@EurrikkeEdward Күн бұрын
characters are content sure- but its the same old ass moldy fucking playground. Who gives a shit if you have a new toy
@Some1over 3 күн бұрын
pls make a vid about Imaginarium Theatre @eastonair
@Some1over 3 күн бұрын
coming back here cause i thought Imaginarium Theatre will be Labyrinth Warriors 2.0
@totallynotsophie_ 5 күн бұрын
is that a tingyun pic in the corner or am I dreaming
@jaralara6429 5 күн бұрын
Coming back here after Imaginarium Theatre
@wyndvanderholt365 6 күн бұрын
What a great video analysis, I agree with ALL of it! nice job fellow wind element enjoyer.
@Mirenchan 8 күн бұрын
As someone who was really excited for Dehya and saved during entire patches just for her and her weapon.... yes, it was definitely a point of inflection for me. It was not the same afterwards. Let's be real, when they want a character to be good, they do all they need in order to make them good. So for Dehya was intentional. I still cannot tell why Dehya in particular, but it is what it is.
@thedarkartist2461 9 күн бұрын
This aged well
@XxGreatestyouknoWxX 10 күн бұрын
I'm honestly wonderimg where the collab characters are...
@sebjink.9037 10 күн бұрын
Genshinhas a lot of problems--Id say one of the biggest ones being the general dialogue. It's actually horrendous the lore the game wastes with dialogue that takes centuries to finish. Paimon herself has gotten so annoying that I have to take a break from DIALOGUE. I speed click faster in cutscenes than in battle. Walking into a random spot and encountering a cutscene makes my soul die a little
@Xcluxide 11 күн бұрын
To me, it felt like the Genshin department is being ran by a separate company and not hoyoverse. From my POV, Genshin is not focusing on player retention rate at the slightest but rather banking on the surge of players who comes back and swipes when a cool new character banner drops. It felt like Genshin is being VERY complacent on capitalizing as the first big hit in the open world gacha genre, that they believe they can still hold on to their cards since Genshin hasn't dipped below the red line in terms of revenue and player count. Putting on my tinfoil hat, until something big happens, I firmly believe genshin will only be pushing out QoLs and repetitive content at a very slow pace so as to direct more funds and resources to other projects and games, diversifying their arsenal of games and influences before the inevitability of Genshin's EoS (normal gacha game's lifespan is about 5 years but genshin will probably outlive it by more than thrice)
@oofinsmorcht9341 12 күн бұрын
I honestly don't understand why Mihoyo made Tingyun a playable character. Why not an NPC? We've had a lot of unforgettable NPCs like Jeht, Ryu, Teppei, etc. It would make much more sense for Tingyun to be an NPC who had a big impact on the storyline and the player, but also remained distant and detached from the player because they are NPCs. That would make her "funeral" more believable. Teppei's death was part of the main storyline and our interactions with him were on a similar emotional level to Tingyun (IMO). The player and Teppei both traversed within the storyline together and grew to be friends, so it would make sense his death would be impactful on the traveler. Even his involvement in the storyline is much more impactful than kokomi's entire contribution to the story! But it wouldn't make sense to give him a flashy, desirable skin, and then put him on the banner. He's dead. But why was Tingyun made into a playable character anyway? If she were an NPC, her death would rule as unfortunate but also memorable within the story, instead of bringing confusion as to why she's still here fighting alongside the player. There is no rule that in the main story quests, the player MUST interact with playable characters. Was it because they didn't want to waste such a role that Tingyun was put in so she *must* be made playable? Was it worry over the screen time of playable characters that made her playable? It just seems like a low blow for Tingyun's writing if that were the case.
@jonomate 12 күн бұрын
Paimon, no skip button, no wall running, no switching while swimming or gliding, very limited running stamina, waiting for specific day to get ascension materials, 3 pulls anni. And who plays tcg and teapot that they keep developing it? So many more reasons why genshin is dead to me.
