abs[(8633^0.5)]+n=93 when n=1, deduce 93*2=a+b, 8633=a*b, a=97, b=89, abs[(291^0.5)]+33=(97+3)/2, abs[(143^0.5)]+1=(13+11)/2 for any gap between prime, n=1 for twin prime no matter how large of prime, how big between twin prime.
@felix-zd5bf7 күн бұрын
rip richard hamilton ❤
@DrTrefor8 күн бұрын
Congratulations Dr. Sarnak!!
@tnt79139 күн бұрын
Yet another shocker!!! White sexist old guys giving each other prizes😮😮😮😮 who'd have thought of that!?
@enlongchiou9 күн бұрын
Unique extra 6 dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold from 3 two dimensional Schwinger-Dyson quantum field ch=8pi*g*(m*c^2/2)^2/c^4=2pi*l*m*c^2[type1]=2pi*(pl/(4pi/3))*pm*c^2[type2b]=2pi*A*me*c^2/137.036[type2a] by ADS/CFT duality from 3 3D quantum black hole at Planck scale l=g*m/c^2=(h*g/2pi*c^3)^0.5=1.616231*10^-35 meter which can deduce ch=2pi*g*m^2, m=(ch/2pi*g)^0.5=2.176466*10^-8 kg, c=1/(up)^0.5=299792458[meter/second], u=4pi*10^-7, p=8.85418782*10^-12, g=6.674103388*10^-11, proton scale pl=g(p)*(4pi*pm/3)/c^2=8.809*10^-16 meter, Atom scale A^2=g(p)*pi*me/128.4980143*c^2, by graviton g*m^2=ch/2pi oscillating between l, pl, A scale generate strong force g(p)=g*m^2/pm^2=g*(pl/4.1888*l)^2=1.13*10^-28, EM force between proton pm=1.672621868*10^-27 kg, electron me=9.10938356*10^-31 kg in hydrogen Atom A=5.29177282*10^-11 meter by k*e^2=g(p)*pm^2/137.036=ch/(2pi*137.036)[e+]=me*(c/137.036)^2*A[e-]=4pi*g(p)*pm*me*137.036/128.51991 which can reproduce Dirac's quantum field deduce 0.001161409725=1/(2pi*137.036)=e+/ch : Schwinger's weak QED of Yang-Mills gauge field for anomalous electron magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor from positron e+=ch/(2pi*137.036)=k*e^2 which can turn into quantum gravity 2pi*k*e^2*137.036=ch=2pi*g*(137.036*up*e-/l)*(137.036*up*e+/l)=8pi*(137.036*A)^2*pm*c^2*(128.4980143/128.51991)=(2*A1*137.036*pm*c^2)*(4pi*A*137.036)=En*L produce photon r=En=ch/L=chR=me*(c/137.036)^2/2=13.6*e*((1/1^2-1/2^2)+(1/2^2-1/3^2)+...+(1/n^2-1/(n+1)^2))=(h/2pi)*(f1+f2+...+fn) : Einstein's random photon electric effect prevent continuous ultraviolet catastrophe of electron in Atom, deduce weak force unite 4 force of nature by super symmetry 137.036=g*m^2/k*e^2=GR/QM=(m*g*pm*g(p)*pm*g*m)*(1/137.036)/((e-)*g*(e+))=ER/EPR deduce (k*e^2/g*m^2)*g(p)*(me/pm)*(e-/e+)*(r/2*A*A1*c^4)=2pi*0.001161409725*(me/pm)^2=(me/pm)^2/(g*m^2/k*e^2)=(me/pm)^2/137.036=128.4980143*A/3.1415926=2.16*10^-9=0.00116592026-0.00116591810=(0.001165920+((61-41)+(57-25))*10^-9/2) - (0.00116584719+6845*10^-7+154*10^-8+92*10^-9) : discrepancy of muon magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor between experiment data, theoretical prediction from Fermilab at 8/10/23, 85.73% ratio between muon[105 mev=(3*137.036/2*0.511], electron[0.511 mev=me*c^2=g*m^2*137.036/A] decay from strong force by 14.27=A/(3*137.036*(A-A1))=12851991/(3*137.036*(128.51991-128.4980143))=128.4980143/3^2 deduce A1/A=128.4980143/128.51991 : oscillation of Atom radius cause Einstein's Brownian motion we can observe vibration of string at Atom scale[type2a], deduce 2^(1/6)*ch=125.0895 Gev : Higgs boson from super symmetry 1/137.036=e^2/(2*ch*p)=k*e^2/g*m^2 unite QM with GR.
