Jeremy's LDS Kangaroo Court TLDR
The very small world of Mormonism
My LDS exit story
9 жыл бұрын
The small world of Mormonism
10 жыл бұрын
Expand your mind
11 жыл бұрын
LDS Bishop on Masturbation and Morality
Mormon history lesson
11 жыл бұрын
Doubt Your Doubts and Be Believing
@pianomanchristopher 9 ай бұрын
Turley acts just like a politician. He never actually answers the questions. Just complains they would take too much time. Then he says they're working on publishing answers. What a load of crock!!! It's only defense is to dodge, dodge, dodge. My verdict... Guilty as charged!!! He's been white washing the history.. He's an arrogant prick!
@cannibalcouch6 Жыл бұрын
fuck the mormon church
@cannibalcouch6 Жыл бұрын
and it's people
@kerstinklenovsky239 Жыл бұрын
Those American Mormons should have known better than to mess with the Swedes. 😎
@freshdread Жыл бұрын
Only a few hours to answer such important and relevant questions? The church sends a couple of guys with excuses and apologetics to answer questions that could make or break the Swedish member's desire to stay? The answers were things like, "We just don't know for sure." and "It's the way things were done back then." And my favorite, "The way the story was retold for many years changed the facts and now the church is going to set the story straight." So many lies! Why not send a member of the Q15? Were there not enough big tithe payers there? Comparing people who leave to Korihor? This fireside alone should make every single active member of the church think twice before going to another church meeting. As someone who tried so hard to keep believing and just couldn't, this fireside makes my blood boil.
@tanyaclements5042 Жыл бұрын
To all angels and yes to Lucifer
@luosarah8160 Жыл бұрын
It's so frustrating to listen to how the church representatives won't directly answer the questions. That's a sign that the person is hiding something. On the other hand, I love how Hans keeps drilling them, insisting on an actual answer. He is awesome.
@Sayheybrother8 2 жыл бұрын
6:30 so much for the apologist and leaders saying that these issues have all been talked about and addressed prior to this as openly as they knew how. Either the apologist or leaders or both are lying.
@garysmith1863 2 жыл бұрын
@gd8205 2 жыл бұрын
Every church member should view this
@bgardunia 4 жыл бұрын
I am a DNA expert and he is not correct. You can follow historical population origins.
@cybertruckman634 4 жыл бұрын
How disingenuous are these church representatives! Not answering the questions, rushing through to “check off the box” that they met with these good people who are seeking honest answers to their questions.
@robertcame 5 жыл бұрын
@amandamcgovern5744 5 жыл бұрын
Coward just isn’t strong enough word to describe these men...
@marklarsen175 5 жыл бұрын
The questions are being answered but not by the church. It is all coming out and Joe was a FRAUD!
@Nerukenshi1233 5 жыл бұрын
The problem with all of your responses is that this procedure follows years of people meeting with him and trying to help him (dispite the clear and obvious dishonesty in his "search for truth" at least as presented in the letter, and the fact that he easily makes a living off of it now) and that the disciplinary council to which he was summoned has very clear rules which were laid out in the removed parts of the footage. He was given 45 minutes to make a statement in which he would not be interrupted. 45 min to plead his case, to say why he thinks that the CES letter doesnt constitute apostasy as defined by either (not both) of the definitions in the handbook. Playing the victim ("they wont answer my questions, they're spiritually executing me") when the slightest bit of context, or the smallest sliver of truth would expose Runnells as the instigator, the willfully ignorant, and the clearly deceitful makes for good television, but for a sad following.
@amandamcgovern5744 5 жыл бұрын
This is a condensed version and the entire one is readily available. And you’re totally right. People met with him repeatedly and none had any answers. Yano, cuz its a total sham. But the fact that a believing Mormon could call another person willfully ignorant without the slightest bit of ironic self awareness. That made my day... thank you. :)
@nathanielchristian3717 5 жыл бұрын
The questions that are being asked are not spiritual in nature. Therefore the spirit is not to be the sole revealer of truth of these circumstances. That is why physical evidence is required to demonstrate the truthfulness of the men’s actions and behaviors.
@cestmois9959 6 жыл бұрын
A lot of that's a hard question and I don't have time to answer, so read... I thought that they were there to answer hard ones.
