“Introducing Student Services”
@manuelgastelbondo7906 26 күн бұрын
This is great stuff 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
@copisetic1104 Ай бұрын
@katefu Ай бұрын
This video was produced for 2024-2025
@biggs6466 3 ай бұрын
Oooh, I know this one! If I go in for a procedure and the doctor drags in someone else, I get up and leave.
@katyhessni 8 ай бұрын
@katyhessni 9 ай бұрын
@nwtauthor Жыл бұрын
Hi, keep up the work. You might be interested in this channel 👉 #drjohnaking. I find him instructional and practical.
@andreyrolev9827 Жыл бұрын
Очень классно сделано
@nikitam8018 Жыл бұрын
sir its a nice video and good explanation sir. can i get a dataset for it??
@pranabsantara6577 Жыл бұрын
sir can you please share how to work in rMATs application for AS analysis
@TT-vd7sf Жыл бұрын
The topic is obviously incredibly interesting. Yet, he managed to make it all about himself, his work, his own point of view. Not to mention he's yet another white guy favoured in the academia. What else is new!?
@TT-vd7sf Жыл бұрын
We're MD and PhD students, WE DO KNOW why and how the guts link to the brain. We do have Neurotransmitters produced within the guts!!!
@joeeastwood3795 2 жыл бұрын
I have chronic lymphocytic leukemia.I am on watch and wait.What can i take to induce ferroptosis.
@TheDivineCallingofJesusChrist 2 жыл бұрын
Sure let's create autism and then down the road for many years pretend to have the cure!!
@rhodaberyl8153 2 жыл бұрын
vijzg vur.fyi
@ronaldbusinge 2 жыл бұрын
please sir can you put a link on for the notes
@hz641 3 жыл бұрын
thank you very much~~
@rohith_sivapuram4804 3 жыл бұрын
good explanation sir tq ... can i get the dataset to work on it ?
@luisa1551 3 жыл бұрын
Although the information is apparently clearly explained, as I was trying to look deeper into the references and figures presented I have noticed that the references in the slides are wrong. "Genome Resolution" journal does not exist. Could it be Genome Res. (for Research)? and the "National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America"... such journal does not exist. Probably he meant PNAS. And Lie et al reference is wrong: the correct reference is Liu et al. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:364 www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/15/364. I am at around 25 min into the presentation only. I do not know what surprises still await ...
@Tracks777 4 жыл бұрын
awesome content
@yangwang469 5 жыл бұрын
very nice!
@ramkumar-ln7lc 5 жыл бұрын
It is possible to write cql language in irauthor tool
@terrywagar1864 6 жыл бұрын
I am a victim of a sick and police/sheriff sting operation! I was being framed and poisoned by the sting op's while they recruited and were palling around and sleeping around with my wife and her daughters and her female side of the family! My 911 calls are covered up and police/sheriffs use their power of influence at local hospitals to deny me emergency services and to cover up the fact I was being poisoned! I had to abandon my apartment because my wife's lovers/f-buddies in law enforcement used their police powers to take over the surrounding apartments to further set me up for crimes by using my wife's lover as a body double to impersonate me at my apartment and those sting op's installed a water filtration system to my water tap line and were slowly poisoning me to death! Ever since I became homeless to save my life I have been gang-stalked and harassed and terrorized and beaten up by sting op's and assaulted with deadly weapons and any and all my attempts to report these crimes and to find help are blocked by authority's while they taunt me with emails and with hinting threats online! Last night around midnight while I was trying to sleep on the streets in a walkway near the public sidewalk there were three female sting op's hanging out near me around fifty feet away and they were intentionally staging a conversation in such a way as to make it known to me their targeting me! The repeatedly said my first and last name and were discussing the crimes I am a victim of and were admitting I was being set up, they were intentionally trying to get my attention with their staged conversation! And very early in the morning this morning at eight O clock a dude on the street deliberately approached me demanding a cigarette from me and I told him I did not have one so he then pulled out a sword