Doubting Faith with Love & Thunder
Marvel's BIGGEST Missed Opportunity
@GrahamCStrouse Күн бұрын
I’ve always thought of the four Houses as Good Guys, Smart, New Phone, Who Dis? & Racist.
@GhostofCerberus 3 күн бұрын
I would find it fascinating if my characters i created managed to change the story.
@andrewvasquez7872 5 күн бұрын
If you think about it, "Chuck" was almost this version of God's attempt at being Jesus again. Since many Christians/Catholics believe in the holy trinity, Jesus is literally God inserting himself into "the story". God even wipes his own memory of sorts and de-powers himself as Jesus and gives himself a character arc. Much like Chuck did for himself as a prophet of the Lord. Maybe he even went soo far as to wipe his own memory prior to Chuck becoming a prophet of the Lord. Its almost as if Chuck reverted to the God of the old testament in the final season.
@mikemondano3624 10 күн бұрын
Maybe spend more time thinking about things that are not fictional and that actually exist.
@ithinkicanwrite 10 күн бұрын
@@mikemondano3624 harsh
@WxveafivvcKevhir 14 күн бұрын
the thing with judges is that they cant really do anything unless a case is presented to them. that means the judge is also not an all-powerful being. unlike god judges are more limited since they are tied to laws, which is what this judge is doing. shes pure neutral which gives off a feeling of evil, its understandable. irl, judges arent supposed to be so tied with laws, sometimes theyre supposed to make the law. you already made the right criticism which is the entire systems flaw itself. this is a bad, apathetic, and lazy judge since she isnt taking into account a judges freedom to fill the empty law using the correct sense of justice. this freedom must also reflect society itself since laws and regulations are supposed to be a reflection of society.
@victor2641 17 күн бұрын
How about looking up what he meant by don't called them terrorists 🙄 honestly
@Krome380 21 күн бұрын
If anyone sends even 1 person to eternal extreme suffering that being is truly evil so of course she is
@Slayer-Wulf 29 күн бұрын
I always saw Judge Gen as "Lawful-Neutral"
@NymphieJP Ай бұрын
She's very neutral. She follows what is logical, not what is necessarily good. She's right when she says Earth is a mess. She is kind though, she wouldn't 1) hear their case 2) side with them 3) when presented a better option, going with that and 4) stays with them until it's proven to be working, if she was "evil".
@rosiebook5207 Ай бұрын
Most stories --including Divergent challenge the division of people into groups. I think the whole system is flawed-- for the reasons described-- and all these people who assign themselves to a house aren't quite getting it. Does Harry Potter not tackle this theme openly enough? The war results from Slytherin's reinforcement of pure blood ideals, right? And the flaws of the story aren't the flaws of the house system itself obviously 😢. Yes the story should deal with other houses though
@shbsuri Ай бұрын
The judge is not evil
@a_diamond Ай бұрын
It had spinoffs? This might be part of the issue..
@deldarel Ай бұрын
Not quite from the start. Jason missed one ingredient and that's morality. It's not just 'being good', it's a way of behaving to each other, especially strangers. He started off insular, which made the Jianyu façade easier to pull off, but which also made that façade stunt his growth more. This is clear when he bortles the train when Eleanor wants to return to the 'good place' at the end of season 1. Jason's history and the start of his death is filled with undue harm to others. Bortling a boat, robbing a restaurant, putting Eleanor in danger by not wanting to better himself while she's trying to earn her stay. I personally think the earliest part when you can say that Jason becomes a modern monk is when the group teams up with Michael.
@Gamba-pr6ud Ай бұрын
This judge reminds me of 3 other deities that POLLUTE the MINDS of Most people on the PLANET!!
@oerthling Ай бұрын
Err, what? The series clearly establishes that the judge is neither omniscient nor omnipotent. And never tried to establish her as omnibenevolent. She's presented as Quirky Neutral.
@TheRealGhebs Ай бұрын
1- she's not all-knowing, since, as she said, she purposefully doesn't know a lot about humans to remain neutral, and yes, when we know about things we tend to "chose a side" on them. 2- she's not all-powerful, because, as you showed, she can't leave the afterlife and can't do all things in there either. 3- she's never portrayed as good, she's always portrayed as neutral, so as a neutral being she might do seemingly good or evil actions, and also because we humans tend to see neutral things as evil, since she's open to listen to both the good place and the bad place and values them equally.
@The_Jiroman Ай бұрын
Imagine 2029: Carrion multiplayer!!! Hide n seek mode!!! Fight the biomass mode!!!
@morgantrias3103 2 ай бұрын
I don't believe in stupidity the people I think of as stuupid have often shocked me by the insight they display partly by considering the problem on a different level from where I would look at it. Like they come up with ideas I never could have. Furthermore they tend to be kinder more positive people. it annoys me how little even the show sometimes values Jason (like at the end where michael tried to say what everyone added to th team he skips jason doesn't even try) but relatively speaking Jason depicts this trait of so-called "stupid" people pretty well. I use his besst line all the time and the insight it portrays is still impressive even just to be a joke: Anyy time I have a problem, i throw a molotov cocktail then, boom... I have a different problem.
