Martin Giurfa’s concept of home
@urmom-lz4ho 3 ай бұрын
May i know what is the name of the app please
@urmom-lz4ho 3 ай бұрын
What is the app??
@Jointknight Жыл бұрын
This needs to happen folks.
@kalt1976 Жыл бұрын
Autism is a neurological difference, NOT an abnormality! What a scary stand point, to be doing this research in order to "cure" autism. Smells like eugenics.
@tutinyterru2818 Жыл бұрын
Reactions of redirecting autism information into mathematical formulas for the treatment of severe forms at a favorable time🎉
@MaryKDayPetrano Жыл бұрын
Did all you Neurotypical people complaining about Autism and trying to "cure" it every stop to ask yourselves "What if being Autistic is the evolution of Neanderthal, Denisovan, and possibly Homo Erectus" type of humans living today ?" Because if being Autistic is intentionally a different way of being human, and a different type of human, then what business is it of yours to try to eradicate Autistic people ? That would be within the definition of "crimes against humanity" and "genocide." Autistic people don't want to be made "not Autistic" just to make life easier for Neurotypical people.
@aeriumsoft Жыл бұрын
cant relate, i dont have one of these
@lucyanderson9064 Жыл бұрын
Sure, but as an autistic adult female with an autistic child, both of us still awake at 1am....can I just say, Here is the real problem- STOP expecting everyone to adhere to a neurotypical schedule, and world. It happens to be a fact, that autistic or not, about half the world's population are so called 'night people'. Well, guess what? It's actually genetic, and NOT a 'preference'. Yes, it's true. We did DNA tests for this. Most people have no idea about this fact. It's genetic, and it cannot be changed. Trying to force night people, or autistic people, to be awake all day, and sleep at night is only harming them further. Let us do it whenever we feel like it. I sleep in till like 12pm, or 1pm, and I let my child do the same. Then we stay up late. We have embraced working from home round the world since covid. Well, guess what? It's time to take that even further, and challenge all the popular narratives, and restructure society completely. Human beings actually naturally have varying sleep/wake cycles. Historically, people would sleep, wake up, go back to sleep, wake up etc. They didn't do a day awake, night sleep thing like modern humans do. And it's proven to be a huge failure, so it's time for it to be scrapped. If you are a 'morning person', well, good for you. Contrary to what you assume, most people are not the same as you. You keep that schedule, but don't expect the rest of us to. Little addition- Many autistic people actually react differently to medication. It can actually affect us the complete opposite of what it is intended to, and it makes sense knowing all I've written above. Melatonin makes me wide awake, and more anxious for example. I can't use it. Caffeine makes me very ill, and sleepy. Can't have it either. So we need to once again, stop focusing on what works for neurotypicals, and instead think about what we can do differently.
@smca7271 Жыл бұрын
Its pretty accurate, tumor on my cerrebellum changed more than just coordination ie multitasking,social interactions,planning/execution...its amazing how many things I use to do with no thought,now have to plan every step.
@TheGenbox2 Жыл бұрын
Another study that concerns itself with the 'normative' narrative and doesn't take aboard the position of 'the observer'. The 'Double Empathy' issue underlines that! Autism = disfunction is old news. Move on - there's FA wrong with the wiring - different isn't necessarily wrong! It's hard to grow a Alkaline loving plant in an acid soil - it's that simple . Sorry, can't make autistic people in economic unit - autism = culture's canaries down the mine.
