How Undertale Changed Gaming
fredbear sings ghost town
5 ай бұрын
The Fascist Colossus
8 ай бұрын
i miss the old youtube
10 ай бұрын
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[S] Echero: Ask.
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The Man With the Lantern
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[S] Begin.
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At Mirror's Gate
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Containment Breach
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First Contact
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@thetaClysm 4 күн бұрын
I can't get Queen's lines from near the end of the normal route out of my head. • The Knight • The Roaring Knight... • Today, It Deigned To Create This World • Reaching Its Long Hand To The Sky • It Coursed Its Will Into Its Blade • And Made in comparison to spamton's line... YOU'VE BEEN [Making], HAVEN'T YOU! The repeated use of the word "make" in this specific and eerily similar way (as an intransitive verb with an unstated object) strikes me as significant. repetition of an expression or turn of phrase like this is often meaningful in toby's writing. are queen and spamton referring to the "making" of the same thing? their phrasing seems to suggest that they could be. and the fact that spamton proceeds to elaborate his phrasing into "MAKING [Hyperlink Blocked]!" makes this connection much more interesting. it would suggest that [Hyperlink Blocked], whatever it is, could also be relevant in some way to the creation of dark fountains. i don't know that this observation fits cleanly into the framework of [Hyperlink Blocked] as LV, but perhaps it could. i just have a gut feeling that this idea of "making" is something we're going to be needing to pay attention to in the future.
@Nagasakevideo 14 күн бұрын
I REALLY appreciate this video. For one, someone who still views youtube as a hobby and not a career path is something I respect. Plus, it now seems way too obvious now that spamton is referring to LV and I feel stupid for not realizing it. Like you pointed out something that seems so obvious in retrospect but I never would have realized on my own.
@DEUSabencoe_a_todos_Igor 16 күн бұрын
Suas ações não importam no fim,mas sempre terão consequências Bem aventurados os humildes em espírito,porque deles é o Reino dos céus Bem aventurados os que choram,porque serão consolados Bem aventurados os mansos,porque eles herdaram a terra Bem aventurados os que tem fome e sede de justiça,pois serão fartos Bem aventurados os que misericordiosos,porque eles alcançarão misericórdia Bem aventurados os limpos de coração,porque verão a *DEUS* Bem aventurados os pacificadores,pois serão chamados filhos de *DEUS* Ame seu inimigo e o ajude se precisar,pois assim ele queimará em culpa e remorso e *DEUS* te abençoará e recompensará com um novo aliado. *JESUS CRISTO* está voltando, arrependei de todos os pecados cometidos para *DEUS* os perdoarem, pague com penitência se for necessário pois o tempo da justiça DIVINA chegará e você não vai querer ficar aqui. Mantenha-se firme na fé, pois ela te transformará em uma criatura perfeita,eliminando seus pontos frágeis e fortalecendo seu corpo e mente. Lembre-se, nascemos para *ELE* , então devemos o deixar alegre. Não tenham dúvidas, pois se levarmos em consideração que o tempo seria infinito,ou seja todas as probabilidades aconteceram em algum momento e,hipoteticamente,é possível produzir um motor infinito por meio de imãs inclinados a 50° colados em um círculo cujo estão todos do mesmo polo magnético e colocar no centro um rolamento com hastes com imãs na ponta que chegam perto dos imãs da base,no qual são contrários ,formando assim uma força que levaria o imã da haste ir para frente por repulsão do da base a esquerda e a atração da direita (Tenho ciência que isso iria contra a lei da conservação de energia,mas a maioria dos cientistas só não consideram o imã um motor infinito pois é muito afetado pela massa de ar ou não tem força suficiente,e não há algo,que eu percebi,que possa impedir esse motor de funcionar. Provavelmente o mesmo conservaria a própria energia e a transformaria em energia mecânica sem gastar a energia eletromagnética conveniente ) faz com que sejá muito provável que exista um DEUS,pois com o "poder de criação" proporcionado pelo motor ( já que tudo é energia e a energia pode ser transformada) é possível conseguir onisciência,que, consequentemente, daria onipresença e onipotência ao usuário,oque se encaixa no conceito DEUS. Vale constar que há diversos milagres como a translação de Enoque e Isaías para não ver a morte,o Dilúvio e o aviso a Noé,Sara poder dar a luz fora da idade sem nenhuma tecnologia,as dez pragas do Egito, a passagem pelo Mar Vermelho,a cura das picadas das serpentes por uma serpente de bronze pendurada por ordem de *DEUS* ,o maná caído do céu para crianças na época de Moisés, a queda dos muros de Jericó ,milagres feitos por *JESUS* e a ressurreição do *PRÓPRIO* ,além de milagres eucarísticos e milhares de testemunhos o que deixa a probabilidade de existir cerca de 75% e,como a probabilidade está ao lado de *DEUS* e crer seria mais benefíco, tanto mentalmente quanto fisicamente,a melhor escolha seria seguir-lo. Lembre-se " *JESUS* é o caminho,a verdade e a vida,para que quem *nELE* crêr não pereça mas tenha a vida eterna",o caminho é difícil mas nós conseguiremos se for do plano de *DEUS* . Você nunca estará só nessa caminhada.
