At 5:40 you put a drop of lighter fluid on the inner ring and it frees up for you to proceed, but in the case of my regent I can’t get that ring to budge at all. I’ve tried plenty of “drops” of lighter fluid, I’ve even put some WD-40 in the small gap there, and I’ve spent far too long wrenching on it only to scratch it to hell. Any suggestions on how I could get it free to move forward?
@mnragnar9 сағат бұрын
This was a stressful video to watch, Chris! I don't think I took a single breath until you finally got that retainer locked into place. I don't know if it was all the finicky springs and components that refused to stay where they needed or the constant noise of wind and hedge trimmers. Usually we get the quite and relaxing sound of your clock in the background. I think I only heard half-a-dozen clicks of your clock through all the commotion this time. I truly admire your patience, Chris! 👍 Glenn
@ChrisSherlock6 сағат бұрын
Yes, the springs are a problem with these shutters. The main lever wants to pop out of place all the time until the cover is buttoned-up.
@johnthompson46382 күн бұрын
I've just bought a Vito B and it seems to work OK. I now fancy getting hold of a duff one to see the workings in the flesh. Brilliant video. Cheers!
@MrBugleboyb2 күн бұрын
There is a tool like a set of dividers that is made for this.
@lachsimzwaifel3 күн бұрын
Your knowledge and handling of the repair is amazing. Can't wait for the next part!
@JonathanCampDesigner3 күн бұрын
Great video Chris - loads of tips and explanations 👍
@oc2phish073 күн бұрын
I have always enjoyed watching your videos, Chris, and this latest series on the Diax is proving very interesting. By the way, it is an 18% Grey card. Oh, and I have a question please. Many years ago, back in the 1960s, I used Jenolite liquid to remove rust. It always seemed to work better than Brasso so I wondered if you had tried it, and whether it caused more problems than it solved?
@ChrisSherlock6 сағат бұрын
I don't know that Jenolite, but I was once silly enough to use phosphoric acid on a set of rust shutter blades. It certainly dealt with the rust, but left me with a set of blades with pin-holes instead.
@johnapperson74953 күн бұрын
@manosif4 күн бұрын
Love your channel. You are a real treasure for anyone who loves mechanical things.
@SmOkE1185 күн бұрын
Very good. I bought one from Poland and now I want to restore it, but it is not in bad condition, in fact it is in good condition, but it needs some fine touch up
@bavaria36096 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for these invaluable videos. Particularly this one encouraged me to take my Karat IV apart until the very last screw. I even found a remedy to remove the bellows, which is very important as it reveals a tiny nut that allows to remove and clean the lever that connects the lens to the rangefinder. The thing is, that the frame of the bellows isn't mounted with 4 screws but there's six of them. Two more in the center at top and bottom. It still takes some patience to remove the bellows entirely as the frame is glued to the camera body, but man was I happy after I discovered that and was able to clean that sticky lever :-)
@Glyph-ro1rm7 күн бұрын
I was under the impression that aperture and shutter blades had some sort of coating or anodizing that gave them their dark color and properties - and that polishing would remove it. Is that not the case?
@ChrisSherlock4 күн бұрын
That'll depend on the brand of blade, and how much you need to polish it. I have no problems with shutter blades from Gauthier or Deckel shutters. Of course if the blades are just a rusty mess, they are never going to look like new anyhow.
@ch2o27 күн бұрын
Is there any chance that you can show us how to get the mechanism for the exposure time working properly again? My father gave me this beautiful Retina IIc around 40 years ago, and it has been with me for a long time. Robust mechanics and a brilliant Rodenstock lens that is in no way inferior to any other. Now I have picked it up again after a very long time and am delighted that everything still works almost perfectly (I always took great care of the camera). Everything works as if it were yesterday. It's just that the internal "clockwork" is now having problems setting the exact shutter speed. From around 1/8 sec, the exposure time is extended many times over (1 sec can sometimes become 3-4 seconds) - the lubrication would probably just need to be renewed. Do you have any tips? I'm skilled in such things, but better to get some specific advises from an expert :) best wishes
@ChrisSherlock7 күн бұрын
Most likely the shutter needs to be serviced. Just because it worked when put away is no guide to the likelihood of it working when when taken back out of the cupboard at a later date. You might watch this series.
@ch2o27 күн бұрын
@@ChrisSherlock ...thanks, Chris - I'm just watching your shutter servicing videos (I did not see them before) ...they are great and I'm glad, I didn't start "servicing" without knowing, what's waiting for me there :) I also don't have this special tool, to remove the Syncro-Compur part from the backside - I'm afraid I have to learn to live with this little fault.
@allanpennington9 күн бұрын
Unfortunately try as I might I can't undo the screw ring shown at 51:25 as clearly someone before me has tightened it well beyond snug! Seemingly that's why so many have a gouge out of them as not the best tool has been used and they are tightened too much. Is there any way to budge the ring?
