Josh Sofaer: Why Are Jews Hated?
Israel in Crisis: You Can Help!
Dan Sered: War Brought Me Here
Update From Israel
11 ай бұрын
@GodFu-q1v 7 сағат бұрын
God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are three different persons and they all are god and they share something together and the reason why Christ said he, the Holy Spirit and god are one.
@GodFu-q1v 7 сағат бұрын
I almost died before too. She is right, when you are dead, it is you are out of existence. You don't remember anything.
@RobereKaram 14 сағат бұрын
Actually believing in Jesus will make you more Jewish, because Jesus came to the Jews first. This is a Blessing.
@ninteniimelonjuice 23 сағат бұрын
Timothy 2:12 hahaha... just kidding! Seriously, the eyes, the hair, the mouth, the shoulders, the arms...omg so hot. Arielle is cute to!
@ninteniimelonjuice 23 сағат бұрын
It's weird having to point out you're a Jewish Christian, it should be the other way around.
@djfinesse1 Күн бұрын
Torah inspired word of God. Talmud is of man and probably why Jesus said the jews who constructed it and follow it are of a synagogue of satan.
@billboyle1765 2 күн бұрын
😂😂 CHOPPERS!!!! 😂😂
@billboyle1765 2 күн бұрын
😂😂 smile honey! 😂😂
@GilbertBeltran-t2i 2 күн бұрын
Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions,he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him:and with his stripes we are healed. In this verse, it is clearly pertains to our Lord Jesus Christ, His crucifixion that he died and on the third day , He arose again to redeem us from sin. It is not obviously pertain to the jews, but how could a jew people can save us from our transgressions. It is only our LORD JESUS can save us, and there is no other else. I love Israel and the Philippines. God bless you country.
@acm6620 2 күн бұрын
It’s wonderful news when a Jewish believer in Jesus has kept their birthright. God bless
@antonioroma6324 2 күн бұрын
The authority is in the Torah. It says “you shall do as the judges say…” something like that
@denniscanales4780 2 күн бұрын
In 2 chronicles 10.. the comonwealth of Israel . Was divided into 2 kingdoms.. " Judah in the South and ISRAEL in the North.. " ISRAEL" was exiled from their land by the Assyrians in 722 bc. (2 Kings 17 and 18). ISRAEL never returned to the land. JUDEAH (The Jews) were exiled by the Babylonians in 598 BC. But they returned in 528 BC. (Daniels and Nehemiah). The Jews were exiled AGAIN by the Romans in 70 AD. but in 1948 they returned to their land. But.. instead of-"JUDEAH"-.. they named their nation ISRAEL.. this kund of trucky because. Jesus said (Mathew 15-24) "I have only been sent to the lost sheep of Israel", He also said (John 19-27) "my sheep hear my voice and follow me". So. who ever follows Jesus is "ISRAEL" not to be confused with Judah.. Thus . the church is Israel (Galatians 6-16).. it's not replacement theology but fulfillment of scriptures.
@cynthiaserdyn 3 күн бұрын
My Dad's was so proud of having Jewish blood in my veins ..have also been bullied because of it. Keep up your wonderful work ..!! Praying for Israel ,the IDF.. and all it's people.. God's Bless you .!!
@jjjackson5183 3 күн бұрын
Thank you.❤
@brittalbach416 3 күн бұрын
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners. now and at the hour of our death. Amen 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
@MaritsaDarman 3 күн бұрын
Beautiful testimony
@simplychristministries 3 күн бұрын
Jeshua is everything, powerful testimony!
@tdaravuth 4 күн бұрын
Please be aware that not everyone is as cowardly as the two of you. You have no right to mock those who are truly courageous. Step into the real world, and you’ll experience it for yourselves!
@Howielate24 4 күн бұрын
Dear friends, I have been struggling with a debilitating illness for a couple years. Would you please pray for healing of it is God’s will? Also, for my prodigal son and daughter…
@abhijitbhuyan3020 4 күн бұрын
You don't have the ability to comprehend yoga and our whole system.
@robertmarkel9072 4 күн бұрын
I'm a Cristian,believing in Judaism.
@HomemakerDaze 4 күн бұрын
Its funny that he still looks like a hippy buddhist type with that cool sweater 😜❤
@rockzalt 4 күн бұрын
It's not surprising for Y'Shua to appear during an orthodox wedding. I've heard testimonies from exMuslims who have had Him appear and for them to leave Islam, they may as well be Jewish. The antisemitism can come from anywhere.