@enlongchiou12 күн бұрын
Chern-Simons differential geometry for quantum black hole at Atom scale A^2=g(p)*pi*me/128.4980143*c^2 contain QBH at proton[pm=1.672621868*10^-27 kg] scale pl=g(p)*(4pi*pm/3)/c^2=8.809*10^-16 meter contain QBH at Planck scale l=g*m/c^2=(h*g/2pi*c^3)^0.5=1.616231*10^-35 meter which can deduce ch=8pi*g*(m*c^2/2)^2/c^4=2pi*g*m^2, m=(ch/2pi*g)^0.5=2.176466*10^-8 kg : solution of GR field equation, by ADS/CFT duality can transform 3 3D QBH into 3 2D Schwinger-Dyson quantum field ch=2pi*l*m*c^2[type1]=2pi*pl*pm*c^2/4.1888[type2b]=2pi*A*me*c^2/137.036[type2a] which can compose a unique extra 6 dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold for string theory fits our universe cause Einstein's Brownian motion we can observe vibration of string at Atom scale deduce 2^(1/6)*ch=125 Gev [1.602*10^-19/c^2] : Higgs boson from it's super symmetry 137.036=(2*ch*p)/e^2=g*m^2/k*e^2=GR/QM=(m*g*pm*g(p)*pm*g*m)*(1/137.036)/((e-)*g*(e+))=ER/EPR for transformation between strong force g(p)=g*m^2/pm^2=g*(pl/4.1888*l)^2=1.13*10^28 which can deduce ch=2pi*l*m*c^2=2pi*pl*pm*c^2/4.1888, EM force between proton[pm], electron[me=9.10938*10^-31 kg] in hydrogen Atom[A=5.29177282*10^-11 meter] by k*e^2=g(p)*pm^2/137.036=ch/(2pi*137.036)[e+]=me*(c/137.036)^2*A[e-]=4pi*g(p)*pm*me*137.036/128.51991 which can reproduce Dirac's quantum field deduce 0.001161409725=1/(2pi*137.036)=e+/ch : Schwinger's weak QED of Yang-Mills gauge field for anomalous electron magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor from positron e+=ch/(2pi*137.036)=k*e^2 which can turn into quantum gravity 2pi*k*e^2*137.036=ch=2pi*g*(137.036*up*e-/l)*(137.036*up*e+/l)=(2*A1*137.036*pm*c^2)*(4pi*A*137.036)=En*L produce photon at speed of light c=1/(up)^0.5=299792458[meter/second][u=4pi*10^-7, p=8.85418782*10^-12] by r=En=ch/L=chR=me*(c/137.036)^2/2=13.6*e*((1/1^2-1/2^2)+(1/2^2-1/3^2)+...+(1/n^2-1/(n+1)^2))=(h/2pi)*(f1+f2+...+fn) : Einstein's random photon electrical effect prevent continuous ultraviolet catastrophe of electron in atom, deduce weak force unite g(p) with k*e^2 by pm/me=1836.1527=4pi*137.036^2/128.51991=1/(4*A1*137.036^3)=(pi/(128.4980143*A*137.036))^0.5, deduce 2pi*0.001161409725*(me/pm)^2=(me/pm)^2/(g*m^2/k*e^2)=(me/pm)^2/137.036=128.4980143*A/3.1415926=2.16*10^-9=0.00116592026-0.00116591810=(0.001165920+((61-41)+(57-25))*10^-9/2) - (0.00116584719+6845*10^-7+154*10^-8+92*10^-9) : discrepancy of muon magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor between experiment data, theoretical prediction from Fermilab at 8/10/23, m/pm=1.3*10^19 is mass gap of QCD of Yang-Mills gauge field, at proton scale strong force give proton mass and positive charge e=1.602176634*10^-19=16*g*pm*c^2 where g=6.661181*10^-11 : gravitational constant due to red shift effect compare g=6.674103388*10^-11 at Planck scale, deduce (6.674103388/6.661181)^2*0.001161409725=0.00116592026 : anomalous muon magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor for QCD of Yang-Mills gauge field oscillating with QED of Yang-Mills gauge field 0.001161409725 which pm/me=1836.1527 is it's mass gap can deduce (me/pm)^2/(g*m^2/k*e^2)=2.16*10^-9, amazing take 3 giant Chern, Yau, Yang together can solve physics anomalies today, from weak force can deduce 85.73% ratio between muon[105 mev=(3*137.036/2)*0.511], electron[0.511 mev=me*c^2=g*m^2*137.036] decay from strong force by 14.27=A/(3*137.036*(A-A1))=128.51991/(3*137.036*(128.51991-128.4980143))=128.4980143/3^2 deduce A1/A=128.4980143/128.51991 : oscillation of Atom radius cause Einstein's Brownian motion.
