@nic1317 6 минут бұрын
I don't think that the entire team going one side is that bad.... if you imagine the battle line as being the line between your ships and the enemy ships, that line always shifts and moves around. Sure it's horizontal down the middle at the start of the battle, but if your entire team rushes to the West and you're alone on the east, follow that line and just retreat with your team once you start spotting. What will happen is your team will (hopefully) steamroll the enemy team in the west since they have superiority, and the battle line will slowly start to shift clockwise. Eventually that line will be vertical down the middle of the map (assuming equal skill from both teams) and really the battle will just happen through that vertical line in the middle instead of the horizontal one. I swear, I might have made it sound complicated but it's not. All you have to do is make that imaginary line be dynamic depending on what is happening. Most people have this concept sub-consciously understood when they start losing a flank. You retreat and make the line go vertically through your cap cuz you gotta protect the cap.
@Mr_Secondaries 7 сағат бұрын
Struggled with Uganda and Auckland. All others were pretty straight forward.
@Shomuteao 8 сағат бұрын
its worth to upgrade nicholas into this or should i go for another destroyer?
@joedanker3267 11 сағат бұрын
I see a good amount of Ugandas in Bronze Ranked. It can't be all that bad.
@dclark142002 11 сағат бұрын
The naval base outside St Petersberg is Krohnstadt.
@smw211 13 сағат бұрын
I'm on this ship now, have yet to play it, but I loved Hobart and did VERY well in her - good enough to land top spot for PR and avg damage on the NA server nonetheless.
@vivekpatel3752 13 сағат бұрын
I think this line is not for modern meta. It would be great line two years back or something where smoking and farming was a thing. Now even dds are not with smoke and still do good.. radars, subs and CV spotting is making this line obsolete
@OldThomMerton 16 сағат бұрын
Uganda is a solid boat. Hobart gave me more trouble than Dehli or Uganda. - Fiji is the favorite of most players, as she gets smoke and heal, but she doesn't work well with my play style. You get smoke and no heal in Uganda, which is why I prefer Coronel Bolognesi at Tier 7. Between Fiji, Uganda and the Coronel, I prefer Bolognesi, but I seem to play the Pan-American cruisers better than the other lines for some reason.
@Skaitania 20 сағат бұрын
In the Commonwealth cruiser line I struggled the worst in Auckland, mostly due to the very high smoke firing detection on the 203s, but once you get the hang of that there is a lot of potential. I had a lot of great fun with Uganda, once I played careful enough. Surprisingly, the fact that she can stealth torp within a 2 km margin is a huge thing...a lot of people don't appear to be aware of it. The only real issue that plagues the entire line from my point of view is the horrible turret traverse, which really REALLY hurts when she gets caught out by something - especially fast and nimble destroyers - on the wrong side. I think WG should fix that...at least for the light cruisers of the line.
@bLockC1pher 20 сағат бұрын
Great way to Command that ship, gg. Even though I only Have T5 and below, There fun to play in. Thank you Sea Raptor!.
@theteacher3148 21 сағат бұрын
Bro, I completely dissagree with your assessment of this ship, it has extremely poor concealment it lights up like a Christmas tree at midnight any time you shoot, very low battery range (15.8km), very weak armor AND torpedo protection, shells float in the air you have to shoot at awkward angles to even get any damage out of em, it can't even turn properly So basically, you can't play at range or up close.Only thing you got right is that the AA is sufficient.Even still, the RANGE of the AA is 5.8KM, not good.The ship sucks, I'm not sure what your raving about honestly.😂
@issieeagar4330 Күн бұрын
Boggzy you lied when you said the Germans don't have, but the zieten has 406mm guns 😂
@SeaRaptor Күн бұрын
This video might pre-date Zieten, honestly. =D
@smw211 Күн бұрын
I really enjoyed the Tier VI-VIII boats in the line and found success, but this boat left me scratching my head, and the Tier X too.
@JackMerker Күн бұрын
If you want to learn about Admiral Willis Lee and that whole battle with USS Washington, The Fat Electrician has a great video on him. Such an interesting character of Naval History!
@subodhsrinivasamurthy6866 Күн бұрын
Which ship will you teach us on your next LTP series searaptor?
@SeaRaptor Күн бұрын
I really want to do Italian destroyers, but I am struggling hard with the top end of the line. Thinking about pivoting to USN light cruisers so I don't lose steam.