@meadow7229 14 күн бұрын
this might be controversial but i'm okay with the content coming in slowly. i agree there are changes that need to be made to genshin but generally i don't feel comfortable playing games where the devs behind them have been worked to death to meet a quota. the end result always comes out to be buggy, unfinished content (i.e the newest pokemon games).
@pant104 14 күн бұрын
You are right. I only played the game for a few months, starting at September last year but the lack of things to do and the predictability of the story that has no stakes, made me see the game in a different light. In the beginning i had a sense of wonder but then it had become an uninteresting chore because of the predictable formula. The lack of endgame content is one thing but the lack of communication with the devs and "screw you" rewards is another. Now i am playing Wuthering Waves and it is everything Genshin could have been had they cared for their playerbase. I'll likely play that for much longer than i did Genshin.
@gilroyscopa 16 күн бұрын
...and that's why I never watch the promo-material before playing the quests. Spoilers everywhere
@Micah2terrific 16 күн бұрын
this is why i quit its not exciting anymore
@occidere8437 16 күн бұрын
I demand more videos from you sir. Your comedy and insight while not being too emotional is a breath of fresh air in this community. It feels somewhat like watching Vars II, but less anylitical and less focused on meta. Of course you do you, just wanted to express how much I like the few videos you have out right now.
@occidere8437 16 күн бұрын
As someone who started playing Genshin in 3.5, I am immensely sad I missed that event in 2.2
@kizaragiren 16 күн бұрын
Subbing because of how good and neutral the view point is Most of the time when there's a essay type of video talking about how good is this game is Its always black and white Either they gonna sucka mihoyo or just straight up tectone drone Speaking about your point the combat is lacking, is actually really interesting knowing that wuthering waves is hitting on that genshin weak aspect trying to gain their own market
@Animely0 16 күн бұрын
I'm sorry but "think of the poor combat enjoyers forced to arrange flowers" made me bust out laughing 😂😂
@AliciaOnlineGameplay 17 күн бұрын
I think a very small portion of the playerbase has even cleared abyss and thats why its still the same. I havent done it yet because i dont like grinding artifacts and my luck is shit so i only have one character thats like 50/250 crit/crit dmg but none of the supports are built either so cant clear it. The abyss and harder combat challanges would appeal to me if artifacts were easier to come by because it feels like shit watching a build guide, seeing the potential of the character and never getting there because all you roll on artifacts is def% and like 2 out of 100 artifacts have double crit stats on them and when you level them up the points go into flat HP 💀
@AliciaOnlineGameplay 17 күн бұрын
1 if you only like wifus i guess there are better games for beating your meat and 2 if other gatcha games release more characters but also have more rewards arent the ratio of pulls / characters roughly the same as in genshin?
@yggdrasil8663 17 күн бұрын
Dude I love the exploring in genshin ... for the first few weeks, then it gets stale and boring and I quit the game for a while.
@LostWallet 17 күн бұрын
oh Genshin is stagnated alright, but not because of Mihoyo. its because of the fan base. the community that only know how to praise the game without any real criticism. this cause the company to not feel the need to evolve. why do the game need to have a better endgame activity when there are thousands of causal fans making up excuses for it? the game is dead the moment the director said that they dont want to add new endgame because it might cause casual fans stress. at that point, its no longer a video game to me. its a squeaky toy you gave to your toddler to make them stop bothering you.
@HappyGick 18 күн бұрын
About the Future Impact thing. I think it's good that they do Future Impact, but they're doing it wrong. This is one of those instances where the Dota approach to balance (if everything is broken, nothing is) shines. What if instead of having Future Impact characters be underwhelming by default, they actually have a place in the present meta? What if Yae had better numbers on release and less limitations? Or more supports were designed with Eula in mind rather than just Mika? Stuff like that. This is so on release, the characters sell, and they're actually useable for those that love the characters. Then you release what the characters are actually meant for (Dendro with Yae, Mika with Eula, whatever it is that they're planning with Chiori), and these new elements work more seamlessly than the previous builds, essentially turning them from solid characters to downright "broken" with these new builds. Why play Future Impact at all? Because it's a smart way to keep characters fresh without the need for reworks. I actually like the concept, but I agree that the execution is not that good. As an example of the antithesis of this, League of Legends is a game that is constantly dealing with both technical debt and stagnating characters and power creep. So new reworks emerge basically every year. Genshin wouldn't need power creep like League of Legends if Future Impact characters were better designed - the characters would power creep themselves and catch up with newer ones.
