The Green Gathering 2012.
12 жыл бұрын
Hank Dogs @ The Green Gathering 2012
Sketchy @ the Green Gathering 2012.
Kaya Festival 2012
12 жыл бұрын
Drymbago Live @ Kaya 2012.
12 жыл бұрын
Dee Nyoni Live @ Kaya Festival 2012
Dreadzone Live @ Bearded Theory 2012
TwoManTing Live @ Bearded Theory 2012.
The Damned Live @ Bearded Theory 2012
Dr Feelgood Live @ Bearded Theory.
Chumbawamba Live @ Bearded Theory
Bearded Theory Festival 2012.
12 жыл бұрын
Dux "One night in a bar "
13 жыл бұрын
Catrin O'Neill "Magic"
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10 Ton Tongue Cold Haily Windy Night
Cowbois Celtaidd @ Carreglwyd 2011
Shambala Festival 2011
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Lamb live @ Shambala 2011
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Global Folk live @ Shambala 2011
Ghostpoet live @ Shambala 2011
13 жыл бұрын
The Green Gathering 2011.
13 жыл бұрын
@christianeidensten 16 күн бұрын
Oooooooooh! Topclass Intro!!!!
@DVDFRMN 8 ай бұрын
i met Steve Swann in 2009 when i rented a room from 'Jah Rej' AKA 'Queenly Jah Rejina'..... Steve was singing in 'Jah Rej's vanity white-reggae band and i played Keyboards with them for 2 months until i decided it was a bit sh!t and not worth my time as i wasn't going to stay in that area and only did it to have people to sell weed to...... anyway ..... Steve Swann was an egomaniac, pretend rastafarian who tried to act like i had to suck up to him, i laughed at him, what a clown who is so weak he wears a rasta costume to fake his way through life Steve was an egotist and his need for 'status' made him act like a sh!t, steve DEMANDED that you take his rasta ACT seriously, and i would not , just like i will not prepare a plate of food for your imaginary friend ....... i will NOT play along...... Steve confided in me , but in a BS using narcissistic way, i NEVER asked to know his weird creepy weaknesses ....... i kept it secret what Steve had told me because i PITIED him , pitied the pathetic broken man and Steve disliked who he was .... 53 years old, no music career after Patterson the keyboard player, who's band it really was, dropped him, Steve was living in his old bedroom in his Mum's council house that he was in as a teenager..... Steve was gutted at how his life turned out..... one night when he was dribbling drunk, again, Steve selfishly kept me up late as he unburdened himself of his weird psycho sexual hang ups and childhood trauma, using me as an unpaid psychologist, dumping his icky weird psycho sh!t onto me ........ Steve told me about how he had a creepy sexual crush on his own mother and about his childhood experiences , how the family would go to the 'social club' on the estate in newbury and they would make teenage Steve Swann slow-dance with his mother , Steve was going on about her miniskirt ...... it was all VERY horrible and ICKY to see this dribbling , drunken clown putting all this creepy sh!t on me ...... USING me as an unpaid psychologist because there was NOBODY else he could respect enough to pour all this toxic sh!t out to ........ and i never told anyone OUT OF CHARITY ...... these clowns in the shire of Berks like to see Steve Swann as their own , personal , Bob Marley...... they lionise him and cast him in this popstar rasta ROLE, and it is a ROLE ....they USE Steve Swann in death, they USE the fact that he is dead to CAST HIM IN that ROLE, so that THEY can feel good about THEMSELVES..... they can PRETEND that Steve was Bob Marley and then ATTACH themselves to that narrative , thus EXALTING THEMSELVES when you abuse me , i do not owe you CHARITY..... there is no reason why i should retain the secret of the disgusting creepy edopus sh!t Steve Swann tried to USE me to unburden himself on Steve even phoned me weeks after i left that sh!t place in Newbury asking me to join his 'rebel souls' band but i wanted NOTHING to do with him
@dietermaus7267 2 жыл бұрын
Große Band grandioser Sound
@dtedrummersview8450 2 жыл бұрын
sadly we have had (like a number of other bands) a sadly little Troll David (little)Freeman. Thank you for posting a video of us, but please can you remove the sad trolls post and help to not feed the Troll. Thank you all at DTE
@DVDFRMN 2 ай бұрын
