@zildjianguittap5459 Ай бұрын
"SPEAK THE TRUTH SPEAK THE TRUTH" that's what my parents say when I am lying
@halliewach5203 4 ай бұрын
I feel like this isnt just relatable to a loss someone to an illness, I feel like this could be a toxic relationship situation where your fighting to stay with the person because you love them but in the end you just want it to be over cuz your you can’t stand being on the edge constantly just waiting for them to leave or in this case (fall)
@alexanderpacious1728 5 ай бұрын
That abrupt silence/deafening effect happened in me when I witnessed my spouse have a mental breakdown/demonic possession. Fun fact of the day, enjoy.
@stuartdann1261 7 ай бұрын
I had to read this to my year seven tutor group as a part of "tutor reading". It was one of the most, no actually, it was the worst thing I had to do. Watching mum shrivel up and the bad news of the treatment not working and how I felt made it a thing to have to read and keep my shit together. I failed and I just stopped. One of my students said "Sir are you ok" and I said "no". She read the rest of the chapter. Amazing human being. She said afterwards she had to do it because her grandad was doing the same thing. Fking amazing person. What I learned about it was that I put every little bit of horror into a big box that I get to ignore and although the whole thing was horrible, what is in the box is the sum of all the horrors and you don't want to jump into the box in full, because it's terrible. Presumably, over time, the box becomes less "nuclear wastey".
@tombkings6279 8 ай бұрын
I cried on this part so much my mom that was watching with me had to paused the movie and hug me
@thyyu1874 10 ай бұрын
Hi I read a lot of heartbreaking comments from people who understand this well due to their experience of losing a parent, and I'd like to ask for understanding. Why did Conor think it's his fault if his mom dies? I understand everything else in this scene completely, but I'm not sure about the guilt. Why would it be his fault if his mom dies? Thanks in advance. Also, I'm sorry for your losses :((
@skylerjameson5682 8 ай бұрын
Because he let go. And he wanted it to be over. Watching your parent slip away in front of you is awful. My dad neglected his health almost our entire life. He had his first heart attack when i was 11. It started this horrible roller coaster/cycle. He would have a crisis so severe we almost lost him, he would start making better choices, he would go back to his ways until another one happened. At first it might be years between crisis. By the time i was 20 it was every year he was in having heart surgeries, strokes, blockages. 2 years ago the big ones started. Right after another it was diabetic coma, stroke, heart attacks, blood clots. He lost so much ability to function. He was slipping mentally. Then in february 2023 he had the big stroke. He never truly recovered. He needed so much care and he wasnt the same person. By fall he was basically living in the hospital and visiting home. He would come home and go into crisis or fall again. His legs started rotting and he wouldnt let them properly treat it. By thanksgiving he was practically bed bound, in diapers and needed help with even basic tasks. He would cuss you out, say awful things. The only times we werent on constant pins and needles was when he was admitted. And the feeling was so conflicting. It was killing us all mentally to continue the cycle. And his condition kept worsening. Shortly before easter the cycle ended. By that point he couldnt get out of bed without falling and couldnt stand anymore. One night i went in to do my final nightly check and make sure he was safe and had what he needed. He was gone. The horrible cycle was over. And it was awful. For connor watching his mom hurt is awful. But he knows wanting it stop means losing her. He wants the pain to stop but feels bad for it. Its conflicting. In his nightmare she doesnt slip away, he lets go.
@thyyu1874 8 ай бұрын
@@skylerjameson5682 oh... 🥺 I'm very sorry to hear about that, seems like it's gotta be a terrible mix of sadness, hurt, anger, and the like. Thank you so much for taking the time to share, man. I'm sorry for your loss, I hope you and your family soon heal from this 🥺
@kushalpandey8985 10 ай бұрын
Yall know his real mother passed away before he acted in this movie which altered his acting too, kinda wild
@guyver3662 11 ай бұрын
@gennaronarducci1333 Жыл бұрын
What did he say after the "speak the true"
@enyoungjeong4186 Жыл бұрын
I know that losing parents or their children is uncomparably hard. But I lost my cat 4 months ago. He had sicked 1 1/2 year during his 2 1/2 years life. A Few days before his death, I (still don't want to speak) thought 'I don't care if you're gonna die or something.' I've always felt guilty for that thinking how horrible I am. Today I turned on the TV in the midst of the night, bumped into this movie. I cried my eyes out. This movie might cure every broken souls. I miss you so much my angel 보리야 ❤️
@MASKEDARAB2 Жыл бұрын
She needs a medkit😂😂😂
@cpmoseley2105 Жыл бұрын
Was this the scene that was mentioned that was done in one take only because of how impressive and real the scene looked?
