RFK Jr did WHAT with a "Young Bear"?
Divorcestiny CANCELLED by Hasan
Not Even Destiny Can Save Fresh n Fit
The Fall of Vaush - Folders
6 ай бұрын
George Santos WON'T Go Away
7 ай бұрын
Shapiro DESTROYED by... Barbie?
Cenk and Ana's WORST TAKE Yet?
TYT turns on Trans People
Жыл бұрын
Keffals goes MAGA?
Жыл бұрын
@Spectrue 8 сағат бұрын
Also, for clarification, Tyler stating that political streamers should use their real name was in reference to Libs of Tiktok. Someone creating that much material harm to marginalized groups should not have remained anonymous for so long.
@LynIsALilADHD 8 сағат бұрын
45:01 LOG! By Blammo!!
@Rob_Fordd 17 сағат бұрын
KZbin is basically in its early hollywood era still where the rules are played intensely fast and loose.
@oneinamillion8769 20 сағат бұрын
Right wingers couldn't wait to get Ana on their team... guess they got their wish
@missnubooty Күн бұрын
The thing about Faun and the “edgy jokes” defense is that it not only looks at said art - but also creates it. Refer to the Tyler video where Glooby claims that Faun was drawing spicy art of baby characters. Idk. The whole thing stinks
@skeletonqueenie5269 Күн бұрын
The accent that Tyler does is a Matt Berry impression.😊
@bellarosethorne Күн бұрын
"this is a lot like what happens to intersex people" Yes, that's exactly it. Trans history and intersex history is inextricably linked. And we must both fight such practices. We all deserve bodily autonomy.
@bellarosethorne Күн бұрын
OH holy hell... Brianna Wu, you may as well be trying to get certain fascist books back in to publication again. THAT is the level of depravity and outright cruelty to humans you trying to peddle when you recommend *Money* of all people. A guy who forced a cis child to live as a girl after a failed circumcision. who then made that child commit sexual acts with their sibling. *horrifying* stuff already. Basically traumatised the everliving hell out of the kid.. of course the kid never felt like a girl, transitioned into being a man later in life... both siblings eventually took their own lives. This is not someone you want to take any advice from. His experiment practically sought to prove that being trans was a socialised thing. That with the right conditioning you could change someone's gender identity, or simply just place a gender identity on them. Effectively, malleability of gender. It did the opposite. It showed that we are not the result of social conditions. It showed that even if your whole life you were told you were one thing, you can know who you are. The one good detail from the whole horrifying, traumatic, abusive ordeal... is that we had evidence that gender is more than just socialisation. More than what we are conditioned to think about ourselves. It showed that even if the entire world tells us otherwise, we can still know who we are. That is the lesson from that ordeal. Not what the anti-trans crowd will tell you, their oversimplified "you can't change who you are, Reimer was always a boy and couldn't become a girl." They miss the point. Reimer never knew what had happened to him. He knew himself despite what doctors and family and the world insisted. No different than anyone else in the world, he grew up being told who he was supposed to be. Just like many trans people, he figured out for himself, despite the world, who he really is. We aren't changing who we are, any more than the outfit you wear changes who you are. We are just donning a body, an image, an existence.. more in line with who we already are. How much do you have to hate yourself to think that Money can be a relied upon source when it comes to being trans. People like him, they weren't studying transness. they weren't studying what it was like to be trans. They were studying how to bash transness into conforming with their already ridiculous conceptions of the world. They were trying to take trans people and make them make sense in the fictions they had already built up to understand other people.
@bellarosethorne Күн бұрын
In case I didn't make it clear.. That book, the people behind it.. are responsible for the loss of lives. Money's actions.. resulted in the untimely death of two men at least.
@River_Rune Күн бұрын
Ignorant but overconfident people ... always end up showing their ass ....
@0_P.E. Күн бұрын
I do like how Ana no longer tries to speak for the left unlike Cenk, who is still delusional enough to think he can speak for the left with any kind of authority. Maybe they represent the Jackson Hinkle “left” but not the actual left. They just need to own the fact that they are s-libs and move on.
