🙏🙏বন্দে পুরুষোত্তম🙏🙏
🙏🙏রা নন্দিত জয়গুরু🙏🙏
এই চ্যানেলটি জীবন ও বৃদ্ধির পরম
উদধাতা পরম প্রেমময় শ্রী শ্রী ঠাকুর অনুকূলচন্দ্রের জীবন, দর্শন, ও বানী প্রচারের জন্য উৎসর্গিত।
This Channel is dedicated to propagate the Divine LIFE, Literature and Philosophy of BEING and BECOMING as perceived by SREE SREE THAKUR ANUKULCHANDRA, the saviour of the age. SREE SREE THAKUR ANUKULCHANDRA is the last incarnation of Lord VISHNU.
His messages are of on all aspects of human life concerning man’s existence and growth. He talked on Philosophy, Science, Sociology, Education, Economics, Dharma, Ideal, Love, Service, Politics, Law, Administration, Social Activity, Conduct, Eugenics, Genetics, Heredity, Medical Science, of living and non-living, of heaven and earth so on and so forth
To propagate the Divine Life, Teachings and Preaching of Sree Sree Thakur please do SHARE this Channel.
🙏🙏Ra Nandito JOY GURU 🙏🙏
🙏🙏বন্দে পুরুষোত্তম🙏🙏
যোগাযোগ ..
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