@jamestolbert1856 Жыл бұрын
“I WANT IT TO BE OVER!” I felt thqt
@Darrenlinkon Жыл бұрын
When I read this book again I see that Connor is the anger and the tree monster us his judgement
I need a Tree in my life.
@HelenaBonhamCarter56 Жыл бұрын
I lost my mother to breast cancer on October 6th 2019 I was 11 and I am now 15 I can’t explain now much this hurts to watch this scene I cry every time🥺
@FoxEarendil Жыл бұрын
A long time ago I read this book. Loved it. I was so happy when the movie came out. Because I never thought for anything that my mom would get cancer. She is pretty much on her deathbed as we speak. It was a short 3 months - and now she is going to leave and I feel this so much. I want it to be over. Not just for me but for her to stop suffering.
@jamesbaggett7223 2 жыл бұрын
Currently in my mother's hospital room. (she's sleeping so I've nothing else I can do) She's in liver failure so this is resonating with me deeply...I've been home a little over a week and she's been coherent for maybe 3 hours. I want her to just rest...both she and my father are in ill health. I'm feeling like shit because I was gone for nearly a decade and only could afford to visit once. I saw this film a few weeks ago and recalled this part.
@smmshoe Жыл бұрын
Bro this is deep. How is it right now
@jamesbaggett7223 Жыл бұрын
@@smmshoe she passed away on the 15th of January.
@mdnurislamrohman2097 2 жыл бұрын
what the name of this movie?
@goldenruby4 2 жыл бұрын
its in the title, "a monter calls"
@sampeacaml9307 2 жыл бұрын
Didn't that Tree Divinity just stepped near those cracking plaques on purpose?
@smmshoe Жыл бұрын
Still same nightmare even as before
@Youngstown529 2 жыл бұрын
There should have been coffins visible and skeletons.
@smmshoe Жыл бұрын
She was still alive. It was a nightmare
@jamestolbert1856 2 жыл бұрын
But I’m not used to opening up with my emotions
@jamestolbert1856 2 жыл бұрын
This is so heartbreaking and emotional
@zamanthanichole 2 жыл бұрын
Lewis MacDougall was a great actor. I loved how he portrayed Connor especially when he screams in agony and pain, i could feel his grief to lose someone that means everything to him and i like how he played his role. I am highly impressed to him. He deserves to gain popularity and an oscar for portraying his role. To be honest, he did exceptional in this film and i hope he could portray more characters in the future
@CaptsuneMiku 2 жыл бұрын
a fouth tale XD
@majaza45 2 жыл бұрын
This movie made me sob in the theatre. I’m usually embarrassed and try to hide it by being quiet but I couldn’t hold it in. As someone that lost a parent, I know that feeling of guilt for wanting it to be over. That anxiety and sadness that follows you every day. The unpredictability and helplessness.
@Amari_J 2 жыл бұрын
I watched the movie and cried. Then I read the book and cried again. Why do I torture myself like this? 😭
@sophieallen2287 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who also lost their mum to cancer, this film resonated so much with me. This scene especially was so raw. When he screamed "I just want it to be over!!" That is exactly how I felt. Even though I knew it meant she wouldn't be here, waiting for the end was almost worse than the death itself.
@AlisonJB 2 жыл бұрын
I've never seen this film, but I will say this. I watched my mother suffer from depression, she stopped taking care of herself. Long story short, after watching her battle, I had to watch her suddenly and randomly die. I faulted myself for the longest time and honestly I still struggle to let go, it's grief I'm struggling to process to this day and it's been 7 years. I know what this scene means, and to a degree it reopens a wound, but I'm responsible for mending it or keep letting it bleed again. Damn...Maybe that's my truth
@rem9547 2 жыл бұрын
Perhaps something in here might help: ‘A message to myself’: 2022 ‘I am in the solitude of this February midnight. I hear the silent howling of the wind in the trees and it rattles against my window. I lie awake under a blanket of blue as I read your the message. It looks like there is a lot of hurting. And it’s true this week brought back many memories. Seems like a lot of things we should have said, and things which we should not have said. Very few of us get it right, if any. And it’s true we remember the regrets. And it is not fair that we cannot fix our regrets when time passes the gate. As my Uncle said: ‘That will always be because the ones who could truly forgive us are no longer.’ And when we learn to accept this, we can come closer to atonement. And perhaps, that is as close as we ever get at finding some form of forgiveness. But there is always the lingering doubt if when all else can forgive, we can never forgive ourselves. You see, many of us see regrets is like a big stick. And we punish ourself for our mistakes. But, we can say it’s there to remind us that we got it wrong, as well as point us in the direction - to try to make our world more beautiful. And it’s not true that time heals. We just learn to cope with it in a different way. We surround our black hole with all pretty things and keep a distance before it consumes us. We know this. There will be days when we kick the stone that did us no harm, and curse the drenching rain instead of feeling it’s warmth. We loose our rag with those we love, when all they wanted was to be heard. And how can we find peace when we are in this storm as we tumble and drown in its turmoil? We convince ourselves we did the right thing at the time, out of love. And it will always be true that the more we loved, the more it hurts. And years later, it still rips out our heart just thinking about it. But, there will be peace. We will find it in those we love, in those who are near and those who are far. We will find it in every drop of rain in a storm, under every rock and in the still of the night. We will find under every footstep we take, under our pillow when we rest and in every breath we take. Peace is all around us. It always is and always will be. Feel for it and you will find it. It will embrace you and comfort you, like our best friend. And when we find this place, we will finally find peace in ourselves. I turn in my bed. It’s almost dawn. I still hear the wind the howels tearing through my head. Tomorrow, or the day after, it will scarcely have the strength to turn a rabbits hair to silver.
