It's such a great song It makes me feel refreshed Thank you. I'll listen to it often.
@cat-k7g7 ай бұрын
@himitsukichiofkogaso7 ай бұрын
@mujeeb43777 ай бұрын
こんにちは、日本の友達!私は日本人ではありませんが、この曲が大好きです。今までで一番好きな曲の一つだと思います。いつか日本に行ってライブパフォーマンスを観たいです。助けが必要です。誰かこの曲のような曲をもっとお勧めしてくれませんか?またはこのアーティストの曲は?Spotifyにありますか?なければ、どこにありますか?他の曲やアーティストはどうやって見つけられますか?これは傑作です。 hey guys I'm not japanese but I love this track so much I think it's one of my favorite tracks ever can someone recommend me more songs like this? and songs by this artist? can I listen to them on Spotify? if not then where? how can I find more songs and artists like them? this is a masterpiece UPDATE: I found a website and ordered the CD. I don't have a CD player but I will have this waiting to be played on it when I acquire one. 更新: ウェブサイトを見つけて CD を注文しました。CD プレーヤーを持っていませんが、入手したらこの曲を再生できるようにしておきます。
Good Bye SKYLINE (*1) My mother's favorite song [Cotton Handkerchief (*2)] is playing from the car stereo. These are the last tears. Visit my mother 13 years after her death(*3) and drive the SKYLINE to the town where I was born and raised I think it will work out From now on until now I'll do it somehow huhuhu My mother was always open-minded. She said "the tea is too hot to drink" and pretends to be waiting. The song that flows from the car stereo is the same as that time. A love song that invites the beginning of spring. I think rolling days will work out I'll do it somehow huhuhu *1 NISSAN GTR a.k.a GODZILLA *2 old japanese pop songs *3 A Japanese custom holds a ceremony to remember the deceased 13 years after her death.