The Dutch are rude!
Ай бұрын
Life in Ireland
2 ай бұрын
Expats and friendship.
4 ай бұрын
How life in the #usa looks like?
When English is not enough Part 1
Moving  to the Netherlands
9 ай бұрын
Moving to Romania
9 ай бұрын
Stereotypes about Dutch people
Moving to UK and ask for citizenship
How to Request Dutch Citizenship
Maternity in the Netherlands
10 ай бұрын
Tax Ruling in the Netherlands
From Mexico to the Netherlands
Moving to Denmark
Жыл бұрын
@mpegoeri5050 4 күн бұрын
Hi ! Can I register as RNI and get my BSN to find work more fast , and then change it to BRP citizen staying more than 4 months ? Is that possible,? I will have any problems with the job if I have RNI apply for my BSN in the start ? I am speaking about the city of Amsterdam! Thank you 🙏
@GoingExpat 4 күн бұрын
Hi there. You can register at the RNI and get BSN, this won’t create any issue at work, on the contrari is imporrent you have a BSN because without it you won’t be able to get a contract, open a bank account and start health insurance. However there are some municipalitirs where they would more storiche and they can refuse to register you without a job offer (it doesn’t happen often but it is a risa). BSN Never expires, so indeed you have to mobe tk BRP register within 4 months
@lastsunshine249 6 күн бұрын
Video molto interessante! Presto mi trasferirò in Belgio e cercavo proprio un video del genere per chiarire qualche dubbio :)
@pauldumitrescu1955 7 күн бұрын
Life in the country side on the Danube is fabulous! ⭐️
@pauldumitrescu1955 7 күн бұрын
If you move to Romania do it to the country side!!! 🩵
@GoingExpat 7 күн бұрын
What city in the country side you’d suggest?
@muhammadyasirkhaliq6061 7 күн бұрын
Hi can anyone assist me to get bsn?
@GoingExpat 7 күн бұрын
If you have an EU passport you don’t need assistance, just make your appointment with the municipality. If you have a non-EU passport you first need a VISA. The process can be slightly different depending where are you from, and if you don’t have a job who can sponsor you if gets harder. The IND website offer all details about what to do and if you need a lawyer, reach me via email at and I’ll put you in contact with one.
@muhammadyasirkhaliq6061 7 күн бұрын
@GoingExpat hi thanks for your kind information. I'm already in eu on a student visa. One recruiting agency said if you can arrange bsn we can help you to get a job etc
@GoingExpat 2 күн бұрын
You need to make an appointment with the municipality of the city where you live. Bring your passport, visa document and rental contract. Be aware that on student visa you can only work maximum 16h per week
@WanderingManon Ай бұрын
Loved the interview! ❤
@GoingExpat Ай бұрын
Thank you Manon! And how cool to find out that you have such a KZbin page?! 🤩
@WanderingManon Ай бұрын
@@GoingExpat Yeah! I barely posted in the past two years so never really mentioned it, but slowly getting back into it🤭
@GoingExpat Ай бұрын
Then I am very curious to see the new content after 2 years ☺️
@Jaunnield-crime Ай бұрын
Try google
@GoingExpat Ай бұрын
What’s your point exactly? Because mine is to deliver a service through someone who is trustworthy, kind and caring not only knowledgeable, to support people who are becoming parents or are moving abroad with kids. Yes, you can find the info on Google and then what? For some people is enough, others want to have a human contact.
@niconicer6463 Ай бұрын
Ik ben al Nederlands dus wrm komt dit in mijn feed?
@Head_of_m Ай бұрын
Ik kan al Nederlands dus wrm komt dit in mijn feed
@GoingExpat Ай бұрын
Nou, ik kan het niet zeker weten, maar keywords en algoritme denk ik!
@Eskam9090 2 ай бұрын
I love this content, thank you for highlight these interesting exhibitions
@GoingExpat 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your comment ❤️
@musp3r 2 ай бұрын
Immigrant? Is that what it is? Who invented "Expat"? Sounds like a super glue brand or something utilitarian.
@GoingExpat 2 ай бұрын
Actually there is a difference between the 2 terms which lays in the length and goal of your time abroad. I have shared a video on my account about it and you can check it out, or you can check in any vocabulary the definition of the 2 words.
@musp3r 2 ай бұрын
@@GoingExpat Yeah. Ok.