@Ironheart73 2 жыл бұрын
Cameron wanted to save his mother, but he did not realize that it was him that needed saving. The point of his journey was for him to learn how to let go. To accept the things he can not change. To learn to forgive the people in his life, particularly his dad and grandmother because as imperfect they are, they do love him. Most of all he needed to forgive his mother for being sick. Its only through letting go that he can find closure and peace. Now was it all real? Was it all in his head? The answer is, it does not really matter. Either way he completed his journey by finally accepting the truth and learning to let go
@winterfire3038 2 жыл бұрын
Sickness is one of the greatest suffering if not it is the greatest of them all. Hugging someone so tight but it feels like they're just drifting away, that is the most painful feeling. My mother's illness can never be cured but I just want to stay with her for a very long time.
@vanessaatkins4178 3 жыл бұрын
I haven't been able to watch this film since the cinema. When I say I was crying hysterically, I mean there were actual pterodactyl screech noises coming from me. I couldn't control it. I tried to get up to go to the loo to calm myself down, but my legs wouldn't work. Because I lost my mum to cancer in 2009, and I hadn't ever seen someone talk about this feeling before. Nobody ever does, and so seeing it coming from this child, that strength? My god.
@caiobicalhosl 2 жыл бұрын
Hello, i do your words my words. I lost my grandmother and grandfather for cancer in a 2 years interval. The feeling of being at the hospital day after day, sleeping in a unconfortable chair, watching the weight fall and fall more, until the person becomes skeletal, this film translated something I never got, the feeling that it is necessary to lose the fight for both the patient and the companion. There comes a time when it's just not worth the suffering anymore
@liamm1305 3 жыл бұрын
“I know everything you want to say to me. I knew” The mother experienced the grief as well…she knew how he felt. It just clicked…
@liamm1305 3 жыл бұрын
This story is so amazing. I personally liked the book better but the movie, as you can see in this clip, is also spectacular. Its such a good representation of such a complex feeling… wanting someones pain to be over, wanting your pain to be over but not wanting to loose the person. I plan to get a tattoo of a yew tree when i turn 18…
@Moonstvre 3 жыл бұрын
POV: you read the book in English class
@shadowwound 3 жыл бұрын
I cried in the theaters years ago and im crying now. Fucking masterpiece
@Razorgeist 3 жыл бұрын
Ive been this little boy. I lost my father not due to a long illness but to drugs and depression. He deteriorated quite a bit and would lash out and there were times a when I was so angry and hurt with him that I just wished he would die and leave me in peace....well one day that wish came true. To say that I felt guilty and horrible about myself (sometimes to this very day) is an understatement. I'm glad someone reminded me that to want an end to the pain is the most human thing of all.
@Bebe1031-e1m 3 жыл бұрын
Speak the truth🤣
@HorrorFangirl34 3 жыл бұрын
I can sooooooo relate to this. I see my mother suffering from metastatic breast cancer for almost seven long years and now her condition has become so bad, that I am at the same point. I have reached my limit of what is bearable and I just want it to be over. I suffer from nightmares, in which I see my mother die over and over again and every morning, when I wake up, I am scared that one of those nightmares has come true. It is a horrible situation. One, I wouldn't even wish upon my worst enemies...
@jasminenielsen6073 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, I am in a very similar situation, and It’s difficult to see any light at the end of the tunnel but don’t stop looking for it. That’s what keeps me going. I wish you and your mother all the best
@petey-pablogomez9415 3 жыл бұрын
One of my all time favorites. I’m sure most of you guys related to this movie as I did.