@fireflei 19 күн бұрын
as an exploration-focused player who took a break around the end of sumeru and just got back into the game - i feel like there is SO much to do. but i also remember playing the game back in 1.6 and feeling like i'd done everything the game had to offer. that was until inazuma came out- and suddenly the game felt endless again. ultimately, if the game feels stagnant to you, take a break.
@MilanNikolic96 19 күн бұрын
With exploration being the biggest feature of this game, I wonder why they dont just star respawning chests and puzzles, like not all but 10%per region every two weeks, to incentivize multiple exploration journeys. The whole world should feel more alive then, instead of just the newer region and people would have stuff to do on repeate
@predatorasap5040 19 күн бұрын
One of my biggest problems is that there is still no LIP SYNC!!! Also a big problem with the exploration is that while the world looks absolutely beautiful and the soundtrack is one of the best in gaming, but the puzzles remain the same and the exploration methods are the same and after a while exploring becomes more of a chore to stock up on primogems And the combat system is the perfect example of stagnation except the dendero update (which is still half assed since it doesn't interact with certain elements) the current combat system is like trying to do endurance racing with a Lada its just become about numbers at this point and doing older characters kit but more complicated
@Rpground 19 күн бұрын
Characters. Are. Not. Content.
@bobsnob9246 19 күн бұрын
Story is straight garbage they should make it shorter and with a skip button because they cant write for shit, but some cinematics are cool
@els236 19 күн бұрын
I just posted this on Vars' video, albeit with different wording; The game has, as I see it, 2 core facets: Gameplay and Story. No one is complaining about the story, outside of the fact we want more of it. However the gameplay side of things is a mess. Most exploration content (rewards), minigames and anything that ties into resin all hinges around the characters and therefore the gacha. Right now, there's 2 core issues with that: artefact grinding and lack of reason (for veterans); With how dogshit artefact grinding is, it genuinely puts people off getting new characters. As for the lack of reason, well, you explain it in the video - there is nothing to use these shiny new characters on or in. My almost min-maxed team of 4 year old units still makes any exploration/overworld content a breeze and I can reliably get quite far in the Abyss (which a lot of casuals don't even touch as-is). So why would I pull for a new character? Well, if it's for looks/personality, I can admire that from the archive screen or slap them in the teapot from level 1 and leave them there. There's clearly no real reason for a long-term veteran player to pull for combat reasons, unless they are meta-defining a la Neuvillette. It's not for the mini-games, which are an absolute fucking joke, as even a level 1 Amber can pick-up some coins or shoot some balloons. What happens then is that, with no big draw to get the new units, there's then no reason to engage with exploration (for the rewards), no reason to engage with the minigames and no reason to engage with the resin system. What's left is the state I'm in with this game. Login once per patch, smash out the story and exploration (for lore/viewing reasons) and log-out for 6 weeks until the next patch drops.
@christophertan6097 20 күн бұрын
Thankyou for mentioning hardcore streamers in spiral combats…the latest spiral can now barely be cleared by f2p i got 34 stars only after multiple attempts when i 36 since 2.6😅
@AkbarJomong 20 күн бұрын
we need skip button in cutscenes i dont wanna see a couple of T pose characters watching eachother and talking 😐 f this game i want to play side quest for reward not cutscenes
@Kazuki_22 20 күн бұрын
9:22 Simply, a major business decision to market Arlecchino and that has been Hoyo's MO for the past 4 years.