@trasferirsiinirlanda 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the invite, Rossella. It was a pleasure. 👋
@GoingExpat 2 ай бұрын
My pleasure Domenico. Thanks for the nice talk and the insights you gave me and all the people who have and will liten to it
@fx2725 2 ай бұрын
Never thought I'd see Italians moving to Romania haha
@mkthom1791 2 ай бұрын
Love it! Great feature, Rossella!
@GoingExpat 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for giving me the chance
@vincenzo3120 3 ай бұрын
Non vedo l'ora di trasferirmi ❤
@GoingExpat 2 ай бұрын
quando ti trasferirai? in bocca al lupo per questa avventura e serve una mano sai dove trovarmi :)
@vincenzo3120 2 ай бұрын
@@GoingExpat ciaol volevo farlo già da settembre ma purtroppo ho avuto un piccolo inconveniente,a novembre dovrò rinnovare pure il passaporto,dopo questo inizierò a cercare una stanza.Avevo già iniziato a contattare qualche agenzia per trovare lavoro.Spero di riuscirci tra novembre e dicembre, altrimenti dovrò terminare l'anno qua a Londra e da gennaio iniziare tutto da capo a Rotterdam.Spero di trovare subito un lavoro,,ho un po' paura,ma spero vada bene
@supermansupermen2752 3 ай бұрын
Sincer NU nu vreau ca toata MIZERIA din afara sa vina in tara mea prefer sa STEA FIECARE IN TARILE CARE SAU NASCUT si au contribuit .. MIGRANTI au distrus tarile lor si vin sa le distruga si pe ale noastre .... sincer politia tea prins NU ai loc de munca DIN CE TRAIESTI?? ESTE CLAR CA FURI SI JEFUIESTI ...MARS DE UNDE AI VENIT ....ASTA SE NUMESTE guvernul care isi protejeaza cetateni..... citiva ani Romania va arata destul de rau ... in orasele mari vor fi crime jafuri si mizeriile care sunt acum in SUA si alte tari PRIMITOARE ....asa ca NU nu vreau RECLAMA pentru tara mea .... vreau ca fiecare sa doarma asa cum isi asterne .... Poate sunt considerat rasist ...dar sincer vreau sa im-i vad copii si pe cei dragi ca merg linnistiti pe srada ca sunt violati , omoriti sau jefuiti de toti jegosi veniti dupa praduiala si viata usoara... plus ca toate tarile civilizate ajuta mai mult straini decat proprii cetateni..... in timp ce cetateni romani se zbat in saracie si aici vorbim de multi copi..... ajutam pe Ucraenieni care sincer aU FACUT SI FAC MULT RAU POPORULUI ROMAN SI PE TOTI JEGOSI VENITI DUPA PRADUIALA
@ISPRI2011 4 ай бұрын
...EU citizens in order to have CNP personal identification number do not need to prove they are students or employed...I think is enough to prove they have an income source! Bucharest is not the most expensive city in Romania! You can find 1 bedroom apartments for rent with 300-350 euros in Obor area...close to the metro, especially if you are a long term renter and trustful!
@ГеоргиНончев-ч5з 4 ай бұрын
Greetings from Bulgaria, same horsesh*t
@notircm 4 ай бұрын
Feel free to block me F..k the word expat! P.S. Everywhere in the world its called immigation office I wonder if theres a place in the world called Expat office 🤔
@KevinHJung 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for having me! It was an absolute pleasure. Looking forward to more collaborations moving forward 🙂
@GoingExpat 4 ай бұрын
Thank you Kevin for all the info and interesting points of view shared during this video interview. I have enjoyed it a lot and I am looking forward to connect again and create more content for our fellow expats around the globe.
@MateiA-s5m 4 ай бұрын
Can someone explain to me why when an Italian or American moves to Romania is called expatriate but when a Romanian moved to Italy or whatever is called a migrant.
@oanas4619 4 ай бұрын
Good point.... The thing is people are not equals în this world and we are considered inferior by westerners... The reality....
@MateiA-s5m 4 ай бұрын
@@oanas4619 I agree, Oana. Here in the US, Mexicans are called migrant workers, aliens, or immigrants, and other more derogatory terms, but when Americans move to Europe, they call themselves Expats. We are all created equal but some are more equal than others.
