Eve Online - Covert Ops Hauling
14 күн бұрын
Eve Online - Project Discovery
21 күн бұрын
@M5onster 7 сағат бұрын
Very interesting to watch; great observations and insight. I’m encouraged after watching this video because I’m a long time fan of the channel and realized I am in the habit of doing basically everything you recommended.
@robertr7530 13 сағат бұрын
Recently killed in LowSec. Mining Gneiss in LowSec. It was an Agency selected site for Unknown Ore. There were too many pilots in Local and should have left but didn't. I was alone when I arrived in mining site. There was a ton of ore to mine. After a few minutes a Venture arrived 50K away. I thought ok another miner but I have become suspicious because of have seen this setup before. But, stupidly, kept mining. About 5 minutes later he leaves and a couple of minutes later a Tengu arrives and blasts my ass to junk. He didn't pod me, so I couldn't get a kill right. Unfortunately, in Eve, most the good sites are scooped out just waiting for fools to get janked. My guess there are pirates checking the Agency ore sites and just laying in wait for a kill.
@moonlander03 14 сағат бұрын
There was big spike in local.. he shoulda warped away asap …
@ZeratulHONOR 14 сағат бұрын
Works like a charm. Thanks!
@alh-xj6gt 16 сағат бұрын
great vid with good tips. love everef am using it regularly. With skills all 5 a skiff has base max speed 138m/s and a strip mining cycle takes 144s. The range of these strip miners is 15km. The align speed for immediate warpout would be 138 * 0.75 = 104m/s. 104m/s times 144s is 14976m so roughly 15km. Which means at zero on an asteroid and aligning at 75% speed out to an offgrid bookmark will have enough time to finish a cycle before moving out of range. Now there are ton of modules that impact speed. could put a higgs rig on and have roughly 10 minutes of time until the ship will have travelled 15km. Personally I find higgs rigged ships difficult to move. Or make the ship faster and start mining 10km out passing the asteroid while having enough distance to get a full cycle. It all depends and is also highly influenced by player preference.
@wayneyessir6350 18 сағат бұрын
Tank does not save you in Low. Nobody is coming to save you, so tank is just going to make dieing slower. Better to use Macks or Hulks with low friction rigs. Getting off grid the fastest possible is what saves you. [Mackinaw, Mackinaw fit] Mining Laser Upgrade II Mining Laser Upgrade II Mining Laser Upgrade II Compact EM Shield Amplifier Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender Rash Compact Burst Jammer Compact Multispectrum Shield Hardener Modulated Strip Miner II Modulated Strip Miner II Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints II Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints II [Mackinaw, Mackinaw fit] Mining Laser Upgrade II Mining Laser Upgrade II Mining Laser Upgrade II EM Shield Amplifier II Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender Rash Compact Burst Jammer Multispectrum Shield Hardener II ORE Strip Miner ORE Strip Miner Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints II Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints II
@robertr7530 13 сағат бұрын
Thanks for these fits. I learn a lot just from seeing how pilots fit their ships for various possibilties.
@wayneyessir6350 11 сағат бұрын
@@robertr7530 Your welcome. I primarily farm in Low/Null sec and each has its own set of dangers that need to be considered (and therefore, it's own set of fits). A lot of mistakes I see from KZbin, is people bringing a High Sec mentality to Low (in particular). Low requires a completely different set of rules, skills, tools and mentalilty. Jakel33t covered some of the top tips in the video, but you could easily do an entire video dedicated just for a how to guide for mining in Low.
@brookesef 18 сағат бұрын
Agree with everything else in the video, but I will say in one of your solo mining vids I distinctly remember you saying that mining in a faction warfare system was actually *safer* because PVP-ers in those systems aren't looking to target miners.
@JAKEL33T 18 сағат бұрын
Not in a barge, though.
@markieness 19 сағат бұрын
"Sandwich time" thats a great way to put it
@RFlairPC 20 сағат бұрын
Your videos got me and a buddy into the games.
@eve-ref 21 сағат бұрын
Hi there! I'm the idiot who lost the skiff. Thank you for all the great advice. I've posted my video in a few places and honestly the advice I've gotten reminds me why I love EVE Online! Just want to say that I was mining pyro for no particular reason. I wasn't trying to make money, I just wanted to try out low-sec mining. Basically, judging by the advice I've gotten, I did everything wrong and it has been a great learning experience.