@tlili3990 20 күн бұрын
5:34 be like: i know what you are
@jellygish2007 21 күн бұрын
2 months later and finally FINALLY, they are adding new end game content and hoping naltan will bring more
@thebrigade7684 21 күн бұрын
The lastest dain quest threw the "Story is getting better" narrative into the trash 🗑️ I have never been so disappointed with a dain quest up until now
@thomasraines1396 13 күн бұрын
We didn’t get to see the fight between Dain and the Abyss Twin the trailer hyped, Dain gets glazed while the Abyss Twin jobbs - so even the twin we aren’t playing ad gets treated like a schmuck -, they bring up *another* super nebulous organization we’re expected to care about or find impressive and the final thing we get is Aether/Lumine forgetting the dream where they interacted for no reason, it doesn’t matter if there was an in universe reason for it, it was still crap.
@MattDoesNothing 21 күн бұрын
Genshin community will be angry about anything in Genshin until someone mentioned WuWa😂
@lagrangewei 21 күн бұрын
actually most content creators are variety gamers and their build are shit, they wouldn't survive 36 star abyss at all. "genshin" content creators are actually a very small subset of content creators that play genshin. in fact alot of the "fix" genshin introduce in 4.x are really to help these variety players get over the content. I have literally seen people fail STORY fight which are basically nerf version of the bosses.(that why they introduce an even easier mode for story!) if you are just in the community, you may miss the fact that alot of genshin players are not actually in the community, their voice is rarely heard within the community but MHY has the data so they know. which is why it is sad to hear when people say genshin dev are not responsive, when they are among the most responsive dev, it just that the one we think are the majority, are not really the majority.
@ilyeslaribi8011 22 күн бұрын
I wonder how you felt about Firefly's supposed death?😅
@notacasual5593 22 күн бұрын
great video, subbed
@Pheonee 22 күн бұрын
Just a belated comment from a Tingyun gal to say that I totally resonate with the way you feel. I don't agree with every part of the video - HSR has always had a darker undertone, with stakes measured in human lives, and of course in the past few months we've seen that more and more - but the feeling of betrayal and burnout is relatable. I also started the game for Tingyun after falling in love in the closed beta, made her my main, and then uninstalled the game for most of 1.3 because apart from losing a character I liked, I also felt that her death was completely meaningless - it was just for the shock value; the personality we'd gotten to know didn't actually die, while the person we thought we liked was someone we'd never actually met. Out of loyalty to my other favourite character Jing Yuan I did eventually feel okay to return to the game but that was a frustrating bit of time.
@eastonair 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for commenting, I’m glad my video resonated with you. I wound up sticking around too, because I had been really looking forward to Jingliu’s release. I at least wanted to get her. Obviously we’ve got a few more MIA characters after Penacony 2.2. The cast is growing so big so quickly, it will be almost impossible to balance screen time to all characters. I think we could see more of this.
@skepziev2565 22 күн бұрын
its sounds like hypixel skyblock dungeon
@Just_Browsing-cz4nt 22 күн бұрын
Eula was my Hoyo letdown.
@jjjrbean118 24 күн бұрын
@BrianCarreraShaw 24 күн бұрын
You sound a lot like Jello Impact..
@eastonair 23 күн бұрын
No relation
@Phillipmurr 24 күн бұрын
you deserve more subscribers your ability to give criticism without sounding overly negative or dramatic is welcoming,,
@rattango9819 24 күн бұрын
Good vid. i just wanna give my two cents to put on top of it, with genshin having so many characters, lots of old characters gets the shaft and never see the light of day anymore. having built so many characters since 1.0, its baffling to see how many characters are aboslutely useless to bring into play as the new mechanics practically negates them from being usable. So now your old characters are now what used to feel like powerhouses are now a liability and only fit certain niches.
@eastonair 24 күн бұрын
I think Imaginarium Theater will alleviate this somewhat. You need to have such a widely-built account, plus the HP pools are lower so less power is needed to clear.
@richcast66 24 күн бұрын
Sure overall, it has stagnated, even for some of the more die-hard fans, though they won't admit it. But honestly, every time they drop the first update in a new region, it has never failed to impress the daylights out of me. They do such a good job at designing these places.