from a scabbard he was carrying and flaunted the fact he could kill me for my cigarette and then he grinned and walked away! That is gang-stalking being done by badge carriers and by their buddies/relatives/girlfriends! That's threats and intimidation of a witness and victim of organized crimes! THEIR NOT EVEN TRYING TO HIDE THEIR GUILT AT ALL!My wife Joan Wagar the Multnomah county jail kitchen prep cook is an admitted poisoner and her cop lover officer Eric CCarlson was acting as a double to frame me for felony crimes while my wife poisoned me! They call each other by the nicknames Doubleclick and Mrs Dash and use them in love letters to each other! i.imgur.com/WSl1V6Q.png i.imgur.com/LcDMpXt.jpg i.imgur.com/GxXBOX9.jpg i.imgur.com/y8HzF69.png Joan Wagar lies in a denial letter about her lovers appearances as well as their professions and lies denying being a poisoner! i.imgur.com/PUBAPh0.png Joan Wagar recruits her daughters to back up false accusations on me! i.imgur.com/7czjuwW.png Hospitals cover up me being poisoned by refusing to recognize it and threaten me! i.imgur.com/TWC2yDi.png i.imgur.com/UCrv56X.png i.imgur.com/P0Agd7Q.png Officer Eric Carlson caught on video/audio outside my apartment acting as a double to frame me! i.imgur.com/WztTlx9.png Any attempt by me to report their crimes and to call out for help I get death threats by cops/sting op's! Notice the date I received the hinted death threat it's the same day I reported multiple times via KZbin their crimes! i.imgur.com/FCDAdfr.png ! Portland police are child killers and double-users and poisoners and frame people for sport and batter and murder people on the streets just for the fun of it and they call their county jail kitchen prep cooks by the nickname Mrs Dash in love letters and they regularly cover up their victims 911 calls and suppress any and all felony complaints on them and news media aids and abets them by ignoring their victims complaints! Officer Eric Carlson and officer John Ray along with their female girlfriends Erica and Adrian and Joan Wagar which are also sting op's committed a felony break in and raped and photographed and murdered a female child and these organized sting op's then broke into my apartment and planted child porn and poison in my apartment while I slept on my couch and it was my wife, their girlfriend Joan Wagar that sneaked them into my home, and they were uusing officer Eric Carlson as a photo double to impersonate me for photogenic photo's and for fuzzy video survilance cameras! These organized sting op's then all as a group went straight to Happy Valley Walmart and bragged to Walmart employees about what they all did and bragged about how easy it is for them to use doubles and photogenic photo's and they took over Wamart office printers and spent three hours in front of Walmart employees printing flyers giving me the blame for their crimes! Everyone woorking on that day on March 26th 2007 knew they all were using a double to frame me, they all knew my wife Joan Wagar was cheating on me with a cop, they alll knew my wife was poisoning me, they knew these people in law enforcement gave my wife permission to poison me, and all these sting op's which there were several of them spent the whole day in the back of that store recruiting all shifts within that store to lie for them! How do I know this? because my wife Joan Wagar A,K,A, Mrs Dash sneaked her lovers officer's Eric Carlson and John Ray into our apartmennt early in the morning to use them as doubles for photogenic photo's to frame me and they poisoned my coffee pot before they leftt my apartment and their break in to my apartment woke me up and I put a auudio recorder in my wife's purse to prove their affair annd to find out what was going on, I caught the whole thing on a audio recorder! Why am I such a target of sting op's? because at the age of six years old I was used by the Multnomah county sheriff's and ther relatives the Dunham family to frame a neighhbor as a pedophile by using children to pose with a double, and they have targeted/gang-stalked/beaten up/poisoned me and my family members ever since! When I became an adult I tried to move forward with my life and got a job at Oaks Amusement park as a ride operator and I discovered right away that that park was under seige by sting op's that were sabotaging rides and were trying to cause ddisasters in the