@Sayheybrother8 3 жыл бұрын
And only read these books...the other sites are “dark.” There’re dark because the things they talk about are dark. Like polyandry, magic and prideful men aging power through fear mongering
@richardholmes7199 6 жыл бұрын
What you're talking about around the 2:26 min mark has already been covered by FairMormon. The theory of the two that I believe it is that Mormon inadvertently wrote the ones name meaning to write thee other. That is in reference of course to YOUR crowds take on the King Benjamin and King Mosiah scenario. A scenario in your minds. You're all always saying that Smith plagiarized to come up with the Book of Mormon. Therefore, HOW did just Joseph Smith decide to go out and plagiarize?
@chaserock4675 6 жыл бұрын
Creepy Mormon leaders are crazy obsessed with how people can and can't touch their pee pees. Perverted Mormons.
@patrickfarrell490 6 жыл бұрын
What's a CES letter? Where's your attorney ?
@allentolman691 6 жыл бұрын
requires blindly obedient belly up rube worshipful surrender to intoxicated pinochio idols reciting as pontificating charlatans forcibly indoctrinating pretense is required to prop and inflate historical impotence truth being timeless in quality stands alone as liberating coin balanced within jurisdiction properly utilizing the imagination to produce mythological symbols that inform setting the will free
@allentolman691 6 жыл бұрын
historical impotence in this case a belief system grifted from a counterfeiting tribal whore as retreading condom device of charlatan tongues
@DavesRelaxationStation 7 жыл бұрын
The Dumbass at the church is a reason people don't like churches. Srew that church their all going to Hell. Your a Dumbass that's my statement. Catch me on youtube bitch's.
@Cuinn837 7 жыл бұрын
This really makes you think! I'm glad I left.
@iiijcr 7 жыл бұрын
i am an excommunicated mormon, And, Jeremy got what he desires. They would have had dialogue with him, but I am sure that they knew he was going to video it. That is why they said nothing. My court of love was three hours long and had dialogue both ways. The Church can not comment on peoples sins. And I am willing to bet that one of Jeremy's Mormon friends told them that he were going to video it. Jeremy's friend that told on him, STOPPED all dialogue. The LDS church does not want to give him more to put on the internet. The reason why Jeremy is frustrated in the video is because he knows that the church is true. but he wants to make a name for himself on the internet, so he put it on himself. Jeremy should STOP reading and COPING the Anti-Mormon literature of Gerald and Sandra Tanner, from Light House Ministries, it has been proven to hold falsehood and they deceive many by not accurately telling the truth, or misleading the reader. Which they are good at doing. When he should of went to an Institute of Religion teacher.
@codeincomplete 6 жыл бұрын
Were you excommunicated for having wild conspiracy theories? I can make up wild stories about you too. Your story is not even remotely coherent.
@stevebennion8601 5 жыл бұрын
This blows me away none of this story makes sense lmao. You clearly haven't done your research
@amandamcgovern5744 5 жыл бұрын
iiijcr: you need to lay off the peyote..
@Dialogos1989 3 жыл бұрын
Everything he states is either backed up by official church essays or independent sources. You don’t have to look at “anti Mormon” rhetoric to discover the papyrus has nothing at all to do with Abraham. You just need a book on hieroglyphics, or learn about the Rosetta Stone. Smith was clearly a fraud. The church may provide you with security and community and purpose, but he was clearly a fraud.
@Fee212 7 жыл бұрын
What's the point of this video?
@nettiedodar1 7 жыл бұрын
Why doesn't the first presidency issue the truth? why send historians that don't have the authority to explain or give answers. the answers given here are less that convincing. I feel sorry for the LDS church. Tell the Truth. Respect people who have given their time, love, tithing to follow the "Living Prophet". the Church is not telling the truth and now they are going to white wash the history. One lie lends to more lies.
@Zhaliberty 3 жыл бұрын
There is not truth. lol
@neilgardner311 8 жыл бұрын
It is men like this that run our country. Men that just bully and try to force their will on others. Priesthood leaders, you must repent of your wrongdoings (transgressions that nulifies and voids the very power you claim to worthily hold.) Seeking and finding the truth exposes the blind men living their lives hiding behind Jesus Christ. Let your light shine and hide it not among those that burn brighter.
@richardholmes7199 6 жыл бұрын
Google ''Answering the CES Letter You Tube''
@Van2Dan 8 жыл бұрын
One of the reason why I left the LDS church because the guilt of masturbation.
