Easy Collaging with Paint Swatches
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Easy Paper Marbling
2 жыл бұрын
Using Nature for Mental Wellness
Jeff Sparr   Discovery Health Channel
@ScottLawrence-l4y 15 күн бұрын
This was such a beautiful, heartbreaking and honest account of knowing we are broken. However, we are always guided to the right places and the right people at the right time. I feel very blessed to have heard your story. I love the facts that somebody could see your mother tell you that message I also am an empath and I feel things on such a strong level I don't know why I just know that it is a friend of mine was recently contemplating suicide All I could say was that I could feel his father I don't know why never met the man but I could feel him around me and I needed to tell him and he listened. I too suffer from an affliction unlike you I was always confident in my early years it wasn't till it was 29 till I started listening to other people and believing what they said. I have been battling since 1999 but I have been fighting everyday since. Your story brought me to tears with sadness understanding and hope I live right outside of Massachusetts so I love listening to your accent. You have made a difference in my day and I want to say thank you and pass it on my gratitude to you
@zdgzgcgxc 16 күн бұрын
Your story brought me to tears..been an addict for 14 yeard
@sethhammer1795 17 күн бұрын
3 years sober from scripts and haven’t went back a day since. Quit cold turkey. No treatment. We do recover. It is possible 💪🏼
@HarryBishop-xq4lp Ай бұрын
Im a recovering meth addict. I live in a sober house in gorham it's called courage house. It's an awesome place. I am a peer support and recovery leader. I've done a lot of positive things but still I'm an addict. I hade 2.5 years of recovery and 6 months ago I relapsed, I've been clean for 3 weeks now, a now im loving life. I think im done with drugs. I feel if I keep using I will be dead by the end of the year. I have children that I haven't met yet i want them to know who I am. These video's help me stay clean and they give me the boost that I need to stay clean. Ty for your support.
@user-lf3yn8qo9b Ай бұрын
1 day sober I want this more then I want to drink. Lord please deliver this from me, I cant.
@joejames7518 Ай бұрын
1 month clean from heron
@Fotu_76 Ай бұрын
The battles of staying sober has always been difficult for me. I go sober for days at a time and then always fall. I despise the man I am when I relapse.i despise who I am when I’m drunk. It’s to the point when I’m drinking just to drink. I was 10 days sober and threw away yesterday.
@If-Cats-Could-Talk Ай бұрын
Oh man, this story makes me cry every time. I relapsed recently due to circumstances I couldn't seem to bare without alcohol (obviously I could have found a better way)..My daughter was abused by a gang in our neighborhood..it was so bad we left our home..but she is alive. I am grateful but I feel broken. I want to help her see the magic in the world again but I felt so sad and heartbroken. I've been through so much but when you see your child suffering then everything changes.. I have pure love for this man for sharing this. Thank you for this. I have hope.
@malibu9689 Ай бұрын
This dudes wife really knows how to pick em. I wonder if she ever took responsibility for deciding to have 3 kids with this dude. It takes 2 and Im guessing she blames this dude for her problems.
@joeljackshaw5788 Ай бұрын
This is what ypu got from this???
@edwardmk6539 2 ай бұрын
Hello everyone. I am 28 years old and tonight I made the decision to change my life forever. I haven't made this decision, like this, ever, because I never had the motivation to do it, and by motivation I mean the " Why would I not smoke heroin or weed ? What is more interesting than that ? Funny enough, despite all the good reasons to quit and desire to make my mom proud of me and pay her back for all the times she endured with me and helped me through, believed in me and is always there for me, what changed in me was something else. I must say that I finished High School in 2017 after repeating the last year. I had good grades because I had a good memory and I didn't have to study for the minimum, but it was the period where I discovered weed. Peer pressure, as you can say it, and curiosity were the main reasons I indulged into what turned out to be abuse and addictions, one after another. I didn't go to any University because I didn't want my mom to waste money more than she already was wasting with my addiction issues and recovery. I joined a rehab program for heroin use and I am taking methadone as a therapy, nonetheless I continued using heroin daily since it happened so that the city I live in had a guy that delivered that infernal substance to your home. They finally arrested him, not that I wished for that to happen but I was glad I couldn't reach it that easily anymore, and I started asking a