@shannonelliott9230 9 минут бұрын
And I subscribed to God's Voice Today. Thank you for your channel. Yehovah bless you and keep you!
@shannonelliott9230 10 минут бұрын
That was a fantastic interview. Thank you so much for sharing, Mark. I'm so happy for you, for every part of what Yah has done for you -- in your rescue -- in your deliverance (your real one) -- your marriage -- and your ministry. Yay! We need your testimony today. So important that people know the truth. Thank you!
@GHCLLC 18 минут бұрын
This is an amazing and profound NDE, and very similar to mine. Please keep sharing your story. It is your gift to humanity and their salvation. Though I didn't have the same addiction as you, I to carried my own sins and had an encounter with what I believe was Jesus only for a moment, but like you, when I called out his name, he saved me and left me with the imprint in my mind and soul, Psalms 116.
@theresawebb8064 19 минут бұрын
Neuropsych😂😂😂lots of us would be going with ya brother 👍
@theresawebb8064 21 минут бұрын
To me when jesus speaks to me its like its so fast it bypasses my mind and drops straight into my heart so no way i thought it myself..for its like it happens instantly into my heart..i guess thats what they mean by it drops into your spirit .ive felt that..but its impossible of course to get non believers to get it.
@georgegyekye3599 22 минут бұрын
I love when real G turn to Jesus I love I can tell in this guys eyes he been in the fire 🔥 God bless you family❤
@theresawebb8064 26 минут бұрын
What came to my mind is a prideful attitude from satan, which got him kicked out in the first place..thank you great interview
@1WISEWATCHER 31 минут бұрын
I have had similar Interactions with satan. At times he has manifested and spoken audibly. At those times I was conducting Deliverance Sessions, and or Counseling on behalf of others in need. In real-world situations, unsolicited, Strangers have also manifested & satan or various Demons will speak, or act out...
@theresawebb8064 52 минут бұрын
God bless you brother i loved your testimony..i to bled to death from a accidental nicked artery ater a scope surgery that blew later..i died on the o.r. table trying to stop it..got onuemonia and a embolism dr said id not make it..but 26 yrs later im still here..your right jesus has been with us all along..how great he is..thank you
@eclampsium 52 минут бұрын
Pray even morr my friend, becouse hes got you on a list and on the first slip he will be there waiting for you… may God protect you always. Keep faithful, keep rightfully
@artsymockingbird8647 52 минут бұрын
Sending love from Charlotte ❤
@HH-nn7rd Сағат бұрын
You died as a gay sinner and Jesus saved you? Why would he give you another chance though? I have these questions, don’t get me wrong I am a born again Christian, however 🤔? I have a lot of questions saw similar videos and what you guys being given another chance once you died?
@theresawebb8064 Сағат бұрын
Amen i died in the hospital and brought back and even thou dr said..call family in well i had no family my kids were small and both my parents had died at age 49 no brothers or sisters..that was 26 yrs ago ..is there anything to hard for God..NO..id like to thank you for having this guest on..and id like to say to your guest .God bless u..i didnt have a gay lifestyle in my past ,but i had been sexually immoral, non the less, that God brought me out of..now im alone no man in my life and thats ok..i got jesus ..yes if the lord wills a relationship ok but if not ok..thank you so much for your testimony..one of the most powerful ive ever heard.. also i never saw this channel. But i just subed and God bless and thank you ❤
@devonstewart7339 Сағат бұрын
In Jesus name, we life up Sean to you . We all know that you are a God that heals. Thank you father
@Fury851 2 сағат бұрын
Wish these nde videos had a way to skip straight to the nde part
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 сағат бұрын
Hi! PLEASE READ! Accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Surrender to the TRUTH! The GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! You, like Every single person ever born, are a sinner. Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God says there is NO ONE who does Good, not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death. And that without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sins. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what Good is and reveal our utter helplessness to us and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! The ONLY WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven is to be Perfect! The ONLY WAY to be Perfect is to have All your sins washed White as Snow by The Blood of Jesus! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation! Its all Jesus! Pure Grace! John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible! You WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments, and going to Hell Forever. Friend, saving you from Hell cost God Everything and He Paid it ALL! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!". Your sin debt is Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! Pray to Jesus now! Admit you are a sinner and believe that Jesus Christ Paid for your sins in FULL with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day exactly as He said He would. Tell Jesus you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you! Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! You will KNOW you are going to Heaven! Jesus LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! Say YES tonight! Do NOT be comforted by these NDE's that say anything different about your Eternal destiny. The devil is a LIAR who appears as an angel of light. Believe Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
@user-uh6vy4mo3j 2 сағат бұрын
Hi! PLEASE READ! Accept The Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Surrender to the TRUTH! The GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! You, like Every single person ever born, are a sinner. Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God says there is NO ONE who does Good, not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death. And that without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sins. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what Good is and reveal our utter helplessness to us and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ! The ONLY WAY to stand Innocent before God and go to Heaven is to be Perfect! The ONLY WAY to be Perfect is to have All your sins washed White as Snow by The Blood of Jesus! You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation! Its all Jesus! Pure Grace! John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible! You WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments, and going to Hell Forever. Friend, saving you from Hell cost God Everything and He Paid it ALL! Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!". Your sin debt is Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! Pray to Jesus now! Admit you are a sinner and believe that Jesus Christ Paid for your sins in FULL with His Blood and Rose again the 3rd day exactly as He said He would. Tell Jesus you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you! Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go! You will KNOW you are going to Heaven! Jesus LOVES you Fiercely and Passionately! Say YES tonight! Do NOT be comforted by these NDE's that say anything different about your Eternal destiny. The devil is a LIAR who appears as an angel of light. Believe Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
@floaretudorache9287 3 сағат бұрын
You should talk to to the pride month
@MadeleineJohnston-yr9yy 3 сағат бұрын
@ricowswave1324 4 сағат бұрын
Christ is king!!! Repent and surrender yourself to the Lord turn away you’re lustful sins it’s never too late🙏🏼
@groovidg 4 сағат бұрын
A Powerful Testimony..