@0_P.E. Күн бұрын
6:25:35 I’ve always known Cenk was delusional but I didn’t know he was this effin delusional!! 😂 TYT does numbers bigger than Hasan?! Cenk is effin nuts!! 🤣
@tomisntblue 2 күн бұрын
"I dont know how FD will feel about Tyler saying he has Suberban takes, considering I believe he grew up in the suberbs." That sounds like it was an accurate statement then.
@moenoep 2 күн бұрын
Sorry the stream had to restart. New stream is here: kzbin.infoSQ3l2dxkaKE?si=32B44g7UMa3Ic02k
@mischr13 2 күн бұрын
thanks moe <3
@Shakspier 3 күн бұрын
So happy you finally got to play Fallout 😊❤
@SoapyTheBum 4 күн бұрын
The problem with Ren and Stimpy was the creator, John Kricfalusi. Two of his employees, Robyn Byrd and Katie Rice, accused him of grooming and sexual harassment in 2018. That pretty much ended him, and good, the guy showed himself to be a POS and has no place in polite society. I'll also say that the show fell off towards the end, while some of the first episodes were hilarious, who can forget Log? I mean, it's big, it's sturdy, it's wood! I found the gross out humor of the later episodes were just not my cup of tea.
@husky6672 4 күн бұрын
is not a real drama if one side begs for attention and other side don't gave any attention
@Ironyornot 4 күн бұрын
@thebrunoserge 4 күн бұрын
I don't understand so what's the problem with Vaush exactly? Always a deranged rant and no substance
@lissa3046 5 күн бұрын
I just want to say with the whole venting/fedposting/rageposting thing where Ethan kept saying it was the same as like… wishing a piano fell on someone or whatever his argument was, it’s literally not the same thing. There is a huge difference between expressing that you personally want to redact someone and going so far as to ask for their address and wishing random misfortune on someone. Neither is great, one is terroristic threat.
@lissa3046 5 күн бұрын
4:51:09 he did also threaten his family members in a separate incident
@Shakspier 5 күн бұрын
7:21:47 The Rudyard to Synthman Pipeline 😮😮😮
@cindyprimm190 5 күн бұрын
Child trafficking perhaps
@cindyprimm190 5 күн бұрын
Is this live?
@killjoy40k 6 күн бұрын
To clear up what sunday said at 1:00:00. Not a single mod in tylers discord has ever been a mod in vaush's or demonmama's community. this is incorrect, not a lie but probably just him stretching the truth? A lot of us are from vaush and demonmama's community but I dont get how thats a moral failing on tyler? I'm just saying this to defend my self honestly because his focus on us is completely unwarranted I get that he has beef with osu and tyler but everyone else is completely uninvolved. I wish sunday could just keep it between him and tyler is all.
@bigboy44110 7 күн бұрын
I just hope everyone takes their meds.
@osuosu117 7 күн бұрын
1:31:36 This piece of shit, "I made myself vulnerable," yeah, I did too, his ass recorded me without saying he was, to make content out of a fellow mod and me who he had baited with his high ideals of "Tyler is threatening my audience, please make my garbage drama mill server better." If Tyler actually violated his trust; he would have secretly recorded all his calls like apparently Sunday does. Sunday without fail is his own worse enemy, his ego is simply unmatched. I used to think Vaush's ego was the strongest in the twitch-pol sphere, but no. It is by far Sunday who thinks of himself as some brave truthteller in the modern age when the only thing that separates him from WhatIfAltHistory is that WIAH has original ideas.
@NetanyahooWarCriminal 8 күн бұрын
is this the sam seder program
@alexjaybrady 8 күн бұрын
That's President Casual Shabbat
@ah-sh9dw 8 күн бұрын
Im not saying this as some kinda defender, im an opinionated person and I've got my own issues with sunday. I don't remember the exact wording but i believe he said something along the lines of "I hope you're a kid because i dont want to believe there are adults this dumb out there" to me, but stuff like that isn't a reason to say it wasnt sexual harassment Tyler put the mental image of sunday, in sexual situations with him, into the minds of everyone who watched, in order to belittle and degrade him. I cant speak for sunday, but when i heard him say it turned him asexual, i didnt hear oversharing, i heard him rejecting this idea tyler put out, in as strong a way as possible All sunday did was imply tyler isnt much of a man, im not saying thats good but it's no where near the same level as what tyler did, and even if it was, it still wouldnt be okay. Destiny has done what tyler did, and worse, but it's still not okay. I dont think destiny would be hurt by that, and frankly, i dont care, but tyler demonstrated that he's comfortable talking about people like that and is promoting the idea that this is okay as long as they deserve it. Some things are bad regardless of the target and i hope tyler stops talking to people like that
@salarycats 7 күн бұрын
Kind of seems like you're trying to defend Sunday.
