POR 18/05/24
21 күн бұрын
THE TORCH (w/ Arran Rogerson)
21 күн бұрын
2 ай бұрын
SINGULARITIES (03): Javier Rivera
SINGULARITIES (02): Peter Robinson
SINGULARITIES (01): Jacob Kishere
SUBJECT LESSONS (w/ Russell Sbriglia)
@valongjoni3255 46 минут бұрын
I like your channel, it is necessary to return to Freud in this day and age. I just came across your channel, wish you good luck!
@jiojiojoj Күн бұрын
Cadell, Senpai, Teacher, I'm struggling to put Lacan's structure together and wondering if you could shed some light... Castration is used to escape the Oedipal situation in which the mother desires the child to be the phallus. In the renunciation, castration, the symbol of the Phallus is made. How is it that this releases liberates the real phallic satisfaction?? Your sincere student.
@smlbarnes 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for the free therapy session Cadell!
@O.G.Rose.Michelle.and.Daniel 2 күн бұрын
This was really wonderful, and I appreciated the chance to hear the story of Samuel Barnes. The discussion also touched on many of the key problems and tensions of our moment which keep me up at night. Again, I really enjoyed this and think The Singularity series is a gift.
@philip2260 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for this
@spacehaul 9 күн бұрын
At what point does talking about something without using a metaphor become a perversion, I wonder?
@LostSoulAscension 9 күн бұрын
How does sex get labelled as "not a significant event itself but it touches all these things" Is there a joke or absurdity I'm missing there, is this meant socially? Sex is not a significant event yet our biology exhibits pleasurable senses focused in the nipples and the private areas, and men are consumed by pornographic images today more than in human history. If sex was not a significant event, why does it involve oxytocin that masturbation does not? I appreciate the modesty in expressing the ideas. It sounds like a summary would be sex is not significant but all the events and dynamics that surround it are. But, I would posit that because all these things surround sex, makes it significant! If sex is a conjunction of multi-faceted aspects of existence, it's the continuation of the human race, etc. Why do we try to obscure sex for what it is by saying it is not significant? If thoughts are materialistic, it really seems like the idea of sex is being made insignificant or suboordinate to our desires. Is our objectification of sex the designification of it? Is that what she's saying? How can one speak for another person's depth in sexuality? And how do we know that we're not just simply seeking to confirm what has been said by Lacan and read our experiences through that lens, versus it actually being the reality of what happens in sexual dynamics or how that amplifies or diminishes its significance? And likely what we're talking about is a fleeting moment or a phase that is within a larger cycle of thoughts, feelings and emotions. It's not something that's dictating the entire experience, or maybe it can depending on where the individual's emotional maturity, experience, ethical code, beliefs stand, surrounding sex in general or maybe simply how their relationship with the other person is. Sex with one person can vastly vary between another person. And how do we compare someone who has lots of sex or little sex, strong beliefs behind sex versus little beliefs about sex or inhibitions? We should be covering these questions a lot more clearer when trying to discuss these high level philosophical concepts, it would make it a lot more tangible in my opinion. But again, I'm not a philosopher so maybe I'm missing something that you both understand mutually, allowing for the conversation at a level I'm not able to comprehend. Thanks for the discussion regardless! It starts a thought process for me for sure.
@LostSoulAscension 9 күн бұрын
Perhaps sex was said to be indignificant and just an event in order to spark and stimulate the thought process? Overall, I would disagree with that claim, but if it was to start a thought process, I can appreciate that.
@LostSoulAscension 9 күн бұрын
Also I just want to apologize if any of what I said is out of place. The QnA section does help me understand better, but also I do see more how out of place I am in understanding. I should refrain from commenting anything and seek more to understand what is being said before I say anything myself.
@Retrogamer71 10 күн бұрын
1.25 speed. (Best on first Language speakers)
@jonathonray6198 8 күн бұрын
All 2x for me.
@rexaeternitus9604 5 күн бұрын
0.25x speed for real thorough kings 💯💯💯
@S3RAVA3LM 10 күн бұрын
Just received Proclus commentary on Parmenides. Great that somebody is going into it.
@mohamedmilad1 13 күн бұрын
I have some thinking about “ there’s no such meta language “ I have some ideas that the symbols of words and letters hides inner meanings in its historical construction. They’re not arbitrary but risen out of inner workings of our brains( perception- representation -impressions) and can be studied scientifically. I don’t mean it from numerology or esoteric knowledge but priori brain mechanisms
@O.G.Rose.Michelle.and.Daniel 13 күн бұрын
Excellent, and I really appreciated this chance to learn more about Arran’s work. I think a focus on “the biocultural” and our current tension between choosing between “biological reproduction” or “cultural creation” is spot on, and I completely agree that humanity basically hasn’t had to think this problem at all. The two are ripping apart, and we desperately need to think this rip today. Great work to you both!