@liviustoiann Күн бұрын
I read it as skyfloss and was thinking it's a new type of harvestable resource 😂😂
This is great info to look out for the hisec ore troll patrols that like to target mining ships
@sasakostic1982 Күн бұрын
He deserve to lose ship ;)
@eve-ref 21 сағат бұрын
I sure did!
@AsFlyas72ay 19 сағат бұрын
He lost a ship, but he learned so much well worth the cost. Better now than on a command ship.
@up0820 Күн бұрын
This whole scenario makes me laugh. First, i wouldn't be mining garbage rocks in low sec. Second as soon as someone else pops into a once empty system, i am either docking up or getting to the next system, preferably high sec. As far as i am concerned everyone that isn't blue, purple or green are an enemy.
@honeybadger9425 22 сағат бұрын
Yeah deep out in null where it’s very quiet is the place for barges, in low sec I’d just use a venture and go get the goodies with a Viator. Risk vs reward isn’t it I mean what’s a skiff worth 300mill odd I mean are you likely to make that money before getting caught probably not in low sec, all a fleet needs to do is warp immediately to a belt each and your likely dead in a barge if take eyes of screen for few seconds. Venture your much quicker and it don’t matter if it pops not expensive and handy for topping up on Zydrine etc
@TinyRaven Күн бұрын
In low i go full yield and just watch dscan, but being mates with the locals helps.
Күн бұрын
Just bookmarked Eve Ref cool site. Also, on my way to make a PVP tab and set my D-Scan up. I was just thinking the other day that there was way too much in my D-Scan for it to be any use but I was not sure how to set it up so that was a big help Thanks Sir!
@davidb7279 Күн бұрын
Great video, explaining in detail what you should not do while mining in lowsec, highlighting your bros mistakes, so useful ty
@ElektroBaals Күн бұрын
I also mine in low, these situations i dont mind, fair for both party's , however, what's usually grabs me is a dubble scram stealth bomber. Is there anything you can do or is that just a death centence?
@georg1541 Күн бұрын
I can only think of one thing and that is a Burst Jammer (+ ECM drones).
@ElektroBaals Күн бұрын
@JAKEL33T Күн бұрын
@eve-ref 21 сағат бұрын
That VNI came in so fast
@HuskerDerp Күн бұрын
Do you have a mining corp or alliance? (Not asking for the name or anything or any specific names). I want to get into a mining corp myself hopefully.
@BH-lu5rz Күн бұрын
Come in with a cheapo Kestrel and kill 1 rogue drone in Poch to get a little bit of standing so you can dock up. I've just started going into Pochven for various adventures including mining. It's fun and can be quite rewarding, but it's the wild west for sure. Don't recommend Pochven on weekends, holidays or other peak times unless PVP is what you do. You can enter and exit for free if you learn how to scan down the connecting wormholes and again the faction helps as the Trigs will be at the entrances sometimes.
@honeybadger9425 Күн бұрын
Stick a couple of Drone Navigation Computers in your mid slots buddy it speeds your drones up a fair bit
@honeybadger9425 Күн бұрын
In your rigs you also want three Large Drone Mining Augentor they increase your drones mining yield and speeds up their cycle time
@DayPolloLoco Күн бұрын
It kinda drives me nuts how he's saying Deluge. It's Del - uge as in the weather event. Not De - luge. Lol they are all weather related. Squall and Torrnet 😂
@tarkserbest513 Күн бұрын
How can I kill the rats in the wormhole sites Do I really have to bring a bigger ship I couldnt find a fit either
@javiertheque1158 2 күн бұрын
man I just came back to EVE and started from scratch but your content really is helpful, especially this series!!! and thank you for the SP!!!
@thomasmeincke8704 2 күн бұрын
Great video :-) u have the same amount on the stockpile on p3 planet. 3500 of each tier 2 or less?
@BrentUMD 2 күн бұрын
This is a joke right you grind project discovery meme. It’s not even Eve just seems mind numbing awful way to spend 2 hours per day. Out of everything to do in Eve you pick the single least Eve thing to do
@neocorricon 3 күн бұрын
Can you confirm: These rats only use disrupters, never a scram, so your MJD will always work?