@ah-sh9dw 7 күн бұрын
@@salarycats I'm taking the position against sexual harassment.
@salarycats 7 күн бұрын
@@ah-sh9dw that's fine, but you seem invested in downplaying Sunday's role.
@Spectrue 8 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately, it's a continuing thread of both Sunday and Tyler sniping at each other the same way. I saw a Sunday stream where he also sexually harassed Tyler by saying that Tyler got on his knees and blue both Sunday and Sunday's entire community before the split. Yes, I know how I wrote blue, I'm just not sure where the actual phrasing would land in YT's naughty words algo.
@jesseweideman4247 8 күн бұрын
Sunday this, Sunday that
@Levittchen4G 8 күн бұрын
Why is this sunday guy taking on everyone 💀Yesterday Bad Empanada by made a segment on his stream about him clowning on him for like an hour because he thought it a good idea to make a video about him where he calls him someone who has no substance and makes shit up
@nukadirtbag9373 8 күн бұрын
He seems to have assigned himself the role of KZbin's Leftist Police while also trying to fervently argue that KZbin's Left is completely irrelevant and are all grifters
@ah-sh9dw 8 күн бұрын
1:16:09 sunday gets angry when chat disagrees with him. He'll listen but its too scary
@andyboom2004 9 күн бұрын
I had subscribed to President Sunday because I found his takedowns of WhatIfAltHist fun. I don't think I can support him after this. This is just pure, unexamined White rage. He isn't even addressing FD, at all. He is just upset at seeing a Black man speaking. I am sure he doesn't think of himself as a racist, but the knee-jerk reactions and strawmanning he does throughout is either something he is repressing or something he refuses to examine (which, unfortunately is how a lot of White liberal racism works)
@osuosu117 9 күн бұрын
Its so fucking funny how Aiko continues to call me a pdf based on ?????? Its like getting attacked by Alan Dershowitz
@Equeen 9 күн бұрын
Man I actually watched the Aiko/Sunday stream live but I had to stop because the vibes were fucked lol. I actually was initially interested in Aiko’s coverage of Tyler, but combining her A-Log nature with Sunday’s genuinely off putting hatred of FD… idk. The disdain and obsession just felt disproportionate.
@Observette 9 күн бұрын
Absolutely can’t stand the infamous obsessive A-logger AikoRulz.
@ah-sh9dw 9 күн бұрын
6:26:00 response to NCC's reaction to the chats I left on Aiko's I brought you up because I was in Aiko's chat and was surprised to see F D signifier, making this pretty much a continuation of the thing I'd just been watching, not really any deeper than that. I didn't think that would be an issue since the videos are super public. If you aren't okay with that though I'll keep it in mind in the future In regards to the chatter you zoomed in on, I know memories are fallible but I'd be very surprised if you didn't show their username because I remember that super clearly. I also remember you saying something like "how am I supposed to think you aren't racist when I see things like this" but the memory is fuzzier there so I'm sorry if I got something mixed up in my head there. I like giving people information but I don't like disagreeing with streamer opinions in chat because I don't think it's productive and I don't wanna one guy anyone or be disruptive, so that's why I didn't say anything in the original video. I don't think you're mean, but like I said in Aiko's chat I do think a lot of your criticisms were a stretch, but that's purely an opinion, not information
@ah-sh9dw 9 күн бұрын
5:29:52 sound bite explanations Aiko's issue with the first two are that tyler kind of sxxually harassed sunday and destiny The bit where Tyler says "salubrious, untoward, behavior that's ever been attributed to, just gender people" was from his keffals video and he was talking about the content in the mutahar video. It was pretty obvious in context that tyler meant to say "salacious" and "transgender people" so the point of this clip is to make fun of him for mispeaking The bit about vaush is from Aiko's collection of Tyler vaush defenses
@Observette 9 күн бұрын
Aiko’s a psycho!