park! Police/sheriff sting op's that were embeded in that park sabotaged rides by un-balancing the rides and then they had collage educated weilders under cover as ride operator's and they hogged the rides they un-balanced in order to develop cracks and metal fatigue to the rides! They did this with intent of causing huge disasters at the park because the local government wanted the waterfront property the park sits on for condo's and the government wanted a justification in closing down the park and a lot of deaths would give the government that justificcation! In July 3rd 1983 Portland police and Multnoomah county sheriffs sting op's sabotaged Oaks Amusement park and caused a huge disaster endangering the lives of hundreds of people! Sting op's caused a power transformer in Kiddyland at the park to explode at night time causing the whole park to have a blackout and everyone in Kiddyland were under the risk of being electrocuted because the power lines going to the transformer were on fire and at risk of breaking away from the power transformer and the power lines were right above the entrance and exit to Kiddyland! I got everyone safely out of Kiddyland in pitch darkness saving around forty to fifty customers lives not counting the ride operators themselves! The blackout made the TV news back then but news media made no mention to the public it was sabotage and made no mention of anyone being in danger! When police/sheriff sting op's commit terrorism then news media looks the other way on it and says nothing! It was open knowledge at Oaks Park, my first year working there, that sting op's were sabotaging rides in the park, and in 1984 the powers that be that were running Oaks Park PURGED the entire park of it's experienced employees BECAUSE EVERYONE WAS ON GUARD FOR SABOTAGE! The people that were in control of Oaks Park even got rid of Fuuntastic which was based at Oaks Park the same year! The park kept one manager and six mid-level experienced ride operators so they could train thhe new ride team on the rides, and I happened to be one of the ride operators they kept! Every year I worked at Oaks Park I witnessed sting op's trying to cause disasters and sabotaging rides via un-balancing of rides and by the sting op's hogging said ride to develop cracks and metal fatigue and to keep the normal employees off the rides to hide the sabotage from normal employees! The sabotage was so blatant at Oaks Park! Sting op's sabotaged the Monster Mouse ride by un-balancing it and by having two more sting op's under cover as minimum waged ride operators to hog the ride and to develop cracks on it and they timed out their planned disaster to take place during the public school pinics do they wanted lots of kids to die! when I shut down the Monster Mouse after the sting op's embeded in that park un-balanced and developed cracks on the Monster Mouse ride Joe Norling the CEO of the park bought a used Mad Mouse to use as parts to replace the sabotaged sections on the Monster Mouse TO COVER UP THE SABOTAGE and he spent FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS for that Mad Mouse and then all the sting op's in the park faked and pretended nothings wrong just like they always do and then they ssabotaged the Space Train RIDE AND THERE WERE SEVERE STRESS CRACKS ALL OVER THAT RIDE IN CRITICAL AREAS AND I SHUT THAT RIDE DOWN TOO SAVING MORE LIVES! The sting op's running that place fired me shortly after that because they realized I am on guard for their crimes and am aware of their crimes! Every year I worked at Oaks Park I thwarted the sting op's plans by catching the damage they caused to the rides and shutting down the ride thus saving lives, lots of lives!
@lilycook6388 6 жыл бұрын
Nice work, Dr. Chase!
@HerdingDogRescuer 6 жыл бұрын
Very informative. Thanks for posting.
@AleciaDistin 6 жыл бұрын
This video was extremely informative!!!!!! I plan to watch it again and share with my analyst community!
@sabrinarun2515 7 жыл бұрын
The most common method of shotgun proteomics starts with the proteins in the mixture being digested and the resulting peptides are separated by liquid chromatography. Tandem mass spectrometry is then used to identify the peptides.
@mayankagarwal6879 8 жыл бұрын
is it Fast healthcare Interoperability Resources or Information Resources? At 20:30 it says Information Resources
@222dola 9 жыл бұрын
Excellent talk, very informative