@alericc1889 3 күн бұрын
They GANK in .9 Hi Sec all the time, because there are NO REPRECUSSIONS for doing it. The 15 minute criminal tag is a JOKE. Go to Maurisel, (spelling) at prime time, you will be hit. Hi Sec is a JOKE in terms of security. Anyone that GANKS in Hi Sec need to have a PERMEMNANT CRIMINAL TAG on their account that carries thru death. Low and Null are different, go wild but to get NEW and Casual Players in Eve they have needed to change the Ganks in Hi Sec a LONG time ago.
@jiiaga5017 4 күн бұрын
L2 missions aren't always 6k M3, that's just like the max. I've done a few mining missions just to hit 2 opportunities at once, and they'll often only be 1800 m3 or somethin. I've probably done 10ish L2s recently and only 1 has required 2 trips in a venture.
@bighosnl 4 күн бұрын
Hey, I have 3 acounts I can multibox mining with, all omega. When would it be worth it to bring a booster ship? with 2 or 3?
4 күн бұрын
I wonder are mining missions or courier missions better for just grinding standing to get to level 4 combat missions. The isk/h does not seem to be there considering what you can get on a real belt but the LP can be important if you want to get standings up. Also, you don't seem to lose standing (at least that I saw) with other factions like you do pretty often in combat missions so if you wanted to raise up all standings mining could be good that way.
@protic4 4 күн бұрын
The Anti-Judge.
@1982Clarkey 4 күн бұрын
Mining Missions are dreadful
@burst8213 4 күн бұрын
Yes they are, i dont even bother. I got to LvL4 Security missions, Killing Battleships with bounty of 1mil isk plus the salvage at the end, not bad.
@MoongladeDruid 5 күн бұрын
with regards to ordering mining drones that have ore on board. I had that situation last night and i got a message that the drones could not engage with ore on board. They then each came back dropped off (informed me that the asteroid was depleted x5) and then i was able to send them out. thanks for the vid :)
@MerchantIvoryfilms 5 күн бұрын
I did level 4 mining missions for a few hours, terrible returns. Make 4x more just mining veldspar but each to their own
@The_Sci-Fi_Slut 4 күн бұрын
@@MerchantIvoryfilms Are you talking about just the ISK you get, or did you include the loyalty points
@BansheeNornPhenex 5 күн бұрын
So is it purely cosmetic only for seasonal? Im goin to be playing solo offline mostly but i did see a solo seasonal mode. Is there any legendary gear in a season that you cant get in a non season?
@donniejo8888 5 күн бұрын
With Omega players starting to guard Stargates and taggin Alpha players The game has been robbed of its fun
@highrzr 5 күн бұрын
Best advice is to keep an eye on local and always be aligned to something dockable. Gankers in high sec generally prefer 0.7 - 0.5 security space as Concord's response is much slower.
@M5onster 6 күн бұрын
I like your idea about a series mining in Null. I’m contemplating a move to Null and would love to see and hear your perspective on nullsec mining in action.
@JAKEL33T 6 күн бұрын
Would be this series, just shifted focus.
@mariocaru2b 6 күн бұрын
Great insights, JAKEL33T, thanks!!! Never got any PLEX on crates, yet.. but that lucky of yours motivated me :)
@wayneyessir6350 6 күн бұрын
I think mining Crockite in Low would get you to Omega way faster than Mercoxit in Null
@alh-xj6gt 6 күн бұрын
Great tips! People should do what they want to do. But for all the max yield fiddling and min-maxing it baffles me that people don't recognize that just paying for omega for most people is the cheapest. With current plex prices it is roughly 2.7b for 500 plex. For the sake of argument assume an hourly net income of 12.49 Euros which is also the monthly sub in a year sub-plan then I will need to make 2.7b isk in an hour to be equivalent. And make more to be more efficient to pay for the sub. I'm far off that isk per hour and wouldn't put that pressure on me as I would feel it more as a chore. With the ganking, yeah it is safe enough with all the systems. It is a sandbox so stuff needs to be destroyed ... either we put unrepairable durability that depletes on items and ships and make it safer or we get ships blown up and build or buy new stuff. If stuff is not blown up it will stagnate the market. 104k ehp needs to be said in relation to highsec and the isk on grid. If the value exceeds ship+fit+cargo 270m it starts to look great for at least green zkillboard mail in .5 systems. Means ~14 pilots in a mix of T1 and T2 catalysts will destroy it with a 19 seconds concord response timer and the kill will be green enough on zkill. I switched over to play for "fun per hour" which by far is not the most efficient way to earn that amount of isk in that short amount of time. To get the pepe size comparing out of anyones head. The most efficient way is to daytrade IRL and funnel from it money via PLEX into ISK and get it all blown up in virtual space ships.
