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The Rise of China and Asian Americans
@user-pv6mi9nm8i 13 сағат бұрын
Also, remember the recent Hong Kong-Shanghai Connect to create a joint stock market to promote more investments and to bring Hong Kong capital into Shanghai.
@user-pv6mi9nm8i 13 сағат бұрын
Jonathan Spence, formerly a British historian at Yale, said that Americans only came upon China at the lowest point of its history during the century of humiliation.
@user-pv6mi9nm8i 13 сағат бұрын
Yes, he is providing a deeper historical analysis of what is called China’s rise of today which is scary to many Westerners, especially Americans, who do not know any world history, even their own.
@user-pv6mi9nm8i 13 сағат бұрын
Daqing is the city where steam locomotives were built. The Ministry of Railroads was an important institution which built the early train system in post-1949 revolution of the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, compared to other Western colonies through Asia and Africa where colonial-era rail systems were allowed to decay after Western extraction of resources. Also, Maoist China built canals like the Grand Canal which led to the South to North water systems of today.
@user-pv6mi9nm8i 13 сағат бұрын
At the Ming Tombs in the 70s was an exhibit called Rent Collection Courtyard which depicted the cruelty of landlords who demanded rent-seeking payments of grain from oppressed peasants and took their children as servants and slaves when not enough grain was produced.
@user-pv6mi9nm8i 13 сағат бұрын
…Dresden ceramics…are blue and white…
@user-pv6mi9nm8i 13 сағат бұрын
China had gung-ho collectives for small-scale industries where women ran hands on metal-making machines and agricultural communizes called danhui’s work units which organized work points and provided housing, education and childcare, healthcare, etc. The magazines in English and other languages by Foreign Languages Press were China Reconstructs and China Pictorial, New China, Chinese Literature, etc. Before Liberation in 1949, ancient China could produce scientific technology see Joseph Needham.
@user-pv6mi9nm8i 14 сағат бұрын
China was not just poor, judged by a Western yardstick, but compared to Africa and India in the last years of Western imperialism, it was reconstructing a New China and a New Socialist Man according to Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thought, after decades of foreign occupation The Scramble for China by Robert Bickford and civil war Jonathan Spence and William Hinton Fanshen.
@user-pv6mi9nm8i 14 сағат бұрын
1985 is when Coca-cola entered the “market”….no ice cubes. And Pringles….potato chips in an unbreakable round container. 1987 the Beijing Friendship Store had Marlboro cigarettes with a life-siza cardboard cutout of the Marlboro Man…the most expensive gift for your Chinese driver.
@CecilliaDonald-u9f 3 күн бұрын
Hernandez Jose Martinez James Rodriguez Sandra
@pedropfaff8906 9 күн бұрын
Is the Apartheid 24:59 restrictions being placed on the entrance of Asian American Engineering students into American Universities a Taboo Subject that is Untouchable? Why then the Deafening Silence on the matter?
@chavdarnaidenov2661 16 күн бұрын
it's funny to see the US preach openness for 30 years and suddenly do a 180. Few could predict 10 years ago that it was possible for the US to be turned into such a racist sinophobic paranoic society. If anybody had paid attention, they could have noticed that a similar upsurge of racism was generated towards the Muslims in 2001 after 9/11. You have to know the USA.
@yaoliang1580 18 күн бұрын
The US sponsored an insurgency in China to topple their leader n replace them with a puppet regime which can be easily bribed to serve their own greed n selfish interests. Fortunately they failed or else China would not be able to achieve such a level of prosperity if they are governed by a corrupt US puppet
@lilsand. 18 күн бұрын
i shuld'not be here to yall dum coments but the fake playge did'not get me HAH. but i messd up so many organ delivers for lots of diferent reasons but i dont have to go into that.thank the sistem it dont let them find out that i was the kink in the chaine for 24 to 44 died p.eople but not my problem bcuz why did them people even needed organs in the first place. i did them favors they probz thank me from heaven.
@kooisengchng5283 Ай бұрын
Americans seem to be viewing China with American lenses ALL the time. They just don't get it inspire of studying China for so many years. Basic premises are not dealt with ie. Chinese mindset, work culture, achievement oriented work ethics etc. I learn more from Kishore Mabhubani and George Yeo.