@supermemoluigi 17 күн бұрын
my own guess with [[Hyperlink Blocked]] is that represents basically breaking connection between User and Program, Spamton wants [[Hyperlink Blocked]] to break free from the strings that attaches to their role, Kris wants [[Hyperlink Blocked]] to break free from our connection to this world, and if [[Hyperlink Blocked]] is LV, then could be that basically by gaining LV we make them stronger, strong enough to loose connection and eventually break free from the strings that attaches them to their role and do what they want on their own Will. and the sound when we make Noelle freeze them, my own interpretation is that we're diverging from the main path, one that isn't premeditated and eventually lead us to an unforeseen route that no one knows how it would end, possibly why Toby call it The Weird Route. also, something interesting about the Thorn Ring is that has something called "Trance" when equipped, Trance meaning is bascially a half-conscious state characterized by an absence of response to external stimuli, typically as induced by hypnosis or entered by a medium. so that checks out on why Noelle didn't recognized Berdly at first. (besides the fact of getting stronger). I still don't think Noelle is the Angel, but I do believe that she's an important chess piece to keep an eye in future chapters.
@soaringlights9545 19 күн бұрын
this is sooo sick!! what happened to ur twitter btw?
@NOTSMARTNERDS 24 күн бұрын
this guy is better than game theory
@Owen_the_Owen 24 күн бұрын
@puffpomcentral4822 25 күн бұрын
This is epic!
@altwo-v9l 26 күн бұрын
How [Game] Changed [Industry] -The reddit formula
@APPLP1E 27 күн бұрын
Reminder that the actual song is called 13 by Astronaut, and Rukkus only remixed it. Also, the melody and sound design comes from the original song, Rukkus just sped it up.
@kantpredict 27 күн бұрын
Great theory vid, but the blurred gameplay made my eyes hurt, like I'd forgotten to put my glasses on.
@chara7054 Ай бұрын
loved the video...had some small issues with it but it brought a good point over regardless! I also found Undertale during my young years and its been a important game in my life ever since (if my profile picture dident give it away ._.) but I woud love a omori video! I woud also recommend maybe checking out Rain world maybe you woud enjoy the story in that game aswell?
@braydenbanks4228 Ай бұрын
Suggestion: Have a look through Final fantasy XV, you can definitely sympathize with the main villan, but you typically should believe that he went about things wrong.
@SobreDunas Ай бұрын
ohhh shoot i never realised the connection between LV and freedom. ur so right. in undertale, all of the EXP you gain goes to chara, not frisk, and when they get enough of it in genocide, they can free themselves from the player's grasp and do whatever they want (which is killing) i DO wonder where this puts susie though, since she's been the only one who has consistently been able to completely ignore the player's choices and been free do her own thing
@plaaaant Ай бұрын
i could listen to your voice for hours
@demongirlfriend Ай бұрын
im actually really self conscious about my voice so this is incredibly appreciated ty
@romantheranger2699 Ай бұрын
undertale might just be top 5 most shit things ive ever subjected myself to idc if its a game or not that shit is abhorrent and quite possibly the biggest snooze fest of all time. i would rather get 2.55$ an hour to shovel shit for 58 hours a week then play another hour of this dumpster fire
@demongirlfriend Ай бұрын
yeah yeah you dont enjoy popular thing we all see you as so special and contrarian and unique now
@saedersolman6696 Ай бұрын
Everyone has their own idea of a fun game, U want action and gameplay? play ultrakill or smth
@SpooderK1ng Ай бұрын
then why'd you click on the video? i like undertale, it's a good story. also the soundtrack is awesome. however, if there is one thing i can agree with, it does become boring. the thing about undertale, which is my one problem with it, is that while it's a good story, it's a bad game. a lot of it's walking simulators, repetitive gameplay, and the genocide route. the genocide route is literally designed to be unfun to play. however, i do find myself coming back to it because the characters are nice to speak to and i enjoy a few boss fights. the thing is, you hate the game. so do others. so what? if you don't like it, why'd you even get recommended the video, click on it, and leave a comment? you could have just disliked and moved on, but you took the time to write the comment on why you hate it on a video made for people that enjoy the game. the comment will just make the KZbin algorithm recommend more undertale videos for you to hate on, so just dislike and go on with your day.