@GoingExpat 4 ай бұрын
unfortunately there is misconception of the words and they have been used in a very different and classist way in the years. But since you are commenting on my video on my accounts, I can tell you this is something which would never happen here. I have explained the phenomenon and shared how I feel in the video I am linking below if you like to watch it
@GoingExpat 4 ай бұрын
@@oanas4619 not on my accounts, not by me
@MateiA-s5m 4 ай бұрын
@@GoingExpat Thank you for your comment. I wasn't suggesting that you're racist or prejudiced. I was simply curious why people who move from affluent to less affluent countries use different terms to describe themselves. Have a great week!
@MdSaiful-db9cn 4 ай бұрын
Hello Is possible to work in netherland the italian carta soggiorno illimatato? Pls tell me .thank you.
@GoingExpat 4 ай бұрын
to work in a country you need the work permission of that country. Therefore no, I am sorry.
@avitalsheva 4 ай бұрын
Yes because everybody is EU citizen... Oh you just show up and you start to live.. So so easy... Yes for Europeans - NOT for anybody else
@georgettebejenaru9420 4 ай бұрын
Te muți cu miinile pe piept simplu
@georgettebejenaru9420 4 ай бұрын
Doar prosti de duc să trăiască în țara aia unde nimic nu funcționează , sistemul medical e la pămînt ce să zic doar timpiti se duc acolo acum citește ce ți am scris în Romina prostilor , vi s-a urit cu binele !
@salmanfaruqui6071 4 ай бұрын
Can you please give me contact details of Juliana?
@rosetownsend4947 6 ай бұрын
I went here when I very young, perhaps maybe 4 or 5
@GoingExpat 6 ай бұрын
Never thought to go back? I bet it is quite a different experience now! ☺️
@rosetownsend4947 6 ай бұрын
@@GoingExpat It could be a possibility, I don't live in Holland so it would have to be a holiday, although decently close to station Centraal
@GoingExpat 6 ай бұрын
Got it! It is well connected with bus 33 from Rotterdam central station or from Rotterdam airport too… (same bus, opposite direction)
@rosetownsend4947 6 ай бұрын
@@GoingExpat Who can predict the future, I might end up visiting...
@pegasuslux9701 6 ай бұрын
Nice Romania. Prosperous Nation.
@CiprianCindea-b1w 6 ай бұрын
Two italian ladies speaking in english mostly for romanians that understand italian 😂
@razvanrazvan6108 6 ай бұрын
Bati campii. doctorii din sistemul privat sunt de fapt doctorii din sistemul public doar ca asa se fura banii din sistem,asa se fura banii publici prin paravanul CNAS si intra in buzunare private . Daca sunt aceeasi doctori oare de ce sistemul privat ar fi mai bun ? este vorba doar de bani, sa devalizeze sistemul public. Este total fals ceea ce spuneti ,cand mergi la un privat platesti un anumit pret si clinica privata cu stiinta ta sau fara deconteaza banii de la CNAS PENTRU CA LEGILE SUNT FACUTE FIX PENTRU DEVALIZAREA BANILOR DIN SISTEMUL PUBLIC .Daca ceri tu ca pacient decontarea are un pret ,daca nu ceri se considera ca ai beneficiat de un servicu medical privat subventionat si respectiva clinica primeste asa zis diferenta de cost . ESTE IN FAPT O SCURGERE A BANILOR PUBLICI IN BUZUNARE PRIVATE operatiune facuta fix de aceeasi medici ce lucreaza in fapt la stat si la privat au creat aceasta magarie de furt al banilor . Se fura de 15-20 de ani si pana acum sistemul public a fost devalizat probabil de peste 30-40 de miliarde de euro cu acei bani sistemul public ar fi aratat altfel dar arata mai bine in buzunarele private si buzunarele medicilor.......Exista intradevar si un mic sistem privat prin asigurare directa catre privati cu plata lunara dar este la un nivel atat de mic,ca ar fi dat faliment in maxim un an fara banii de la CNAS
@Humbleness-s1l 6 ай бұрын
Ciao rosella, buonasera
@GoingExpat 6 ай бұрын
@tinocuvicente 6 ай бұрын
How to register BNS
@GoingExpat 6 ай бұрын
you probably mean BSN, and you need to make an appointment at the municipality. Check my video Moving to The Netherlands for info about it
@leobandara5088 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much, sister 🙏
@felixmagath1471 7 ай бұрын
Interessante, grazie per aver condiviso. Quali sono le città in cui la vita è più costosa?