@ah-sh9dw 8 күн бұрын
@@Observette she's just passionate
@raven_g6667 9 күн бұрын
Sunday got no business callin nobody "violently boring". Dude is fuckin white bread, the guy.
@acedegen 10 күн бұрын
A hit dog will holler as they say
@stefanlvkc7986 10 күн бұрын
Tyler broke Sunday. PS is clearly never going to recover from any of it...
@banquetoftheleviathan1404 10 күн бұрын
I'm glad that our threats to withhold our votes are getting a reaction, that's sorta the point. I was accused of holding abortion hostage for Palestine and you know what? I LIKE THAT. Thanks for the leverage. If foreigners are not Americans problem then I'm making it your problem. I wasn't born here so to me, people are people.
@chokinonashes61 10 күн бұрын
I'd be furious if Trump took a pic by my loved ones grave Thanks for the stream 🦋🦋🦋
@GregPrice-ep2dk 10 күн бұрын
MO is a safe state for Trump. We're hopelessly addicted to thr Kool Aid...
@markharrison6498 10 күн бұрын
I look forward to your upcoming terf content
@markharrison6498 10 күн бұрын
Tyler is one of the biggest Hasan haters on the net. Like the guy but I thought it was funny that you equated Sunday’s criticism with Hasan h8
@joe-xs7wr 10 күн бұрын
Tyler is not one of the biggest lol Hasan has a lot and most of it is well earned
@markharrison6498 10 күн бұрын
@@joe-xs7wrhe constantly talks about him. I’m not a Hasan fyi. Been watching Tyler for a while now
@joe-xs7wr 10 күн бұрын
​​@@markharrison6498i have too compared to most others we talking hours vs years worth of content even if we put it all in one year for Tyler's whole political career seeing how he had a horror story channel before we talking mins vs days, it would be more fair to say his one of chadversy or vaush haters then Hasan
@cartilagehead6326 10 күн бұрын
@@joe-xs7wr lol who the heck is Chadversy. Your comments are incoherent
@markharrison6498 10 күн бұрын
@@joe-xs7wryeah, he transitioned to vaush because it was more popular and he had more relevant things to say. I think he brings up Hasan to court destiny’s audience as much as anything. Most of the time he only brings up Hasan to call him stupid and not much more. Tyler thinks the dems are a left wing political party so I can understand why he loves destiny and hates Hasan but he clearly brings him up for strategic reasons a lot of the time imo.
@archerbluth 10 күн бұрын
Keeping it a bean, the argument FD is making is silly to begin with, those same pro Palestinian activists who are expressing anger at black libs (which is bad NGL) have the same energy for white liberals too. FD is essentially playing team sports here when it isn’t necessary
@rf3471 10 күн бұрын
Bad empanada stay winning
@banquetoftheleviathan1404 10 күн бұрын
All my haters on they downfall
@medtle1 10 күн бұрын
For someone who claims and tries to portray himself as logical, objective, reasonable, and not ruled by his emotions, he seems to have a hard time understanding FD's video. [It's either that or he is using FD for clickbait and is extremely jealous of him because FD is everything Sunday claims to be; an academic that knows how to make educational online content and is well-respected content creator in his relevant online spaces.] Just because FD is popular in black KZbin spaces doesn't mean he is a huge popular content creator on KZbin in general. Another point FD is trying to get across that Sunday is not getting is that whether they realize it or not, whyte folks' actions have huge effects on communities of color and have tendencies to pit multiple communities of color against each other for entertainment (regardless of whether they intend to do that or not) and POC calling that out aren't going to care about whether whyte folks intended to do that or not. I have seen this happen to Asian communities multiple times - from uplifting the Asian PUA movement because of "cis straight Asian male activism" (at the expense of female & LGBTQ+ Asians and to the extent of giving JT Tran & his PUA business ABCs of Attraction an Ethical Business Award for spreading Asian anti-feminist myths and Asian male misogyny and getting several Asian gals harassed, threatened, gaslit, defamed, and demonized; which resulted in Asian communities becoming vulnerable to the alt-right and misinformation and the Asian anti-affirmative-action movement turning from a fringe small movement with little to no power to a slightly larger but still small fringe movement with a lot of influence, power, and money and inspired the manospheres of color movements in the 2020s) to pitting Asians against other communities of color several times throughout history