@modestMismagius105 15 күн бұрын
bait used to be believable
@romantheranger2699 15 күн бұрын
@@modestMismagius105 he got my ass
@thenobody7509 Ай бұрын
Well heres how i see lv in deltarune. Kris does not want level of violence. They do not want to harm people. However, we the player have no issue with doing this because our choices dont matter. So what if instead of kris bec9ming feee. The more lv we get through snowgrave os freeing us and pushing kris further and further down. We will be free. After all, when was the game ever in control of a being who exists outside it.
@joschka17 Ай бұрын
you NEED to talk about rain world
@indrosta Ай бұрын
i dont understand why you only have 770 subscribers
@MafiosiBob Ай бұрын
@ofconsciousness Ай бұрын
This is so well reasoned. You've convinced me!
@CaraFerguson-x5i Ай бұрын
Jones Melissa Hall James Martin Kenneth
@alexis_electronic Ай бұрын
totally fkn agree with yr message here too. love UT's stoytellin, and it has forever changed the way I interact with fiction. im sure deltarune will do much the same!!
@demongirlfriend Ай бұрын
deltarune has already irreversibly rewired my braincells
@alexis_electronic Ай бұрын
@@demongirlfriend same, tbqh. i watched the full mollystars device theory. i saw the trailer
@silliness500 Ай бұрын
DemonGF in her video essay era 💅✨👯
@alicenaylor1042 Ай бұрын
ermmm if it’s not a game then how did it even change gaming to begin with? /j
@demongirlfriend Ай бұрын
the nuclear bomb wasnt japanese so how did it change japan
@demongirlfriend Ай бұрын
i've released a new video dissecting Undertale and how it destroyed the conventions of storytelling in gaming
@TheTimecake Ай бұрын
The link between "suggestive matetial" on a first pass and "cutting one's strings" on a second pass being "LOVE as violence" on a third pass seems so obvious now. I don't know how I missed the "MAKING [[Hyperlink Blocked]]" line before. It's so blatant.
@HammedBeans Ай бұрын
What do you think about the ferris weird dialogue in the weird route? Am i overthinking it or is it kinda worded in a delibrately weird and creepy way??
@RegalBlob Ай бұрын
YES! i've been saying that hyperlink blocked is LV ever since Chapter 2 came out, i'm glad someone is finally talking about it
@christianboi7690 Ай бұрын
I like the theory that the story is supposed to have one ending and that’s what Ralsei is trying to lead us to, but the weird route is subverting that and undermining the ending.
@kantpredict 27 күн бұрын
It's especially noticeable in the scene where Ralsei tries to get us to view the Susie/Noelle interaction, but is concerned when we don't watch, because we aren't following his narrative.
@christianboi7690 27 күн бұрын
@@kantpredict I took it as him wanting some private time to explain things to Kris, but maybe that plays a part too.
@kantpredict 27 күн бұрын
@@christianboi7690 I guess that too: you don't leave them alone
@ploopyploopster5427 Ай бұрын
demon girlfriend thank u for this
@isaacbirkmier6980 Ай бұрын
I wish I could download the song in gd but it doesn’t let me
@sam187_ Ай бұрын
I like your theory and how you word it, my theory was based on hyperlink blocked was determination/power. as that is the desire and control. can be used for good or bad. but it could also be referring to LVL as well. (This was from another theory KZbinr) when you said it was meaning LVL was a nice surprise as could see you were going in that direction. just something to keep in mind
@ofconsciousness Ай бұрын
Subbed for more Undertale / Deltarune!