@AaronBaecker 17 сағат бұрын
I’d really enjoy the Italian DD line LTP and there’s not a lot of content about them. Hope you figure it out!
@OldThomMerton 2 күн бұрын
Can't believe I missed the Ship Show last night. Tier IX, VIII and VII are always good for me for credit farming. I like Tulsa, she can be very productive farming. I love Kirov but she is squishy. I am interested in Iwami. Decent secondaries, good main battery and torps . . . that's my kind of BB. Here is a question I never thought I'd ask . . . what are your feelings on the Alvaro de Bazan? I am not a destroyer guy, but I do like Tromp at Tier X and the Capitani Romani class 'cruisers/flotilla leaders' are intriguing. Auckland is basically an Albemarle, largely, with different torps and SubRadar.
@SeaRaptor Күн бұрын
I'm not a huge Bazan fan. If I'm honest, I don't quite know what purpose the ship is meant to fulfill in a team.
@OldThomMerton Күн бұрын
@@SeaRaptor It does seem to be a bit of an outlier. She's kinda fast and small light cruiser but without come of the utility. I like the Spanish cruisers, which is why it's intriguing, but this boat seems to give up too much utility. Sad.
@DYhalto250 2 күн бұрын
Hows the AL version compair? Just curious
@SeaRaptor Күн бұрын
Should be the same boat.
@SofaKingA 2 күн бұрын
They buffed her but just enough for her to be not horrible. For a premium shop she should strongly be in the good category imo. Regardless solid game!
@SeaRaptor 2 күн бұрын
Concur. When she first released, there was nothing remarkable or interesting - or desirable! - about this ship. But the buffs fix most of those issues. She has an identity now, and a role.
@lv603 2 күн бұрын
I wasn't impressed with RAIN's strategies and tactics in the series.. I'm surprised they made it this far.
@tyray3p 3 күн бұрын
Gosh this is more or less exactly what I was looking for, thanks for pointing out the Quick Cut for me! I never really thought of leaning into the Air Defense on the San Diego :P
@SeaRaptor 3 күн бұрын
Most people don't. They buy into the misconception that AA is worthless and never actually try it for themselves. Pro tip: AA isn't worthless. It is sometimes wasted; you build into skills and modules that do not grant you any return in a game without a CV. The trade-off is that in a game with a CV, you can have a big impact.
@tyray3p 4 күн бұрын
Do you do one off requests as well? I'd love to see a Learn to Play for the San Diego. It's a bit more unique when compared to other Atlanta Classes due to the SAP. Anyways, love the videos, really helped me out with the Mino line :)
@SeaRaptor 3 күн бұрын
You're welcome, glad they helped! I haven't yet tried to do one for a premium ship. It could be done, of course, but there are so damn many it's hard to know where to start. This video might help some, though: kzbin.info/www/bejne/Y4LMlWqIZsiLnMU
@jannegrey593 5 күн бұрын
Sorry for being off-topic. We had lovely discussion how you helped me to get into DD's and CL's. There is a question at the end, but I'll ask it here so you don't have to read boring stuff: "How did your game quality and enjoyment went from Tiger/Iron Duke to Renown?" IDK how line looked before the split. However I'm a BB main. And given that it was D-Day anniversary I started playing with German and British BB's German BB line, here I went for Battleships not Battlecruiser (it seems they don't have my favorite Derfflinger modeled with it's original submersible module. It could give scares to submarines, but it wouldn't stay down). I also did "Hood challenges". Fun. 1. Konig is fun. I didn't try to go further yet, but from Tier 3 to 5 it's fun. Will soon try moving it up a Tier (without Tier 6 I can't do operations) 2. British line was more bumpy but also fun. I managed to get AL Queen Elizabeth commander and I quickly went a tad bonkers with British BB's - focusing on secondaries. Iron Duke was FUN. For the first time in years I averaged 45-50k a game. I played with it maybe 15-20 games and I had huge grin on my face and couple situations where I had 4 kills and managed to single handedly hold a flank (including in my defeat, where I was told to hold the flank on 2 brothers, so I held it. Other flank collapsed, half the team went down the middle I only noticed situation was hopeless when remaining 7 enemies approached from all sides except my flank and I noticed I was alone. FUN ship. But a problem. After it secondaries in main BB British line go..... nowhere. This time I did my research and it seems that British Battlecruiser line is what I'm looking at. 3. So I spend my money and finally get to Tiger. Not the tankiest ship I've seen but comparable in pleasure to Iron Duke. And I knew that it will improve until Tier 10. Secondaries maybe not with longest range or not bestest, but good enough that I don't have to worry about DD's as long as I maneuver. I can outmelt them. I played like 30 games in my Tiger and had over 80% win rate. I knew however from the stats of secondaries that there will be a lull with Renown. Less secondaries. But of course British HE is great, so I can handle 1 Tier of mediocre ship among greates, right? 