HARU・channel Scheduled to be delivered every Saturday evening. [Cat video] Hull has been doing clicker training since he was little. Enjoying clicker training with cats I think she has become a relatively easy-to-raise cat. I don't know if it can be applied to all cats We recommend it because you can live happily and happily with your cat. [Gardening / Kitchen Garden / Interior] I grow a lot of foliage plants. Small foliage plants purchased for 100 yen are getting bigger Love is also good. "What should I do?" I'm thinking leisurely w. I would be happy if you could see the foliage plants that are incorporated into the interior. Since the vegetable garden is an apartment, you can't have a field, but you can use planters and PET bottles. I grow vegetables. The seeds are sown, the growth process is watched, and the harvested products feel exceptionally delicious.