friend to go and get it for me with his car. That went on for months and now, after trying daily to quit and seeing no progress but repeated actions and habit-loops, slowly something was cooking inside. As I kept struggling with my addiction, on the other hand I kept studying by my self Psychology and giving lessons to kids regarding any subject, particularly English and Math, I kept creating music and playing guitar, I kept writing and researching and looking at videos on how to improve my discipline, how to plan effectively, how to quit your addiction, etc. and I stumbled upon this video. Now, I am not saying that this video changed my life but I am saying that it was no coincidence that I saw this much of an Impact from a video that resonates so much with me, and as Chris believes and prays the Lord, so do I and I know that the Lord brought me here to this comment section to notice people talking about their progress but never coming back to the comments to tell people what they want to know : How you did it and if you still are sober. I promise to do that as soon as i have my first targets : 1st week, 2nd Week, 1st Month. Then we'll go from there. To finish my introduction I want to say what changed and what made me the way I am now, which is completely different from what I described : I worked many jobs that, looking back, each one of those jobs changed me and built my character. Here are the jobs I did in chronological order, 1. Call-center operator 2. Restaurant 3. Receptions 4. Slot-machine operator after the last job ( I did several jobs in the first 2 categories ) I decided that I don't want to work for other people's dreams anymore and I want to do something with my life that has meaning; and so the research had its beginning, I looked at everything you can think of in matters of : life's purpose and organization skills, behavior and discipline, habits and health, mindset and body language, human psychology, etc. As I was doing that I went into unemployment to get into an Accountant Course that will take 600hours and 250 of stage in an accounting firm. This course changed the way I viewed life, now I feel like I know how to organize my thoughts and my ideas, how to plan my life and how to get results, also how to track my progress and stay motivated. All of these things got into my unconscious mind and now they became conscious with the assimilation and projecting of the accounting method I've studied onto my life. I decided to join the University, which is btw something I started to think about as I quit my Slot-machine operator job and I have attempted last year to begin that journey, but due to a technical issue i couldn't and I took it as a sign to grow and plan, that's why I got into the accounting course. Now with all of that in my mind and a little bit of a personal project that made me understand what i want from my life, i plan to begin tomorrow the day I've never had and the day I'll have daily for the rest of my life which is this routine over here : The Script of my New Life beginning on 19/05/2024 Premise: Your life’s pace has changed and with it you need to change too. You have an exam on the 12th and another one on the 31st, therefore you have to study at least 6 hours per day until you get to August. Your ability to control your urges is directly correlated to your success. If you want to transition smoothly into your new routine you will need to respect the following rules: 1. Wake up early and begin your day with the morning prayer, after that you are free to think about the things you want to do. 2. Exercise to stop/prevent/overcome cravings - Activates Pre-Frontal Cortex. Begin with a 15min walk in the daylight. If you can, at this point, exercise outside, behind your house in the park. Bring a bottle of water with you. Hang for 3min/day. Tip: walking taps into your fat-stores as fuel compared to running that depletes your carbs-resources. Reason: this will improve your energy during your first 3 hours after waking. 3. Have a complete Breakfast and then you can have a smoke. Fact: Intermittent fasting makes stored body-fat more accessible as a source of energy and makes you lose that unwanted weight, also it improves your growth hormone and muscle gain, insulin sensitivity and cellular repair. How: limiting the consumption of calories to 4-6-8-10 hours in a 24hour cycle. Important: Delaying by 90min your morning Caffeine intake will impact positively your afternoon energy and your overall alertness. Reason: waiting 90 min for the adenosine level drops and the caffeine impact will be more effective. 4. Remind yourself of your purpose, that is your guide. You will feel the Reward you crave as you get used to working and making progress. The goal is to get used to finding peace without the external stimuli that you used so far. 5. Identify the triggers and go in the opposite direction. Remember: None of what you used to do served to your growth, it’s mostly detrimental behavior that you will have to change. Change is progressive and has to be constant and in small steps. Evening Routine 1. Prepare the next day’s checklist the night before, so that everything will be ready the next day, you will need less willpower to begin your journey. 