Buffalo Day | CHQ Assembly 2023
21 күн бұрын
@mitchlockhart3568 4 күн бұрын
@mitchlockhart3568 5 күн бұрын
@lucienazario2786 9 күн бұрын
Thank you Ray. You really poured out your heart in that interview. Now I will always remember the "WHY" you're using social media to bring music to the world.... the people is your reason. You have such a big heart. Thank you so much.
@spencerme3486 9 күн бұрын
“Lee must have been perplexed with Longstreet’s performance at Gettysburg” Except, he never wrote that nor are there any records of him saying anything to that effect. He spent most of the time at Gettysburg at Longstreet’s side. He spoke and wrote kindly of him after the war as well. If Longstreet were so terrible and so much at fault, why remain silent about it?
@Cardsmaster 11 күн бұрын
I am the Black List.
@karachaffee3343 11 күн бұрын
A written language is a double edged sword. A thing of amazing power to communicate and simultaneously a potentially deadly trap leading to rigid and linear thinking.
@paulstockhausen2425 15 күн бұрын
@paulstockhausen2425 15 күн бұрын
@Exodus26.13Pi 18 күн бұрын
⭕Exodus 26.13 ≈ Pi God gave Pi to Moses on Mt. Sinai to build the Wilderness Tabernacle in 1440 BC. However, in 94 AD, a historian made an error by mistakenly describing the structure of the Temple and NOT, and NOT the Tabernacle. The Exodus blueprints have been corrected. Pi from Exodus: 330 Exodus 26.8 eleven curtains each 30 cubits long 15 Exodus 26.12 one curtain folded in half is 15 cubits long - 1 Exodus 26.13 curtain hang over/seams add up to 1 cubit long = 314 3.14 = 314 circumference/100 diameter ≈ π ratio (100 cubit court/50 radius per Exodus 27.9-18) ................. Is this rediscovery similar to the Dead Sea Scrolls? How'd we miss this for 1900 years and how does Exodus still matter today? .................. History of Finding π: -(1900-1680 BC) Babylonians 3.125 -(1650 BC) Egyptians 3.1605 -(1440 BC) Moses 3.141592653... Exodus 26.13 ≈ Pi -(500 BC) India 62,832/20,000, or 3.141 -(429-501 BC) Chinese 3.1415926 - 3.1415927 -(250 BC) Archimedes from Syracuse 3.1408 and 3.1429 ................. More than a thousand years later, Josephus did NOT know that Exodus 26.13 approximated Pi. 1 Kings 7 confirms they didn't follow the instructions either. Almost 3500 years ago we lost Exodus 26.13 ≈ Pi on Mt. Nebo when Moses died. When will Pharaoh let this go? Consider King Josiah & the Prophetess Huldah rediscovering the forgotten scriptures, right? World history just realigned with the Word. Pi is coded in our DNA. Experiencing God is knowing and doing the will of God. Please utilize the scientific method, maintain consistent hermeneutics, and apply common sense as you test this. Remember these are blueprints for God's big tent. After confirmation, repent, then rejoice. This teaching from Moses is NOT too hard. Two errors corrected: A. Outer courtyard curtains seam to the cut ends correction B. Radius for width correction kzbin.info/www/bejne/r2rZqJp3h82satksi=mIWW6gEtVGGfYW4T Exodus 3.14/25.9/26.8,12,13/27.9-18=3.14
@milletrad8871 20 күн бұрын
What a pertinent theme for high-profile and thought-provoking, featured remarks. This assertion (delivered during the 19th Minute) is quite interesting: "The antidote to identity politics is imagination--a moral and political imagination...." Freedom of Speech entails--and sometimes obligates--the freedom to offend; otherwise, speech is not free. An "upside" to hateful &or bigoted speech is that, sometimes, it facilitates identifying who, exactly, is hateful &or bigoted.
@igel-rx1hk 24 күн бұрын
Wow, that’s so beautiful! Thanks for sharing! Your music is so inspiring to me! Tonic really brought be back to music and practicing regularly :)
@BobBKooenabio 26 күн бұрын
If one pratices Centering Prayer, they will certainly know Fr. Richard Rohr is a Mystic in the same way as Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, and of course, Thomas Merton.Veronica,OCDS from R.I.
@craigshaffer1287 28 күн бұрын
Wow the lack of applause from the male audience
@johndoe4073 Ай бұрын
Richard Rohr is such a blessing! 🙏🏾
@marquisadvisorygroup1460 Ай бұрын
Gaining insight and reminding our gift of being Natureable is the most contributing thought heard and adopted.