@totonow6955 15 күн бұрын
Amazing. Thinking back to moments of great trauma in my life, THIS is the only person I would've wanted with me at that moment rather than being alone as we are ultimately are.
@671021748 18 күн бұрын
This is a very clear explanation of Hegels nonsense. A Critical Rationalist opinion
@FG-fc1yz 19 күн бұрын
ab8:20 symbolic is the transformation of the imaginary!!!
@farrider3339 19 күн бұрын
The primary questions to be asked : Where is Judith Butler and where lies Lands surplus enjoyment in the zizekian sense by presenting his fatalistic, as I sees it, views ?
@farrider3339 19 күн бұрын
I like Land's dark prognosis and the hypothetical base it sprouts from. This "future sent" stuff is way to new age for me. But if we look at the inevitability, things and events take their course, he is not too far off the point he's trying to present to us. _Brain too big. Experiment with variant not successful_ . Nature just tries and "offers" a lot of space and if u will time, to prove the survival capacities of a variant. Remember insects, dinosaurs and amphibians.
@totonow6955 20 күн бұрын
Cadell is the Absolute Icon of teaching. Clarity excellence.
@parthdeshpande2966 20 күн бұрын
It appears to me that the analyst needs to be a pervert, and thus unanalyzable?
@Actual_Spirit 20 күн бұрын
@O.G.Rose.Michelle.and.Daniel 21 күн бұрын
The commercial the Super Bowel always needed but was unworthy of hosting.
@maxmacken8859 21 күн бұрын
@totonow6955 21 күн бұрын
Here, Hegel is absolutely right.
@damaryfriedrich9325 21 күн бұрын
Everyone should understand this,but the negativ Dialektik is very against Love.
@O.G.Rose.Michelle.and.Daniel 22 күн бұрын
Excellent Cadell, and the description of "evil consciousness" was fascinating, and I agree with the summary ending on the primacy of the ethical, which we certainly need to think today. Looking forward to the class!
@conforzo 22 күн бұрын
Is this course presupposing that one should already have derived, through his speculative method, concepts like the State? Will it be hard to follow along, if everything is just in Understanding?
@PhilosophyPortal 22 күн бұрын
This course is not presupposing that anyone who has signed up has derived anything via the speculative method or dialectics. The course is ideally to teach one how Hegel is doing this and for the student to make his/her own mind about whether this is the right way to think about the structure of history. I do not know how hard it will be for students to follow along. By definition a course on Hegel's work will be difficult, but I have done my best to make to approachable for anyone. There will also be spaces for Q and A and discussion throughout.
@PhilosophyPortal 22 күн бұрын
@michaelerdmann4447 thanks for your message Michael. Philosophy Portal courses are all gated. But there is a lot of open access material on KZbin here, including this complete overview of Philosophy of Right for free. If you just study this video alone, you will have a good guide for approaching the primary source text itself. Good luck!
@missh1774 22 күн бұрын
Soon to be "Father" status... Congratulations! 🎉 Forget everything you thought you knew.
@buglepong 24 күн бұрын
22:30 this parallels my ex-wife and i when we divorced. i couldnt get any affirmed belief on anything out of her. the bigger irony is she is baptised catholic. for many (like her), religion is just another cultural perspective with material outcomes, and not any metaphysical truth.
@edkiely2712 25 күн бұрын
Just curious, I've read Marx pretty thoroughly, as well as Hegel. Currently reading 'Beyond Capital' by Meszaros. I continue to struggle with the whole notion of "the inevitable death of Capitalism" or, whether some "new stage of resolution" or "reset" will manifest itself. Are there any interesting books and/or articles and interviews you can provide other than Anna's? Thx!
@ylanberri1464 25 күн бұрын
29:20 What do you mean by two different types of sensitivities ?
@ylanberri1464 25 күн бұрын
0:00 - Intro 8:04 - Empty/Full Heart 11:00 - God is Dead 13:46 - The Overman 18:01 - Mankind as Abyss 21:33 - The Last Man 25:50 - Greatness 27:44 - Teaching Overman 29:40 - Living Companions 32:14 - Camel, Lion, Child 37:37 - Wise Men 39:38 - Hinter-Worldly 41:46 - Awakening 43:25 - Cultivating Values 46:21 - Madness and Shame 49:38 - Writing/Reading 51:36 - Seeker of Knowledge 54:32 - Warrior of Knowledge 55:44 - Preachers of Death 57:22 - The State 59:04 - The Marketplace 1:00:20 - Chastity 1:02:16 - Friends 1:03:20 - Good/Evil 1:05:12 - Neighbors 1:06:46 - Creator 1:08:13 - Women 1:11:30 - Enemies 1:13:02 - Children and Marriage 1:15:55 - Free Death 1:16:52 - Recap 1:23:09 - Conclusion
@cnccmiclarkecocreativemedi7284 25 күн бұрын
Did you send him your stuff?
