I've seen Anne Frank's plays, books, movies, and several, but I thought it was the only magic that could be fictionalized by reproducing Kitty, the fictional friend that Anne loved, in a family-friendly anime. Thank you for showing realistic physical objects in the reproduction method, artistic works, and being able to make wonderful works with the cooperation of various materials and donors. Anne's diary, which was encouraged during her hospitalization, is taught that there is a need to look forward while constantly contrasting positive and negative balances with the brain コピペが失敗したので,途中から,日本語にしました。 正しいとか、間違ってるの天秤をかけながら脳と対比して、前を向いて生きないといけないなぁと感じます。 お互いの生きてきた過程を知る事で、共感が生まれたり、会話がうまれたり,その手助けが創作活動の素晴らしさだと感じます。 キティが生きてる😮それがファンタジー。アンネもキティに会いたかったんじゃないかと思うと、😢 時代を巡って、巡って、形に残る部分。幸せな事だと思う。(個人意見)