@soldier7778 Ай бұрын
I have the 2 Halo CDs: self titled (1990) and Heaven Calling (1991). Scott Springer the lead singer released a solo album called Hello Forever (1993). After that he became a pastor. The music on each albums got mellower going from Hard Rock to Moderate and Light Rock when you get to Hello Forever. I have Hello Forever too.
@Iisumusic 2 ай бұрын
Hei Sami, taisipa virhe löytyä, 100% digipuolelta nimittäin soittolistan kappaleet 2 - 9 joista suurin osa ennestään tuttuja soivat listalla oikeassa järjestyksessä 5 - 12 Hetken kuuntelemalla selvisi myös että ensimmäiset 4 ääniraitaa ovat listalla järjestyksessä 1, 10, 11, 12 .. Hienoja lauluja kaikki ovat ja nostalgisia. Nyt on vain lipsahtanut digitaalinen numerojärjestys tallentajan huomaamatta tähän tuotokseen. Digitaalilevyn valmistuksesta tuttua :)
@soldier7778 2 ай бұрын
Petra is one of my top 5 favorite bands of all time. Of the 8 rockers, I like them all but I like Last Daze the least. Since around 1987 to 1995, much of the material on their albums from about half of the material to most songs tend to be Hard Rock along with Jekyl and Hyde. More Power to Ya also has that Organic Hard Rock sound on a few of the songs. Most of the other albums to me are guitar driven Rock with hints of Hard Rock. I think they are working on new material which I hope is released soon. Petra is also compared to Styx, Journey, Foreigner, Bon Jovi as well depending on the era.
@Iisumusic 2 ай бұрын
Nyt on yksi hienoimmista levyistä mitä oon kuullut 👍🎸 Omasta mielestäni ei hutibiisejä sisällä vain pari surullisempaa kipaletta levyllä on. Niillekin paikkansa toki löytyy
@heavenlymusickingdom24 2 ай бұрын
Juu samaa mieltä Oliko levy siis tuttu?
@soldier7778 3 ай бұрын
Great video of a great album! My parents got me the censored cover version of the cassette in December 1986 and I loved it and still do! I have listened to it many, many times. Motley Crue was singing Shout at the Devil and Stryper was singing To Hell With the Devil. Fundamentalist were freaking out about the use of the pentagram on the album cover. Christian Metal exploded in the mid 80s. You mentioned the secular albums that were released in 1986. In Christian Metal and Hard Rock that year besides Stryper, Barren Cross, Bloodgood, Daniel Band, Messiah Prophet and Saint all released good albums that year. There were also solid Rock albums with some hard hitting tracks from Idle Cure, Petra and Whiteheart also from that year. THWTD was certified platinum but the band did a tally and it was estimated to sold over 5 million either in the US or world wide. In God We Trust is the second best selling album and Against the Law is the least best selling album.
@heavenlymusickingdom24 2 ай бұрын
Yeah,that was huge time in 80s I got to say that i didnt listen so much christian metal 80s cos world's metal just offered so much great albums Until 2023 i really what to focus what kind of music christian artists and bands really are I'm happy that theres great bands which i havent heard so much. Idle Cure is good and Petra is classic stuff The Brave is also fantastic band,White Cross as well
@heavenlymusickingdom24 2 ай бұрын
God Bless
@stevescoolstuff126 3 ай бұрын
I love that you pray at the beginning! I had this on cassette when I was a kid in the 1980’s but it was the black cover. I didn’t know the angel cover existed until around the year 2000. 🤯
@heavenlymusickingdom24 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Yeah i think it's very important to pray,especially when you believe in God and doing faith channels Yeah cover has changed ,I like both versions God Bless
@stevescoolstuff126 3 ай бұрын
Great band, great video!
@heavenlymusickingdom24 2 ай бұрын
Yes it is Thanks
@soldier7778 3 ай бұрын
Great video! I have all the Leviticus albums on CD and LP. After they released the EP Stå Och Titta På on 1982 they released Jag Skall Segra! in 1983 which is the English version of I Shal Conquer released in 1984. I listen to mostly Old School Christian Hard Rock and Metal. I live in Canada and most of the band's I listen to are from the US except for Jerusalem, Leviticus and Narnia from Sweden along with many of Christian Lilijren's side projects and 3 Canadian based bands: Angelica, Daniel Band and Siloam.
@heavenlymusickingdom24 2 ай бұрын
Wow,great to hear Narnia is also great stuff ,leviticus has indeed done great other albums as well Greetings and thanks from Finland
@soldier7778 4 ай бұрын
Great video! I canceled the Frontiers order and got my refund so I can buy the CD at a local store last Monday September 16. I will reorder some items on Frontiers without the CD. I listened to it this week several times and I like the album. The more I listen to it the more I like it. Not keen on Raptured though for some reason. Wasn't keen on Betrayed by Love but It's growing on me. It's not unusual for me to not like a song or 2 on an album. At this point, I would rank the new album around the middle of the last 6 albums. I think my ranking would be: 1. Even the Devil Believes 2. Fallen 3. No More Hell to Pay 4. When We Were Kings 5. God, Damn Evil 6. The Final Battle. I think I will eventually go through the 5 albums to see if this current ranking will change. I subscribed to your channel. I have a channel where I discuss mostly Old School Christian Hard Rock and Metal as well. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on bands like Bloodgood, Daniel Band, Jerusalem, Leviticus, Narnia, Rez, Saint, Petra, Ken Tamplin, etc.
@heavenlymusickingdom24 4 ай бұрын
God Bless ✝️🙏 Humble thanks Nice thoughts,i agree this album will grow all the time
@heavenlymusickingdom24 4 ай бұрын
And sure i know those bands and quite sure some of them are comin up
@heavenlymusickingdom24 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for subscribe
@larrymarnovico4040 5 ай бұрын
Veljeni hankki tämän levyn aika vasta yhteiskristillisestä kirpputorista hyvä levy.
@Kake-nz5to 5 ай бұрын
Great review man! Where did the other woman disappeared who was doing the reviews with you?
@stevescoolstuff126 5 ай бұрын
Great review! I have met these guys in person and they are genuine Christians! On fire for Jesus and know The Word of God.
@heavenlymusickingdom24 5 ай бұрын
Thank you,i can imagine hopefully someday in Finland ✝️🙏