@trcthorkun 6 күн бұрын
I agree with omega, I also like to pay for it with real money, since I don't want to feel like I HAVE to earn 3 billion isk a month to be able to plex my account.
@wayneyessir6350 6 күн бұрын
The caveat here is that it is high sec, which I am sure will help. But anywhere else (low, null), tank doesn't save you. Getting off field is the best way to survive in low and null. Hulk is best for warp alignment speed, with Mack a close second. Great advise on building a personal danger list.
@MrNasacort 6 күн бұрын
I just moved to null and was looking a way to plex a second account with minning. I would love a series about it
@thomashafner2224 6 күн бұрын
The new isogen and noxcite belts are great money and fairly low skill requirements just make sure you can deal with the rats in your space
@touchstone345 7 күн бұрын
Heads Up : Altar of Rites: Solo -I could not get past 300 kills even past P1500 - but did it 1st Time when I ‘reduced’ my running speed to 25% .. the extra speed given by the Altar affected my count - try this if You have problems!
@skibi2640 3 күн бұрын
ive found the temple like 4 times now, but its not the cursed chest??
@touchstone345 3 күн бұрын
@@skibi2640 Set Your game as “appear offline” and then get ready to Look for the Bounty on the Act V map = Look for the quest “The Cursed Peat” … You may spend an hour just to see it one time! So You will be quitting/ restarting the Game to see the new Map and new Act V bounty options … when setting the game ‘appear offline’ other players won’t think You are insane or trolling! 🎯
@ZeSpektrum 7 күн бұрын
And to be real, if someone really really want's to gank you, he is going to succeed eventually. He has to get lucky just once, you have to be lucky every time.
@tamphex 7 күн бұрын
I got ganked while looking over at this video on my other screen. I get the irony.
7 күн бұрын
are you using filaments to get out to null via Pochven or do you actually fly your way out to null? I was wondering if it was worth it to get some filaments to pop out to null in a somewhat random way or if it was better to fly out with a direct target.
@up0820 7 күн бұрын
That would be funny, have an anti ganking video but flying a barge in and out of null sec and thinking you will make it out every time. What really gets me is saying ganked in low or null sec, that's not getting ganked, that's just normal, ganked only happens in high sec.
@mikspurins1455 7 күн бұрын
@@up0820 Agreed, anything outside HS requires a players consent to danger upon entering, sooo... Yeah, calling LS/Null or WH PVP 'Ganking' is completely misplaced. You get hunted alright, but that's a choice nobody forced you to make. As for the OP - Filaments are the way for sure. You preferably want to use Noise filaments for entering Null, as it gives you best chances of landing in an empty system. And never forget a few Pochven filaments for extraction. Issue with traveling to Null is - there are only a handful of gate-to-gate connection. Meaning, they are often camped. Plenty annoying for PVP fit ships, whereas a Barge would just make easy pickings. A much better way to mine in Null is probably to join a Null corp. Null is THE place to go, if you're industry focused. You not only get valuable Null and Moon ores to mine, you also get access to Null bonuses for industry facilities. Definitely much more commitment than HS, but well...
@JAKEL33T 7 күн бұрын
@@up0820 12:24
6 күн бұрын
@@mikspurins1455 Cool thanks for the information. I thought that sooner or later once I really get going in industry, I will need to get myself out to null to do it if I decide to be serious about it. Thanks again for the info!
@alexskillz45 7 күн бұрын
I just use cloak trick on mining barges if I am doing risky mining. I sacrifice alot, but I never get caught.