What a unbridled narcissist Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte is, Lynn thinks that i am 'missing out' on so much validation and attention from random strangers because i am not desperately promoting and marketing my old music and Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte tells himself that the reason i 'miss out' on all this validation and attention and gigs gigs gigs is because i don't KNOW how good i am ........ All this time Lynn has been telling himself that the reason i am not desperately promoting and marketing my old music is because i don't KNOW how good i am ....... i think Lynn is unable to discern good music from bad unless it is validated by someone else first, i don't think Lynn even experiences music viscerally as you or i do , i think it all goes through the filter of his mind which is of course dominated by his EGO ..... What Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte hears all goes through the EGO before he experiences it, thus all music is a collection of notions and attachments to Lynn ....... is it 'cool' ? is it 'dread' ? is it 'tribe' ? ..... when i FIRST went to Lynn's house in 2009 he was listening to MY MUSIC from 1999, the 'Chapter and Version' Cassette album that i recorded with Richard J Hindle yet of course Lynn doesn't know that i wrote most of the music just like the 'Harmonic 288' Cassette Album which i did 80% of (some tracks are me alone) and that Cassette album i did in 1992-1994 was ALSO in Lynn's constant repeat playlist that he listened to 24/7 at home ...... in fact Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte's band Dub The Earth recorded an instrumental that they named 'Harmonics Dub' in TRIBUTE to MY BAND that Dub The Earth played with in 1993 ........ When i heard Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte playing MY Music as i arrived at his house i looked at the speaker as if to say "WTF?" 🤨"i bet you haven't heard this in a while " Lynn said grinning at me... "This is a bit weird, playing MY music as i arrive...." Lynn explained that it was totally coincidence and that the 'Chapter and Version' Album was in the huge folder of music files that is on a constant randomized playlist that he leaves on 24/7 ......... I spent 2 days at the council house that Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte was allocated and Lynn talked about HIMSELF constantly for 2 days, telling boring tedious story after boring tedious story about his dull life , over those 2 days there was constant music playing, Dub The Earth, Military Surplus, Revolutionary Dub Warriors, Chocolate Teapot, RDF, ..... Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte ONLY listened to music by bands that HE was either in at one time OR people he was at one point in a band with OR bands he knew personally and considered to be part of HIS 'scene' , NOTHING by 'Jah Rej' however🤔which i thought was odd seeing as Lynn's brother Dominic AKA 'Jah Rej' is the one who really instigated that band scene that is EVERYTHING to Lynn ...... So clearly Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte harbored rivalry about his brother's music ....... in 2 days i NEVER heard ANY music that is from outside of Lynn's small 'tribe' of white rastas and clueless pub rockers, not ONE song by a real band or anything outside of Lynn's coterie, No jamaican Dub, No Black Reggae, only white Reggae .... So what does Lynn even get from listening to music??? Is is purely to pump his sense of self delusion that he 'somebody' in music ??? When was the last time Lynn BOUGHT music, and not a CD from his mate's band at a gig just to support members of his 'tribe' , i mean what was the last ACTUAL music Lynn bought, paid money for, sought out ??? i buy a CD every week on average ...... is Lynn even INSPIRED to make music unless it further cements his place in his 'tribe' of marxist white-rastas and addled pensioner pub-rockers ??? ....... Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte is also stupid enough to think that i stopped making music in 2012 and he imagines that i am still living under the name David Freeman and haven't changed it again ....... Lynn is stupid enough to imagine that i don't have 7 different Bandcamp pages where i put my music under different aliases , none of which are connected to David Freeman which i only use to conquer the hater club ...... Lynn is stupid enough to imagine me as part if HIS world , HIS little coterie which i was never one of, i was never a wigger, or a 'rasta' or a 'dread' or a 'marxist' , so it's absurd that Lynn attempts to hold ME to the values and aspirations of HIS 'tribe' .... Clearly narcissist Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte mistakenly imagined that the 'Chapter and Version' and 'Harmonic 288' Cassettes that I produced were somehow connected to him and his 'tribe' or it would not be in his folder of music that was on a random 24/7 playlist on his computer, Whenever i was at Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte's home he ONLY listened to music by bands and people that HE personally had the acquaintance of and he considered them part if HIS 'scene' .... Poor narcissist sad-sack Lynn is so far from reality he imagines that i don't know how good i am.... i can only assume that the reason narcissist Lynn thinks that is because i am not desperately trying to get VALIDATION from the music i have made/my skills and abilities ...... Lynn Forte is a 'Gamma Secret King', he feels like he never achieved the success or validation that he craves and imagines he is due..... Lynn Forte was allowed into his brother Dominic's club of amateur musicians and pretend popstars, everyone in that coterie was superior to Lynn and Lynn always had the LOWEST status in that group of people , Lynn's brother Dominic AKA 'Jah Jah Rej' eventually had to exclude his r£tard£d brother Lynn from his musical endeavors and had some success from attaching himself to Martin Campbell and GT Moore, This compounded Lynn's narcissism to see his brother succeed where he continually failed, Lynn saw his bandmates Steve, Patterson, Bowsher, etc go on to have some small success for a short time and thus Lynn felt envy of these people which compounds his low self esteem and narcissism ..... now at the end of his life Lynn is desperately posting his old band recordings to get some attention from the coterie that he is STILL the lowest status member of .... Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte and his club of pathetic hateful pensioners envious of a beautiful younger Man who made incredible music that they are in awe of .... #dubtheearth #lynnforte #hateykatieforte #miltarysurplus #radicaldancefaction #chrisbowsher #rootsgarden #rootsgardenrecords #rootsgardensound #revolutionarydubwarriors #earthworksamsterdam #jahrej #jahworksouternational #gtmoore #partialrecords #upstirrecords #steveez #idavid #RockawayPark #sporadics #SteveSwann #irievibes #irievibesband #trueearthers #RDF #YouthSounds #hellfeeder #babylonanon
@lynnforte4692 2 жыл бұрын
Sadly this site has been trolled by David Freeman. Known for Trolling DTE as well as othere bands. please do not feed the Troll, also be warned he is a self confest police informer
@DVDFRMN 6 ай бұрын
it's all bullsh!t from lynn, i NEVER hated Steve Swann ..... steve was Never significant to me ...... i was moving West and wanted to use Newbury as a stepping stone so i rented a room off Dominic AKA 'Queenly Jah Rejina' , Lynnderella's brother..... there i was playing keyboards in 'queenly jah rejina's white-reggae vanity-project band ...... Steve sang with that band...... i was doing it PURELY to use Newbury as a stepping stone as i relocated somehwere West..... so my plan was to USE playing in that band to get housing, work, etc in the area .... turned out there was no help in that and the people were mostly mentally ill to the point they were insuffereable..... so i decided to NOT stay on Newbury, even for 6 months..... Dominic AKA 'queenly jah rejina' betrayed me as we had a deal £200 per month for the room and he tried to change the deal to what he had with 'ras sh!t' AKA 'rashid rifaat', which was no fixed amount, 'Rash' paid whatever bills came in , water, council tax, electric, gas, internet..... 