went out immediately too. People trip, fall, and break their necks, it does not mean we all need baby walkers, life is dangerous one way or another so caution is good, learning is good, being nannied as an adult is, well, questionable to say the least.
@grahamnumber7123 Жыл бұрын
​@@pa_maj.MARTINI-van-MAN Did you re-create the experiment? No because you are not an idiot. Ethanol burns too hot and fast. I agree with you as here the quantity and method was the problem. Like speed, in 10 mins they will limit the amount you can use regardless of situation. Just because of a couple of idiots. Small shot glass vs a few liters
@BlackKettleRanch 2 жыл бұрын
Some of the comments here are absolutely ruthless. It was an accident, people. If you've never done something remarkably stupid in your life, then maybe you need to float away from this planet and exist in your higher level of consciousness away from us mortals.
@0525ohhwell 2 ай бұрын
I think the problem is that the whole point of the video is to call the PRODUCT dangerous when in fact not reading the instructions is the danger.
@patman0250 2 жыл бұрын
Okay what she said about this woman pool is not true at all. If this man was burning with ethanol. And he completely submerged himself in a swimming pool that would completely extinguish the fire.
@0525ohhwell 2 ай бұрын
Yep. Ethanol is water soluble. It would have instantly stopped the flame. How the heck did a fire department put this video out? Incompetence.
@virpalgill1540 2 жыл бұрын
HCA worker need to lock the door when she enter.then she need to fix her rug other wise client trip on it.and so many more things.
@strawberry1025 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story. The instructions may be clear to not re-heat till cool but it is too easy to forget. Like storing paint stripper in an old 7up bottle and telling people not to drink it. Give enough time the inevitable will happen and someone will do the wrong thing. Human error has to be factored in when the results can be so dangerous. Like possibly a blocking mechanism to refilling if the temperature is too high if such a thing were possible. Anyway it's given me second thoughts about buying one.
@user-cv5kj4jy6j 3 жыл бұрын
Raaa mad
@kurt2742 3 жыл бұрын
At least you weren't cold
@leahwood236 3 жыл бұрын
That is my friend
@leahwood236 3 жыл бұрын
Outfit yeah
@leahwood236 3 жыл бұрын
You know the elephant
@staffsemergresp 3 жыл бұрын
It's good you've made a sign language version and also NEVER use toasters under a cupboard
@proto204n4 3 жыл бұрын
Every one of the ethanol fireplaces I've seen says to wait for 20 minutes after the flame goes out before refilling. This is why. Just go grab a pint, have a smoke outside then refill it.
@staffsemergresp 3 жыл бұрын
That dancing was enough to set me on fire (pun intended)