@ChrisSherlock9 күн бұрын
I would make a tool to do the job in that case. You would want a piece of steel, say a cheap stainless steel table knife. Cut the blade off the knife, grind away the back of the blade to leave two short points. Shape the points with a file to fit the holes in the ring. Remove that outer chrome ring from the shutter first otherwise you will break the small screws holding it in place. Put the new tool in a bench vise with the two points just up high enough to engage the holes in the ring. Put on a rubber glove for extra grip, engage the tool with the ring in the shutter, and unscrew the shutter from the ring. EASY!!
@allanpennington9 күн бұрын
@ Thanks I’ll give it a go
@stefanopassiglia15 күн бұрын
What an amazing video. Thank you.
@oftheriver3715 күн бұрын
Were do you get replacement springs, ie happy sprongs?
@allanpennington16 күн бұрын
At 54:04 what mechanism causes the cocking lever to spring back to its start position once the shutter is cocked? That ring looked loose i.e. not attached to the body so is there a spring on the shutter assy which flicks that lever back to start before the shutter gets released?
@ChrisSherlock16 күн бұрын
That is a function of the cocking action coupled to the film advance. I don't show the servicing of the body here, but I have another Diax to deal with that I will be showing more of the servicing action. That won't be for a while though.
@allanpennington16 күн бұрын
@@ChrisSherlock Thanks Chris Im in Turangi and have four Diax, a Ib a IIb and two IIa's, plus many lenses/filters etc. Ive sent you an email, regards.
@georgekeeper893325 күн бұрын
Thank you for the videos! Especially the Retina IIIc Playlist. I am curious, do you ever use the ultrasonic cleaner for the shutter mechanism?
@mineown186126 күн бұрын
Thank you for the video , it's given me the confidence to attempt a job that I've had on my todo list for a long time.
@av8bvma513Ай бұрын
Wonderful tutorial Chris! It will be necessary to disassemble the wind mechanism again, as it really needs some lubrication before being buttoned-up!
@wetpossumАй бұрын
Howdy Chris, I just followed your videos to rebuild my Super Silette, works perfectly now. Took me about 6-8 hours total and I rewatched each video several times. I've had the camera for about 15 years and only used it in the summer because it would seize up in cold weather. Wouldn't have been able to do it without your help, thanks a bunch!
@dafonk1973Ай бұрын
Thanks to your video I got a relatively easy and successful repair job done on my Vitessa T. BTW I also was wondering why it wasn't cocking because I forgot that little washer :)
@parbogeyparАй бұрын
Hi chris , really enjoying your videos thank you. I have a question for you given you have handled many cameras. My rolleicord is an earlier " IIc " and the shutter speed and aperture levers are the small dinky type. There is quite abit of resistance in both given they are delicate small levers. Is this normal or should they be really free moving ? Also would this likely be an old lubrication issue? . Thanks Mark
@parbogeyparАй бұрын
I was following this until the shutter assembly 😂 the speed you were taking the parts out the assembly fried my brain. 😂 I think i will need to re-watch afew times. Thanks for the videos chris 👍
@erlendarnesen4131Ай бұрын
Inherited a Retina 1a and both screws holding the lens door are broke/disappeared. Do you happen to know size/dimensions or if those screws are possible to find? Or is it possible to fix with alternative screw types/size. Understandably that might require some drilling/rethreading?
@Martin_SiegelАй бұрын
Maybe they had at Braun's spring loaded center studs for assembly that gave way when you pushed on them.
@andrewwilkin1923Ай бұрын
Thanks Chris, from my point of view no need to take it all apart and do it again so we can see it. Have enough information on how it should be assembled. Many thanks.
@ianscott2442Ай бұрын
Thank you very much for sharing your expertise here on KZbin. I’m sure I will find the information valuable as I work on a recently purchased Voigtlander Bessamatic.
@foureyes5820Ай бұрын
Hi Chris, can you tell me the difference between nafta and cleaining gasoline?
@dr.smasher4892Ай бұрын
I got one of these on eBay for $41, this video is ridiculously detailed about how to repair and refurbish these. Even if I screw up the refurb, I have a cool looking camera. :)
@andrewwilkin1923Ай бұрын
Hi Chris, many thanks for this.
@DouglasLumerАй бұрын
Does anyone know if these shutters have a cable release port?
@ChrisSherlockАй бұрын
Yes, this one clearly does right behind the shutter release arm.
@DouglasLumerАй бұрын
@@ChrisSherlockoh really? Thank you. I read they don’t and am looking for a larger leaf shutter that can be adapted for a medium format camera lens/camera.
@DouglasLumerАй бұрын
@ oh, that’s the cable release? I have an Agfa isolette 1 with a computer-rapid shutter. You seem to have experience with those, does that have a cable release too? I’m assuming it’s that little cylindrical port, right? Thank you
@ChrisSherlockАй бұрын
Most older cameras had some sort of cable-release socket. They will usually be found on the shutter itself, beside the shutter release on the top cover, or the shutter release button will be threaded to accept the cable-release.