@gojiraguy200 3 жыл бұрын
What a great twist, seriously. You spend the whole movie going "yeah okay he's gotta tell his nightmare, whatever, the movie literally opened by showing the nightmare and I know it's just that his mom is gonna die" but then it turns out *that isn't the actual nightmare part* because the fourth tale is actually him admitting that it's not a just bad dream because his mom dies - it's a nightmare because he could've held on longer, but consciously lets go and drops her.
@deshipe Жыл бұрын
I think it must be more clear what is coming in the book. I too was surprised at the final admission.
@travrci3572 3 жыл бұрын
It was after my dog passed away that I understood the message of the fourth story. It's stupid I know, but my dog had a seizure and he stopped breathing. Only he came back again and again and again. Every time he came back I felt so powerless because I knew that this was the end and yet I'd have to watch my dog die over and over again. Somewhere along the way I remember thinking, "Please, when you go this time don't come back. I can't handle this anymore." I still feel guilty for thinking that but I'm happy he kept fighting. He took his final breath when my siblings all gathered by his side. It was as if he was fighting til he could see all of his babies were okay.
@robertstewart8434 3 жыл бұрын
Hope you're coping alright
@drknow1997 3 жыл бұрын
No it is not stupid. It’s exactly what this little boy felt.
@Razorgeist 3 жыл бұрын
Nope not stupid at all.
@islaahdiaxx7787 2 жыл бұрын
Hell no that aint stupid my brother. I feel you my man. Love to you and your siblings
@preshapoint5789 2 жыл бұрын
Same man my 18 year old dog finally passed after almost dying many times back in April 2021
@thecuriousnerd3396 3 жыл бұрын
This boy deserves an Oscar for his acting skills. Especially when screams in sorrow and pain after finally telling his story. His truth. I can feel the grief.
@mikeshogunlee 3 жыл бұрын
You left out; “That was brave Canor”
@darturner280 3 жыл бұрын
I wish they finished this scene instead of cut it where they did. What the Monster says in return was just as good.
@natashasthilaire1950 3 жыл бұрын
"you must speak the truth or you will never leave this place." Wow. What a line.
@seemlees891 2 жыл бұрын
"it'll kill me if I do" "it'll kill you if you don't!"
@mongeau98 Жыл бұрын
@@seemlees891 when the weight of your failures and your fears become so heavy that you feel like you're going to die if you talk about it when it's the opposite, if you keep everything inside you it will end up killing you.
@cpmoseley2105 Жыл бұрын
@@mongeau98perfect summary. You can even use that for people with mental health. If people hide it then it only gets worse and sometimes it literally can kill you. If you speak up and accept help and get the help and support you will be saved
@NativeTears 3 жыл бұрын
I watched this recently. I lost my mother in 2018 to liver failure after watching her drink herself to death. This whole movie kinda shook me to the core. I still don’t know how to explain it other than I haven’t fully resolved my grief and I need to work on it. Moms are super heroes. 😕
@TLOU238 3 жыл бұрын
Lost my mum to alcohol when I was 14 and my dad a few months ago. I'm having a bad day today, thinking about both my parents, wishing things were different. I said to myself in my head "I don't know what life would be like if both my parents were still here, all I know is it could only be better as they'd be here with me. I don't know where their spirits have gone, but if it's nowhere, I want to join them in nothingness". Though I felt really defeatist after telling myself that. I thought the only way to not get stuck in sadness is to believe that whilst they're not here, I can at least take responsibility for my own life and make it as good as it can be. I can still live a meaningful and happy life, I just have to be strong and count my blessings, as while life has been tough, I've certainly still got a lot of things to be grateful for. Grief is a slow process but you'll get through it - you find your way to cope and be happy.
@blackcherry941 2 жыл бұрын
I lost my nana who’s been like a mother figure to me ever since I was a kid in 2018 I was only 16 I remember shouting TAKE ME INSTEAD DONT TAKE MY LOVED ONES AWAY FROM ME I didn’t get to spend much time with her because of high school Since she died if I was home alone I would whip my back with my studded belt until bruises and scars come One day at p.e when I was getting changed the girls asked about my bruises (they were green and yellow) I lied and said I fell of the swing and hit my back on some stones I stopped whipping my back in June 2018 cause that’s when I started therapy and it helped me a lot Even though I miss her so much I’ll never forget her
@lifeofslice9864 3 жыл бұрын
When things become too hold on to you need to let go, otherwise you will suffer.
@danielthomas7791 3 жыл бұрын
I am groot
@sushi_1205 3 жыл бұрын
this scene actually made me cry