@StuStevens-rn7rb 4 күн бұрын
Look at the term God calls believers in the N.T. God considers those with circumcised "hearts" Not bodies to be Jews. Circumcision of the Heart comes by the piercing of a person's heart by the Holy Spirit as to believing in Yeshua and His Redemptive work for All of mankind. "Jesus" is just the Greek name equivalent of Yeshua. The Bible is written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. One of the synonyms in the Old Testament for Yeshua is Emmanuel, which means (God with us). So to be more personal with mankind He stepped into our reality and became a man, a perfect man at that). Point them to various chapters and verses that talk of Yeshua. He's not a figment of imagination, but an actual person who lived at a period of time in history. History is His story of His dealings with humanity and humanity's dealings with Him. He desires a personal, intimate relationship with Him with each of us. Surrender to God and ask Him to come into your heart and life today and let Him be in charge of every facet of your life. (Hosts, I'm a Messianic Jew from the tribe of Judah, in the wilderness that Yeshua started appearing to at age 7 both on earth and in Heaven, when He's Sovereignly taken me there and seen Yeshua multiple times. His eyes are like Liquid pools of LOVE. He loves you and all of mankind. He's for you, not against you. Amen and Amen! 😊
@StillYHWHs 4 күн бұрын
Very good & important subject.
@StillYHWHs 4 күн бұрын
Being 1/2 Native American & Jewish background from one parent. I get it.
@MaritsaDarman 4 күн бұрын
Like I’ve said before Christians with the Holy Spirit recognize the infinite love of Yeshua and I don’t believe in my heart that these people would kill Jews. I believe evil would!
@cristojoubert5385 4 күн бұрын
Shalom Jeff (i hope i got your name right), I appreciate what you guys are doing however, there is something fundamentally wrong with your presentation of the is very superficial (again I apologise...) It is no my intention to criticise your organisation (Jews for Jesus). I call the SAVIOUR by HIS HEBREW NAME YASHUAH (and not Y(e)shuah...). From a linguistic point of view considering HalleluYah plus the Saviour being the Lord should it not read YAH + SHUAH (saviour)...and; 2. Repentance and BAPTISM are done at the same time and in the Name of Yashuah the Messiah for the forgiveness of sins with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit subsequently - Acts 2: 38 and other examples throughout Acts and Paul's writings...Remember dear folk we are busy with people's lives and the condemning people to the Lake of fire. We should not be ready to call ourselves "Christian" because the original believers were "Jewish" and not greeks/Gentiles and others. Do uou keep the Sabbath day Holy (not Sunday...)🛐🕎📜📖🐑✅️
@1BestCookie 5 күн бұрын
There is a difference in non Jewish people believing in Jesus than Jewish people. We got the Torah at Mount Sinai, we don't need a dying restricted man-god myth to believe in restriction or the Torah. We can learn from our own grandparents and traditions on every Jewish holiday if we actually focus on teaching the Torah to our kids, which is a shame that many families don't focus on
@Truth-Finder-7Bbl 5 күн бұрын
The New Testament is Jewish. Why say that the Old Testament is the Hebrew Bible (only)?
@GraceYow-z5z 5 күн бұрын
12:40 many observant believers fail to understand that the weekly sabbath is the prophetic symbol of god's plan for his people in eternity, the sabbath that is still to be entered. the annual commanded appointed times are prophetic symbols of what jesus had to do to bring that plan about because the evil one tried to mess it up. the earth is only our bootcamp. heaven is the half-way house for those believers faithful till our father calls them home. but our real home is in the new city of jerusalem in the new earth where god will dwell with us under the new heaven. this is not obligation, a mizvot to gain heavenly brownie points. this is a joyous reminder of god's loving eternal plan, the everlasting good news!!!
@GraceYow-z5z 5 күн бұрын
11:10 "more jewish..." actually more like the image of the being god created us to be-separate, different, keeping his laws that is best for our existence in this troubled world. observing his commanded appointed times, taking care of our health with clean food, taking care of our mind to learn wisdom from his infinite mind,nis not just for jews but for his chosen ones, those whomever he called and responded according to how he required.
@SandipanMajhi-o9s 5 күн бұрын
GTFO you were a kundalini teacher ? HAHAHA
@GraceYow-z5z 5 күн бұрын
3:06 what does it mean to be jewish? what does it mean to be a filipino? what does it mean to be an american? i think the more important question is what does it mean to be god's child? faith is not a question of race. it is a question of purpose: why was a human being created by god? he wants a wonderful family to have in eternity who are of one mind with him. who wants rebellious, non-functional chaotic members of a family who tarnishes the name of that family?
@GraceYow-z5z 5 күн бұрын
1:00 fully jewish. like all peoples, each have cultures that define their ethnicity. nothing wrong with that except when practices or beliefs held go against the very word of god: for example, kabala in judaism, christmas in catholicism, replacement theology in protestantism, jesus is not god nor the son of god in mohammedanism.
