The Skinnerkin Review
2 ай бұрын
@janisschock9191 27 күн бұрын
Many of those are not 'changes' as you state 😉. Even though it always says 'new', even on FAQs, that attribute means, that it is a 'new' clarification, not a rule change. Ylthari could not search their deck to begin with, that fact was just disputed. The opposite is true for inspiring Nohem of Kainan's Reapers. You could do it from the start of the edition, there was just confusion about that. 😊
@IbasUnderworlds 27 күн бұрын
The real changes are a bit confusing. When GW says it's a 'rule update' it is sometimes just a clarification and an FAQ sometimes leads to a rule change. But yeah sometimes i say change even if it's just an FAQ. The Ylthari's warscroll was just unclearly written and for Nohem, I thought we were just inspiring the guy for free but didn't knew if it was supposed to work like that. Now its clarified.
@andreas_orakel Ай бұрын
hi, it sounds like you are from Germany....... magst du nicht mal deutsch sprachige Videos machen ? Man findet so wenig für Underworlds in deutsch...besonders Regelvideos sind zu finden 😞 already these warscroll videos are very important.... like what you do
@IbasUnderworlds Ай бұрын
ich würde sehr gerne ein “Underworlds in 5 minuten erklärt” Video machen. Allerdings möchte ich Primär englische Videos machen weil die Underworlds Community so klein ist. Auf deutsch kommen aber sicher immer mal wieder matches 😃
@andreas_orakel 29 күн бұрын
@@IbasUnderworlds das mit dem Underworlds in 5 Minuten erklärt Video fände ich super und auch Battlereports auf deutsch wäre klasse. Ja leider scheint Underworlds in Deutschland nicht so sehr verbreitet zu sein. Würde mich über deutsche Videos auf jedenfall freuen.......
@janisschock9191 2 ай бұрын
Must say, I feel optimistic about the delve change. Drawing any card seems weaker than tutoring for a specific card, though now, you can find all of your power cards. AND: You don't have to activate a zombie to use this ability, which lets you place a single minion on a Treasure Token to farm power cards each activation. Pretty bonkers.... Might be the only warband where exceeding the 20 power card minimum is significant now.
@IbasUnderworlds 2 ай бұрын
Yep. Deckbuilding will get very interesting now. I think you even should take around 24 ploys+upgrades. You Draw 15 naturally and Gravebreak the rest in depending on how greedy you are. This also helps their lacking stats when you can just make it up with ploys
@tzusun6876 2 ай бұрын
A full 4x4 elf warband is crazy! I think they have gotten a very significant net buff. Presenting inspired squid and a 4 wound 1 gloey fighter as your frontline is pretty amazing.
@IbasUnderworlds 2 ай бұрын
They look pretty strong with 16 wounds but they have to go into melee range now because they lost the 2dmg on the ranged 2 attacks. In my opinion this is just a sidegrade
@tzusun6876 2 ай бұрын
I don't know about strongest, but I definitely agree that with good piloting stab ladz have game! Noxious poisons is basically blank space because it is so unlikely to go off, but if you can consistently roll the stab dice you will get free damage. A trick that has been working out well for me is "fake charging" by using a move action to get adjacent to an enemy and immediately using krule stab. Very nice video, hope to see more!
@IbasUnderworlds 2 ай бұрын
They are not the strongest, specially with what has been revealed at worlds. There is some stronger competition
@TheAranan 2 ай бұрын
Oh neat, I *also* got into the game solely because I saw Cephanyr's model! Lovely overview of the new version of the warband. Thanks for sharing! I'm taking them out for a spin today and hopefully will do the Razors justice in my playing.
@janisschock9191 2 ай бұрын
Of all the warscrolls I have read so far, it feels like Cyreni's are the truest to their original Idea, in fighting style (though Sepulchral Guard are also pretty spot on), but nerfing the squid feels wrong in light of scything also dropping. I still think they are worse overall, especially since they lost their glory machine (the deck).
@IbasUnderworlds 2 ай бұрын
Cyreni is done well but GW really cooked some of the others so stay tuned
@Spinnerite 2 ай бұрын
Thanks! Enjoyed the video, it would be great to see it become a series.
@IbasUnderworlds 2 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it! I have some new Reviews planned
@janisschock9191 2 ай бұрын
I agree. Would watch comments on all warbands t o be honest. 😅
@janisschock9191 4 ай бұрын
"Das ist so ein Mülldeck, Iba. Ehrlich!" - "Danke! :D"
@michelwiesinger6646 4 ай бұрын
Da wird er gecooked
@janisschock9191 8 ай бұрын
I suspect that a fighter that is under the effect of Bane of Heroes can technically still be 'On Guard', as this is one of the edge cases where the fighter does not 'get staggered' which would remove any guard tokens, but is instead defines as 'being staggered' without getting a stagger token. I cannot find a rule in the current rules forbidding a fighter to be both on guard and staggered, it just doesn't usually happen, as the occurence of one usually cancels the other. But not in case of BoH (Imho), as there is no 'cannot be on guard' anywhere on the plot card or in the rules...
@IbasUnderworlds 7 ай бұрын
yep thats right. A fighter next to the bane of heroes whos on guard is both staggered and on guard. On a sidenote the Batsquigg says fighters cannot be on guard next to them. That would not remove the token but it removes the effect
@michelwiesinger6646 8 ай бұрын
Wohooooo, bin mega gerne auch mal dabei