@DaveSmith-is6dc 2 ай бұрын
The judge is pure neutrality, just like infinite space/time.
@chrislawson1988 2 ай бұрын
Joss whedon said that he loves putting his characters through he'll that sounds exactly like Chuck lol
@tkent3698 2 ай бұрын
There is no place within the context of this show which is not within hell/the bad place and the judge may simply be one more evil aspect of it. Whatever plan the "point system" might be, it is always impossible to meet its standard. However, since this is fiction it is entertaining to watch. I could tell this was the bad place within the first episode, and especially the episodes within what they call "the good place" are still actually within the bad place too. A "heaven" so dysfunctional as how it is portrayed could not actually be heaven, just one more chamber of the bad place.
@hannahjoylayosa 2 ай бұрын
How about a video on The Winchester’s prequel spinoff series?
@hannahjoylayosa 2 ай бұрын
Did you guys do a video yet on the ghostfacers? They have their own spinoff web series
@mars_mayday 3 ай бұрын
I think one part of Jason's journey paralleled Eleanor's very well, in that they both needed to expand beyond their self-oriented view. They were not completely selfish people (Eleanor caring for her niece, Jason caring for his friends and crew), and it was largely born out of a need to take care of themselves since they did not have reliable parental figures. In the first version of their afterlife, Jason kept acting impulsively, which put Eleanor and Chidi at risk due to the threat of exposure. By the finale, Jason was no longer putting himself first, mostly due to the fact that his basic needs had been consistently met for a long time + his greater understanding of the value of community (especially due to all the ethics lessons he encountered). He was never a malicious character (unlike Eleanor, to a degree), but he absolutely had some growth that he needed to achieve--and he did! I'd say I agree with this video 90%, and it was very well made.
@ermanbumaguin8063 3 ай бұрын
with sam as captain, america is in real danger lol
@babykaneognigga146 4 ай бұрын
You smart but you will die n nothing will change or happen
@spectreshot8536 4 ай бұрын
Chuck is exactly how I picture a God would be. It's precisely why I'm an atheist and think those that believe God is a perfect creature are brain damaged
@StareachValcin 11 күн бұрын
Chuck is nothing like the actual God! Calling people brain damaged for believing God is perfect brain is just ignorance and arrogance.
@Londonissue 4 ай бұрын
Amazing video! Bravo!!
@DmantosSanint 5 ай бұрын
Jason is not amature anything! He's pre-sucessfull.
@dodonggoldblum2085 6 ай бұрын
well, he's actually a sith
@prestonmiller3022 6 ай бұрын
Your analysis is amazing
@Luciferundead 7 ай бұрын
Okay God has always been like this. But what people don't seem to understand is that's not the actual God. It's just a person from our world making a copy of himself and put it in the show. Explains why loses power actual writer still controls the whole entire universe.
@hmmmmmmminteresting 7 ай бұрын
So awful. Glad I didn't watch this woke POS
@jayblack8843 8 ай бұрын
Wasn't the whole point of the the later seasons that It was impossible for non-humans to evaluate if a human had been good or bad? Also the problem with "The Problem of Evil" is that omnipotent has an self negation, making the idea of omnipotens flaw to begin with. i.e Omnipotent being creates a block that is unliftable. Can the being lift said block? either scenario could lead to an outcomes where said being is incapable of doing something, ergo, not omnipotent. Here comes the kicker, at least for me, if we treat said being capable been in a superposition, ie always been both capable and incapable of everything (actually making it omnipotent) this throws "The problem of evil" on it's head.
@vincentdevauchelle7157 8 ай бұрын
I think all people are good as Michael states it around season four and the judge is one of them. I don't understand why i really like this character right now. Indeed, I think she is the most well-balanced person of the serie and the most powerful as she can erase humanity. However in the end she proves she has a higher purpose: she found a compromise between the two opposite forces: on the one hand Michael and the good ones and on the other hands Shawn and the bad guys. Plus, she has a sense of righteousness that reminds me of upper beings: God for the Christians, or simply Love for all humans. Thank you for the video and the comments, it's really helpful 🙉
@demigodidk 9 ай бұрын
so your telling me reverse-horror games dont exist thats what im getting
@darkwolf4830 9 ай бұрын
I didn't like having GOD as the final bad. I was hoping that we would find out God would have been seen throughout the series, but we didn't know. Like we would find out, he was always in the background in disguise a regular person. Till the final whe he is reviled.
@darkwolf4830 9 ай бұрын
I wish the shadow entity was the final bad.
@regularhuman4208 9 ай бұрын
Anyone else here is a big fan of harry potter but also the biggest hater?
@stardustworlds1493 9 ай бұрын
Oh yes, me too. The books are full of unused potential. But also full of plotholes. That is the reason I love fanfiction!