@John83118 Жыл бұрын
Your piece is vibrant; similar to a book that's vibrant in its thematic exploration. "Better Sleep Better Life" by Various Authors
@TheAngrySkier Жыл бұрын
Im autistic myself and i would want to treat certain types of autism if they are very low functioning without treatment i believe it would be smarter to treat them, if they are high functioning whatever you define that as just leave them be unless its with their full consent
@JohnnieByrd-pu8ox Жыл бұрын
Just buried my nephew 22yrs old on spectrum cause of bowel block Oct 25 th 2023 broken
@cuedepie4376 Жыл бұрын
12:45 am as an autistic person
@Curious-20164 Жыл бұрын
@WileyCylas Жыл бұрын
Thumbnail looked like a brain with sharp teeth. Just sayin
@marinamarkovicfijan2642 Жыл бұрын
there are so many studies that confirm that autism is developed because gi problems, and functional medicine has solution for our children, but so litle people knows for that because of this and so many others wideos with wrong informations and lies.....😢
@istoppedcaring6209 Жыл бұрын
autism is a mental disability because they are the minority, the world might honestly be better if everyone was slightly more autistic
@breannapiscitelli3941 Жыл бұрын
I did not know or was not aware that what I had was Autism until my late 20s. As a child, I knew I was different but it didn’t bother me much. I would say that we need to focus less on trying to fix us and what our strengths are, and embrace those. I’m really good at teaching myself things that I enjoy. I’m trying to get into architecture what has held me back is I have never done well in a classroom. I don’t think it’s about fixing us because I don’t think certain things about us are fixable. Plus, there are certain things I would really miss about myself if I had a different brain. I also have ADHD and dyslexia and I would say I would rather those be fixed then Autism. I’m on medication for my ADHD and I do a lot better with medication but it’s not a cure all for it either. I think there’s a large percent of the population who are neurodivergent and we live in a Neurotypical world. It’s not about trying to fix us. It’s about trying to make things fair for us. Like when you go to the grocery store or pretty much anywhere else it’s always very overwhelming because of all the things going on there. But that’s because places like grocery stores are made for people who are Neurotypical, and not bothered by all the noise and the lights and the other people around them. My entire life opportunities have been taken away from me because people underestimated me, and this was before I even knew about some of my issues. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a teenager and almost everything was blamed on that. So much so that nobody ever cared about anything that I would do and the things that I enjoy doing I was told I was not smart enough to do. I’m almost 30 years old now I’m not going to let anybody tell me I can’t do something because my brain is slightly different than theirs. I wish people were more nice about it though. I also wish people would stop thinking there is going to be a brain surgery or something that’s going to fix us. I think it’s important that we work on certain skills that will help us thrive in society and not just barely get by. There’s also a lot of different struggles with developmental disorders. And some people struggle a lot more than others.
@agalitev Жыл бұрын
don't mix this up with GED (graduated electronic decelerator), ECT is not meant to be painful while GED is.
@Potencyfunction Жыл бұрын
How many times do a person with autism have to be told a simple thing like: stop for example ? After you tell them they keep doing it , like 3 years old child. How can they understand to stop the repetions?
@Techno-Universal Жыл бұрын
One observation I’ve made is because of that structure my speech is restricted to a slightly lower capacity than normal but the cerebellum has a higher level of independence like if it has it’s own working memory. So I can give it commands to run pre existing movement programs and it runs them autonomously and when I’m driving it can independently drive my car for me with it being just as reliable and safe as an elevator logic. It’s also something that allows me to put sections of my brain that are currently under-utilised in the moment in a sleep state to save on resources but they can quickly wake up when needed! :)
@Noahwalter-bs4ts Жыл бұрын
This is fucked up you can't cure autism you have to accept it
@Noahwalter-bs4ts Жыл бұрын
Im sorry if I sound rude im not
@Shadow.172 Жыл бұрын
I don't think I have autism but I have social anxiety, and I have a habit of repeat specific movements, the most common is I sort of swish the saliva on either side of the mouth which I can hear the noise of I do this pretty much all day, it just comforts me, I kind of feel like I have something else from social anxiety but I dont know what, I've had many of these urges through my life I went from extremely exhausting eye squints, even had a vocal noise before but luckily that's gone now as it was so embarrassing I forced that one away, I don't know if it's just ticks because I know I'm doing them voluntarily, I just can't stop is it just ocd?
@linkalipski Жыл бұрын
This is so cool! I love the neurons mapping images :)
@kittythemysterious6942 Жыл бұрын
Bro for me this feels like an instinct in someway
@alexcuena6003 Жыл бұрын
Pretty fly
@labmeeting Жыл бұрын
It's a good name
@clairerobertson4442 Жыл бұрын
What is the transmitter a person invwstigating or a pei e of machiney ?