'Rash' lived in that room before me and he was weak and directionless and had nothing going on in his life so was happy to accept such an exploitative deal with 'jah rej' ..... never knowing how much rent he would be paying each month...... and before you say £200 was a good deal , remember dominic forte AKA 'jAH rEJ' couldn't rent that room to ANYONE ELSE...... NOBODY would pay any amount , let alone £200 per month to live in a place where my food and weed was regularly stolen by Matty Mann, 'queenly jah rejina' was a real passive-agressive cnut and was abusive with snide angry notes about washing up when he was the WORST.... i tried so many time to clean that kitchen , Rej made it a sh!thole, he NEVER washed up and would dump greasy pans in the bowl and leave it for days..... queenly rejina expected me to be his servent and then he tried to EXPLOIT me, imagining i was pathetic enough to accept what Rash had ....... no way..... Steve was an egomanic who tried to act like i had to suck up to him, i laughed at him, what a clown, a pretend rastafarain who is so weak he wears a rasta costume to fake his way through life Steve was an egotist short men an his need for 'status' made him act like a sh!tbag , steve DEMANDED that you take his rasta ACT seriously, and i would not , just like i will not prepare a plate of food for your imaginary friend ....... i will NOT play along...... Steve's ego was threatened by me because 1:Women like me and they always have, i can't help it (this is ALWAYS the main reason egotist clowns harbour resentment towards me) 2: i am a DAMN GOOD musician, i play Bass, Keys, Guitars, Percussion all BETTER than Steve or ANYONE he has ever played with 3: i NEVER wore red gold and green or pretended to be a rastafarian when i made Reggae music and Steve saw that and he was GUTTED because he realised that he wasted his life on a clownish rasta ACT, when he could have just been himself like me Steve had MASSIVE respect for me after i refused to PLAY ALONG with his theatre and he confided in me , but in a BS using narcissistic way, i NEVER asked to know his weird creepy weaknesses ....... i kept it secret what Steve had told me because i PITIED him , pitied the pathetic broken man who dislike who he was ..... Steve told me about how he had a creepy inappropriate crush on his own mother and about his childhood experiences , how the family would go to the 'social club' on the estate in newbury and they would make child Steve Swann slow-dance with his mother , Steve was going on about her miniskirt ...... it was all VERY horrible and ICKY to see this dribbling , drunken clown putting all this creepy sh!te on me ...... USING me as an unpaid psychologist because there was NOBODY else he could respect enough to pour all this toxic sh!te out to ........ and i never told anyone OUT OF CHARITY ...... these clowns in the shore of Berks like to see Steve Swann as thier own , personal , Bob Marley...... they lionise him and cast him in this pretend-popstar rasta ROLE, and it is a ROLE ....they USE Steve Swann in death, they USE the fact that he is dead to CAST HIM IN that ROLE, so that THEY can feel good about THEMSELVES..... they can PRETEND that Steve was Bob Marley and then ATTACH themselves to that narrative , thus EXALTING THEMSELVES ..... it's ALL about the rampant narcissism of lynn forte, hatey katie forte and queenly jah rejina forte ....... when i realized how badly these clowns Lynn and hatey katie had been abusing me and lying about me behind my back ..... that day my CHARITY stopped..... i GIFTED lynn THC oil to cure his cancer and he betrayed me this evil cnut gave my address to people who wanted to harm me..... when you abuse me , i do not owe you CHARITY..... there is no reason why i should retain the secret of the disgusting creepy oedipus sh!t Steve Swann tried to USE me to unburden himself on Steve even phoned me week after i left that sh!t place asking me to join his 'rebel souls' band but i wanted NOTHING to do with him
@DVDFRMN 2 ай бұрын
What a unbridled narcissist Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte is, Lynn thinks that i am 'missing out' on so much validation and attention from random strangers because i am not desperately promoting and marketing my old music and Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte tells himself that the reason i 'miss out' on all this validation and attention and gigs gigs gigs (I don't even LIKE gigs) is because i don't KNOW how good i am ........ All this time Lynn has been telling himself that the reason i am not desperately promoting and marketing my old music is because i don't KNOW how good i am ....... i think Lynn is unable to discern good music from bad unless it is validated by someone else first, i don't think Lynn even experiences music viscerally as you or i do , i think it all goes through the filter of his mind which is of course dominated by his EGO ..... What Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte hears all goes through the EGO before he experiences it, thus all music is a collection of notions and attachments to Lynn ....... is it 'cool' ? is it 'dread' ? is it 'tribe' ? ..... when i FIRST went to Lynn's house in 2009 he was listening to MY MUSIC from 1999, the 'Chapter and Version' Cassette album that i recorded with Richard J Hindle yet of course Lynn doesn't know that i wrote most of the music just like the 'Harmonic 288' Cassette Album which i did 80% of (some tracks are me alone) and that Cassette album i did in 1992-1994 was ALSO in Lynn's constant repeat playlist that he listened to 24/7 at home ...... in fact Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte's band Dub The Earth recorded an instrumental that they named 'Harmonics Dub' in TRIBUTE to MY BAND that Dub The Earth played with in 1993 ........ When i heard Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte playing MY Music as i arrived at his house i looked at the speaker as if to say "WTF?" 🤨"i bet you haven't heard this in a while " Lynn said grinning at me... "This is a bit weird, playing MY music as i arrive...." Lynn explained that it was totally coincidence and that the 'Chapter and Version' Album was playing because he had taken the time to RECORD EACH SONG FROM THE CASSETTE ONTO HIS COMPUTER and that is was all in the huge folder of music files that is on a constant randomized playlist that he leaves on 24/7 ......... I spent 2 days at the council house that Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte was allocated and Lynn talked about HIMSELF constantly for 2 days, telling boring tedious story after boring tedious story about his dull life , over those 2 days there was constant music playing, Dub The Earth, Military Surplus, Revolutionary Dub Warriors, Chocolate Teapot, RDF, so all bands that Lynn either played in at one point or has the acquaintance of …….. and MY BANDS from 1990s 🤔..... Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte ONLY listened to music by bands that HE was either in at one time OR people he was at one point in a band with OR bands he knew personally and considered to be part of HIS 'scene' , NOTHING by 'Jah Rej' however🤔which i thought was odd seeing as Lynn's brother Dominic AKA 'Jah Rej' is the one who really instigated that band scene that is EVERYTHING to Lynn ...... So clearly Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte harbored a rivalry about his brother's music ....... in 2 days i NEVER heard ANY music that is from outside of Lynn's small 'tribe' of white rastas and clueless pub rockers, not ONE song by a real band or anything outside of Lynn's coterie, No jamaican Dub, No Black Reggae, only white Reggae .... and what these people call "reggae" is devoid of Soul, Jazz and Funk, the 3 things that make genuine Reggae what it is ……… so basically these people play "Reggae" that has had all the Soul, Jazz and Funk removed and what do you have left? a 4/4 rock beat with an offbeat skank pasted onto it as 'Reggae styling' ……….. So what does Lynn even get from listening to music??? Is is purely to pump his sense of self delusion that he 'somebody' in music ??? When was the last time Lynn BOUGHT music, and not a CD from his mate's band at a gig just to support members of his 'tribe' , i mean what was the last ACTUAL music Lynn bought, paid money for, sought out ??? i buy a CD every week on average ...... is Lynn even INSPIRED to make music unless it further cements his place in his 'tribe' of marxist white-rastas and addled pensioner pub-rockers ??? ....... Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte is also stupid enough to think that i stopped making music in 2012 and he imagines that i am still living under the name David Freeman and haven't changed it again ....... Lynn is stupid enough to imagine that i don't have 7 different Bandcamp pages where i put my music under different aliases , none of which are connected to David Freeman which i only use to conquer the hater club ...... Lynn is stupid enough to imagine me as part if HIS world , HIS little coterie which i was never one of, i was never a wigger, or a 'rasta' or a 'dread' or a 'marxist' , so it's absurd that Lynn attempts to hold ME to