@barbarakrakowiak9093 4 сағат бұрын
If only all gays 😢could hear this story
@artport7 5 сағат бұрын
If Satan had asked me the question of what would I do if I had been the one who had betrayed God and knew I would be condemned to an eternity in the lake of fire, I would have said, "If I had been so foolish as to attempt to usurp God's place and authority and knew in my heart that I was condemned, I would not have wasted a moment of my existence making things worse for myself. I would have done everything I could in an attempt to reconcile with him, with the hope that he might forgive me someday.
@raamtselon 5 сағат бұрын
What did he hear?
@51cathyjo 5 сағат бұрын
Some sow some reap but God gives the increase. Praise God!
@Kepi_Kei 5 сағат бұрын
As Satan is a created being he can only be in one place at a time. Right now is a critical time for him, preparing the Antichrist and False Prophet. When he's not doing that he has governments to run, world leaders to azzazinate, presidents and kings to influence to do evil to their people. I'm sure he doesn't have a second to spare. I have no doubt that you spoke with a demon. Actually two, because who you thought was God, was not. I am absolutely convinced that God would not want you talking to Satan on down to the weakest demon. And he would certainly not engage in a casual conversation where Satan or a demon was involved. You are belittling Almighty God, the Great I Am. Can you not see how wrong this is? What you say influences people and you need to be more responsible. Repent, ask forgiveness. It would be great if you later did a video explaining how you realized you were wrong, in the interest of correcting the damage you have done. Love in Christ.
@ma-unimoikangoa2256 5 сағат бұрын
Powerful testimony
@AdrianaV-or2vd 6 сағат бұрын
Sounds like that pastor planted a seed and called that perverse spirits on you in your innocence
@Slacker_Elizabeth7702 6 сағат бұрын
My goodness. The glory of our Lord Christ Jesus! This was told so eloquently and humbly, if I wasn’t already in the Lord, it would have sent me searching! Thank you for sharing, Tony🙏🏽!
@chrisklaus15761 6 сағат бұрын
On the 22nd day of your coma, on 22nd March at 22:00 h, the nurse untied your hands? You flat-lined for 22 minutes. I looked at our clock just now, and the time showed it was 22:22 hours. Strange. (I now live in Romania.) Thank you for sharing this amazing testimony! PRAISE the LORD!!!
@leeyost9917 6 сағат бұрын
Please reach out to Andy Stanley. His church is much in need of a ministry like yours 🙏🏻
@sharonpeck88 6 сағат бұрын
Praise God for rescuing and healing Mark. May the Lord bring many more to understand God's love and be part of the great exchange!
@Catmum3 6 сағат бұрын
Sayan sleeps in the noses of muslims & thats why they wash there nose with water & obviously water dosent wash him out & hes back the next night hence the evil that islam does 😢😢😢😢
@moiramichael5860 6 сағат бұрын
hallujah you really Make me feel so brave enough not to mention faith and hope through your life changing in Christ Jesus,just the word saying God's kindness,😭😭😭😭🙌our Jesus is my Adonai Elohim, truly appreciate your testimony at the age of 72yrs , God goodness to me love you my brother Mom Moira ,S.A.amen.
@kerrahfoster544 6 сағат бұрын
God watches everything we do n how we mess up and how we disobey too.. he has a father's heart.. we all make him feel the same way.. ❤
@zeldavanniekerk226 7 сағат бұрын
What a beautiful man of God you are❤
@psychedelicelvis-777 7 сағат бұрын
"Hell" was mistranslated from the words "sheol" and "hades," which actually mean "grave". The concept of "Hell" is a man made doctrine of the Roman "harlot" Catholic Church that violates the heart of the law which is "mercy" lending the lie to the scriptures that God is a God of love! It also makes a mockery of the "day of resurrection" and the "second death"! Outside of Christ there is no salvation, not the Catholic doctrine of "outside of the church"! Matthew 24: 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
@Rebecca-vv2qu 7 сағат бұрын
Thanks for sharing. It is in harmony with my experiences. I never experienced to this extent.