@ginogarcia8730 25 күн бұрын
so is this new AI coming up - will it be an 'other' new species of intelligent life that will make use think radically
@ginogarcia8730 25 күн бұрын
49:20 Slavoj getting kinky there hahahaha nah jk, love to see them really blow up on ideas using the DIALECTIC :)))))
@ginogarcia8730 25 күн бұрын
wow the shock of a real otherness - if we see aliens *mind blown*
@rama_lama_ding_dong 26 күн бұрын
i wonder how does desire fit into the scheme? in relation to enjoyment and obstacle, etc.
@Jonathan-qo8dl 27 күн бұрын
Quantum gravity needs to rediscover a new theory of time. The future has a psychological reality, parallel to gravity, such that the future has a pull, which is not simply the vectors from the past, from the outside, but central to 'spiritual' reality.
@Jonathan-qo8dl 27 күн бұрын
Interviewer you earned my respect, I salute your journey.
@goddamtinternet 27 күн бұрын
Really interesting guest .. thoughts and communication . Thank u
@Retrogamer71 Ай бұрын
The free epub version with the paperback works perfectly with Google Book's read aloud function. I'll probably have listened to the entire book before I receive the hardcopy. The theory goes very deep in this book. It will resonate deeply with philosophy portal viewers. Highly recommended.
@NancePance Ай бұрын
@Tehan123 Ай бұрын
I've watched a lot of the interviews Anna has done regarding this book and it's amazing that she always find new ways to talk about it. Excellent watch.
@Stafus Ай бұрын
Financial profit is only derived from the deliberate and forceful creation of a large working class. Feudalism is to blame for that, then the capitalist took advantage of that ready made class system, without that class system capitalism could not exist. The hierarchies of feudalism and capitalism are pyramid shaped, while every natural hierarchy of competence is a bell curve (IQ bell curve) with few at the top and bottom and the majority in the middle. pyramid hierarchies are artificial and integral to capitalism/profit, there has to be a very large base of low paid workers in a capitalist hierarchy in order for profit to be generated. Financial profit is not possible in a natural (bell curve) hierarchy because there aren't enough people at the bottom to skim labor value from. capitalism is not contrary to feudalism, capitalism is the lying rat that feudalism gave birth to.
@edkiely2712 25 күн бұрын
Any interesting books, articles, or other interviews you might be able to point me towards dealing with the history of Capitalism and/or Late Capitalism? Other than the "usual thinkers," such as Marx, Lukacs, etc. As an example, I was recently referred to 'Capital As Power' by Nitzan & Bichler, which I've yet to read. I'm also looking for material that deals extensively with Technology and Capitalism. I've read a lot on Heidegger and Feenberg's thoughts on techne and, am always looking for anything that's cross-compatible, new, or less "mainstream." Thx!
@Retrogamer71 Ай бұрын
Great Portal Event. Bought Anna Kornbluh's Book, Immediacy, immediately after the event from the Publisher, Verso. The experience as a symptom of late capitalism is a great frame.
@armandosolorzano570 Ай бұрын
Love u anna order of forms one of my favorite theory books
@mimszanadunstedt441 Ай бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/l4O1dmiKetOZqaM Philosophy is corrupt imo. Its backwards. And god is related to a lot of it, most of metaphysics is shit, and Semiotics is underrated, epistemology has some assumptions that are invalid. 'Crude atheism'. No, crude weakness for faith, is what causes corruption. Weakness, what Nietzsche said. Faith studies show triggers in our brain like drugs or sex. Thats what makes people weak. Have intrinsic reward from correct consequences to actions.
@toncicoric6327 Ай бұрын
@andreabotteghelz Ай бұрын
Freud is fraud kzbin.info/www/bejne/fKvSZ6iwnct0fck
@MGNeu Ай бұрын
@mimszanadunstedt441 Ай бұрын
36:00 Its lowkey just xenophobia and what circulates fascism, so its admirable to reduce that, imo. Because, its, objectively speaking, a self-destructive anti-peaceful type of culture dynamic, like what comes forth from its emergence, is in that manner. And in that sense it could be quite important to solve. 39:12 Quantum gravity. Is it actually wise, to answer it? Like, what if a quantum gravity bomb gets invented? Is that a good thing? Or, what if the ai and control systems, want to manage humans even more totalitarian? Like, instead of them being stuck on this problem, they'll map it out then humans would be screwed. Right? But maybe, ai, has already figured it out? I wonder, do I want to be immortalized if I could infer quantum gravity? Its not essential. The pursuit for pseudo-immortality through others, is still not infinite. And if there is a great filter, then revealing it will certainly end it faster. And thats fine, because, we don't need to know quantum gravity, to solve these social problems. How much of the world do great thinkers change in their lifetime anyways?
@mokamo23 Ай бұрын
Amazing how these 2 can turn the unbounded potential of this topic into such dry scatterbrained superficial discussion of isms. Peter is just nervous energy.