@enlongchiou12 күн бұрын
Chern-Simons 3D differential geometry of quantum black hole[l=g*m/c^2=1.616231*10^-35 meter, pl=g(p)*(4pi*pm/3)/c^2=8.809*10-16 meter, A^2=g(p)*pi*me/128.4980143*c^2] by ADS/CFT duality can transform into k theory of Algebraic geometry of 2D quantum field ch=8pi*g*(m*c^2/2)^2/c^4=2pi*g*m^2=2pi*l*m*c^2[type1]=2pi*pl*pm*c^2/4.1888[type2b]=2pi*A*me*c^2/137.036[type2a] compose a unique extra 6 dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold for string theory fits our universe, deduce 2^(1/6)*ch=125 Gev[1.602*10^-19/c^2] : Higgs boson from it's super symmetry 137.036=g*m^2/k*e^2=GR/QM=(m*g*pm*g(p)*pm*g*m)*(1/137.037)/((e-)*g*(e+))=ER/EPR which's Sir Michael Atiyah's Todd wave function connect with zero of zeta function from sum of zero F(s)=1-T(s)=2^n qubit of AI, g(p)=g*m^2/pm^2=g*(pl/4.1888*l)^2=1.13*10^28 is strong force by graviton g*m^2=ch/2pi oscillating between l, pl scale which can transform into EM force between proton[pm=1.672621868*10^-27 kg], electron[me=9.10938356*10^-31 kg] in hydrogen Atom[A=5.29177282*10^-11 meter] by k*e^2=g(p)*pm^2/137.036=ch/(2pi*137.036)[e+]=me*(c/137.036)^2*A[e-]=4pi*g(p)*pm*me*137.036/128.51991 which can reproduce Dirac's quantum field deduce 0.001161409725=1/(2pi*137.036)=e+/ch : Schwinger's weak QED of Yang-Mills gauge field for anomalous electron magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor from positron e+ which can turn into quantum gravity 2pi*k*e^2*137.036=ch=2pi*g*(137.036*up*e-/l)*(137.036*up*e+/l)=(2*A1*137.036*pm*c^2)*(4pi*A*137.036)=En*L produce photon r=En=ch/L=chR=me*(c/137.036)^2/2=13.6*e*(1/1^2-1/n^2)[1.602*10^-19], deduce weak force unite g(p) with k*e^2 by pm/me=1836.1527=4pi*137.036^2/128.51991=1/(4*A1*137.036^3)=(pi/(128.4980143*A*137.036))^0.5 deduce 2pi*0.001161409725*(me/pm)^2=(me/pm)^2/(g*m^2/k*e^2)=(me/pm)^2/137.036=128.4980143*A/3.1415926=2.16*10^-9=0.00116592026-0.00116591810 : discrepancy of muon magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor between experiment data[0.001165920+((61-41)+(57-25))*10^-9/2], theoretical prediction[0.00116584719+6845*10^-7+154*10^-8+92*10^-9] from Fermilab at 8/10/23, (6.674103388/6.661181)^2*0.001161409725=0.00116592026 : anomalous muon magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor for QCD of Yang-Mills gauge field oscillating with QED of Yang-Mills gauge field 0.001161409725, m/pm=1.3*10^19 is mass gap of QCD where m=(ch/2pi*g)^0.5=2.176466*10^-8 kg : Planck's mass, g=6.674103388*10^-11 : gravitational constant, c=1/(up)^0.5=299792458[meter/second][u=4pi*10^-7, p=8.85418782*10^-12], g=6.661181*10^-11 : gravitational constant at proton scale pl where strong force give proton pm mass and positive charge unit e=1.602176634*10^-19=16*g*pm*c^2 as curvature of proton, pm/me=1836.1527 is mass gap of QED, (me/pm)^2/(g*m^2/k*e^2)=2.16*10^-6 due to oscillation between QCD, QED of Yang-Mills gauge field.
