Flesh and Blood Uzuri Deck Review
@TheCrazyhorse88 4 күн бұрын
Underrated channel! What would you replace AoW with?
@thenamesreaps 4 күн бұрын
Probably more attacks. 2 Yellow rising helps with the prismatic synergy and can discount bitter and mounting. You could try a 2nd salt but there might be too many chain enders.
@Library4Lich 4 күн бұрын
I didn't understand what's the benefits vs drawbacks to this deck compared to cosmo? Which is better in which matchups and why?
@thenamesreaps 4 күн бұрын
@@Library4Lich Iris is better into decks that have a hard time attacking multiple times in a turn. They have to choose between you and the board where in normal enigma they can destroy your auras just by doing damage to you. But we have seen that reality refractor is very strong so playing that over the iris might be better and a lot of lists have found a way to play both refractor and cosmo so you can have it vs those one attack a turn matchups.
@Library4Lich 4 күн бұрын
@@thenamesreaps But doesn't Enigma already win against the decks that don't attrack many times, in a way Enigma's worst matchups are the Zens and Auroras of the world so basically Iris doesn't do much in progressing the deck's status right?
@thenamesreaps 4 күн бұрын
@@Library4Lich This deck was never made with Aurora in mind since it was made in the middle of part the mistviel and the deck has a lot of tools to help reduce the amount of damage the aggro decks can deal at the time. This version of the deck was also slightly better into Zen then cosmo since he never wanted to clear out spectra auras and you could just disrupt him and defend till he had to block and you would lock him.
@tcgmetaslayer4202 Ай бұрын
This game is becoming all about majestic generics. Game should be called “Command and Conquer” instead of flesh and blood lol
@shkdn191 8 күн бұрын
@tcgmetaslayer4202 Ай бұрын
Always playing him in blitz for fun!
@nealhirschfelder7722 Ай бұрын
Benji is what I am playing! Thanks for the video.
@hellstocker7707 Ай бұрын
Is Terra not part of this set? Wanted to play his adult form
@thenamesreaps Ай бұрын
@@hellstocker7707 Terra is only in the first strike deck but people think we will get his adult form at some point.
@maesterjono Ай бұрын
Hyped for Verdance!
@nickfanzo 2 ай бұрын
Back to shooting arrows for me 😂
@tcgmetaslayer4202 2 ай бұрын
I hate bans. Suspended and restricted are preferred
@tcgmetaslayer4202 2 ай бұрын
Fai is fun in blitz!
@JohnSmith-ul2ce 2 ай бұрын
Comment to feed the algorithm. Very detailed. Nice video. Currently deciding Victor Blitz > CC inclusion path.
@marcustorres6744 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the list and walkthrough! Which head and weapon(s) are you using for Kano? I'm not typically a ninja player, but I have an itch to ay Fai.
@thenamesreaps 2 ай бұрын
@@marcustorres6744 kodachi and pouncing lynx. Ember blade is easy to block and you need a big turn to win so you want lynx.
@fleecemane2638 2 ай бұрын
@@thenamesreaps AB 3 on Fai does not work against Kano. You lose it anyways if you dont highroll him. Sometimes you even lose IF you highroll him. Turn 3 kill is simply "to late" if he drops wildfire combo. But you dont lose IF you highroll him AND you have 1-3 Spellvoid. If they play wildfire, every spellvoid is like 4-5 extra life that kano has to overcome.
@viperstryke78 3 ай бұрын
I'm pretty much skipping Fai this format, as least in CC. But I think I will turn it into a blitz deck since we do Blitz every so often and I don't like Zen in Blitz
@AggroBlaze96 3 ай бұрын
As a Fai lover, do you feel that playing him currently is a trap? He just seems worse than Zen from all my testing.
@thenamesreaps 3 ай бұрын
Unfortunately I would say so. I wish Fai was better but the way the meta is right now where Zen is the deck to beat, it's hard for Fai to fight through all of the disruption or put up the numbers Zen or Kayo can especially when he also lacks the hit effects Katsu has.
@zenriques83 3 ай бұрын
very good video, thank you! Is the sideboard designed for the 3 new MST heroes?
@Rathammergames 3 ай бұрын
This game is getting too expensive
@kazaky178 3 ай бұрын
I like the way she plays but i think illusionist will always be overpowered…. Its like the favorite child of lss…
@tcgmetaslayer4202 3 ай бұрын
This game needs more leaders and variety. I feel like every archetype is the same and you cant get creative with your build. Its basically play the deck how LSS designed it and add c&c, rinse repeat.