@wynetsang Ай бұрын
China has for thousands of years failed to destroy the world with advance technology which the West did that in a few years. This is the backwardness of China.
@Raypoota Ай бұрын
Philip Samir Georges is a Lebanese and a snake and a worse person ever.
@you_dare_to_gaze_upon_me Ай бұрын
As a Chinese, I am very grateful for US to accept us in the international community. Without president Nixon and his government, I would never be here as a Canadian permanent resident. It is all thanks to his foresight that 1 billion people got to interact with the outside world and got better chances and opportunities in their lives. Thanks Richard Nixon. No matter how Chinese government want to persuade us not to, we will forever remember the gesture that gave 1 billion people a new hope.
@golonawailus4312 2 ай бұрын
Trump is back and the reverse brain drain will accelerate
@michaelmorrison9186 2 ай бұрын
The west is happy to get talented Chinese to use their brains to develop Technolgy in the US for the US but are upset if the brains go home. Nice.
@auzhonib 2 ай бұрын
剿匪先於主義。 我姨早就聲明在先他反共(反華)到底,“黨”、“國”、“中”、“華”的共匪統戰同心圓意識形態,已經被我姨全面拆解,反共黨必須反中華人民共和國,反PRC必須反中國,反中國必須反對華人或中國人這個種族主義意識形態。 全面反對才可能打倒附身在中國大地上的紅色魔鬼。 專制必亡,諸夏獨立! #時與勢都在大蜀民國一邊 #劉仲敬 #liuzhongjing
@wenling3487 2 ай бұрын
13 years later, again Chinese realized its most of its promises. That is we Chinese love CPC while US ruling elites hate them.
@DebraGrady-y4i 2 ай бұрын
Run check detail on lulu rich
@KonglengLee-t6l 2 ай бұрын
Waitaminute. U mean us indians are no good. How come none of you want us. Are we too noisy, smelly, horny or what?
@golaohu 2 ай бұрын
The Chinese PhDs in Shakespeare should be encouraged to remain the U.S. and help to raise the cultural sophistication of the American society.
@toerag481 2 ай бұрын
Why would Chinese people stay in a anti-China government country, the falling quality of education, unstable governance / legal or justice systems and the racial hatred unsafe for their children e.g. Arabs genocide by Israel endorsed by the US and Western nations or attacks on Asian people throughout the country.
@raymondtjoen837 2 ай бұрын
The anti China sentiment is an American mentality since the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act . American progress started by taking over knowledge from Great Britain. The further development is also because they took German scientists in every field to the US after the Second World War, as well as Japanese scientists in Chemistry, etc. etc. So it can be rightly said that the US does not have so much talent and knowledge that it has developed everything . Not to forget that Marco Polo has also taken Chinese discoveries to the west since his visit to China, which led to invasions by the Western powers.
@impressionfirst8577 2 ай бұрын
@stephenlock7236 2 ай бұрын
This guy is CIA?
@halhal-my4pt 2 ай бұрын
China must never ever allow any Indians any form of residency. Their way of operating is to multiply, corrupt the government and take over. They are doing that in America and Europe and not even sparing their landlocked tiny nation like Nepal.
@justc3863 2 ай бұрын
Its hard to believe in 2024 similar pro Palestine protests across universities were quashed in the US by police...
@ecowang5025 2 ай бұрын
Thanks all brave journalists, you did a great and important work
@Margeratum 2 ай бұрын
how those Chinese stands for the facts that their greatest contribution in their history is stealing data and technology from other countries and yet they act like the greatest of the greatests.
@jgwizo 2 ай бұрын
The argument is technology should not be used to exploit. In fact most of US initiated conflict are based on this logic technology protection. There is no problem if that technology remains in USA but becomes poverty machine to others in barter relations. Most universities benefit from foreign students investment and retaining foreign nationals for their knowledge is similar to technology protection argument.