@BabakAram-h9d14 күн бұрын
I liked your theory, not so bad . I liked your theory,it works. GOOD!
@luisfelipe735114 күн бұрын
As far as the world is, myself i am nobody , but i am nobody who compactified using a mathematical tool an image of 4 MB in to 33 bytes... and i received no prize and it will remain so eventhouhg it is a revolution in computer science even AI says it is impossible because it violates information entropy... eventhough that is so congrats to peter sarnak
@markphc9914 күн бұрын
The prizes were founded by Run Run Shaw - the Hong Kong Media Mogul , who wished people to associate him with brilliant minds in science and maths by awarding them large cash prizes and a medal with his face on.His forte was making popular Kung Fu films and having sex with young actresses that later appeared in his movies
@Slowphoton14 күн бұрын
This video took me to a happy place. Thank you professor Sarnak.
@marksmith394714 күн бұрын
I sat next to Sarnak at a conference dinner once a long time ago. Smart guy!
@surfaceoftheoesj15 күн бұрын
@musescore198315 күн бұрын
@devrimturker15 күн бұрын
Congratulations Peter Sarnak. I appreciate your research which dives into ancient Mathematics, and exposing Apollonius' genius
I have befriended him. We went to the same primary school. A very kind man with time for everyone of all abilities. A brilliant mind. And incredibly modest. Tremendous company to be around. I love spending time with Shaun.
@kuttismile.justawhile4552 ай бұрын
@ripjawsquad2 ай бұрын
good job
@oopsgirl442 ай бұрын
So wonderfully made.
@machinelearning1712 ай бұрын
陈教授千古 人类文明曙光
@SageCog801-zl1ue5 ай бұрын
Very nice. I like these people. I wish I knew people like these. Thank you for sharing.
@livemchan98175 ай бұрын
@ludvigm5 ай бұрын
“Skill will come with knowledge but knowledge will not come with skill” Great quote to end on!