@Cardboardgrinch 7 ай бұрын
Wow, ok im listening. 🤨
@OniNinja17 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely busted box, makes my 3 L case with no marvel look kind of weak even!
@Cardboardgrinch 7 ай бұрын
Whuaat? What is gonna happen here??
@kartgal 8 ай бұрын
Ok I’m in this sounds awesome
@nickward40 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the introduction, super useful for new players :)
@lamontmariam2923 9 ай бұрын
😥 *Promo SM*
@asaffin1 9 ай бұрын
If we've learned anything over the past few years with the TCG renaissance, it's that a healthy secondary market is critical to a game's success and widespread adoption. Flesh and Blood had to completely restructure their production and distribution model to avoid going under, and MetaZoo might have just torpedoed their entire brand due to poor secondary market decisions. Magic is a juggernaut too big to go under, but the company's poor treatment of the secondary market has eroded an enormous amount of value from the game. TCGs live or die by collectability. If Altered wants to sell packs, then there needs to be value in those packs. Trying to capture all of that as a first-party market is an incredibly dangerous business model. The company will be setting the prices of their cards, and if they charge more for rare cards than common cards, they might run into legal issues vis-a-vis gambling laws. If rares and commons are the same price, then rares have no value, and thus packs have no value. It's very risky. Especially since a QR code is all that separates a player from owning a card. Who's to stop anyone from using AI to generate hundreds and thousands of QR codes to add cards to their collection? Who's to stop anyone from selling their physical cards but retaining the digital ones and simply ordering replacements, thereby cutting an entire buyer from the market?
@bigboyboobs 9 ай бұрын
How do you deal with Azalea? You don’t need unmoveable?
@thenamesreaps 9 ай бұрын
In the Azalea matchup I tend to go for the slower two card hand plan. You can try to setup a bellow turn for a turn they have no disruption or setup d reacts to stop the threatening ones. You can also consider oasis since Azalea is a tunic matchup. If you still want to include them you could cut the awakening bellows for blues but I also find unmovable an awkward card in rhinar a lot of the time because unlike bravo you aren’t playing as many blues and your hands without them feel really bad.
@phaTTy2phat 9 ай бұрын
Aren't spell fray gloves rare?
@thenamesreaps 9 ай бұрын
Rare weapons and equipment are legal in commoner. Only the normal deck cards need to be common. Of course there are no Majestics but things like spell fray and things like the new equipment from The Round Table decks are legal even though they are rare.
@phaTTy2phat 9 ай бұрын
@@thenamesreaps oh okay didn't know that, just starting to get into fab
@TepaCu 9 ай бұрын
Bro just forgets commoner tho clash is also fun
@ibanezsean85 10 ай бұрын
Unfortunately UPF rules say that a card must explicitly state "any hero" to target any hero. Cards that say "any target" or "target hero" don't count for that rule, so you can still only play those cards/abilities against opponents to your left and right. Bummer - this list would be busted if you could actually target anyone!
@thenamesreaps 10 ай бұрын
Did not know that. Thank you for letting me know.
@robstien 10 ай бұрын
I do believe that the hero ability does still work against any opponent on their turn.
@ibanezsean85 10 ай бұрын
@@robstien correct, the frostbite would get created under the player currently taking their turn.
@WayOfHaQodesh 10 ай бұрын
Dash O/G was my original gal from the beginning, loving having Dash I/O now too.
@maccthemoderate2496 Жыл бұрын
This has been a great help, I am new to this game but I really enjoy the art and gameplay!
@WayOfHaQodesh Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your thoughts.
@HamMan215 Жыл бұрын
love the video would like to see another update for the current meta
@thenamesreaps Жыл бұрын
Well the first deck list I do every set is for Fai so possibly soon
@AggroBlaze96 Жыл бұрын
How do you feel about this list versus a more fatigue style list? Like Brother’s in Arms, Respites in the main, etc.
@thenamesreaps Жыл бұрын
I can definitely see that. I tend to like more aggressive decks but I can definitely see going down some of the more damage oriented figments and moving miraging to the sideboard for popper heavy matchups to have more room for more defensive options.
@thenamesreaps Жыл бұрын
Also after seeing what people were playing at nats and calling Vegas I think that slower approach is probably a smarter way to go but you still might have problems with decks like dromai because it seems really hard to deal with the lot of dragons and maybe still Lexi because she still seems to be the problem child.