@benjamindejonge3624Ай бұрын
The springs are actually piano wire if that’s any information to you, but that you probably already know.
@benjamindejonge3624Ай бұрын
Those compur lenses look so simple, but in reality they are complicated like a Swiss watch, however it’s a so clever everlasting mechanism used for most high quality European brands
@TimShots61Ай бұрын
I see it’s been 3years since you made this video, I just acquired this same model. Can you explain how to use this exact meter? I can’t find proper information-all I find is one with the needle and circle type. Thank you for these videos I know they will come in handy. Subscribed.
@gregorylatiak3333Ай бұрын
Can you point me at anything regarding the film advance for the prewar SuperIkonta? Mine slips...
@ChrisSherlockАй бұрын
No, sorry.
@drtnrao57Ай бұрын
Great jiob congratulations.
@drtnrao57Ай бұрын
Nice work . Thanks.
@drtnrao57Ай бұрын
Good patient work.Thanks.
@drtnrao57Ай бұрын
Good video thanks 🙏
@deemdoubleu2 ай бұрын
Hi Chris, thank you for your videos. Question: is the position of the rear and front lens critical i.e. do you simply screw them back tightish or do they have to be adjusted or calibrated for optical performance somehow?
@ChrisSherlock2 ай бұрын
No, just put them in and tighten. Finger-tight is good enough too, no need to use a tool.
@deemdoubleu2 ай бұрын
@@ChrisSherlock Thank you!
@deemdoubleuАй бұрын
@@ChrisSherlock Hi Chris, if I may trouble you a little more: I am attempting to service my Rolleiflex 2.8f which I think has a Compur Type 0 shutter (I may be wrong so please correct me on this if you know otherwise). Following instructions in the National Camera 2.8f service guid, I have disassembled the shutter as far as taking out the main spring. The arms on the spring are about 180 degrees apart so am I correct in thinking that the spring is goosed? The rest of the mechanism looks reasonably clean and the shutter and diaphragm blades were not particularly oily I do not believe but I did drop some Isopropyl alcohol on them initially to see if the action of the shutter inproved (it did not). Any help gratefully received, regards from England.
@franzscaramelli26512 ай бұрын
Thank you.
@Ze123422 ай бұрын
Tenho uma dessa,só que o fotômetro não está funcionando,ainda sim posso tirar fotos com ela?
@Pepmasip2 ай бұрын
Hi Mr Sherlock, Any idea of where I could service the model Retinette 030? I am in the UK and Paul Barden does not work for outside USA & Canada. Thanks
@ChrisSherlock2 ай бұрын
G'day @Pepmasip, I have no idea , sorry. You might ask on the Facebook group 'Kodak Retina & Retinette Camera Lovers'.
@Pepmasip11 күн бұрын
@@ChrisSherlock Thanks!
@r.cantini2 ай бұрын
Hi, my film-spool knob fell out, it doesn't seem to be screwd, any ideia how to put it back?
@hermoglyph22552 ай бұрын
If you don't happen to have 1/8 in aluminum sheet and a hole cutter you can make a makeshift version of. the Sherlock special tool out of a piece of thin plywood in a couple of minutes. Wood being very compressible the hole doesn't even need to be accurately cut. Plus a wooden tool will be even less likely to scratch or damage anything.
@ChrisSherlock2 ай бұрын
I have one or two made from polycarbonate and/or polypropylene sheet around here somewhere too.
@danilvinyukov20602 ай бұрын
6:21 Honestly when I had a similar problem on my retina reflex iii I used a pair of needle pliers. Worked well with no scratches I saw.
@warrier472 ай бұрын
I just bought a contaflex fully working. And fount this video ❤️❤️
@jamesmarkus74232 ай бұрын
Mr Sherlock, It's ironic that you decided to retire on the very first model camera I borrowed from my dad in 1970 for a trip to Spain at age 11, that led to Kodak's Retina Reflex S, and to your treasure trove of knowledge KZbin channel and website. Your generous sharing of that information and experience has led to a Reflex S's return to active use. I'm trying to make a working Reflex III out of three broken ones, and it appears I got lucky with the S. :) I haven't given up, and I want to do the same with the Reflex IV. I could not have done this without you. Thank you! Jim
@icybeverage92762 ай бұрын
Hi! I'm a complete camera newbie that just purchased a Retina Reflex III -- and accessories -- from a thrift store for about 40 bucks. My current issue is closing the lense; while it opened properly on my first attempt, I've no clue how to close it again! The arm swung properly again upon screwing the camera back into its' Kodak case, but I can't seem to learn how to close it!
@ChrisSherlock2 ай бұрын
Open and close a lens? Assuming you mean removing and re-fitting a lens, here are the instructions from the instruction manual. 'To remove a lens, first hold down the safety lock next to the setting wheel, turn the lens counterclock-wise, and lift it off. To attach a lens, line up the red dot on the lens mount with the red dot on the shutter rim; insert the lens and turn it clockwise until the safety lock engages. ' You should download and absorb the instruction manual from Mike Butkus's website.