Is the Internet Ruining Community?
TikTok Boy Moms Scare Me
5 ай бұрын
Inside the Reverse Aging Community
The Sad Girl to Female Rage Pipeline
@brogrammerplus7683 7 сағат бұрын
@Vanity0666 11 сағат бұрын
The internet isn't doing anything that a select group of human beings aren't telling it to do. The internet is a neutral concept. It has no will. The people who control what you see, however, do.
@gareckthetailor9918 12 сағат бұрын
Fresh and fit is for people that think Jerry Springer is Oscar bait
@alexanderpawlik6330 14 сағат бұрын
i desire the manosphere tarot cards
@MortMe0430 18 сағат бұрын
Jfc, 1 minute in and I'm ready to barf at these brain-dead tradwives. what the actual F.
@gareckthetailor9918 18 сағат бұрын
11:54 holy based, batman lol
@DianaStevens42 21 сағат бұрын
“No one should strive to be patriarchs” Do you want manosphere? Because that’s how you get manosphere 😂
@DianaStevens42 22 сағат бұрын
I love when KZbinrs that I’ve watched for years drop shit like this that will surely bring new waves of people to their channel
@llennzo Күн бұрын
“I’ve only ever heard certain words in my head, not spoken out loud.” Is very relatable
@bobbyboy1797 Күн бұрын
I was liking this video until you unironically used, "Ablelism".
@llennzo Күн бұрын
I just started watching your videos recently. I have to say I'm obsessed <3.
@MrSporkster Күн бұрын
Lock him up!
@MrSporkster Күн бұрын
If it's a choice, is it really oppression? 🤔
@XanderLeoShiller Күн бұрын
I love your set.
@annEngr Күн бұрын
My first obgyn when I was 18yo told me never to douche. And I never gave before or after that.
@MrSporkster Күн бұрын
Lock her up!
@MdZeeshanAnsari-o5v Күн бұрын
just admit that you are radical feminist with no jobs and chase clout
@BubbyHand Күн бұрын
I'm 14 and I consider myself a feminist. Honestly the state of the world is near no different from 50 or so years from now and I think thats saddening and just plain shocking. The fact that women now STILL have to fight for the right to their own bodies and all this war and genocide to palestine and Uyghurs is horrible alongside so many other things like school shootings and the tensity of the current presidential elections are so overwhelming. I love to watch these type of videos and read books about these problems, I just wish I was more educated on politics and feminism. As a person of color, female, and immigrant I think it's my place to know all about these issues. Not to mention the stereotypes of feminists and being not taken seriously because of my age, its hard to learn these things.
@MdZeeshanAnsari-o5v Күн бұрын
he is good you are just a brat with nothing
@MrSporkster Күн бұрын
Lock them up!
@Thelastunicornlover Күн бұрын
8:44 Ben Shapeepee jumpscare!
@Thelastunicornlover Күн бұрын
I’d like a chance to curse Ron DeSantis!😈
@Thelastunicornlover Күн бұрын
@omarevans719 Күн бұрын
No such thing as white supremacy either... I don't understand young people's obsession with these invisible boogeymen
@Hiebert_Sarah Күн бұрын
I found your account recently, and I've been loving all the video essays you've done! I've just been on a watching binge of your videos and who knows when I'll stop
@teresasalvati8285 Күн бұрын
I found this video well done and informative. I have to write my graduation thesis project on manosphere and I have to thank you for introducing me to the subject in a non-academic way but that let me learn new things on the matter.
@omarevans719 Күн бұрын
No such thing as "Da Patriarchy "😅😅😅
@abigailbailey9633 Күн бұрын
so there is that line in the bible about a woman's hair being her crowning glory and that she should keep it uncut? Possibly an oversight by the writers, but it doesn't actually specify only scalp hair.
@jaybobby77 Күн бұрын
Brilliant video 👏
@blaque301 Күн бұрын
this is one of them chics who would let yt males call her the n word lol she doesnt see any fault in brads
@stefan-hk5zl Күн бұрын
As a man I have no say in how women act against the societal pressures of modern life, I have to state that I haven't watched the whole video but I wanted to speak about how femininity is generally treated as a curse and quote" a misbegotten Man" is simply horrific and I condemn each and every man as a coward who shouldn't be allowed to give an opinion on others existence, I don't want to pick sides in the gender wars of modern times because they are stupid and shouldn't exist in the first place, you would think that with such technology today we would be more intelligent and emphatic towards another yet we still dabble in the traditions of old in the name of progress we strive to an dead end again and again hoping something to change the next time but it never does, like a dog chasing its own tail men and women of the modern world are like rabbits in their own separate rabbit holes,and despite both of them being the same creature they fight and make each other bleed for their mutual hatred and innate misogyny and sexism towards the other, a tale as old as the species itself rumbling through out the decades and time until we have been born in this world as horrible as it is women and men should not fight in the name of ideology or conformity for that leads to the despair of human kind.
@stefan-hk5zl Күн бұрын
Having watched the video I can agree with the fact that many young girls are addicted to the feelings of loneliness and the self afflicted anguish that comes with that for I have felt it myself personally, I feel really bad for those trapped in the cycle of hatred either to themselves or against the world, feeling useless and weak and constantly a mix of rage and sadness that suffocates you until you're last breath and the unavoidable breaking of the bottle where everything cracks around you and you become a vessel of emotion oozing with hate against those who have wronged you and seeking revenge and payback against everyone and it doesn't matter if they are innocent or not it all comes to feed the bottomless void of you're existence. It's a sad thought and by all means the cycle must be broken and I think most of them don't want it to so that they can have their grandiose ending for their bleak life that they have been told that they shouldn't be allowed to enjoy life as a human but instead as a servant and a vase for decoration, to be silent and never raise a word to those that effectively hurt you and to conform with that fact living in perpetual agony and feeding the end of all within you, you cant change you tell youreself that and you're destiny is set in stone and if you're mind accepts the deal then it's a tragic and slow fall to the abyss of oblivion for the girls who never saw light.