@alltheworldsastage4785 9 ай бұрын
0:15 A carefully crafted universe? Lol I don't think so.
@JunKazama-t1p 10 ай бұрын
I never see Hufflepuff common room before
@GrahamCStrouse Күн бұрын
It’s okay. They haven’t, either.
@JunKazama-t1p 10 ай бұрын
I agree
@alcidesfy 10 ай бұрын
Medium people in real life are always actually evil. You don't stand on the sidelines and witness injustice and do nothing. The whole torture concept is evil, and letting it exist in the first place is evil. I also thought that all the Places were evil. The Good place clearly sounds like a bureaucratic hellscape. The Medium place and accounting are my idea of hell. And the Bad place is actually the one I can relate to the most, with people actually interacting in a friendly manner, being sarcastic and truthful about their sadistic motivations (not that I condone the latter). I love how they too are tortured by the Fake Good Place. The Bad Place even roast the Pirates of the Caribbean series. And they roast the humans. Their approach is in your face, whereas the approach of the Finale Good Place is one that takes a long time and cajoles bad people into thinking they are good and can change gradually. This is the same difference between survivors of abuse who refuse to give narcissists the benefit of the doubt, and psychologists who purport to slowly cajole them into a better person. I think the Bad Place is the most conducive to conscious self-betterment, and it's also the most hilariously random. I never laughed to hard as when Chainsaw bear made not one but two jumpscare apparitions. Mondays, amirite ?
@yuckal 10 ай бұрын
I hate that they made Chuck the big villain at the end, they ruined his character and it made no sense, should have just made the big villain the Empty or Jack.
@georgenelawson9917 11 ай бұрын
Chuck story reminds me of Stephen King Stephen King writes lots of books turns into movies and he's almost always doing cameos in them kind of like stan lee but in dark tower he wrote himself in to the story and meets his characters he acted similar to Chuck but that be one explanation how he's writing all these stories and them coming true and him cameoing in bunch of the adaptation he's god in his Stephen King universe in his books and adaptation he approves of he's God lol
@georgenelawson9917 11 ай бұрын
What if Chuck fake persona as you say is his real persona and the real persona is his fake one what if he is a benevolent god that works in mysterious ways but seen where the story is going and that he will be challenged by Winchester them wanting it to be over and I guess somehow knowing its time to end the show like the real writers did he wrote himself as the villain going through the process like the real writers who'll be the final villain who else god that's why every time after eleven we see he's benevolent but then out of the blue at end of fourteen he's different even rob said reading it he's like what's up with Chuck cause now he's acting as the villain if he's really the villain why is he letting them know he's the villain its like he wants them to know he knows they'll turn on him knows it'll lead to final season so why unless he's doing it on purpose he loves acting he own it when amara said he's the villain they have the best lines maybe we got gods true ending maybe he was so tired so bored ready to retire thus writing jack to take his power so he can just be human or maybe he wrote that but in reality he still got the power jack thinks he got the power cause the story his fictional story says so but Chuck is nonfiction he's the writer he can write that he dies in the story but that means he dies in real life nope lol he finished his story like in season five and shutting the book the end but they talking about another season because never really ends does it lol
@georgenelawson9917 11 ай бұрын
I thought it was right that he wss the final villain because it makes everything make sense ties everything together throughout the show even when he's on the show they talk about him and questions why he's not helping what's he doing now we know why he was never on our side lol best character on the show he's so interesting best character arc so many revelations and twists love watching fan reactions to his episodes more than others lol still got so many questions and wanna see more wanna see what he does when we don't see him wanna see him creating all the different worlds and the stories he made on those worlds wanna see him watching his favorite show always want more Chuck lol
@georgenelawson9917 11 ай бұрын
No wonder he's a bored writer he's literally writing the same story over and over again just changing little bits here and there that's what were supposed to think cause he's the villain of the story right well like he says he lies too and likes to act he didn't write the same story over and over again necessiarily cause like apocalypse World Sam and DEAn wasn't even born same outcome with Lucifer and Michael bit no Sam or dean killing each other or what about the rich winchesters that crossed over leaving their dad who s still alive they didn't kill each other how many worlds out there is like this did he not want to have them kill each other every time did he try other stories got bored and left but he didn't force them to kill each other like they want to make it sound like he said he's forcing the story and making them kill each other but with these exceptions how many other times did he not do this and why didn't he force the story those times like this time cause he was challenged I guess like you'd say in the other worlds he wasn't challenged he just had bunch of yes men giving him what he want so he got bored this one they challenging him very exciting lol
@doritodorito492 11 ай бұрын
School houses in real life have nothing to do with personality it's just random
@MosestheDark Жыл бұрын
Great video. I like to think that Chuck still has his God powers and that the ending was all part of his grand story. The Winchesters defeat God and ride off into the sunset. It gives the story a climactic ending. It's the only ending that doesn't bore him.