the values and aspirations of HIS 'tribe' .... Clearly narcissist Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte mistakenly imagined that the 'Chapter and Version' and 'Harmonic 288' Cassettes that I produced were somehow connected to him and his 'tribe' or it would not be in his folder of music that was on a random 24/7 playlist on his computer, Whenever i was at Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte's home he ONLY listened to music by bands and people that HE personally had the acquaintance of and he considered them part if HIS 'scene' .... Poor narcissist sad-sack Lynn is so far from reality he imagines that i don't know how good i am.... i can only assume that the reason narcissist Lynn thinks that is because i am not desperately trying to get VALIDATION from the music i have made/my skills and abilities ...... Lynn Forte is a 'Gamma Secret King', he feels like he never achieved the success or validation that he craves and imagines he is due..... Lynn Forte was allowed into his brother Dominic's club of amateur musicians and pretend popstars, everyone in that coterie was superior to Lynn and Lynn always had the LOWEST status in that group of people , Lynn's brother Dominic AKA 'Jah Jah Rej' eventually had to exclude his r£tard£d brother Lynn from his musical endeavors and had some success from attaching himself to Martin Campbell and GT Moore, This compounded Lynn's narcissism to see his brother succeed where he continually failed, Lynn saw his bandmates Steve, Patterson, Bowsher, etc go on to have some small success for a short time and thus Lynn felt envy of these people which compounds his low self esteem and narcissism ..... now at the end of his life Lynn is desperately posting his old band recordings to get some attention from the coterie that he is STILL the lowest status member of .... Lynn 'Gamma Secret King' Forte and his club of pathetic hateful pensioners envious of a beautiful younger Man who made incredible music that they are in awe of .... #dubtheearth #lynnforte #hateykatieforte #miltarysurplus #radicaldancefaction #chrisbowsher #rootsgarden #rootsgardenrecords #rootsgardensound #revolutionarydubwarriors #earthworksamsterdam #jahrej #jahworksouternational #gtmoore #partialrecords #upstirrecords #steveez #idavid #RockawayPark #sporadics #SteveSwann #irievibes #irievibesband #trueearthers #RDF #YouthSounds #hellfeeder #babylonanon
@chaporagirl 3 жыл бұрын
Fire!!! Love you guys so much @Dreadzone Greg Roberts, Leo Williams, Earl Sixteen, MC Spee, Bazil & Crew
@garyratcliffe75 3 жыл бұрын
Always a great night never disappointed 😀😀👍👍
@bradders33 3 жыл бұрын
These guys pretty much passed me by in the 90s. I had a few singles, but I never saw them live until 7 years ago and they blew me away. Seen them live 5 times since. Such an amazing band that need to be seen live to really appreciate. MC Spee has so much charisma and stage-presence and the band are tight AF. What a band. ❤️
@nikovanger7642 3 жыл бұрын
The power of live d a fantastic universe good vibration a little bit of madness a good recipe
@tompow7282 4 жыл бұрын
Mega cool
@ellabusfield1768 6 жыл бұрын
I have never got up and danced until I meet you guys. I love you all so much and have had the privilege to have seen you 9 times. Fantastic mucsitions band Omg you know how to play to your fans. Brilliant awesome and I'm so glad to have experienced you play live. Love to you all, my life wouldn't be the same xxxx Thank you all so much you are bloody amazing xxxx
@tomwarner1939 7 жыл бұрын
....not music to make themselves look cool... not music for blubbing over.... not music for political bull .....just a gift from them for us ALL to enjoy xx
@bobbyshaftoe409 8 жыл бұрын
We're off to see these guys at Leeds Brudenell soon......can't wait.
@btex99 8 жыл бұрын
I agree with Kenny Baird down below and 3 years ago. Nailed it dude.
@Devoneer1 8 жыл бұрын
Such a great live band. We always have such a great time whenever we see them.
@VerifiedFiveIron 9 жыл бұрын
Does anyone know the name of the first track?
@duncangerrard6828 7 жыл бұрын
"wake up call"
@VerifiedFiveIron 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@christalamb3592 9 жыл бұрын
@Mattthomsitt 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Emma, how are you? Still sounding excellent. any gigs coming up in London?