@johneasler9967 8 жыл бұрын
That stake president is a pussy
@TheDorkShop 8 жыл бұрын
"How do I know if it's the Holy Ghost or my own thoughts?" "The Answer is: It doesn't matter."
@thewearymormon5007 8 жыл бұрын
@FordJacobs 8 жыл бұрын
That is spectacularly awful!!!!! What could they possibly say? The church doesn't have the truth, and the church no longer has the ability to hide the truth from its members. Why can't they just open up, clear the air, and offer official answers to Jeremy's questions? Makes me so angry. They have to know that they are in the wrong, yet the keep toeing the line.
@robertcoggins8545 8 жыл бұрын
EXACTLY why I left the church, no answers for any questions, just a bunch of dudes in ties who are assholes!!!! I WAS a Mormon for 52 years but FUCK THEM!!!
@daveyjones9930 8 жыл бұрын
+Robert Coffins Exactly, Robert!! I was "IN" that scam of a religion for 50+ years, too!! Born and raised, polygamous LDS ancestors, mission, temple married, etc. How the hell did we make it through even FIVE years?!?! I guess it's a testament to how skilled and professional they are at mind control!! (That I had been snookered for over 5 DECADES is embarrassing as hell to admit!!)
@robertcoggins8545 8 жыл бұрын
When you are raised in a religion its easy to be manipulated because you just don,t know any better. Now we do, Spread the word my friend, Spread the word!!!
@daveyjones9930 8 жыл бұрын
Robert Coffins True. We didn't know what we didn't know. We COULDN'T KNOW. The church sure wasn't going to fill in the blanks for us. I am "spreading the word" and have been doing so here on YT for at least a dozen years---and expect to continue until I run outta gas! Thanks for your voice too. We, and people like us got the LDS church to get rid of polygamy (mostly). We assisted LDS Inc. to soften their views toward women, tho there's more work to be done, and people like us were responsible for the LDS church ridding itself of it's racism. Their homophobia is the next anti-Christ, LDS dogma to fall...while acknowledging their baby-steps made in that direction since the days of Prop 8 in California. I have to say that even *IF* the church was totally on board the "Christ Train" in those areas, the LDS church, sadly, would STILL NOT BE the "One and ONLY".
@robertmiles4022 8 жыл бұрын
Nice Job Jeremy. I am sorry the church can not hear questions. I too have had this problem, and have never so much as gotten an acknowledgement of my questions (let alone answers). I am amazed that human beings could be so unsympathetic to honest inquiry. Jesus is the truth, not a church.
@Parture 8 жыл бұрын
Mormons don't realize they are going to Hell because they reject who Jesus is. Jesus is the 2nd Person of the Trinity who created all things which is not possible if Jesus had to work to become a god as Mormons teach. Mormons teach the father of Jesus use to be a man who had to work to become a god, and this goes on in an infinite regress of father gods creating people out of atheistic preexisting atheistic material. Whereas in Christianity God created out of Himself and there were no gods beside Him, before Him, after Him, and no material or pre-existing intelligences or matter as terms they like to use. Christian brothers and sisters if you were worried you would have to spend eternity with these frauds, do not worry, for they are going to Hell.
@heathenwon9609 7 жыл бұрын
Parture you should check out Odin. That fucker has it going on!!
@robinknowles8811 8 жыл бұрын
I have read the CES letter in great detail and I agree with the vast majority of it. It prompted me to research a little myself and I drew all the same conclusions. When the church finally came out and in a covert way hardened their stance on same sex marriage that was the final straw and I wrote my own letter of resignation.Truth has nothing to hide. Truth has nothing to fear. The LDS church is constantly hiding things and while publicly advocating openness, the truth is far from that.I have had more peace since I left than I ever had when I was a member. And the spirit has not left me one jot!
@bagnasbayabas 7 жыл бұрын
Robin Knowles when I was still an active member of the church, everytime I went home from the church I was wondering why I felt something that ain't supposed to feel as a member. I supposed to feel the joy, the contentment in life , the love and the freedom. Now how ironic what I supposed to feel, I feel it right now after I left the church.
@richardholmes7199 6 жыл бұрын
@Knowles Uh, say what? The CES Letter has been debunked, where you been?