@enlongchiou5 ай бұрын
From Chern-Simons differential geometry[3D] to K theory [2D quantum field of torus] of Algebraic geometry by ADS/CFT are Witten's knot theory of 4D dynamic space time in physics g*m^2=(g(p)*pm^2/k*e^2)*(e+)=(k*e^2/e-)*(ch/2pi) : self interact graviton g*m^2=ch/2pi oscillate between 3 3D quantum black hole at Planck scale l=g*m/c^2=(h*g/2pi*c^3)^0.5=1.616231*10^-35 meter which can deduce ch=2pi*g*m^2=8pi*g*(m*c^2/2)/c^4 : solution of GR field equation, m=(ch/2pi*g)^0.5=2.176466*10^-8 kg], proton scale pl=g(p)*(4pi*pm/3)/c^2=8.809*10^-16 meter which can deduce ch=2pi*pl*pm*c^2/(4pi/3)[2D quantum field], Atom scale A^2=g(p)*pi*me/128.4980143*c^2 which deduce ch=2pi*A*me*c^2/137.036[2D torus], generate strong force g(p)=g*m^2/pm^2=g*(pl/4.1888*l)^2=1.13*10^28 which deduce ch=2pi*l*m*c^2=2pi*pl*pm*c^2/4.1888 by graviton g*m^2 oscillating between l, pl scale, EM force between proton[pm=1.672621868*10^-27 kg], electron[me=9.10928356*10^-31 kg] in [hydrogen]Atom[A=5.29177282*10^-11 meter] by k*e^2=g(p)*pm^2/137.036=ch/(2pi*137.036)[e+]=me*(c/137.036)^2*A[e-]=4pi*g(p)*pm*me*137.036/128.51991 which can reproduce Dirac's quantum field deduce 0.001161409725=1/(2pi*137.036) : Schwinger's weak QED for anomalous electron magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor from positron e+=ch/(2pi*137.036)=k*e^2 which can turn into quantum gravity 2pi*k*e^2*137.036=ch=(2*A1*137.036*pm*c^2)*(4pi*A*137.036)=En*L produce photon r=En=ch/L=chR=me*(c/137.036)^2/2=13.6*e[1.602*10^-19], deduce weak force unite g(p) with k*e^2 by pm/me=1836.1527=4pi*137.036^2/128.51991=1/(4*A1*137.036^3)=(pi/(128.4980143*A*137.036))^0.5, deduce 2pi*0.001161409725*(me/pm)^2=(me/pm)^2/(g*m^2/k*e^2)=(me/pm)^2/137.036=128.4980143*A/3.1415926=2.16*10^-9 : discrepancy of muon magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor between experiment data[0.001165920+((61-41)+(57-25))*10^-9/2], theoretical prediction[0.00116584719+6845*10^-7+154*10^-8+92*10^-9] from Fermilab at 8/10/23, 85.73% ratio between muon[105 mev=(3*137.036/2)*0.511], electron[0.511 mev=me*c^2=g*m^2*137.036/A] decay from strong force by 14.27=A/(3*137.036*(A-A1))=128.51991/(3*137.036*(128.51991-128.49801421207))=128.49801421207/3^2 deduce A1=A*(128.4980143/128.51991)=5.2908712*10^-11 meter : oscillation of 3 two dimensional Schwinger-Dyson quantum field[3 2D torus of k theory] ch=2pi*l*m*c^2=2pi*pl*pm*c^2/(4pi/3)=2pi*A*me*c^2/137.036 by ADS/CFT duality from 3 3D quantum black hole l, pl, A^2 which can compose a unique extra 6D Calabi-Yau manifold for string theory fits our universe cause Einstein's Brownian motion we can observe at Atom scale, deduce 2^(1/6)*ch=125 Gev [1.602*10^-19/c^2] : Higgs boson from it's super symmetry 1/137.036=e^2/(2*ch*p)=k*e^2/g*m^2 unite QM with GR, transformation between 3 2D quantum field, p=8.85418782*10^-12, u=4pi*10^-7 are permittivity, permeability of free space ch=2pi*g*m^2=2pi*g*(137.036*up*e-/l)*(137.036*up*e+/l) at speed of light c=1/(up)^0.5=299792458[meter/second] : gravitational wave of EM force.