@andyp5104 9 жыл бұрын
Hi to you Andy.... I discovered these by accident - they were supporting Eliza Carthy at a local gig many years ago and blew everyone away. Shame this is rare footage of all three together (Lily with her angelic harmonies..)
@JasonUmbrellabird 5 жыл бұрын
There's footage with Lily from Upstart Crow festival if you search on my channel.
@AndyP-London 10 жыл бұрын
Hi Andy (;
@WH2312gx 10 жыл бұрын
Best band ever, love you uncle spence!
@mophedspaceface 11 жыл бұрын
theses guys are excellent!! seen them live and they certainly rock the place not 1 person were standing still ..all hail dreadzone love you guys!!
@SuperDanDare1 11 жыл бұрын
brilliant band..... :)
@andyp5104 11 жыл бұрын
I'm afraid you're wrong Kenny - they're much better than that ....
@phildread 11 жыл бұрын
awesome gig but then they all are !
@capecodIV 11 жыл бұрын
Thanx a LOT for that upload ! Dreadzone rules !
@timespeedsup 11 жыл бұрын
Cracking stuff, nice one
@zimbaremabwe 11 жыл бұрын
Yeah man Zee, Rambai makadaro Soko, big up Heritage Survival crew, keep di fire burning, amazing tune right there @ Kaya. jah bless
@84zee 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot guys...more music to come from Heritage Survival..
@SANDSCORCHER 11 жыл бұрын
Saw these gents performing this gem amongst others at Brisfest this year (2012). Just superb:-)
@AnGoosen 11 жыл бұрын
Chumberly Wumberly ooooooooh Anarchy!
@karlmarx71 12 жыл бұрын
The Best band in the land, nuff said no argument.
@DaveSpiderwood 12 жыл бұрын
Have you thought about getting a monopod? They're really cheap and I couldn't do without mine now.
@DaveSpiderwood 12 жыл бұрын
Aw, thanks, brings lovely feelings back.
@HarrowCiderman 12 жыл бұрын
Great compilation & brings back a lot of great memories. Thanks for posting :-)))))))) (that's smiley face with extra beard!)
@katemorsley2480 12 жыл бұрын
The sound is not great, but Neads and Prince are fantastic, a talented duo with beautiful original music xx
@winkles66 12 жыл бұрын
SAw these Guys at the FUNKT charity fun day at Bodafon farm in Llandudno North Wales and they were awesome and really good people to xx they do a lot of Welsh tracks which is great to hear x Diolch am diwrnod o hwyl hogia x
@wolfmarine961 12 жыл бұрын
I was there too :D
@wolfmarine961 12 жыл бұрын
I was there XD
@kejaba 12 жыл бұрын
the greatest band in the history of the entire universe
@DaveMcIroy 12 жыл бұрын
Yes, the band rocks, but it´s just ok without Feargal. He was THE thing that was different from other bands. Other had wonderful songs as well, but not that voice. It´s like Playboy without the girls - yeah, they have interesting stuff, but who would bloody care?
@balearicsoundwave89 12 жыл бұрын
fantastic band.
@Khamani 12 жыл бұрын
@caredous1983 12 жыл бұрын
Was there too! She has an amazing voice!
@windsorinncork 12 жыл бұрын
trip to cork :)
@shanebruce1 12 жыл бұрын
Ok, so why is Rumer making it big and Carrie Tree getting only 148 views! Carrie's voice is unique and exciting, like a lover's whisper in your ear....
@punkfunkragga 13 жыл бұрын
ye man would have loved to see this at shambala! sorry i missed it! making me smile now =]
@JohnInder 13 жыл бұрын
not the same without fergal
@mina7560 13 жыл бұрын
brilliant song from even greater new album, thanks thomas and xrayspecs
@T0MATOPLANT 13 жыл бұрын
Good camera and microphone. I love this band, saw them in March and will again in Dec.