@GoingExpat 7 ай бұрын
Ciao, risposta banale ma è così, le città principali. Amsterdam è diventata quasi inaviccinabile e a seguire Rotterdam e Utrecht. Tutte le città sono diventate più care ma sicuramente un po’ più accessibili. Guardate sempre i dintorni delle città principali…
@glamourdali3317 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for the way how you described my country .. 🙏
@olgaroche2929 7 ай бұрын
I am in US since 1990 and I am thinking to move back! After so long time away in the world I think that Romania is very fascinating place to retire! Romanian history is so interesting! Now I am fascinated by the land where I was born which I did not when I was growing up there! I miss it now!
@miculp 2 ай бұрын
Nu vă mutați înapoi daca nu va place stilul de a rezolva totul cu cearta scandal nervi sau priviri încruntate.
@MarcAle07 7 ай бұрын
when you have a serious problem go to private hospital, incase of really really serious, they will ship you off to the state hospital :))))
@GoingExpat 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for your comment. Just out of curiosity Is this based on your experience?
@luciantatar6931 3 ай бұрын
@@GoingExpat its a fact, i can confirm!
@1118cristina 7 ай бұрын
Welcome in my country .. I live actually in Canada , and can say the Health System is better now in Romania well (in Bucharest) then Canada , because here we dont have private health system and family medicine is very very poor manage ! so are people who stay in line to get a family doc even 5 years !!!!! its crazy As well the preventive medicine is almost inexistent ! I think in few years , at my pension to move back in Europe - Romania or Spain ... will see .. Good luck xxoxo kisses
@gabilaiou 3 ай бұрын
@@Jorjayna well it’s better than that from Greece were I live!and yes I had recently one experience ,My daughter had a sever form of allergy,we were in Sibiu ,so we took her to the hospital,emergency room they took her imidiatly she get a treatment ,we didn’t pay anything coz we were EU citizens,we went for 3 days to take the treatment,we wait more or les 1/2 of an hour each time
@Retrogamer71 7 ай бұрын
I'm English and learning Romanian language. I'm single in my 50's. I'm wondering if I will navigate through life to move to Romania or (maybe France as I have that language). In my working life I drive big trucks, and I am long studied of philosophy and psychology. If not to work, then maybe to move to retire and work in some trade or business.
@GoingExpat 7 ай бұрын
Moving to work implies many aspect, the language depending on the sector, as well as the alternatives you can have there and cost of life. I wish you to find out soon what it the better choice and plan it
@CiprianCindea-b1w 6 ай бұрын
If you already speak french, You will be able to speak romanian way faster. As a truck driver, you can earn between 2000 and 3500 euro / month and since you speak english and french, you can find a job in one hour
@ci7379 Ай бұрын
With philosophy and psychology is more difficult to find a well paid job in Romania. But, if you still want to drive trucks, there is big demand as Romania is building the highway network. There are Romanian and foreign companies looking for qualified workers.
@carteunu467 7 ай бұрын
Grazie ragazze. Mi sto davvero emozionando guardando questo tipo di podcast. Immigrazione al contrario 🔀 in Romania 🇷🇴. Un paese così bello con persone meravigliose che temono ancora Dio. Dio benedica la Romania 🇷🇴 Grazie per aver condiviso queste informazioni con noi.
@carteunu467 7 ай бұрын
Bedankt dames. Ik word echt emotioneel als ik naar dit soort podcasts kijk. Immigratie in omgekeerde richting 🔀 in Roemenië 🇷🇴. Zo'n prachtig land met geweldige mensen die God nog steeds vrezen. God zegene Roemenië 🇷🇴 Bedankt dat u deze informatie met ons deelt.
@GoingExpat 7 ай бұрын
Dankjewel voor jouw liefde bericht <3
@Lili4001 6 ай бұрын
Danke schon
@carteunu467 7 ай бұрын
Thank you ladies. I am getting really emotional to watch this type of podcasts. Immigration in reverse 🔀 in Romania 🇷🇴. Such a beautiful country with wonderful people that still fear God. God bless România 🇷🇴 Thank you for sharing this information with us.