4. Wrong. 10 games. 10 losses. 1 of those games 24k damage. Every single other - less than 10k. It doesn't handle properly. I have guns aimed at something and for 20 seconds it won't show green light because "guns are aiming". And I'm not turning or anything. I think I swim straight - it seems game model will disagree. Straits that aren't a problem for my Amagi are unpassable for this little %$&%^@%^#. What is going on? I'm currently using 800% bonuses on ship XP, so that I could go Tier higher and have 10% o the fun I had with Tiger hopefully. With my captain Queen Elizabeth. I hope it isn't universe's way of telling me - "You shouldn't have tried putting Anime character in serious game like World of Warships. You're having fun, because you don't understand 90% of it, but it doesn't matter since you have stuff memorized. You shouldn't have fun and people who enjoy Anime in serious stuff like ships will suffer like you". I doubt that's it, since I had fun with my Queen on both Iron Duke and Tiger. If you have any useful information as well as personal observations and opinions of "Renown vs the world" I would love to hear it. Also even though I call them "secondary BB's", those aren't German. 85-95% of damage is from main battery. It's more like surprising a sub that thought it could rest couple kilometers behind my back and I wouldn't notice on mini-map. I didn't, but I don't have to. My current build for "secondary British BB's": Commander 10 points: Preventative maintenance, Grease the Gears, Long Range Secondary Battery Shells, Fire Prevention Expert. So except 3 point skill the usual. Plan for 21 points: Emergency Repair Expert (there are time when I'm out of heals), Manual Secondary Battery Aiming (you don't have to call asylum) and coin toss between "Adrenaline Rush" and "Basics of survivability". I have contingencies in case on higher levels secondaries have trouble, because they bounce. Sacrifice either "manual..." 4 pointer and get IFHE and Vigilance or sacrifice 3 pointer skill and get IFHE and Demolition Expert. Or something like that. I built renown more "normally". No "Secondary Battery modification" in 3rd slot for example. Regular boring stuff instead. So why does renown feel like it can be citadelled from any angle by anything with 12 inch or bigger guns? Heck, I'm not sure Gneisenau would have trouble..... I do apologize writing so much. I hope you will be able to respond or if not maybe you have people in audience who have experience (I mean I know you do, I'm giving them the out if they don't want to ;) - you probably have so many great WoWS players here that even if they for divisions it is others who become fail division by default................. that was terrible joke Jan - never repeat it. Just like your Renown games). Heck maybe even make a video - "Guide/Tutorial to Renown and how it is a normal ship and one weirdo thought differently and what happened to his Soylent Green".
@SeaRaptor 5 күн бұрын
I've considered doing some "learn to play" on the British BCs, because they're fun ships but they're totally unlike the German BCs (or the Japanese ones, for that matter). They *can* brawl, but not for very long. Their AP is quite usable - unlike the main British BB branch - but the HE is reliable enough that you'll find yourself using it more than you think. My suggestion for a build is to skip the secondaries - British secondaries are rarely anything to get excited about - and focus on survivability. Play at mid-to-long range, say 12km and up as long as you can, and only push in to accept closer engagements with targets you KNOW you can crush (light cruisers, near-death battleships, etc). The British BCs do not have the armor to stand in a fight against real battleships for very long, so you have to engineer your engagements to minimize the time you are going to get focused by them.