3 two dimensional Schwinger's Dyson quantum field ch=8pi*g*(m*c^2/2)^2/c^4[GR]=2pi*l*m*c^2=2pi*pl*pm*c^2/4.1888=2pi*A*me*c^2/137.036 by ADS/CFT duality from 3 quantum black hole at Planck scale l=g*m/c^2=(h*g/2pi*c^3)^0.5=1.616231*10^-35 meter which can deduce ch=2pi*g*m^2, proton scale pl=g(p)*(4pi*pm/3)/c^2=8.809*10^-16 meter which can deduce ch=2pi*pl*pm*c^2/4.1888, Atom scale A^2=g(p)*pi*me/128.4980143*c^2 which can deduce ch=2pi*A*me*c^2/137.036 can compose a unique extra 6 dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold for string theory fits our universe , deduce 2^(1/6)*ch=125 Gev[1.602176634*10^-19/c^2] : Higgs boson from it's super symmetry 1/137.036=e^2/(2*ch*p)=k*e^2/g*m^2 unite QM with GR by self interact graviton g*m^2=137.036*(e+)=(k*e^2/e-)*g*m^2 which's base on Witten's knot theory of 4D dynamic space time in math oscillate between l, pl, A scale generate strong force g(p)=g*m^2/pm^2=g*(pl/4.1888*l)^2=1.13*10^28 which can deduce ch=2pi*l*m*c^2=2pi*pl*pm*c^2/(4pi/3), EM force between proton[pm=1.672621868*10^-27 kg], electron[me=9.10938356*10^-31 kg] in Atom[A=5.29177282*10^-11 meter] by k*e^2=g(p)*pm^2/137.036=ch/(2pi*137.036)[e+]=me*(c/137.036)^2*A[e-]=4pi*g(p)*pm*me*137.036/128.51991 which can reproduce Dirac's quantum field deduce 0.001161409725=1/(2pi*137.036) : anomalous electron magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor from potential energy of positron in magnetic field e+=ch/(2pi*137.036)=k*e^2 oscillating with momentum energy of electron in electrical field e-=me*(c/137.036)^2*A=k*e^2 in vacuum 2pi*k*e^2*137.036=ch=2pi*g*(137.036*up*e+/l)*(137.036*up*e-/l)=(2*A1*137.036*pm*c^2)*(4pi*A*137.036)=En*L at speed of light c=1/(up)^0.5=299792458[meter/second][u=4pi*10^-7, p=8.85418782*10^-12]produce photon r=En=ch/L=chR=me*(c/137.036)^2/2=13.6*e[1/1^2-1/n^2][1.602176634*10^-19]=13.6*e*((1/1^2-1/2^2)+(1/2^2-1/3^2)+...+(1/n^2-1/(n+1)^2))=(h/2pi)*(f1+f2+...+fn) positive energy from negative vacuum[Dirac's sea] of compact space[l, pl, A^2][Calabi conjecture], deduce weak force unite g(p) with k*e^2 by pm/me=1836.1527=4pi*137.036^2/128.51991=1/(4*A1*137.036^3)=(pi/(128.4980143*A*137.036))^0.5, from it can deduce 2pi*0.001161409725*(me/pm)^2=(me/pm)^2/(g*m^2/k*e^2)=(me/pm)^2/137.036=128.4980143*A/3.1415926=2.16*10^-9=0.00116592026-0.00116591810=(0.001165920+((61-41)+(57-25))*10^-9/2) - (0.00116584719+6845*10^-7+154*10^-8+92*10^-9) : discrepancy of muon magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor between experiment data, theoretical prediction from Fermilab at 8/10/23, 85.73% ratio between muon[105 mev=(3*137.036/2)*0.511], electron[0.511 mev=me*c^2=g*m^2*137.036/A] decay from strong force by 14.27=A/(3*137.036*(A-A1))=128.51991/(3*137.036*(128.51991-128.49801421207))=128.49801421207/3^2 where A1=A*(128.4980143/128.51991)=5.2908712*10^-11 meter : vibration of Calabi-Yau manifold at Atom scale A cause Einstein's Brownian motion we can observe, (6.674103388/6.661181)^2*0.001161409725=0.00116592026 : anomalous muon magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor for QCD of Yang-Mills gauge field, m/pm=1.3*10^19 is it's mass gap, g=6.674103388*10^-11 : gravitational constant from m=(ch/2pi*g)^0.5=2.176466*10^-8 kg which can deduce ch=2pi*g*m^2, 16*g*pm*c^2=1.602176634*10^-19=e : positive charge unit of proton where g=6.6611811^-11 due to red shift effect, pm/me=1836.1527 is mass gap of QED of Yang-Mills gauge field, oscillation between QCD, QED of Yang-Mills gauge field (me/pm)^2/(g*m^2/k*e^2)=2.16*10^-9 : extra wobbling of muon magnetic moment, Yang-Mills gauge field is relate to Calabi-Yau manifold from experiment data at Fermilab, CERN can prove it.