@jackesterthejester7265 Ай бұрын
Why is most of the game content in this video so blurry? It hurts my eyes D:
@misterboxhead3045 Ай бұрын
* Kris, I don't forget you's WEIRD ROUTE
@Cpt.Stickerno0dle-iu3ok Ай бұрын
Considering Toby got the ending for Deltarune from a dream, I think there has to be just one ending because only one can adhere to Toby’s dream that inspired the whole game. However, doesn’t mean the Weird Route is pointless and doesn’t affect anything. Let’s say the ending is Kris works at Denny’s. In one route, all the characters are like” Yeah, Kris you’ll be great at Denny’s” but in another route, everyone is dead. In both of these, Kris works at Denny’s, but in one, everyone is dead
@thisorthat2497 Ай бұрын
Like the context of the ending?
@charlot6590 Ай бұрын
Or. he just decided to make another ending outside of the main ending
@Goofygoober279 Ай бұрын
I have a feeling we’ll use Toriel to gain love in the next chapter, and she might see it as protecting Kris
@mrslasher1064 Ай бұрын
I think it makes more sense for hyperlink blocked to he determination,since determination gives you the freedom to save and load at any point you desire,ostensibly speaking LV is tied to determination in some way...
@alanmoon2448 Ай бұрын
"Demon girlfriend" what do u mean u aren't a female u're a male.
@demongirlfriend Ай бұрын
Alan Moon
@vikas_room Ай бұрын
okay so at FIRST i was ready to agree with this video no strings attached (pause for laughter) because it seems to explain hyperlink blocked rather nicely and was already kind of what i imagined the weird route's purpose was (i.e. a brute-force way for kris to attain "freedom") BUT. theres problem. LV doesn't increase with kills. not even with snowgrave. in fact, LV increases on _both_ routes by sealing a chapter's dark fountain, and the _entire party_'s LV goes up, not just kris's. violence only increases the AT (attack) stat, along with the ominous "got stronger" text. i've always been of the opinion that kris's agency has very clearly traceable progress starting from the beginning of chapter 1, which develops right up to the end of chapter 2; first not appearing remotely different, then appearing somewhat unwell to people who know them, then inflecting with or against our dialogue options, etc. if you squint you can kiiinda see similar developing arcs with susie/ralsei. basically, LV likely IS meant to track "freedom", as you put it, but this statistic is not unique to the weird route. that being said, i don't think this kills the theory in its entirety. what it likely means is (paraphrasing from something mollystars of device theory fame posits) LV and "LOVE" are two different stats. i can't seem to remember any reference to "LOVE" in the game code, though, which is strange given toby likes to extend his storytelling to the programming itself. what i want to conclude with this is something along the lines of, kris is after freedom via dark fountains in both routes, so they open fountains regardless...??? idk. thoughtful analysis otherwise but maybe get this bit looked at
@gooigigamer7398 Ай бұрын
Hearing RV Pine gave me whiplash
@Frozen_Aronia Ай бұрын
Too bad it doesn`t sound very good
@Chowder_T Ай бұрын
Love/LV/Level of Violence feels like the only good answer to what [Hyperlink Blocked] is. Violence is what people resort to when they feel it's the only way to exert control over the world. Think about the most evil people. Bullies, abusers, war criminals, or whatever and very likely their motivation was to get some sense of control. The conclusion to the Weird Route may he that the feeling of control that violence gives you is just that, a feeling. The reality is that if your only answer to anything in life is violence, then you never made a choice.
@0ldgrave Ай бұрын
give me a reasooooon to love youuuuuuuuu
@jake_oshea15 Ай бұрын
Human I remember you are genocides
@ivancisneros154 Ай бұрын
Can you make a mashup with the clubstep and death note just the way you made it here without the singing, and instead continue the death note song
@CharlesC520 Ай бұрын
Has this theory ever been brought up before? I haven't looked much into Deltarune theories so I'm not sure. It sounds like something that wouldn't be easily overlooked, but makes complete sense. I will never look at the snowgrave route any other way now. Also, looking at some of these comments makes it even more believable, like the one person who said that the ring drains Noelle's hp to 55, which is LV in roman numerals. Great theory thanks for sharing.
@Nominitro Ай бұрын
2:21 “spamton.” “Hehahahahhaahahahhahahaha”
@silliness500 Ай бұрын
it's like she's in some king of.... level grind....