@jannegrey593 4 күн бұрын
@@SeaRaptor Oh, I agree that this is how they "should" be played. But since I got wacky commander (she is currently level 12), I thought "wacky concept". They are not very good brawlers against BB's or BC's. But get them 3-4 DD's or cruisers (especially light) and those secondaries will mop up what your main cannons didn't manage. I think I have replay saved of quite good game (I almost got Kraken twice in a row, only to run into 1000 points and killsteal respectively - in a last week. I have 2 Kraken's in my whole life). Plus in my Tiger I have another game with 4 kills. and 197k Damage. I personally never saw total of 6 digits when it comes to damage outside Jingles video. And then Renown is acting completely different. I know light cruisers that seem to have better armor. Heck, Tiger has better armor than that thing. So it is sort of a joke for joke character. They also have planned "real" commanders. It's just shocking how different it is from other BC's. Thanks, have to run.
@hgh425 5 күн бұрын
I have started to really like Myoko and sharnhorst 43 in ranked. Sharnhorst is also a fine Money maker.
@SeaRaptor 5 күн бұрын
I ended up ranking out of Bronze using Myoko rather heavily. Despite her lack of DD-spotting tools, she has tools for most everything else, and a ton of HP to throw around.
@hgh425 5 күн бұрын
@@SeaRaptor I don't have to tell you what a good ship looks like. Myoko have just grown on me after having it for some years. But I an surprised that I see so few of them in ranked. I see her as a damage dealer 🔥with very good ballistic + good defensive Torps.
@Black-Rat 5 күн бұрын
Just got her because of that trade ships event, I had mostly seen she had good feedback about the Kidd, so I ended up trading the Tulsa I had for a few months ago from the armory, and I hated the Tulsa and rarely played her, so I took the Kidd in the end, it felt like a decent deal, besides that, the Tulsa is still in the armory but won't miss her... The important thing about the Kidd, the torpedoes are all launched together and they take too long to reload, glad there's still the smoke bomb, it's especially strongly needed given her taking all of her torpedoes when launch one, it means all of them in only one salvo, that's the biggest issue about the Kidd... But her guns are pretty useful, with the option for extra-speed or having a lot AA guns, and smoke bombs are really needed, unexpected was a heal, not many DDs have a heal and that much AA, and so far, I'll take the Kidd instead of the Tulsa every times... On top of it, I had already a 19 skill captain avaible right from the get go, assigned him to my newer ship... And the Tulsa is still in the armory in case I ever want her back...
@OldThomMerton 6 күн бұрын
'Suck it, lil' Fiji.' Oh, my 😂🤣 Yeah, I picked up an Indi when I heard about the bow armour change. She is a nice earner, fun to play.
@SeaRaptor 6 күн бұрын
She's needed that bow armor change for YEARS. I have no idea what took so long.
@frosty3693 6 күн бұрын
How did the Sims do in the battle? Did it redeem itelf? What should it have done? Help you spot at your cap?
@SeaRaptor 6 күн бұрын
He finished 4th of 6. He sailed way wide of the other cap, too far out in front of the other Scharn to get much support, until he died at point-blank range with a light cruiser he never even knew was there. (Which, as a destroyer, is a bit of a cardinal sin. Out-spotting most of the things that easily prey upon you is your biggest advantage.) If you're the only DD in a game and you don't work to contest the cap that isn't your "home" cap in one of these 3 cap maps, you're doing your team a huge disservice. It's possible that you get pushed out of that cap. Fine. But having you there for smoke and spotting and torpedoes and possibly contesting the cap later is far more valuable than sailing a whole bunch and dying alone to a light cruiser with no one else able to help support you.
@frosty3693 6 күн бұрын
@@SeaRaptor Thanks for the information. I just noticed the DD was not last on the points and not first to die (?). I play DDs, but in CoOp. But I am interested in best tactics in PvP.
@jannegrey593 5 күн бұрын
@@frosty3693 I strongly suggest his tutorials on how to play Japanese Torpedo destroyers and I think there is also one on US (?) gunboates. And from personal experience - there are 3 types of destroyers. Before Concealment Expert, After Concealment Expert and farragut.
@frosty3693 5 күн бұрын
@@jannegrey593 I may have seen them but worth a review. The problem is I play CoOp and the gameplay is quite different, more a rush to get kills as the bots attack.
@jannegrey593 4 күн бұрын
@@frosty3693 Yeah. Co-op is basically YOLO and grab as many enemies as possible before other players, other bots do. Not that those bots don't exhibit sometimes very interesting tactics, but it's rare and you have to look for it specifically.