@shimonshmueli68726 ай бұрын
Congratulations! Being the first to comment here, does that qualify me for some fractional Erdos handshake number? 😇
@goenzoy7126 ай бұрын
Congratulations to all laureate s
@tahamuhammad59626 ай бұрын
Unsolved Math Victories of the Cenozoic Era, which is also known as the "age of mammals" by Taha M. Muhammad/ USA Kurd Iraq kzbin.info/www/bejne/g2a4pnuifdWmbqc Fermat’s Last Theorem /Approved by Cambridge University UK, By Taha M. Muhammad/ USA Kurd Iraq kzbin.info/www/bejne/n5y2q2Zsh6meibs Collatz Sequence/ Approved by Cambridge University UK By Taha M. Muhammad/ USA Kurd Iraq kzbin.info/www/bejne/pomYhJyebcmmqtU /Euler Perfect Box/ Approved by Cambridge University UK By Taha M. Muhammad/ USA Kurd Iraq
@enlongchiou6 ай бұрын
From Chern-Simons differential geometry to k theory of Algebraic geometry[2pi*(2-3*2))=-8pi] deduce Witten's 4D self interact knot theory which in physics is self interact graviton g*m^2=137.036*(e+)=(k*e^2/e-)*g*m^2 which's by graviton g*m^2=ch/2pi : solution of GR field equation ch=8pi*g*(m*c^2/2)^2/c^4 in 4D dynamic space time oscillating between quantum black hole at Planck scale l=g*m/c^2=(h*g/2pi*c^3)^0.5 =1.616231*10^-35 meter which can deduce ch=2pi*g*m^2, proton scale pl=g(p)*(4pi*pm/3)/c^2=8.809*10^-16 meter, Atom scale A^2=g(p)*pi*me/128.4980143*c^2, generate strong force g(p)=g*m^2/pm^2=g*(pl/4.1888*l)^2=1.13*10^28, EM force between proton[pm=1.672621868*10^-27 kg], electron[me=9.10938356*10^-31 kg] in Atom[A=5.29177282*10^-11 meter] k*e^2=g(p)*pm^2/137.036=ch/(2pi*137.036)[e+]=me*(c/137.036)^2*A[e-]=4pi*g(p)*pm*me*137.036/128.51991 which can reproduce Dirac's quantum field, deduce 0.001161409725=1/(2pi*137.036) : anomalous electron magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor from potential energy of positron e+=ch/(2pi*137.036)=k*e^2 which can turn into quantum gravity 2pi*k*e^2*137.036=ch=(2*A1*137.036*pm*c^2)*(4pi*A*137.036)=En*L produce [dark] photon r=En=ch/L=chR=me*(c/137.036)^2/2=13.6*e[1.602*10^-19]=13.6*e*((1/1^2-1/2^2)+(1/2^2-1/3^2)+...+(1/n^2-1/(n+1)^2))=(h/2pi)*(f1+f2+...+fn) in negative vacuum energy of Dirac's sea[Einstein's electric photon effect], deduce weak force unite strong force g(p) with EM force k*e^2 by pm/me=1836.1527=4pi*137.036^2/128.51991=1/(4*A1*137.036^3)=(pi/(128.4980143*A*137.036))^0.5, from it can deduce 2pi*0.001161409725*(me/pm)^2=(me/pm)^2/137.036=128.4980143*A/3.1415926=2.16*10^-9=0.00116592026-0.00116591810=(0.001165920+((61-41)+(57-25))*10^-9/2) - (0.00116584719+6845*10^-7+154*10^-8+92*10^-9) : discrepancy of muon magnetic moment of (g-2)/2 factor between experiment data, theoretical prediction from Fermilab at 8/10/23, 85.73% ratio between muon[105 mev=(3*137.036/2)*0.511], electron[0.511 mev=me*c^2=g*m^2*137.036/A] decay from strong force by 14.27=A/(3*137.036*(A-A1))=128.51991/(3*137.036*(128.51991-128.49801421207))=128.49801421207/3^2 where A1=A*(128.4980143/128.51991)=5.2908712*10^-11 meter, vibration of 3 two dimensional Schwinger-Dyson quantum field ch=2pi*l*m*c^2[type1]=2pi*pl*pm*c^2/4.1888[type2b]=2pi*A*me*c^2/137.036[type2a] by