@djWARRIOR 20 күн бұрын
Is this tool more for internal tools or can I build a simple consumer facing Web app?
@ux-reviewer 18 күн бұрын
This would depend on your preference. It's really in the beginning stages, so far, its only offering the developers vision. What I mean by this is; you might want the app to have xyz functionality but the developer hasn't connected the different features to speak to each other. So, I wouldn't recommend for launching to customers, maybe internal for now, work with the developer to add features and when you feel like customer's won't complain of this or that, then it can be used for them. I hope this helps! Please try it for yourself, this is only my opinion.
@djWARRIOR 15 күн бұрын
@@ux-reviewer gotcha thank you so much. 🏆🏆🏆📈
@ManejMassage Ай бұрын
An amazing tool! Such a game changer, defo worth getting!
@RahulSheokandg 2 ай бұрын
This was amazing... However, you should redo with the current version now that a lot of coming soon stuff is available. And also try with your own voice and music.. instead of a free voice and no effects...
@martinradin 2 ай бұрын
@uiinohq 3 ай бұрын
Hi UX Reviewer, Uiino team here, thanks a ton for reviewing our product! It's awesome to hear it's working well for you. We're always trying to make things better, so your feedback really helps. Got any other ideas or things you'd like to see? Drop us a line anytime. Thanks again for the support!
@ux-reviewer 3 ай бұрын
I think this is a great concept! I see a lot of potential in this app, especially if it can be easily integrated into daily routines. Here are some of my personal suggestions: Visual Engagement: Consider adding well-chosen GIFs to showcase the app's functionality in a concise and engaging way. This can be particularly helpful for demonstrating key features, because I know I missed some when you've worked so hard on them. Streamlined Interface: Simplifying the interface by removing unnecessary elements like the stars on the left could improve clarity and focus. User Onboarding: Implementing a user onboarding process would be very beneficial. This could involve a step-by-step guide or interactive tutorial that gradually introduces users to the app's features and benefits. This is especially important for users who may be less familiar with technology because there is a lot of information as soon as the user lands on "Start Mapping."
@bizplannerai 4 ай бұрын
Wow! Thank you so much for your amazing words! Please let me know how can we contact you to give you the discount for your business plan!
@simonsheng8831 4 ай бұрын
We are still developing the web version. We would be grateful if you could do a UX review on the chrome extension, which is what our user love the most