2. The 3-2-1 Rule is a MUST: - 3 Hours before sleeping stop eating. - 2 Hours before sleeping stop working. - 1 Hour before sleeping turn of the screens 3. Tips to Maintain your Progress 1. Keep your Focus by Delaying Gratification, Keep your Testosterone by not Fapping. Don’t give into addictions, especially on impulse: - It erodes your Prefrontal Cortex that is responsible for your Emotions, Actions and Impulse-Control/Willpower. - It decreases Focus and it increases Anxiety and Depression. - After doing it your dopamine level falls way below base-line and that’s where the lack of Energy, Willpower and Focus comes in. BY GIVING INTO AN ADDICTION, YOU ARE SIGNALLING TO YOUR BRAIN THAT YOU HAVE ACCOMPLISHED THE MAIN GOAL FOR THE DAY AND YOUR BRAIN TAKES ALL THE DOPAMINE AND REWARDS YOU WITH SOMETHING YOU HAVEN’T EARNED. FOR THE TIME-PERIOD NECESSARY TO FLIP YOUR GOAL-LIST VERTICALLY, YOUR MAIN GOAL WILL STILL BE TO REWARD YOURSELF. UNTIL THAT CHANGES, KEEP DELAYING IT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN AND USE THE TRIGGER-DEFLECTORS SUCH AS EXERCISE, EATING/COOKING or CALMING YOURSELF and BEGIN TO DO AN ACTIVITY THAT REQUIRES FOCUS AND YOUR REWARD WILL BE EVEN MORE REWARDING SINCE YOU’VE WORKED FOR IT. It's just that part of your brain that keeps you from moving forward and leave that lifestyle behind. In a matter of a week your goals will change to this list: 1. Water 2. Food 3. Shelter 4. Finances 5. Career 6. Hobbies 7. Entertainment / Rewards EVERYTHING ELSE FEELS BORING WHEN YOU’VE DONE THE DIRTY BUSINESS, SO YOU SHOULD START WITH THE MOST DIFFICULT GOAL FOR THE DAY AND USE THE GOAL-LIST to identify PRIORITIES. Good luck to all of you guys and God Bless You All!
@andrewaja5895 2 ай бұрын
I work in drug rehab. If you’re willing, I’d like to speak with you and ask you some questions.
@StevenWimberly-ju4ug 2 ай бұрын
Listing to Abbie made a difference in my life. About saying on a continuous run of doing good. N a positive way. Help self so u can help someone else. Recovery First. God is Good.
@Misslikkle1616 2 ай бұрын
I relapsed and now am 2nd day sober....i was 1 month sober ..this time i am letting Jesus lead me through it ....ive tried to be sober for 5 yrs now ....i cant do it on my own ..
@JConnorJohnson 2 ай бұрын
Where he said I wish I could sit in my friends basement and be happy with who I was that hit me so hard. I’ve been addicted to heroin and fentanyl for 13 years. I just relapsed after 2 years for the 100th time. I feel so defeated but I won’t give up. I’ve got 17 days today. Chris’s story gives me hope.
@Llucius1 Ай бұрын
Stay strong bro , pray for strength , for the strength we need to go through life and all difficulties.
@elizabethburkett9592 2 ай бұрын
I have 12 years sober and your story is absolutely beautiful
@elizabethburkett9592 2 ай бұрын
Oh my goodness, poor baby
@TK12338 2 ай бұрын
I listen to him when i was badly addicted to cocaine. It was from my 15 to 21 years old. Too much money and everything so i can use it. I was depressed and everything i want was to end this hell. Paranoia, depression, suicidial thoughts. Today i am sober for 2.5years . I go to teen challenge programe on 17.12.2021 when i lost everthing. Thank god im listening to him again, clean. Love you and life❤❤ i move and live by the center where i heal. Will stay here for life. Love you chris.
@MapleBar777 2 ай бұрын
SPOILER ALERT: I knew straight from the jump he was gonna tell how he screwed up again at his kids birth. The addiction makes you do THEE MOST messed up shit you would never imagine yourself doing, yet here you are doing it. The key is to not beat yourself up about it. We all have the same story. You have to shake it off and get up again. You HAVE TO.
@MapleBar777 2 ай бұрын
2 Corinthians 12:9-11 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
@ShannonFreng 2 ай бұрын
What's rather idiotic, is that people say they're 'in recovery,' yet then say, that you can never be recovered--so then what is the point of saying you're 'in' something, that is supposedly never achievable?
@magda5429 2 ай бұрын
I love this video!!! Thank you for sharing your story Chris! 7 days sober, all we have is 1 day at a time ☺️
@BRETTtotheMOON 3 ай бұрын
2 months 15 days, sober after 365 days I will stop counting not because I want to forget but because I won’t forget.
@soberissexy1097 3 ай бұрын
I don't know why I haven't seen this. But our story is very similar. Long story short. I didn't make it for the birth. But on the other hand. Her and I turn 5 years June 16.. it's been a journey so I can really relate to you. Thanks for making this. You inspire me to do a story on KZbin . Thanks again!!!!!