@jgwizo 2 ай бұрын
The views are compromised as it tries to promote one side'view, democracy promotes opennes except in Assange espionage. The point is US is acknowledging Chinese are smarter.Operative technology is not exclusive and that why US stressed on military donations until they realise that China is now at higher level. The problem of titltes artifically improve knowledge. As an older person China attitude since creation of UN promoted intercultual learning.
@chanvic5105 2 ай бұрын
@jonathanmitchell9886 2 ай бұрын
It's funny to hear a bunch of propaganda-peddling CIA operatives complaining about another nation's intelligence agents. "The stuff *we* do is good, but the stuff *they* do is bad!" Old has-beens reciting their scripted lines decades after the fact, with all the subtlety of a junior-high pep rally.
@socomxx 2 ай бұрын
lol there are a ton of CCP trolls in the comments.
@EdwinaTS 2 ай бұрын
Mainland born chinese mostly pay huge fees to study in the US. If they are good, they get noticed and get recruited to work in the US. Hence a great loss to China and a huge gain for the US. Britain had severe brain drain to the US, and the US is a big graveyard for a lot of big british businesses trying to expand over there.
@user-cn3ee2xs6p 3 ай бұрын
They got the shot of tank man being safely dragged away by passerby and they didn't want to show it here. Sneaky, Sneaky. 😠😡 Instead they insert a fast line at 1.15.12 (some people came, they grap this guy, they ran off) It was so fast that is was hard to make out. Shady, Shady, Journalist. With sinister motive. Shame on you all. 👎👎
@SeanPan-it3jm 3 ай бұрын
Mind you US DOJ never call it a massacre. Indeed many thing happened that day, but not MASSACRE.
@SeanPan-it3jm 3 ай бұрын
The so-called Tiananmen Square Massasre is no more than a BBC created BIG Fake News. Not a sigle piece of phto , videos have surfaced that you can point to and say: That the proof. ,after over 35 years. Very faked news for sure
@deletemadog 3 ай бұрын
This pro-China speaker even use the term "mainland" for "China."
@kongthemayor5481 3 ай бұрын
20:40 I love this story haha
@kimphuong5395 3 ай бұрын
Lies. That's not true. Propaganda. Chinese students never forget there root. Western elite can't understand
@samuel822822 3 ай бұрын
@billzhu8850 3 ай бұрын
Lots of comments saying US scientists also come from all over the world, why China can not “attract” their own diaspora from US back to China? The difference is that the scientists from other countries in the US are volunteering stay in the US while Chinese government is poaching the Chinese American scientists from the U.S. These China born scientists are educated in the US, it is the US government money to get them PhD degrees, also when they work in the US, they are using whatever US companies money to get their results, while CCP come over to get these scientists and their research results for free. This is is exactly same Hauwei steal US telecommunications technology many years ago. Huawei stole US technology and they didn’t have any R&D expenses , therefore, they can sell their products at much lower prices than those of US’ , Canada, European telecommunications companies, thus, bankrupt those companies, while they overtake these companies sale territory. They are doing exactly same as huawei now. Poaching these Chinese born Americans scientists back to China so that they can get the most advanced technology from US at the cost of US taxpayers money. Worst of all, they use these latest technologies to build their military strength to threaten all the countries in the South China Sea, threaten democratic countries like Taiwan, etc.
@lmvcnn 3 ай бұрын
Why the West treat indian talented with fairness? not to chinese student? The answer is: the India student help democracy, chinese student help dictators. The west provide no limitation to the one who are (or will) help democracy, e.g the highest position in uk government, the ceo of uk people is indian, referring rishi sunak. Countless ceo of high tech companies are given to indian student. because in the case of india recruite them back to india, they help indian people, not india dictors or oligarch (who come to power by violence, stay in power by violence and using violence to supress free speaches of the people.)
@kayipchan832 3 ай бұрын
Very good statistics but with very weird conclusion
@bobjensen4051 3 ай бұрын
中国共产党明确指出,‘他的政权是用枪和血换来的,谁想要民主,那么拿头来换。’ 所以,西方的民主世界应该认清,中国人面对的强权不是通过和平方式可以替代的。中共随时准备屠杀。 我对西方记者隐瞒绝食学生在北京饭店吃饭表示理解……