@AggroBlaze96 Жыл бұрын
@@thenamesreaps I def think that Dromai causes issues for the Prism deck. A lack of poppers def hurts. I was just curious to know your takes on the differences, I haven't seen too many offensive Prism lists yet (: I hope you do well with this deck!
@pitchtokano Жыл бұрын
Would love to see some gameplay of this. I tried it and it felt clunky so would love to see how you pilot this
@pitchtokano Жыл бұрын
Fantasy link?
@dominikevans9591 Жыл бұрын
A link to the deck would be appreciated :)
@thenamesreaps Жыл бұрын
I just added it to the description
@The_Loreseeker Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the list! I’ll try it out!
@dominikevans9591 Жыл бұрын
Why do you run snapdragon scalers over breeze rider boots? Wouldnt it make sense to run breeze rider boots because of the big anmount of combo cards in your deck? They would allow double dishonor lines and stuff like that and also have block while snapdragon scalers dont. The List looks very funny though 😂 i guess nobody expects bonds in fai. Good job will definetly try it out
@thenamesreaps Жыл бұрын
Mainly because breeze rider boots require a hit. In this list it is really easy to proc it but I just prefer the guaranteed go again. Also double dishonor lines are a lot less common in something like this because fai doesn’t have the tutor like katsu but I can definitely see the reasoning to play breeze rider boots over snaps.
@boskarvil1570 Жыл бұрын
It looks cool, can we see some more gameplay with this deck?😊🤟
@merlinpiper7731 Жыл бұрын
Interesting build being a degenerate ninja player i approve.
@Wombat0987 Жыл бұрын
I think the better play woulda been attack with blw then aow in reaction step.
@rudydorado1676 Жыл бұрын
Could you make a new purple and blue Crocodile deck with op04?
@thenamesreaps Жыл бұрын
I haven't looked at or played One Piece in a while so I'm not sure if I would be the right person to ask. Normally I just upload Flesh and Blood now.
@aggrael8285 Жыл бұрын
I think it would be cool if you included a match from Talishar just to show some games play. Over all thanks for the video and the deck tech!
@commongentleman529 Жыл бұрын
Hey, I'm a new player and Fai's play style definitely jumps out at me but I've been struggling to find a way to build him without belittle so this video is perfect for me. Is there any chance you could put up a written list to help a noob out please?
@thenamesreaps Жыл бұрын
fabrary.net/decks/01GGYQTVKM8FW3ZXBX8MHGT3WM Here's a link to the list on Fabrary that I showed in the video.
@commongentleman529 Жыл бұрын
@@thenamesreaps amazing, cheers dude that helps a lot.
@gutabo226 Жыл бұрын
how about adding whitebeard to the list ?
@thenamesreaps Жыл бұрын
Whitebeard might be a little to slow. I would rather play Shanks instead, but if you wanted to you would probably go down some of the Tashigis or Kuzans. I would probably only go to 3 Kuzan minimum though so I would only want to play maybe 2 Whitebeard for 1 and 1 or just for 2 Tashigi.
@robertoarbanas4215 Жыл бұрын
Looks very interesting! Thanks for the Video. I love to play croco, I also will try to fit it in OP02. :)
@klimatogramtuber1873 Жыл бұрын
what do you think about adding a shanks sec or kuzan sec ? could help with finishing the game
@thenamesreaps Жыл бұрын
I would say shanks is probably better than kuzan in this type of list since this deck wants to play pretty aggressive. The reason it's not in here in the first place is because my review videos don't use the secret rares, but they would be good additions if you wanted to add them.
@hako1178 Жыл бұрын
Nice List
@ravenousbabble Жыл бұрын
Fantastic insights! Love seeing Thaw :) One of my favorite cards.
@nrjgecko1408 Жыл бұрын
this is by far the worst list i have ever seen
@thenamesreaps Жыл бұрын
Which list are you referring to since there are two in this video
@adrian321prado Жыл бұрын
@@thenamesreaps you first one is bad
@thenamesreaps Жыл бұрын
@@adrian321prado Well I did say in the video that kaido gets a lot better with the shanks starter deck. Also this is what I have been testing with and found to work. You don’t need as much ramp with a lower curve like this and you should be trying to get onigashima in your hand every game so you don’t need to much ramp after that.