@daniellecoleman4719 3 ай бұрын
differnt tho when you have kno money or friends to get you in rehab, or children to live for
@margotutson1832 3 ай бұрын
@kristiekane4963 3 ай бұрын
This is the most moving testimony I’ve ever watched. I sobbed. I will save this and send to others that are struggling. This is just ‘wow’. Chris, thank you for sharing your journey 💙
@EnothKamagara 3 ай бұрын
Nice testimony
@EnothKamagara 3 ай бұрын
Me l started weed at the age of 4 years and how l'm 23 but still struggling n have experienced dangerous withdrawal symptoms l'm really struggling,😭😭😭
@PatrickSarrels-xu9vy 3 ай бұрын
Addiction is subtraction which creates multiple divisions
@fatshady6471 3 ай бұрын
That hit hard, 16 months into my journey and that's one of the best shares I've come across. ❤
@BIG_1986 3 ай бұрын
I couldent do a day clean for 17 years I tried everything I went into treat ment 9 weeks ago today and I haven’t picked up since if ure like I was thinking of going into treatment but to scared then this is for u pls don’t be affraid of taking that step it’s the best thing and choice u will ever make life does get better after being in treatment I strongly advise you go threw with it and u wount regret it 🙏🏻🫶🏻💪🏻
@alexmurphy5289 3 ай бұрын
I understand why I get high now, it’s because I don’t like myself and haven’t for many many years now.
@RonaldLakatosh 3 ай бұрын
7 years clean by the grace of god we do recovery
@SamuelRivera-uu9fn 3 ай бұрын
Your words Te inspiration
@SamuelRivera-uu9fn 3 ай бұрын
Im.a heroin addict im in treatment now at a hospital in pa
@rosehandon1785 3 ай бұрын
Worthy of further discussion!
@user-kc8dc6ek2k 3 ай бұрын
Keep pushing 14 days here
@Mark-px8jt 3 ай бұрын
@solek1tchen 3 ай бұрын
Amazing! #173- what a great looking number! Congrats to the winner- this set is so nice.
@crockettmarr6427 3 ай бұрын
23k is real! Good job. Did I win??? 😍
@rustyfootwork 3 ай бұрын
I’m 4 days sober, lost my kids and family because I blacked out and almost hurt them, listening to this man talked shined some light for, I miss my baby, he’s 2 and 1/2 months old. I got to meet him sober but lost him while I can’t remember a thing.
@user-yh3xn1rg6c 3 ай бұрын
I got addicted to self harm at age 7 after my stepfather started drinking and being abusive once my mom lost all her money at age 14 still trying to get sober someone please help
@jamesebarb1464 4 ай бұрын
I'm on day one. I am 49 years old and scared to death. God lead me to this message. Thank you...
@tommas544 4 ай бұрын
After 35 years of meth addiction today is 2 years drug free ❤
@Mark-px8jt 3 ай бұрын
@skeez2416 4 ай бұрын
19 months 💜
@onetruesoldiervt3686 4 ай бұрын
🙏🫡🇺🇸🏋️‍♀️🏀♥️ this story is crazy ! You don’t have to end it all , just keep doing good until you’ve done it right -Faith
@michaelwest4164 4 ай бұрын
This really is some guy, been battling addiction for years and I know this guy will save many lives ❤
@brittney7555 4 ай бұрын
This is My third time around having the 1year clean from alcohol and drugs. However, today I have 1yr clean without cigarettes. Blessed just to have the one day.
@user-mb1dz2wu5j 4 ай бұрын
Nobody Considers Weed a Hard Drug (Except maybe the clueless+Sadistic that keep it in the company of crack, heroin+Fentanyl) But it's Been my F' Downfall for 46 yrs. Can't even Find Help From it because of the View (Not that Clown show) without going into Details that Cannabis Cloud has followed me like the Dust from Pigpen (the peanuts character, not Dead member) l Guess a Person Could get ADDICTED to Just About Anything, But with Most Detriments you can usually be aware of the damage, the Dissipation. But with the insidious plant that Anesthetizes you numb it's very Subtle+ Cloaks itself in False Contentment. Booz has it's Antabuse which can Make you very Sick+ Can Even KILL you if you Drink while on it, but grass has Nothing like that or I'd be on it!
@corykhan-pp8wg 4 ай бұрын
I want to buy a Herren jersey!! You hit home Sir, thanks
@MouseSki007 5 ай бұрын
I'm actually working on becoming an #addictionpeerspecialist here in western Kentucky. I really want to help my fellow addicts so they know there is hope for them as there is for me!
@adamgillinit 5 ай бұрын
Ty for this 🙏 I’m 1 day today and fighting with all I have. I have 3 kids and they are everything to me. I want to be better and I’m going to make it this time