@nyiminhtun9418 6 күн бұрын
Sir can you please do other classes as well such as battleships and CVs? I really enjoy these video and always learn something new each videos. I am (kinda) new and my highest tier is 8 and still learning.
@SeaRaptor 6 күн бұрын
I tend to avoid BBs as I feel like there are far better battleship players out there than I am. With that said, there are probably some battleship lines I could do and it would be useful. Carriers you likely don't want to learn from me. I am a thoroughly mediocre carrier player. I would look up Ahskance and see what he has available if you are looking for help there.
@ahmedganna7632 7 күн бұрын
@SeaRaptor 6 күн бұрын
You're welcome!
@ahmedganna7632 6 күн бұрын
@@SeaRaptor could please do it for premium ships as well ?
@SeaRaptor 6 күн бұрын
@@ahmedganna7632 That's a pretty tall order. Are we talking all 200+ Premium ships or just a few? ;)
@ahmedganna7632 6 күн бұрын
​@@SeaRaptor high tier ones would be nice
@Fireburnin21 7 күн бұрын
Flash forward to 2024. This cruiser line is the most powercrept line in the game. Hipper gets constant uptiers into tier 10 with no redeeming factor about. And I really do mean that. Who gives a shit about a 10 second reload when you are probably the worst ship in the game most of the time. The least they could have done was given this thing a heal.
@SeaRaptor 6 күн бұрын
Most cruisers feel pretty awful when bottom tier; T8 cruisers without a heal, particularly. I agree that the German cruiser line has been a bit power crept, largely due to superships and the proliferation of large caliber AP at high tiers. When Hindenburg released, her armor scheme was relatively resilient to most battleships in the game (Yamato being the obvious exception). Now there are so many things that overmatch her armor that playing one often feels like an exercise in futility.
@joedanker3267 7 күн бұрын
@Gladius-XC 7 күн бұрын
Halfway through this video I was asking myself, “Why did you post this vid?” LOL
@SeaRaptor 7 күн бұрын
The first half of this game was rough - as you can tell by my reaction on stream. =)
@ahmedganna7632 7 күн бұрын
thx , could u do napoli and smaland ?
@Udeus5 7 күн бұрын
Kraken +1 congratulations 🍾
@OldThomMerton 8 күн бұрын
I prefer the Mocha or Chocolate Mint Kit-Kats, but the Dark chocolate are good too.
@patrickduke5964 8 күн бұрын
Could the krennic player have taken out the Vader with vigilance in game two with veers being on the board?
@SeaRaptor 8 күн бұрын
Technically no, it looks like both players - and the casting team, natch - missed that one. Veers would have to go first, only then would Vader be a legal target for Vigilance. Timestamp looks to be around 39:00.
@jameshobbs1460 8 күн бұрын
In the old days you could add a range mod to the guns and stealth fire for 3km. Torps were shorter than now but was tons of fun. Still a good balanced boat.
@SeaRaptor 8 күн бұрын
She really is, despite the health pool problems she has. Stealth fire was silly. =)
@OldThomMerton 8 күн бұрын
Rewatching in the morning to catch the stuff I missed. - I agree, the Japanese CLs are awful. Gokase is so awful, so I started looking forward to the next few in line to see if the ships appeared to be improving. . . and I saw nothing I liked. Squishy is fine with a CL, BUT, you have to torp from a distance or die in the Gokase, and the guns are slow and weak. I haven't played them again in months, no interest. - Tier VIII CLs I like to play? Ignacio Allende is my best stat ship and very fun, I really enjoy Harbin (I do, seriously), San Diego is either a blast or just so hard to farm in. Otherwise, Edinburgh is okay (for me), Cleveland is not NEAR AS GOOD as Balti and the Chapayev is crap. Subs are still broken and homing torps is part of the problem. That salvo of torps that followed you around an island in the Santander game is a perfect example. Submarine Surveillance is a joke, it's really only been useful for me in emergency "whoa, that SS is close" situations and is otherwise useless in my experience. Try to enjoy the Friday meetings, have a good weekend!
@SeaRaptor 8 күн бұрын
There are so many good light cruisers at T8, but the IJN is not one of them. Even 155 Mogami is better than that thing.
@tonyswan6834 9 күн бұрын
Love it as usual, cant wait for the Civ6 gang to be back in town!