@josephsonners2743 8 жыл бұрын
Mike drop bitches
@freeurmind5790 8 жыл бұрын
So THAT's what a Morgbot looks like: dead eyed, flat toned voice, fearful, deceptive, and vengeful. Creepy as fuck! Why do people still believe in this shit?
@louchlynfraser4641 8 жыл бұрын
Mormonism cannot abide truth.
@Virtuallyjonathan 8 жыл бұрын
How in the world did they think it was a good idea to deny this man an interpreter?
@aul8819 8 жыл бұрын
Probably some shit in the handbook.
@daveyjones9930 8 жыл бұрын
+Christian McDonald OR...president Ivins was under marching orders from above (and I DON'T MEAN GOD!!). For them to open the court with prayer, invoking the name of Jesus Christ, and then do *THIS* to another human being seeking honest answers is worse than creepy. It was insane! It was despicable!!
@edsnow1526 8 жыл бұрын
+Christian McDonald The Church handbook provides that "two or three witnesses" must be provided to sustain a charge against a member in a church court. There were no witnesses present who testified against Jeremy at this court, and Jeremy's accusers were never identified. Also, he was denied the right to face or cross-examine his accuser(s) from Church headquarters, who remained carefully hidden in the shadows behind the Stake President. It was not a fair hearing, even by LDS Handbook standards.
@chiablo 8 жыл бұрын
I'd like to bear my testimony that I know the CES Letter is true.
@AxelQC 8 жыл бұрын
The LDS Church is operating from a position of fear and defensiveness. They are not bringing hope to the world, but clinging to their religion out of fear of the afterlife and fear of the world. Their refusal to answer the most basic questions about their history and beliefs shows their insecurity. They abuse their own members for being gay, for treating women as people, and especially for asking questions. They are retreating into a position of ignorance and cowardice, lashing out at those whom they can reach and dismissing everyone else as damned.
@UnPluggingThePlayer 8 жыл бұрын
+AxelQC The LDS prophets and these types of strake presidents should burn in hell in their afterlife. Forgiveness is a very hard thing for me to have with the lying old vultures of SLC.
@rscottwillson 8 жыл бұрын
Wow. How can local LDS Church officials hold disciplinary court without reviewing the evidence against the person attending? Behavior like this makes no sense! From my experience, it seems that local officials are being directed by Church HQ (or Strengthening Church Members Committee). So much for President J. Reuben Clark's statement, “If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed.” The truth is harmful therefore it is not reviewed.
@neilgardner311 8 жыл бұрын
Scott Willson It makes about as much sense as "knowing" The Book of Mormon is true without reading the book, save from the verses read or heard in church. It has come to a point in this dispensation that Members in leadership positions have been repeating what they have heard over the years and feeling the spear in their side when evidence comes to light that what they have heard may just be a result of the "telephone game."
@cdowis 7 жыл бұрын
Wow! You were not listening. He reviewed the evidence against him, point by point. However he refused to argue with him over the CES letter. This letter has ben addressed by others, and Rummels was there to determine his membership status, period. This is not a debate.
@joestim8707 6 жыл бұрын
Scott Willson. this dis court of LDS IS AS BAD AS CATH- they never. answer questions- the only person I would tolerate that from ( even expect it) would be my Hev. Fath & MY JESUS#
@dallinsinger2636 2 жыл бұрын
@@cdowis He wrote the letter in good faith as an LDS person with sincere concerns. The church had every opportunity to answer his questions (as was originally promised) or provide support, but the church refused or antagonized him at every turn. That is the route they take as soon as they know you know too much. You either put your questions on the shelf or its only a matter of time before the excommunication hammer falls on ya.
@hamongog 8 жыл бұрын
Seems like the stake president called him out on his apostasy, fair and square. The substance of the CES letter, Jeremy's unanswered questions and the church's essays are irrelevant. Jeremy has publicly called the church, Joseph Smith, the BoA, the BoM and everything else a fraud. Pretty sure he's meet the church's definition of apostasy. Yes, Jeremy didn't get any answers because there were none to give, particularly from a room full of unsophisticated and scarred little men. The stake president couldn't even read the word "schizophrenic!" I like the CES letter but refuse to regard Jeremy as a martyr. My hunch is his grandfather doesn't have a CES friend to begin with. He's put together a concise collection of contradictions and inconsistencies and it's garnered a lot of attention. He has earned his 15 minutes of fame. He and others like him are forcing the brethren at 47 E South Temple to confront some of their "problems." Man up, Jeremy. The tooth fairy never existed. Your disappointment and betrayal is no more profound than anyone else's. You're going to get through this just fine. I'll wager John Dehlin might even give you a couple of therapy sessions in exchange for another one of those riveting live Mormon Stories episodes!