@cazfreedomnow486 7 сағат бұрын
I am in spiritual warfare and the devil is winning
@RickAnnMorty 7 сағат бұрын
I guarantee you're still gay. You may not be a practicing gay but you're still gay and that's the way it should be. Just like any other sin, sin should be avoided or resisted. What I don't understand is why is it okay for two women to sleep together but it's wrong for two men. The Bible says nothing about two women being together. Very confusing to me. Is it because women are lesser humans or is it because they're not smart enough to know better? Don't let this guy full you that he's not gay anymore because you just don't stop being gay. You just learn to resist your gay urges but I guarantee if you walk into his house he'll have candles and his house is spotless, I guarantee he Still wets his q-tips and his favorite artist's Char and Britney Spears
@irenealvarado3494 8 сағат бұрын
Why is he keep looking down reading his script probably
@lynettedundon1410 8 сағат бұрын
After Jesus saved you, did you no longer have desire for men or not? You never said. Im assuming you no longer had desires, but if you do, how do you deal with it?
@angelhavenministry 8 сағат бұрын
Thank you for this man's testimony! So many are unaware of the demonic torments and strongholds placed on good people, especially those meant to serve the Lord. It's not them, it's a demonic stronghold of confusion and perversion from the enemy to take their mind and control their actions. May God use this man mightily to help others and lead them to the Lord, and complete freedom and peace.
@deeferris296 8 сағат бұрын
God is good, all glory and honor belong to him.
@Rebecca-vv2qu 8 сағат бұрын
I absolutely believe your story! I hear most of these stories on Randy Kay's u tube channel.
@maxknight4709 8 сағат бұрын
I'm praying for everyone that is genre confused to have an experience with God. Pride is a terrible sin to brake. But finding the truth of Jesus will clear all those doubts. So happy to hear this testimony. Hope they all see it and turn to real love... walking with Jesus!
@paullangton-rogers2390 8 сағат бұрын
Satan the fallen angel was cast from heaven down to earth because of his vanity and challenging of God. However I don't think God judged Satan and you could take the view that God allowed Satan to exist for a purpose a way of testing our loyality and faith in Him and knowing evil from good. There is a duality in all nature, you can't have light without darkness right without wrong. But Satan is on borrowed time because we know his ever wicked ways, contempt for God's main Creation (mankind) and deceitful ways that tempt us into sin, he will be pay for ultimately when God sends Christ the Messiah on the final day of judgement back to earth as outlined in the Book of Revelations...Satan is cast into a firey pit and destroyed along with all those who turned from God and rejected Christ as their Saviour. Satan never reveals himself (like God doesn't). Because he wants people to believe he doesn't exist and that the sins and evil people do are nothing to do with him but just our own choices and real nature. The only real time we hear about Satan physically appearing in the bible is in Genesis in the Garden of Eden to Eve as a serpent which he encouraged Eve to defy God and eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. And then much later again to Christ in the three temptations when Christ was at his weakest or most difficult periods. The three temptations of Christ are very interesting and reveal how Satan works against God and Mankind: 1. When Christ is fasting in the desert and feeling the pain of hunger Satan challenges Christ to turn a rock into bread and break his fast, to show he truly is the Son of God. Christ rebuffs him and says man doesn't live on bread alone but the word of the Father. 2. Christ is preaching before a crowd on a roof and the crowd is hostile with religious leaders present. Satan suggests to Christ he leap off the roof and that God will break his fall rather than let him die and that miracle will be so great everyone will believe he truly is the Son of God and Messiah (Satan is trying to get Christ to test God and likey derail God's plan for the sacrifice of Christ for our sins). 3. He plays on Christ's sadness and fears when he predicts his own fate of being crucified by offering him an alternative: all the Kingdoms of the earth, which Satan says are his to give, if Christ agrees to be saved by him (an attempt to get Christ to turn away from the Father and deny mankind a Saviour). Satan's final attempt to thawt God's plan which fails and then he never appears again (or does he, 600 years later to a man in a cave as an angel?)
@ginny2998 8 сағат бұрын
People need to stop saying pot is what got me started on hard drugs that's a big fat lie it's you wanting to do harder drugs especially when your around it and people doing it and there's no such thing as a gay man it's called possesion
@michellegiordano8412 8 сағат бұрын
What a beautiful story god bless
@misterj3133 9 сағат бұрын
Man. He was LUCKY that he had spirit-filled parents. Great testimony. My only question is why some people who leave the gay lifestyle force heterosexual marriage so soon after their exodus. It seems dangerous.