@mikelrandom-v1g 7 ай бұрын
The trains in Romania have certain destinations and are not bad.You can use airplanes,also.Romanians are not thieves,in a high level.The western countries destroyed,in about 10-15 years,our great economy,so,full of desperation,romanians didn't have to many options but to leave the country and find a job in western countries were,here and there,a very few of us started to steal,unofotunately.For 10-20 situations like this,your media started to blame whole romanians,forgetting that other hundreds of thousands were working without provoking any troubles.Think wider to understand what happened with east european countries,especially with Romania,which had the most complex and powerfull economy in eastern Europe,excepting USSR.Destroying our economy saved western Europe companies from going banckrupt. And,by comparison,Romania is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.We have,unfortunately,a bad political class,without international integrity and personality,corrupted by western countries but the romanians are really good people,empatic and social characters.Our logistics and infrastructure it's an work in progress but,still,you can enjoy the country's beauty.
@GoingExpat 7 ай бұрын
The goal was in fact, not only to give some practical info about Romani, but also to provide a feedback from soneome who chose to live there, about the reality if the country, which is not what has been described in the past, on teh contrary is a beautiful and safe place.
@MKSense1 5 ай бұрын
Russian troll. You mean Ceausescu industry was good for something? It was destroyed by Romanian incompetence and because was behind the developed world. Interestingly even Chinese are not complaining about that. You are delusional. The economy in Romania is now a lot better than 20 years ago.
@gorogscrib6134 7 ай бұрын
If anyone watches in preparation to move, please be aware Cluj Napoca is more expensive
@kingadatoma 3 ай бұрын
Oradea is better. Good public health care.
@nkem-2194 7 ай бұрын
Hello, i am from Romania, currently living in the UK. Regarding the Romanian heath system, i can tell you it is a lot better than in many other EU countries. May be the buildings do not look like those in the privat sector but the doctors are very well prepared. Comparing to the UK, they have nice buildings but not well presented doctors. It happent to me to go to the doctor and the doctor had to check online in front of me what is my problem. It is not acceptable in Romania. Also, Bucharest is not the most expensive city, Cluj is the most expensive, actually. Take care, and thank you for your podcast.
@GoingExpat 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for listening and commenting. As well as for the info provided. I love when the sharing creates this sort of communication, it is super important and I can see that a community is growing. <3
@VerdeAramiu 6 ай бұрын
it depends; the news on tv have often examples of mal praxis and negligence towards patients
@nkem-2194 6 ай бұрын
@@Jorjayna did you leave in another country ?
@GoingExpat 6 ай бұрын
@@VerdeAramiu out of experience I would say to don't trust too much the news on tv, I mean it is so easy to talk about things when they are not good, to blame everyone and everything, but it who knows why, on this matter, they never talk about when things go well and we never heard how better a country is doing. Better check other kind of sources
@VerdeAramiu 6 ай бұрын
@@GoingExpat in these cases are real people involved with drama, i dont trust tv about politics,war news,social propaganda but here is about real people showing on tv and telling stories about their relatives dead in hospitals because of mal praxis or extra infections they got in hospitals; in Romania some big private hospitals are ok and the military hospitals also(those are for military and secret service personal and relatives mostly) just google the big medical scandals in Romania and you will see
@simioncsm5042 7 ай бұрын
Hi ladies, you will be surprised, but even in the villages you can find english speakers. Romanian gramma is close to french, italian, spanish If you take train to west of country a good train company to choose is Astra Trans Carpatica
@GoingExpat 7 ай бұрын
This is super nice! Thank you for sharing
@lecsu131 7 ай бұрын
Maybe others are watching this clip and probably this helps the Italian lady in the clip, so let me clarify - You first get a family doctor - that's free. He's job is to diagnose very simple stuff, do vaccines, help with healthcare paperwork and THE MOST IMPORTANT - to send you to whatever specialist you need (that's called a Doctor's Note). The health system in Romania is provided in full and based on your insurance by STATE hospitals, not private hospitals. The disadvantage with State hospitals is that it can be a long waiting time and the hospitals are not so modern, but that's where all the best doctors are. The private hospitals look amazing, BUT in case of an emergency or complicated surgery or anything more complicated THEY WILL SEND YOU TO A STATE HOSPITAL!!! The way the lady describes it is like it's just a family doctor and private hospitals. That's not true. She skips/ignores/doesn't mention at all the state hospitals and specialist. The family doctor is like an operator, he's the one directing you to a specialist based on your condition. It's your choice to choose a private vs a state specialist. What she also doesn't mention is that waiting times in Romania for health issues is a lot shorter than in most developed countries in Europe. I have Romanian friends that flew back home from Sweden because they had a dental issue and the appointment was for 6 weeks into the future in Sweden to get checked out by a dentist. In Romania you either get it done today or tomorrow. We don't have the best healthcare system but it's not the worst either but there are also clear advantages over other countries even very well developed ones.