@genes.3285 Ай бұрын
After Gettysburg, Lee never went on the offensive. He had lost his elite troops. He wasted them on stupid charges. He should have listened to Longstreet at Gettysburg. By the time 1864 rolled around, things were pretty much decided. So what if Lincoln pushed the panic button in August. That's what politicians do to motivate their base. Sheridan was burning the Shenandoah, Jubal Early had been destroyed and Atlanta was close to falling. Grant was continually pushing Lee back. Lee couldn't hold. I hate to say that I disagree with such an esteemed historian as Gary Gallagher, but I do disagree.
@genes.3285 Ай бұрын
And as for Vicksburg, Pemberton lost an entire army at Vicksburg, 30000 troops. Of course it was important. Granted, New Orleans had fallen much earlier, but Vicksburg was the fortress on the Mississippi. Losing both Gettysburg and Vicksburg almost simultaneously was the 1-2 punch that the South never recovered from. A case could be made that Second Manassas was the high water mark for the Confederacy. Antietam was the bloodiest single day of the war, Lee having almost lost the army to McClellan. Fredericksburg was a great victory, but a comparatively small battle, tenth biggest, I believe. Chancellorsville was a bloody mess, with Lee losing Jackson. Hooker should have stayed south of the Rappahannock. He had two corps that had not been used in the battle.1863 was the year that the South lost the war. Certainly not 1864.
@richardpcrowe Ай бұрын
Application of power had a formula: Power x will to apply that power = application of that power. If a group doesn't have the will, the amount of power it can wield doesn't matter. If the South had won the battle at Gettysburg the North would probably had dropped out and let the South succeed. However, strategically, the fall of Vicksburg began nailing the coffin shut for the Confederacy.
@genes.3285 Ай бұрын
Lincoln was too stubborn. He would have continued the war. I agree about Vicksburg.
@reginar0529 Ай бұрын
Who are current leaders of progressive christianism?
@paulstockhausen2425 Ай бұрын
Spot on Reverend
@lseh4720 Ай бұрын
Young people do understand because I discovered Bill Moyers in my 20s. We just have to point them in the right direction. There is a hunger for this kind of wisdom. Thank you Mr. Moyers for your many years of service to mankind. ❤
@lseh4720 Ай бұрын
I’ve loved watching Bill Moyers for 30 years. What an incredible man of integrity. I found him on PBS in my 20’s. I am so lucky.
@Exodus26.13Pi Ай бұрын
כְּכֹ֗ל אֲשֶׁ֤ר אֲנִי֙ Exodus 26:13 ≈ Pi Moses was the first to record Pi in 1440 BC. Josephus the Historian's description of the Tabernacle in 94 AD was inaccurate. This oversight was discovered in 2015 AD. 330 Exodus 26:8 eleven curtains each 30 cubits long 15 Exodus 26:12 one curtain is folded in half to 15 cubits long - 1 Exodus 26:13 curtain hang over/seams adds to 1 cubit long = 314 3.14 = 314 circumference/100 diameter ≈ π ratio (100 cubit court per Exodus 27:9-18) ................. This Wilderness Tabernacle archeological discovery is similar to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Martin Luther's 95 Theses. ................. History of finding π: -(1900-1680 BC) One Babylonian tablet indicates a value of 3.125 for π -(1650 BC) The Rhind Papyrus the Egyptians gave the approximate value of π 3.1605 -(1440 BC) Moses recorded Pi in the Exodus blueprints rediscovered in (2015 AD) 3.141592653... or Exodus 26:13 ≈ Pi -(500 BC) India's Aryabhata approximation was 62,832/20,000, or 3.141 -(429-501 BC) Zu Chongzhi a Chinese mathematician 3.1415926 - 3.1415927 -(250 BC) Archimedes from Syracuse showed between 3.1408 and 3.1429 ................. Pi's Exodus has been lost for over 3000 years. Even Josephus the Historian in 94 AD did not know Exodus 26:13 makes Pi to accurately explain the Tabernacle blueprints. He was describing the Temple's structure and NOT the Tabernacle from Exodus 25-26-27. Pi is found in the spiral of the double helix in your DNA. Consider King Josiah & the Prophetess Huldah rediscovering the scriptures, right? In short, this monumental oversight was corrected in 2015. What is next? Ex. 26:8, 12, 13 330 - 15 - 1 = 314 ...Exodus 26:13 ≈ Pi...
@fr.cesarinorusso4497 Ай бұрын
Praised the Lord now and for ever.
@Buy.YT.Views.479 Ай бұрын
did you record this?
@MattooCenterSBU Ай бұрын
Good questions to start with!
@TomWakeman-ul7om Ай бұрын
Lee never lost à battle because the South would have to admit defeat.
