Optimal Power Project Execution
16 сағат бұрын
Next Gen Space Facility Design
@jeffreynarwold8544 9 сағат бұрын
He keeps saying Trump is going to flame out. Maybe, but I just don’t see it if the election is against Biden.
@georgekoerner6591 11 күн бұрын
Sir Would you consider running for the United States Senate?
@Adam-hj6vn 12 күн бұрын
1 Timothy 2:14-15 [14]And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. [15]Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
@joeschmoe3665 21 күн бұрын
If the estimation of chinese credit is true along with their billions of useless homes from speculation how is it still standing I can't wrap my head around China's economy it feels like a huge ponzi scheme but it's also the worlds 2nd largest economy
@user-qv9sf9gn2i Ай бұрын
Is it Norway that is looking for potash in Norway?
@luciusael Ай бұрын
What evidence does he have for Xi Jinping not receiving information from those below him?
@jeromehaymaker5071 Ай бұрын
Boats do transport.
@blackbottomgardens Ай бұрын
Millennials have been having kids for 15 years…..
@blackbottomgardens Ай бұрын
A very large portion ofmy millennial friends have Gen X parents. . . as opposed to Boomer parents
@blackbottomgardens Ай бұрын
1:04:11 ooof
@LH-uv3jw Ай бұрын
Smooth talker...
@titus2120 2 ай бұрын
It so sad. When I listen to his, images of the 1960’s version of the movie the Time Machine come to mind. The semi or illiterate Moorlocks that inhabited the old machines come to mind. Sad. Their world is eroding from the inside out. Sad and tragic.
@julianchoque7402 2 ай бұрын
I didnt know u did stand up!
@waxogen 2 ай бұрын
...............................AI CAN HELP.............................................. FORMULATED WAX FOR SOLVING MOST OF THE WORLD POLLUTION. In 1993-1994-1995 William Nelson, a Canadian whose formulated wax technology sealant technique received praise from the US Environmental Protection Agency. In 1993 Nelson was invited by the Prypyat Research and Industrial Association in Chornobyl to demonstrate how to rustproof steel reinforcing rods and to seal in escaping Plutonium dust particles through the cracks in the Sarcophagus wall of Chornobyl's reactor #4 by using formulated microcrystalline wax. In 1995 He demonstrated how to cocoon buried nuclear waste material for long-term safe burial. In 1994 he demonstrated how to reclaim highly radioactive contaminated territories for re-cultivation. His research work has received praise from V. Tokarevsky, General Director of the Academy of Science's Interdisciplinary Scientific and Technical Center. -"Chornobyl 'Sealer' Heads to Ukraine," Ukrainian Weekly, 6/18/95, p. 7 William Nelson was nominated to receive the order of Canada.
@virginiagravlin8747 2 ай бұрын
A Zeiban lecture is worth a semester's course at an Ivy league business school.
@AquilaUng Ай бұрын
I would say more like a night at the Laugh Factory.
@moniquehuchet3646 2 ай бұрын
Typical US view of the world as seen from Canada. Given that when the US sneezes Canada catches a cold I guess being ignored is a good thing. :)
@gwebocelestron9194 3 ай бұрын
I was recently doing some analysis and discovered boomers are dying at the fastest rate than any generation before them since they began tracking death rates with the silent. Right now we boomers are dying at a rate of just over 17%. This number is obviously exponential as we continue to age. If we continue at just at this rate boomers will be gone in about 6 years.
@canitbu6217 3 ай бұрын
Great! Thanks.
@MrZeissOne 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for realizing that I am not actually an adult, and that my childlike sensibilities are so much at risk of damage from Mr. Ziehan's potty mouth.
@zacharywatson5531 3 ай бұрын
he only had two beers
@douglassmith5232 3 ай бұрын
Excuse me, ah , be sure you make that check out to The Peter Zeihan Retirement Fund
@honeyb.6540 3 ай бұрын
As we know it 😉
@connectingrabbitholes2506 3 ай бұрын
@ladavis1959 3 ай бұрын
What is Peter’s security clearance level?
@AquilaUng Ай бұрын
Yeah, what a liar!
@ladavis1959 3 ай бұрын
You can tell he is a foreigner to a suit,however his mastery of persuasion is impeccable.Mushrooms anyone? Listening to Peter feels like zooming in and out on Google Earth Economies into the past present and presumptive future based on past and present knowledge.
@truepan593 3 ай бұрын
One thing/truth l have learned in 80 years is ‘we cannot see around corners’ neither can scientists.
@jbrothman 3 ай бұрын
Remember in 8 months that PZ predicted a Biden landslide. Biden is on the wrong side of many big issues, like immigration/border and the economy, which are the 2 top issues. He has an incompetent running mate, and he's clearly having neurological issues, displayed daily. I don't think the democrats are going to come out in force for him in November. I don't like Trump, but he's more aligned policy-wise with the public sentiment.