@markhansen2582 8 жыл бұрын
+Michael Olsen "My hunch is his grandfather doesn't have a CES friend to begin with. " Wow. You are pathetic. Do you have evidence of such a thing? Or did the "spirit" tell you that one? The church has had 3 years to give official answers. Don't put this on the Stake President.
@austintwiwble1111 8 жыл бұрын
+Mark Hansen They did give answers its always been the same ask GOD not man Your Just one of the Enemies of God and don't want Him Guiding your life.You want to trust in the World and only go on Mans Knowledge.Your no different then all the Faithless in the Bible,B.o.m and Church History And with that Being your only way You will receive the same all of them have.
@UnPluggingThePlayer 8 жыл бұрын
+Michael Olsen Oh, but there's a special place in the pit fires of hell waiting for these mormon lying leaders. I'm very happy that Jeremy Runnells introduced them to their patholgoical lies claimed in the name of God and Truth no less. It takes a very brave person. If you have that level of service and bravery then why aren't you doing something to "force the liars at 47 E South Temple to confront some of their "problems". Show us what you've done lately?
@josephsonners2743 8 жыл бұрын
I hope your feelings didn't get hurt!
@daveyjones9930 8 жыл бұрын
+Joseph Sonners LIES hurt. The TRUTH will and does "set you free"...but first...*it will piss you OFF* Mormons are pissed off at hearing the truth...for now. It won't be long before ALL of them will KNOW the ugly truth of their religion--JOE'S religion. When the light of truth hits them and is undeniable they'll be saying, as if in one voice, - "I knew that all along!!" Thank your god for the internet where things cannot be hidden for very long.
@Rucky888 8 жыл бұрын
Bravo, Bravo Jeremy Demonstrating once again that the LDS Church is nothing, has nothing, answers nothing, and offers nothing. Nothing except fear, shame, guilt, intimidation and increasingly bigotry and intolerance. It is a room of 15 men who sit there, vacant, expressionless, empty. Everything unique about that church is not good, and everything good in that church is not unique ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now for those not sure what happened, The Chief Toecutter is the head of a "stake", the ecclesiastical authority over 10 or so wards/ diocese/ chapels each with a few hundred members headed by a Bishop. So he has 10 or so Bishop/ Priests report to him. In that room were 15 other men, 12 were "High Council"- senior members who help lead the Stake, and they attend these courts as pretend jurors and inquisitors. The "President' also had 2 counsellor/ helpers, a clerk and a secretary- all men of course. So there were 17 people there to intimidate Jeremy. With that context, Jeremy isn't even saying "show me the evidence?"...he's saying "hey, please tell me- what are the charges?". Silence. Then he asks the gutless yes-men- "Morbots", if you will, if they had read anything he wrote, silence. If they knew what the charges were, silence, If they have been briefed. Silence. Lies, Lies, Lies Never mind Kangaroo court. There was no court. This was a Soviet show trial, as part of a current purge of the LDS church to remove all dissenters. The result is that the defendant is taken out and spiritually shot Jeremy's purging_them_was pure, rolled 24 karat gold. Absolute gold. So well timed, so beautifully delivered. He knew they were liars, and they knew he knew they were liars. Bravo Jeremy, bravo
@sirpercivalsmallcock-jones9585 8 жыл бұрын
It was the magic underwear that started the alarm bells ringing when a work colleague tried to convert me to this religion. I wouldn't trust any organization that tries to dictate to me what I can wear under my clothes.
@DinkiDidog 9 жыл бұрын
To Ben McCrea , are you sure you are using the part of the Bible that, you believe, is translated correctly?! Besides, we are to acknowledge the name of God (Jesus), not His creations.
@sweetsweatyfeet 9 жыл бұрын
If that's Joseph Smith, damn! what a good looking guy. He would have made a great movie star if they had invented movies.
@deehee7380 7 жыл бұрын
he was a porn star!
@thedunkirk7 9 жыл бұрын
First they take control of the minds, then they take control of the bodies. When the minds and bodies are under their control, they can now control the type of underwear that you wear, and you still have to pay for it.