@agirlkeepssecrets6644 2 күн бұрын
Shakespeare was a woman. ;)
@edwardradaker8843 2 күн бұрын
Straw man argument anyone? If you didn't know, a straw man argument is basically misinterpreting the others point, so they can attack it, so you'll shut down. Where is your husband or boyfriend? Or better yet, how many cats do you have. I'm happily married and have been for a long time, and that's because my wife assumes her gender roles, and shows me respect, takes my need into account. Let's have a chat. It looks like you chose the blue. I bet you're voting for Kamala too?
@hiidenkiuas Сағат бұрын
Most mentally stable manosphere participant
@christianandrew1037 2 күн бұрын
Disagree. You have to suffer to understand the human soul, and only by understanding the soul can you create great art. Yes there’s craft, but that’s artisan-like. It’s the how. The what and why, that comes from pain and pain alone
@Angieurmom 2 күн бұрын
I know that black peoples hair is incredibly important and significant to them as well as the hairstyles and culture but never this much. I am very happy that I have learned this today cuz my sister was saying it's "just hair". She's wrong yet I didn't have the words to say it, so thank you so much for making this video <3 Very educational and it helped me understand a lot more than I did before.
@sunnysonlinediary 2 күн бұрын
I’ve always found it so complexing how we emotionally, in most cases, physically separate our beings from trying to be the stereotypical, “Beauitful, white, skinny” girl of the American frontier. I do stress it’s essential that we see makeup and skincare as a investment of self-care, to spend time on ourselves, just to have fun and express our personalities with colors on our face, body, hair, etc, etc, etc.
@deg8517 18 сағат бұрын
i don't like seeing makeup as self-care because the implication is that if you aren't putting on makeup you aren't taking care of yourself
@dalenlewin 2 күн бұрын
Finally, someone of my polar opposite belief system who can actually hold my attention! You say you have passion for analysis, and indeed you do, so keep it up!
@juliettedinternet8707 2 күн бұрын
I loved this video so much i got nothing else to say it's so good
@CosmicGardener 2 күн бұрын
In the neohygeine portion, when normal body smells being mantioned was oddly healing. I've noticed that in (let's say) the past few years, I've struggled to feel like i do a good job in the shower. I even abrasively scrubbed my pits 2x just to stop smelling like anything. I have sensitive skin, and im trying to pay attention to myself so i can better care for myself. I've reworded my thought post shower bc i always feel amazing, fresh, and clean until i notice something others would find negative. It could be leg hair. And it's always unhelpful. Idk. It's just comforting to know that smelling like a person is not inherently bad. Obviously, there's a point where it's too much and becomes bad. But reminding myself that hair can just smell like hair sometimes or that anything else can smell or look like it is what it is is nice.
@teaeef 2 күн бұрын
and yet if they're called out on their violent behaviour and beliefs they will retaliate by hurling violent threats towards women which just further proves they ARE violent and emotionally agitated yet too emotionally stunted to confront that fact. do they think lashing out with emotional outbursts, death threats and calling women "bitches" makes them seem stable and reasonable people to be associated with??
@7DYNAMIN 2 күн бұрын
woman making food = kkk
@diamondsofsix 2 күн бұрын
To say that ALL of Europe hated cleanliness based on the western + parts of the central european standard sure is a choice. A very american choice. I'm sure most people from the Balkans and parts of northern europe would greatly disagree, but I guess that wouldn't be as fun to say.
@quinn_interstellar 2 күн бұрын
Such a beautiful video. I wish i could find more videos exploring this topic for black trans woman & black transfeminine people specifically. Its easy to imagine what may be the case but to hear it directly from them would be better. if anyone has recommendations, lmk!
@Ace07Heart 2 күн бұрын
For the question of vampire of colors, I thought about that and I think that their skin would have colder undertone in their vampire form
@trinibornsolyah 2 күн бұрын
Women have control and there's a lot more misandry than misogyny
@MyNameIsSatoruGojo 2 күн бұрын
Ronnie ColeMan For Snow White>>
@MyNameIsSatoruGojo 2 күн бұрын
You giving incomplete info and phrasing things ina way to justify dictatorship from your side is good☕
@MyNameIsSatoruGojo 2 күн бұрын
Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan in the same group with fresh and fit us wild.
@Peets4peets 3 күн бұрын
Also, btw,, SUBSCRIBED. I love a video essay but this is the first of your vids I’ve seen and I’m SHOCKED because your content, research, and production value is AMAZING
@Peets4peets 3 күн бұрын
Wait can we talk about Tana mongeau? Her brand and career gives a lot of the “old school” dirty messy vibe but she is very young and of the “new”(ish) generation of KZbin. Or do you guys feel like she falls in with the Shane Dawson and (dare I say) Millenial+ generation of content creators?
@agirlkeepssecrets6644 3 күн бұрын
I can't even imagine having a brain as smooth as Myron and Brians. JFC
@agirlkeepssecrets6644 3 күн бұрын
I like how peterson says most victims of violent crimes are men while ignoring who most of the perpetuators of those violent crimes are. Might have a link with why most people in prison are men hmnmmmmmmm.