@theodoredesmarais4219 3 ай бұрын
Correct up to green tech, many, many developments in tech allow for less materials: Sodium batteries not Lithium as just one example. Many other examples, Also we don't need to "replace" our current usage but become far, farr more efficient : not lighting up cities, and skyscrapers all night, Eco Architecture that cools, heats, lights, with electricity and grows its own food in greenhouses, new self sufficiency not continued captialist, industrial monopoly game model of domination by force , instead new values of Reciprocal Trade and Universal Income as he does not take in AI and Robotics influence of the industrial world will go totally , no labor shortage with robots, the age of the ai robot is coming Electronic civiliztion with new values of society adn environment replacing this old industrial civ. values of boss / money. New values and new mechanism to organize society no longer domination by force but Democracy by Cnsensus by Direct Democracy App changing everything , EVERYTHING. This is great as far as it goes but does not understand the value change. no grid : distributed, world energy.
@HailCaesar-lm4bq 3 ай бұрын
Confirmation biased reports complete with political paid announcements 😆😆
@CraigBarryEndTimesEchatology 3 ай бұрын
Is Globalism not the Biggest threat to the Free Market stability and a non One World Government trend?
@luminyam6145 3 ай бұрын
Peter is such an excellent public speaker. His ideas are fascinating.
@AquilaUng Ай бұрын
His lies are very entertaining.
@philippebracq884 3 ай бұрын
Get a haircut, dude!
@philippebracq884 3 ай бұрын
Poor guy! He is such Chinese hater. Pathetic!
@KKTR3 3 ай бұрын
I can’t get my head around people panicking over global warming, and even less so panicking over man made climate change. I’d make a bet we all disappear because of nukes before any climate catastrophe gets us .
@iraqwarveteran470 3 ай бұрын
agreed. i think the topic or possibility is just too scary for most people to deal with, or, given our history of destroying ourselves in great acts of violence, the conclusion that a nuclear apocalypse is inevitable is so obvious, there is no use in even mentioning it. either way, i'm surprised it isn't talked about more.
@MrAndrewAllen 3 ай бұрын
At 53:00 he says the biggest friction point for the next decade or two will be the translation of technical terms between English and Spanish. I disagree. I think GPT AIs will take care of that, if they have not already done so.
@matthewdolan5831 3 ай бұрын
Peter does not get global heating at all...
@foxy19681904 3 ай бұрын
The end was in 1950 when the human race failed to start the transition from a species that evolved with perpetual growth to a species that lives by sustainability in perpetuity. The human race still has not grasped the concept that this planet has to be habitable for the foreseeable future, and when I say that I mean thousands of years not hundreds. It's just no one got the memo. Starting now is far too late, let alone the insane greedy strategy that was overwhelmingly supported when the corrupt politicians of the world announced the so called "Carbon Neutral" strategy that is in fact an insane greedy delaying tactic where no one is held accountable for the damage done and no one is going to take responsibility for the damage moving forward and there is no inconvenience to the general population, other than their obvious extinction well before the ridiculous time frame of over 30 years that they said they would attempt to get there. A strategy that would never have resulted in an end to global warming or a stabilisation of the downward spiral of the environment in any case. It amazes me, and I am always wondering what people actually thought the outcome was going to be by 2050. Was it an end to global warming and a stabilisation of the environment? Is that what people thought was going to happen, because there was no indication that the strategy would achieve this. It is possibly the lowest point for the human race as a whole that when presented with the problem and the situation the response was that they could not overcome this problem by solving it and getting it fixed within a decade even with global support. If the human race was capable of supreme effort like bacteria I think that it could have been fixed in under 8 years if everyone worked together to clean up the mess and construct systems to suck carbon out of the atmosphere faster than it is being put up there, but then humans are millions of years behind bacteria evolutionarily. You can tell because bacteria only do stuff because they need to not just because they can where as humans are no where near that level of enlightenment and still go around doing things just because they can get away with it, even if it destroys the environment that supports all life or destroys ecosystems sending other species to extinction because they can and they don't care enough not to. The level of technology required to be able to send robots to geoengineer a planet in another solar system to a level that would allow plants and animals from this planet to survive on another planet is not in our near future it is in a far distant one. The way humans are behaving, handing over the planet to the next generation, each time far worse than it was when they received it is not a sustainable model that makes interstellar colonisation a reality, and if that is not a possible reality then everything we are doing is pointless or at least extremely selfish and greedy. The planet has about 7-8 years left before the magnetic shield that protects the planet from solar radiation and the atmosphere from the solar winds has been so degraded and deformed due to the movement of magnetic north from it's starting point in 2000 to where it will be 7-8 years from now, that all life on the planet will start to be extinguished. There will be no return of the magnetic shield to its previous healthy arrangement because there will never be a return to the levels of ice at the Arctic and Antarctic. So strategies of building underground bunkers that can produce food and maintain oxygen supplies is not a long term survival strategy. All life will die and no more oxygen will be produced. There will be no colonisation of Mars to save the human race because they are no where near ready to be able to establish a self sufficient colony within the time remaining. You can verify this by checking on the internet what the location of magnetic north is and how long it has been moving in a straight line south and how fast what speed it started at and what speed it is moving at now and doing simple calculations as to how long it will take it to get to a place where the liquid magnet that produces the magnetic field will mean that it has been deformed into a bent magnet more like a right angle than a straight line. You can also check that magnetic south is pretty much going no where compared to magnetic north, this is because the mass of the Antarctic is still quite substantial because it has a land mass under it and so it will retain a large amount of it's mass long enough for the magnetic shield to stop protecting the planet. Even if the planet cools down after that failure there will not be moisture in the atmosphere to return the mass to the Arctic which would be required to re-establish a functional magnetic shield, but even if it did there would be no life producing oxygen to return the atmosphere to something that would support life. This is the great filter and the reason that there is no obvious evidence of any civilisation spread out in the galaxy because the time needed for a species to evolve to the level required to make the transition to sustainability in perpetuity is far too long and every species that evolves and becomes dominant and spreads out over the planet and consumes resources in the perpetual growth manner always makes the planet uninhabitable before they evolve to the level required for perpetual sustainability.