@jeejeeartcrafts1754 Ай бұрын
Just discovered this brilliant, inspired man. I searched for reviews and came across "wouldn't you know it" a review by someone who believes he is a heretic. For me I feel Rohr is one of the biggest gifts to those who truly want to understand more about people, God and life in general. I will continue my metaphysical education with him along with my other metaphysical studies. In all my almost 60 years of study, I find him to be one of the wisest, honest and perceptive educators I've ever run across. I am inspired and excited.
@evesantiagomarrero5946 2 ай бұрын
Who evet is gay repent is a si read the bible
@evesantiagomarrero5946 2 ай бұрын
Deje de blafemar contra el Altisimo y Jesucristo diciendo que escogio a un gay para predicar el apostol pablo no era homosesual era hombre que predico su palabra usted peca diciendo eso enganñando a la gente la homosesualidad es un pecado lea la biblia y no vuelva a mencionar el nombre Santo del Señor
@marccano5061 2 ай бұрын
All my 4 years at university are worthless compared to the education I'm now getting from Chris Hedges.
@marccano5061 2 ай бұрын
As Chris speaks i pause and take notes.
@marccano5061 2 ай бұрын
I graduated from a state university in December of '84, into Reagan's American. And I could already tell things were being ramped up on the Cristian right, the increased militarization of the country, and Reagan's " gospel of wealth" and "greed is good" message were in full steam. None of this was talked about in my entire education. I didn't have the language to articulate what Chris is saying.
@user-rt5uf6zr6y 2 ай бұрын
Ya ok buddy.LMFBO!
@user-rt5uf6zr6y 2 ай бұрын
One of them.
@ajlenze8 2 ай бұрын
I'll bet a huge part of that audience is cheering on the censorship policies of today's Democratic party.
@gopher7691 2 ай бұрын
What could be more cautious than returning abortion regulation to the states. Roe was the rash, extra constitutional decision. The court spoke for the constitution. Reva seems to think SCOTUS justices should take a poll before deciding
@gopher7691 2 ай бұрын
Abortion for convenience is murder. There is no right to murder in the fourteenth amendment
@gopher7691 2 ай бұрын
You don’t have to defer to anything now. Just pass a law if you want abortion legal
@gopher7691 2 ай бұрын
Every state in the union had a law banning abortion for convenience when the fourteenth amendment was passed. No one imagined it had a right to abortion lurking in it
@gopher7691 2 ай бұрын
Loving was decided on an equal protection basis, not substantive due process. It is therefore irrelevant to Dobbs
@gopher7691 2 ай бұрын
So Reva you must think the senate was wrong to reject Robert Bork.
@gopher7691 2 ай бұрын
This lecture is so unhinged and untethered to the constitution that it’s astonishing it’s delivered by a Harvard law professor.
@gopher7691 2 ай бұрын
Reva doesn’t seem to understand that the senate may consent or not consent to a SCOTUS nominee. It is not a rubber stamp. The senate had a constitutional right to reject Garland, thank God
@gopher7691 2 ай бұрын
All decisions based on substantive due process are incorrect and should be overturned. This includes Obergefell and Griswold. When the lefties get control of the court they will find a right to polygamous marriage in the 14 th amendment. This will be just as wrong as Dredd scott, griswold, roe, and Obergefell and constitutionalist justices will have to overturn it If Reva wants abortion legal she can go convince her state legislator to pass a law to that effect. The court will no longer short circuit that process by reading her policy preferences into the constitution
@gopher7691 2 ай бұрын
There is no “liberty guarantee” in the fourteenth amendment. That is a complete misunderstanding. It simply says a state can’t deprive you of life liberty or property without due process of law. In other words the state can’t execute you, incarcerate you, or fine you without fair legal procedures. It has to do with punishing someone who has broken the law. This is so obvious that only a leftist Harvatprd lawyer coukd misunderstand it
@gopher7691 2 ай бұрын
Many women oppose abortion for convenience. Because it’s murder
@gopher7691 2 ай бұрын
Substantive due process is nonsense. Dangerous nonsense. It gave us Dredd Scott. Roe had to be overturned.
@TrueLifeAdventures 2 ай бұрын
This man is a liar and the truth is not in him. If Jesus be not raised then we are dead in our sins.
@clareryan3843 2 ай бұрын
Does anyone else think Fr Richard's phrasing and intonation is scarily similar to Donald Trump😳 Did Fr Richard sound like this before 2016?? Is this a Jungian thing??😳
@FrancesRobinson-yn2ks 2 ай бұрын
I didn't discover him until after he was gone. I wish I could tell him how much I admire him and how grateful I am for him. He's confirmed things that I've been thinking all of my life. I can't stop reading his books. //// I feel for his wife. I hope she is doing well.
@peacelovejoy8786 2 ай бұрын
I have no doubt he can feel your prayers thanking him. We know the truth when we hear it. John taught the truth and people like you will continue to awaken to the truth 🙏🤍 Blessings In Oregon