to throwing Vietnamese voters under the bus for whyte voters in 2020 & ruining all of the years of hard work progressive & feminist Vietnamese folks put into getting rid of the Republican stronghold status for the Vietnamese community (and finally achieved it in 2016 but later regained it back once joe Biden was declared the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee) to blaming Asians for destroying affirmative action, DEI initiatives, and defunding of the police (even though the people doing that are all cis straight whyte men) to accusing Asian gals of being "race traitors" & "anti-Asian-male" & "gold diggers" & "homewreckers" & "stealing other gals' men" to accusing LGBTQ+ Asians of "not being 'real' Asians" & "abandoning their Asian-ness for the LGBTQ+ agenda" & "using their LGBTQ+ identity to assimilate into Americanness & hide their hatred of being Asian" - I understand where FD is coming from. Pitting different communities of color against each other has been a thing since the beginning of time and whyte folks feed off from these types of conflicts a lot. I get and understand criticizing Kamala Harris on her response to Israel-Palestine and why people would be upset with her on that, but you cannot go after Kamala the same way you can go after Joe because she is a biracial black and South Asian woman who is constantly aware that a lot of people want to harm her and hate her just because she is a woman who isn't whyte & has a "masculine" job and is constantly fearing for her life. Because Kamala is seen more as black than as racially ambiguous or Asian - similar to Barack Obama who is black & whyte but is not whyte-passing or racially-ambiguous-looking - this unfortunately places black people under watchful eyes if Kamala makes one mistake. [Would it be different if Kamala looked more South Asian than black? Probably, but not 100% different since Kamala isn't part-whyte. It might affect how she would see topics like Israel-Palestine, since Islamophobia tends to be more race-based than religion-based and impacts SWANAs and South Asians the most, but it wouldn't change the amount of obstacles she would have to face or the amount of harassment she has to deal with. It would also move the painful watchful eyes from black folks to Asian folks, but the issue of whyte folks interfering with progress & invading conversations they have no understanding of would still remain.] All FD was asking in that video was for whyte folks to stop pretending that they care about Palestinians & Congolese folks when they are looking for any excuse to be racist toward black Americans that support Kamala Harris and/or hate Donald Trump and to not enter themselves into conversations POC are having that they have no context or cultural understanding of and Sunday couldn't grasp that because he is too whyte and entitled to understand that.
@JerseyDevil-lo2nq 10 күн бұрын
Which proves FDs point about white leftists not engaging with enough black people and the community to understand the plot. You can disagree, but at least understand the discussion.
@medtle1 10 күн бұрын
@@JerseyDevil-lo2nq yep. Sunday majored in political Science and started off making videos about political theories and topics, so fd's videos should be super easy for him to understand since FD was an academic and teacher before becoming a youtuber. To me, this just shows how much of a drama-addicted grifter Sunday has become. President Sunday claims that Westside Tyler is too emotional amd not media-trained enough to handle doing journalism, but sounds like Sunday was projecting all along. I have my issues with Westside Tyler as well, but sounds like he was right in calling President Sunday a snake and might have accidentally called out Sunday's bluff and hurt his ego a bit too much. Sunday will try to pull out his Canadian card once he realizes how racist he looked, but I hope people don't fall for it because that is an old trick whyte non-americans use when they get called out for being racist towards American poc and black Canadians have had similar complaints about whyte Canadians. Ironic that Sunday keeps close with folks like lance (who left the vaush network) and shark30zero (who is still on the vaush network but hasn't been as active lately, like demon mama) when they are able to understand fd's videos and (like demon mama) have their own moments of calling out members of the vaush network and have called out people like him and chud logic before.
@chargoond 10 күн бұрын
ncmec includes a number of umbrella orgs specific to internet crime, so I don’t get most of Tyler’s vid