@NorthLoftier Жыл бұрын
Remember, if it's not there. It's somewhere else, which makes it not less but different.
@tiffanylin6201 Жыл бұрын
autistic me watching this at 1:57 am. LOL
@lechatleblanc Жыл бұрын
actually.... i love the stimulation, i guess i could just be adhd, i need stimulation, colors and sounds... but its the social anxiety that inhibits me from going out of the house sometimes....but its getting better and better
@strawbzzzombie Жыл бұрын
to be fair only about 90% of autistics has sensory differences. Many are sensory avoiding (hate loud noises, bright lights etc) but many are also sensory seeking (love noise, bright and colorful lights are cool) you can be a combination of both too. All are equally autistic
@nastashavalentinodefranco2990 Жыл бұрын
Wow, the stuff white people have come up with. Its sad
@leahpalme9068 Жыл бұрын
They arent helping him they are torturing him and terrifying him into obedience this is insane i hope this electrocuting thing gets banned
@Htrac Жыл бұрын
11 minutes longer lol. Try 4 hours.
@krugerfuchs Жыл бұрын
People who arr autistic not with autism
@ottolandin Жыл бұрын
can't we just stim and do other things at the same time? it helps focus.
@peterfslife Жыл бұрын
They use to do it with the patient fully awake, and it was a horrific treatment!!! Now General Anesthesia is used!!! It's a great therapy when used in the correct way!!!
@MsLeticiaPadilha Жыл бұрын
Este vídeo do KZbin explora o papel do cerebelo no cérebro de pessoas com autismo. O cerebelo, uma estrutura em forma de borboleta na base do crânio, desempenha um papel crucial na coordenação de movimentos e também está ligado a funções cognitivas e sociais. Estudos mostram que o cerebelo desempenha um papel na regulação de comportamentos, e a perda de células especializadas chamadas células de Purkinje no cerebelo tem sido observada em cérebros de pessoas com autismo. A ativação do cerebelo varia de acordo com a tarefa em mãos e está envolvida na previsão e correção de erros. Acredita-se que haja um período crítico no desenvolvimento ligando o cerebelo ao comportamento social, e a pesquisa futura nessa área pode inspirar novos tratamentos para o autismo, como estimulação elétrica ou jogos de vídeo para moldar circuitos cerebelares.
@JohnTheRevelator11 Жыл бұрын
Faulty 😂😂😂 no. We’re the néw evolution
@Catlily5 Жыл бұрын
I doubt that we are.
@Mont1. Жыл бұрын
@Mont1. Жыл бұрын
God help me after watching this video
@pjcanseco2590 Жыл бұрын
I dislike how scientists refer to what I have as a "spectrum disorder". For all they know, people like myself are the standard, and the scientists are the "disorderly" ones!
@pjcanseco2590 Жыл бұрын
Best solution for sleeplessness will always be a good, hard day's work. Either hard mental work, or hard physical work, or some combination of both always helps me sleep well at night.
@UnrealTransformer Жыл бұрын
Transcranical Biophotomodulation is a big help.
@UnrealTransformer Жыл бұрын
Redlight therapy on the head can do wonders
@DenkyManner Жыл бұрын
Trying to "cure" autism will result in a far poorer and less interesting world. Many scientific and artistic breakthroughs wouldn't have happened without autistic people. Imaging is the teenaged Einstein had his brain electrically stimulated to make him less "weird" I don't need to be cured, I need to not be judged for being ever so slightly different. Should we electrically stimulate the brains of gay people to "fix" what makes them different? Why stop there? Let's paint everyone white!
@DenkyManner Жыл бұрын
I'm so comfortable driving I watch movies on my ipad
@donnabrewster5192 Жыл бұрын
My autistic child is very talkative, are other ?
@DarkCancer2005 Жыл бұрын
I support this I don’t care that they are in pain and this is coming from a person with mild autism on the spectrum