@BellaBeatsILMG 3 ай бұрын
Now I see why there’s an immigration problem. This is purposely done for labor purposes in the next few years. If we’re taken on more distribution centers for goods on a high scale it will require more labor… especially if we’re expecting this to be done quickly
@Me-eb3wv 3 ай бұрын
@stalked5627 3 ай бұрын
Issue of today is work ethic. Living in LA I've seen the the work ethic of Latinos decline recently as a result of Americanization. 2024
@stalked5627 3 ай бұрын
Japan economy has dropped to 3 rd as a result of ageing population. Economies require increasing vibrant work force to expand.
@iraqwarveteran470 3 ай бұрын
no, you're just racist.
@playinglifeoneasy9226 3 ай бұрын
Arizona is going to run out of water Arizona even with a growing tech sector cannot outcompete California and California is where most of American produce is produced is a desert you cannot truck in or pipe in enough water to scale anything in Arizona
@vcab6875 3 ай бұрын
Bilingual and bicultural Bush and his Mexican born wife and their Anglo Hispanic kids can win the election for Trump. Trump Bush 2024!
@AstoriaHeard 3 ай бұрын
54:00 nkp
@marsearising 3 ай бұрын
“The Mexicans” Jfc.
@philcrane2426 3 ай бұрын
All wrong due to politics, Americans and expectations from unknown foreigners. Do people of the world want to move to the USA for only jobs and NOT ASSIMILATE with others? This doesn't consider that. Also, the main reason we are in a dilemma of non workers is the ABORTION GROUPS. The women's movement is killing America. Read the statistics and loss of people who would be alive today. Maybe even some genius creating the cure for cancer.
@davidtrindle6473 3 ай бұрын
Zion is a world class clickbaiter. His announcements are always catastrophic and controversial. Unfortunately, his thought processes are only half baked. I don’t have time to get into this all right now, but it’s basically boils down to this: cyan makes some pretty good predictions of what is happening with demographic trends and populations, including social program funding. OK so far. But his big mistake is not exploring the big picture. Other words, when trends happen, people just don’t sit back and watch the show. People and businessman and politicians and scientists, etc. go about responding to these trends as we always have historically, which is why we’re so successful. Where is a society will do what is necessary to adjust to the east trend. The human race has always done. Bugs me about Peter is that he leaves people, shocked and fearful that the world is coming to an end based on trends happening today, without consideration of our response to those trends. Enough said.
@georgepotter9621 3 ай бұрын
If you listen to him his outlook for Ametica, Canada and Mexico is very positive.
@johnlovorn4641 3 ай бұрын
This guy is obviously a political shill for the deep state and all you guys are stroking his ego like a bunch normies. Absolutely nauseating.
@haplindsey5444 3 ай бұрын
Expeller pressed extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, macadamia oil or coconut oil. Thats it!! Read the labels and background the manufacturer like your kife depends on it. Everything else is garbage. Cost cutting is going on with most restaurants and the vast majority use garbage seed oils. Wouldn't be shocked f they reused those seed oils way more than usual. Watched a presentation by a physician symposium on seed oils and these didn't come into widespread usage until the early 1900s. Not shockingly heart disease and diabetes exploded in short order afterwards. I rarely eat at restaurants of any kind. As far as the almonds, chips, cookies, breads, they all are using seed oils. Read every label of ANYTHING you eat. Youll be shocked at how all these seed oils (canola, soybean, grapeseed, corn, et al) are used inball these staples. Siete chip maker uses avocado oil inntheir chips. Only one i eat. Its simple, READ the labels. If yiu cant pronounce whats in it, safe bet you shouldn't eat it. Hope she gets to feeling better.
@davidjongen1022 3 ай бұрын
Where the fuck is he getting the bullshit about Australia???? And America bailed out EVERYONE. Re write of history
@watchthe1369 3 ай бұрын
The way the government shutdown the economy and then granted rental amnesty to "help" is why the rents are so high now. A landlord has to be collecting enough to cover his mortgage in the face of government interference in THEIR lives also. The government needs to stick to their contract by covering the border, stand behind the citizens rights as defined by the constitution while respecting the citizen's right to defend those rights, and being the 800lb silverback that nothing else in the jungle wants to challenge. They have been failing lately.
@Lance0714 4 ай бұрын
PlayWholEarthGame it beats working.