@beverlypasco262 5 күн бұрын
Beautiful conversation testimony! ❤❤I am a Christian, and delighted to hear that my Jewish brothers and sisters are coming to know their Messiah. It means so much to us Christ followers on so many levels!! God Bless you for sharing!!❤❤❤❤
@yvonnegordon1952 5 күн бұрын
there is no JEW without the Messiah: Israel' is the third temple, built with stony hearts that are circumcised by the Messiah (Dan 9) when he cuts the covenant (Karath) in his people to fulfill Jer 31, a new heart and mind, one person at a time from the time of Abraham to David, the good deep part of our heart/desire that brings the GOOD ROOT of the tree of knowledge into the world. : Messiah is the anointing (birthright of Jacob that Esau can not RECEIVE) which makes him Jacob (the soul that ascends above the donkey/physicality like Judah riding the donkey: The anointing is the OIL within us, the BLOOD OF HASHEM that saves the soul. Messiah reveals the abomination of desolation in the HEART (Holy Place) of the temple, where it should not be: The Yetzer Hora, lashon Hora): No Messiah, no Israel since only the Messiah can bring Israel on the scene. That's it folks:
@beverlypasco262 5 күн бұрын
I was raised Catholic, and as soon as I could, I left the “church“ to see what the world had for me. I was lost for many years. At 45 years old age I found myself in a Protestant church with a Pastor that made complete sense of the Bible. I was ready, and made the important decision to dedicate my life to knowing Christ. When I say I’m a Christian, it simply means that I am a Christ follower. I am 72 now, best decision I have ever made was to know Jesus, the Messiah. I am not a scholar but spend many hours studying scripture and leading small groups so that others can know Jesus on a deeper level. He alone is , The Way, the Truth, and the Life! I love what you all are doing for Him!!!! Every knee will bow. ❤
@sparklegirl1111 5 күн бұрын
I have a sister that has been in the new age for years. She isn't seeking for the truth. That's a lie. She wants anything except Jesus so she doesn't seek after truth she is running from it
@115dancingqueen 5 күн бұрын
Wow, what sort of church would actually preach that to a congregation saying "Jews are Christ killers"? Hmmm..😮
@arthurwilliams5786 5 күн бұрын
Hi Ephesians 2:9 not by works that no one can boast : Ashley thx 🙏
@arthurwilliams5786 6 күн бұрын
Hi again; I watch 1 for Israel for so long now; to have U too is the best: thx 🙏 Ashley
@arthurwilliams5786 6 күн бұрын
Hi guys; luv U: I’m a Adventist in Aust: & sabbath has never changed; out Lord Yesusha & I’m a christen how prays for you & Israel as it’s always Jew first & us next God loves every person ever on the world: my He bless you & keep U. Ashley a skippy from Australia 🙏🙏🙏
@seekingtruthnwisdom5552 6 күн бұрын
Heidi is correct you will never understand what the New testament teaches until you see it in a Jewish lense. There's so much error in the church because they don't see it in a Jewish context. To be clear, I was raised a Roman Catholic but converted to Baptist and thanks to the Passion of Christ I came to the realization that I will never understand what Yeshua taught was Torah. I am grateful for your ministry, Nehemiah Gordon, & other messianic ministries because the Bible became real to me.
@charlesmahoney790 6 күн бұрын
Emmanuel In hebrew is - God with us - and Jesus stated if you have seen the son you have seen the father so simple or do some of yall need 2 or 4 Guys all claiming to be dr. of think Ology like I have stated so simple let Jesus speak
@markcarlson6355 6 күн бұрын
The joy of the Lord is your strength-we can see it!
@Dawn54811 6 күн бұрын
I’m a gentile and a Christian who loves the Jewish people. In your talk about a mediator, it reminded me of the verse that when Jesus died the veil to the holy of holies was torn. This indicates that we don’t need a high priest because now Jesus is our mediator, our high priest, and provided the ultimate sacrifice…no further sacrifices are necessary. I’m so thankful that when I stand before God and am faced with my sins, Jesus is my Savior and has paid my debt.
@Tenebris_Sint 7 күн бұрын
In no way is Dr James Tour a “top scientist.” He’s a grifter hack.Go watch his many interactions with actual “top scientists”… he clearly is out of his death. No such thing as “proof” in science. In a Physicist, all evidence points to an absence of any god and an eternal universe or eternal quantum field in which our universe exists… so Creationism is throughly falsified.
@Tenebris_Sint 7 күн бұрын
No such thing as “a nation of priests”… ONLY Levites can be priests. Jesus wasn’t a Levite. Messiah isn’t god and doesn’t die. TaNaKh prophecy said there would be no Temple right before the messiah arrives. The Temple existed in Jesus’ age… the true messiah builds the 3rd Temple… Jesus fails again. The messiah is created by god… if the messiah is god, you’re claiming god created himself and god isn’t eternal… ergo not god, as god is by definition eternal. Why does EVERY mention of the suffering servant in Isaiah say it’s “Israel/Jacob?” The servant fears god, if Jesus was the servant, why would god (Jesus) fear himself? Makes no sense. How are you two unaware that the events in Isaiah occurred 700 years before Jesus was born, during the Babylonian exile?
@Tenebris_Sint 7 күн бұрын
Isaiah 53:4 states the servant is outcast among nations… if Jesus is god, how/why/can god outcast himself? If Jesus is god and the servant, how is god his own servant? No, that’s ridiculous.