ADS/CFT duality from 3 quantum black hole l, pl, A^2 which can compose a unique extra 6 dimensional Calabi-Yau manifold for string theory fits our universe cause Einstein's Brownian motion we can observe, deduce 2^(1/6)*ch=125 Gev : Higgs boson from it's super symmetry 1/137.036=e^2/(2*ch*p)=k*e^2/g*m^2 unite QM with GR by vacuum ch=(4.9154)^3*pm=111.4421 Gev=2pi*g*m^2=2pi*g*(137.036*up*e-/l)*(137.036*up*e+/l)[SG] at speed of light c=1/(up)^0.5 =299792458 [meter/second]where p=8.85418782*10^-12, u=4pi*10^-7 are permittivity, permeability of free space ch which is under critical mass [6^3*pm] can expand our universe, and ch have meter^3*kg/second^2 dimension can deduce Kepler law[meter^3/second^2] of orbit between planets[kg], galaxies[kg] where can found dark matter ch/3=(8*pi^2/3)*g(p)*pm*me*137.036^2/128.51991 by ch[72.13%] + ch/3[24.14%] + ch/6pi [3.83%]= En[100%], due to asymptotic freedom of strong force g(p) make outer planets, galaxies feel more gravitational force than inner one, ch/6pi=W*p/R for regular matter can emit light spectrum r=En=chR=me*(c/137.036)^2/2 by electron decay which shrink proton radius to 8.7548*10^-16 meter produce W=(8.809/8.7548)^2*80.5=81.5 Gev : weak interact massive particle[WIMP] for dark matter, oscillation between dark energy , dark matter, regular matter can deduce experiment data from Planck satellite for dark energy 68.3%=72.13-3.83, dark matter 26.8%, regular matter 4.9%, via Hilbert's quantum space deduce 3.83=(4.9-3.83)+(26.8-24.04), in bullet cluster when two galaxies collide can detect blue light for dark matter that prove Calabi-Yau manifold connect with string theory can explain anomalies at micro, macro scale.
@janklaas68856 ай бұрын
@JohelSouza7 ай бұрын
Fermat: oh, this thing has no proof I can think of. But, what I can do, is destroy the life of thousands of future mathematicians with just one side note…
@양익서-g8j7 ай бұрын
중국도 정부가 자유를 주면 활기차게 생각하는 사람이 늘거라고 생각해요.
@gigodotbernard93688 ай бұрын
Used to be a pupil at the lycée du Parc (Lyons) where I was at the same time. Good pupil he was 😅
@janklaas68858 ай бұрын
@santiagoarce56728 ай бұрын
That guy in the audience that he's talking about around 1:25:00 turns out to be donald knuth!
@harryschmidt44659 ай бұрын
How charming. Thanks!
@marra52039 ай бұрын
I first got in touch with Arnold's work during my undergrad studies with the Cat Mapping, around 2008. Then my PhD thesis, finished in 2017, I studied some of his classification of singularities. What an amazing man.
@HughChing9 ай бұрын
The Post-Science Knowledge Revolution kzbin.info/www/bejne/aJ-udHanmaZjipI Post-Science in Money-Oriented Society kzbin.info/www/bejne/qH3PYmeLf5yseLs kzbin.info/www/bejne/mn_ZYaOVo8x8f8k (Post-Science with Chinese translation)
@juspreetsandhu844610 ай бұрын
Probably one of the finest analysts/probability theorists of the last 50 years.
@azvrmechanicaluniverse892210 ай бұрын
Big mathematics master in the world ! Really great man
@maxotbekessov222510 ай бұрын
Congratulations on your success.
@parvdize396811 ай бұрын
the shaw prize always has the most recognizable ends😂