@GoingExpat 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for clarify. This is the reason why I always leave the links in the description to have a look at the full pictures, since people I interview may forget/confuse something or their experience is different
@lecsu131 7 ай бұрын
Also for future reference to other readers: Example 1) I was cleaning rust off a fence with an angle grinder and metal shard flew into my eye, I got in the car, wife drove me to "Lahovari" Emergency Room (state hospital for Eye issues), got fixed in an hour, removed the shard, cleaned the eye, patched me up, gave me some pills, and off you go. Zero Euro/Lei etc. Example 2) Woke up in the middle of the night with kidney stone pain, drove right to "Burghele" Emergency Room (state hospital for kidney issues). Got a room, a bed, some pills, and next morning "ping" - i heard the stone hitting the toilet bowl when peeing. Zero Euro/Lei. Example 3) We wanted some investigations for our teenage daughter, Ultrasound and stuff - we opted for Regina Maria - because that's what they do best - treat you like a king, see you right away and investigate the hell out of you :). But if you had some real issues (like I had) then you go to State Hospitals, even Regina Maria hospital will send you to a state hospital based on what they find.
@carteunu467 7 ай бұрын
Lecsu Bucharest offers Health Shopping. Great to hear. Lovely to see Romania 🇷🇴 in a booming development. May God bless this wonderful country and her lovely people 🙏❤️
@Deceneu101 7 ай бұрын
Romanian health system is very complicated and inefficient . The family doctors can’t do much, they can’t even start a diabetic on Metformin. They have to send you a specialist for any medications, even an antidepressant can only be prescribed by a psychiatrist,and most of them don’t do refills over the phone. I am Romanian, I worked in healthcare for 11 years in Bucharest, and I moved to Canada 23 years ago, where I also work in healthcare. Romania is 100 years behind compared to Canada. You don’t have to wait to be seen in Romania, but the quality of care is horrific. This is the main reason why I don’t want to return, as I am getting older.
@lecsu131 7 ай бұрын
@@Deceneu101 Why would a family doctor prescribe anti depressants? Because that's the way in US and Canada? You don't have to be seen by a specialist (most probably you even can't be seen because there's a cue around the block and waiting times horrendous) and the non-specialist family doctor prescribes everything and that's how there's a crisis of opioids and antidepressants that even kids can get their hands on? And that's a good thing in your medical opinion? Really? :).... Why would I want refills over the phone? You are talking about the actual systemic issues in Canada (almost no access to doctors when you need it) and the dumb workarounds they came up with to mitigate that - phone refills, non-specialist care, etc. And you say Romania is 100 years behind? :) are funny.
@esteracolisar9915 7 ай бұрын
Am lucrat 40 de ani intr-o Termocentrala in România inclusiv in tura de noapte plecam de acasa singura pe strada la autobuz ȘI am fost in siguranță
@GoingExpat 7 ай бұрын
I don’t speak Romanian, care to write in English please?
@danmano478 7 ай бұрын
@@GoingExpat​​⁠ She worked 40 years in a power plant from Romania, including the night shift, she was leaving home at night, walking alone on the streets to the bus station and she was safe.
@danmano478 7 ай бұрын
@cib-888 Normally it is like this, but on this video there is no Translate button, like on other videos, although I use an Ipad and on other videos there is a Translate button.
@GoingExpat 7 ай бұрын
Thanks ❤️
@misscg367 7 ай бұрын
@@GoingExpat Google translate is very good, it will help you learn Romanian if you see both texts side to side :) You`ll discover lots of words are the same in both languages :)
@user-yv8cn3ot4g 7 ай бұрын
Romania for Romanians, Italy for Italians, Canada for Canadians and so on. We don't want foreigners to come and stay. You are very welcome to visit. Enough of this globalist garbage.
@gunerashraf1634 7 ай бұрын
I'm not happy to see too many Americans here, but if they still want to settle down, you invite them to a hunting game, push their car when they're stuck, invite them to a picnic. I don't know anything else. They are usually withdrawn from what I have seen. However, any help is welcome. That's all.