@SeaRaptor 9 күн бұрын
Danke! We'll get there at some point. =)
@danielmarshall7962 9 күн бұрын
How are you making videos about a boat when you don't even know what tier the boat is, it's not a level 6 it's level 5. Stop talking like you know the boat if you don't even know the level
@amielmadredijo 9 күн бұрын
You are wrong. Fubuki is indeed a Tier 6 while it is the Mutsuki that is Tier 5. It is you who should not talk .
@SeaRaptor 9 күн бұрын
In Warships on PC, Fubuki is Tier VI. She appears to be Tier V in Legends on console.
@ronniecato248 9 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for these vids. Good commentary aswell ❤
@SeaRaptor 9 күн бұрын
Glad you like them!
@NIGHTSHADE1997 9 күн бұрын
Okhotnik the good old War Canoe one of my favorite tier 4 destroyers in legends
@rogerbogh3884 9 күн бұрын
SeaRaptor - these are INCREDIBLE videos. I found it looking for help on the Leander and have now watched the IJN, USN DDs to Tier VIII, the USN Cruisers to Tier VIII, and the British Light Cruisers to Tier VIII. I really enjoy how that actually work together. Many thanks
@SeaRaptor 9 күн бұрын
Glad to help!
@OldThomMerton 11 күн бұрын
Those would then be an upgrade of the armoured cruiser SMS Bluchers guns. Yorck and Weimar are built on the same hull; the hull and superstructures reminds me a lot of the first KM cruiser built after WWI, the Emden.
@Mr007agent 11 күн бұрын
Game was lost at 45:06 and then lost again at 45:15 🤯
@SeaRaptor 11 күн бұрын
I'm with you on 45:15 - all James has to do is claim instead of play Forced Surrender and he probably wins - but help me out on the other time stamp.
@Mr007agent 10 күн бұрын
@@SeaRaptor Anthony should have claimed instead of attacking with the shore trooper so he didn't lose.
@Top8Gamer 11 күн бұрын
Was tough to watch the boba deck miss lethal in game 1 when his firespray got ambushed. He could of just took initiative and killed with the avenger.
@SeaRaptor 11 күн бұрын
One of the most helpful things I find about watching games on camera like this is that it helps identify crucial moments where you might get focused on the wrong thing. Looking back over all these games, we saw players miss possible wins several times on the day due to a bit of tunnel vision. I think it's easier to fall into this trap with control decks than with other deck types. Control decks tend to be so focused on keeping the board clear, that once you have an opponent on the ropes (from a base health perspective), that changing the focus from "keep his units dead" to "finish him!" is a jarring jump for a lot of players. That's a mistake an aggro deck doesn't make because he's laser-focused on base destruction from the opening move of the game.
@Crowe_77 11 күн бұрын
oh, boy, i've one shot Minotaur's with my DM AP....uhhhh
@SeaRaptor 11 күн бұрын
Well, yeah. DM is a predator against this thing if she's caught broadside.
@wolfaruuz 11 күн бұрын
T8 (mogami) is it bad?
@SeaRaptor 11 күн бұрын
Not at all. Either configuration (203mm or 155mm) of Mogami is quite playable, but I've come to prefer the 203mm version myself.
@zaozedong 12 күн бұрын
Nice video Raptor. I quite liked this DD in Bronze ranked some time ago. Also, that Omaha 😀
@Mr007agent 12 күн бұрын
Glad Trey played my palp list! Not playing star viper in the main is a mistake because you need it to ECL in to ships and retrieve immediately especially against Sabine.
@SeaRaptor 12 күн бұрын
I'm looking forward to trying this list myself. I tried Palp Aggression shortly after the game released, but never really had big success with it. This version intrigues me, and I think is good prep for one of the first decks I want to build after Shadows drops (Gideon Command). Mono-green has some interesting tools.
@misterjackpots 7 күн бұрын
love the Palp Green, can you link to your updated list?
@SeaRaptor 6 күн бұрын
@Mr007agent Pinging you per the above reply.
@professormoriarthus 12 күн бұрын
whenever i watch wows and i see an okhotnik on the opposing team i get a bit excited because i like this ship very much and wonder how the person playing will deal with them when they encounter it, and then the okhotnik almost always gets instagibbed like in this example and im sad. that said, gg wp raptor!
@SeaRaptor 12 күн бұрын
Hehe, the War Canoe is a fun bote, but she's kind of one-dimensional.