@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
1:21:31 Why exactly would they choose not be evil? Why? That’s the fundamental answer that neither you, nor any other equally useless ‘intellectual’, provide. You 🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵 are very conveniently blind to the copious amount of crap you kill people’s spirit with. The traditional religions with their demonisation of individuals, entire cultures, and entire countries- in addition to the ideas that evil and suffering are ontologically and morally necessary. The new technological idolatry. The constant pulling the rug from under people’s feet and then either blaming them for not seeing a future for themselves or selling them a putrid dream. You 🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵 are creators of chaos, drunk with your own self- importance, devastating the lives of billions of young and old alike! Yeah, talk to me about evil. Take a look in the bloody mirror, will you?
@Spartan1853 13 күн бұрын
What the hell are you on about?
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
1:17:57 You are talking about the animal, to the animal. I am talking about the human as the civilised animal. We will never agree, Peterson.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
1:17:49 It is not cool. It is not cool at all. It is horrendously shameful to have entire populations who have not internalised the locus of control through a strong moral sense. This is what your religious lies and concealed control of population have achieved. Congratulations.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
1:17:36 That represents the Eye of Horus. Yes, another Ancient Egyptian cultural element that was stolen and misinterpreted by thieves and liars. Thieves and liars.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
1:16:47 Speak for yourself. Given how unbearably crap everything is, I have made my own. And no, a good belief system does NOT explain everything. Life is not a neat mechanism; it is an experiential plane of existence within a horizon beyond which there lives The Mystery.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
1:15:13 No, it is not. It’s a bloody attributional error that has led to taking zero responsibility for one’s deeds (‘the devil made me’, ‘it’s written’, and similar criminal and nonsensical crap) as well as all sorts of abominable deeds- demonisation of others included.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
1:14:02 No, not really. You are afraid of it, that’s why you want to drug yourself with magic mushrooms or other drugs. Taking drugs to face ‘the evil’ is sheer cowardice because you know that a trip is an artificial temporary state. And why do you omit to say that taking drugs even only once ‘recreationally’ can plunge someone into full- blown, lasting, frightening psychosis? Try opening your eyes without any drugs and see the evil inside each human individual eating them from inside out whilst you, yourself, are being ripped apart by it. Hero. You won’t because it would remind you that you have real responsibilities. You’re no bloody Hero. You are a conceited and deluded coward.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
1:13:34 What makes you wiser than those who worship Nagas? I rest my case about the universality of archetypes. And about how much respect you show for other, more sophisticated, less insane cultures.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
1:11:18 So they should remain- illegal. There are natural means to have experiences different from the usual, and they are the only way to do it. Such experiences are the result of physiological and moral changes. Last, but not least, you have to integrate these experiences in a cultural structure. You want to bypass the moral and other ascetic effort altogether, and you could not care less about a sane and sanity- inducing/ preserving socio- cultural structure. Drugged apes is all we need. You are completely irresponsible. Shame on you. What a bitter, bitter disappointment you are.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
1:08:28 I agree. But I am completely unable to find any even remotely plausible explanation for the evil I have seen, heard, and experienced, other than the obvious which is that human nature is terrible and horrible, and there are no mechanisms to keep that in check. It is always been like this (albeit somewhat concealed at times), it has openly been manifest since 2020, and, judging by how inept and evil those who construct the macro socio- cultural models are, I can fairly reasonably predict that it will always be like this. Though I am sure I am not 100% (self-)aware, I know enough, and hell will freeze twice over before I trade brutally honest lucidity for any comfortable lie.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
1:02:22 How can you live in a world where you see and sense people being tortured and killed all around you? What kind of monster are you to hide under the covers of whatever explanatory set of beliefs you invent to soothe you whilst the world crumbles around you? What kind of heart do you have? Do you have a heart? You won’t find it in any Jung book, that’s your intellectual hubris. There is nobody to put an end of the insanity that has grasped the world. There’s nothing left of it, anyway.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
1:01:00 That’s not frightening. Potential is not frightening. Adventure is not scary. What IS frightening is living in a world that actively suppresses Beauty in all its manifestations. Whereas some courage would have been somewhat naively justified before 2020, since 2020 I have seen not only the real evil coming out of people and killing them, but I saw all potential dead and dying. Dead and dying. People dead and dying. Good- enough institutions and ideals dead and dying. There’s only that much grieving one can do. I really find this presentation interesting, but I cannot trust you, man. Add that to things I grieve for. There’s only that much one can take.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
57:19 Scapegoating which may be occurring in the natural world of animals. However, the Judeo- Christian paradigm makes this official, so to speak. It legitimises it. And it demands it. Whose fault is it that the whole Creation fell? The woman’s fault. I celebrated Easter with my family. I prayed with friends at Shabbat table. I ate with Muslim friends. Losing them, all, was not a walk in the park. But can’t you see what it has done not just to me, but to all of them, too? To the hell with any hermeneutics, Peterson, be them theological or psychological! If you really cared about the actual people, you would not collude with those beliefs.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
52:44 Popcorn at the ready as Peterson is about to tell us about one of his favourite projections sets. 🍿🥤 I could picture that in my mind, but this is not what I ‘see’ (at the second level of cultural perception I was referring to earlier). I see The Feminine, Sophia, Pneuma, Binah of the Jewish Kabbalah, Mut (Mother, the female Sun of the Ancient Egyptians- hence the misappropriated halo above the Christian figures) who subdues the animal in the human. The fact that she tramples the head of the serpent (representing the human rationality that has been perverted and, thus, has become venomous- poisonous) is a metaphor that seems to have been ironically lost on both religious people and the apostles of the ‘enlightenment’ idol. The serpent is chaos only insofar as chaos is the byproduct of the animal mind gone rampant, trying to impose its own order whilst destroying The Order that cannot be altered without dire consequences and that cannot be dissected, but only beheld with reverent awe. If there’s anything to fear, it is the human ape’s attitude. She is the archetype of the true intelligence that transcends the mere ape rationality whose unit of measure is the IQ; therefore, she is life giving (hence, the child she holds). The musical instruments represent the harmony that, though it permeates all existence, can mostly (‘mostly’ and unfortunately so because of the self- corrupted human spirit that is no longer able to recognise it in the most mundane reality) be perceived at the highest level there is- the aesthetic one, the realm of Beauty. Everything that is true and good is beautiful. Nothing beautiful is to be found in the horrid cultural models that have plagued the human spirit for the last few millennia. Everything is so distorted and ugly in this world that it is a terribly frightening experience for me. I would have fallen prey to gaslighting and thought this is just a systematised delusion my mind might have created, had I not seen the whole beauty in both the physical nature and the real, tangible effects of moral good acts. Even if the whole world would consider me insane, I am telling you the truth. THAT is real, not this collective insanity.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
52:31 It is heartwarming to see you speaking about yourself 😃
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
52:10 You are confused and confusing here. You must differentiate between the perception of physical reality and the socio- cultural perception and other epiphenomena. One provides raw data, the other operates with information filtered through cultural filters (such as meaning). I should say that, frighteningly so, in the current times (I write this in 2024), it is becoming increasingly difficult to ascertain even what is real. All the fake content online (which has become the preferred- soon, forced- medium of existence), the pseudo- scientific theories of quantum physics piggybacking some (misrepresented) Eastern spiritual ideas, in addition to the concerted gaslighting and manipulation that have always defined the socio- politic level of existence- all are part of a concerted effort to undermine the very concept of objective reality which is shared by all healthy human beings. Your questioning whether there is such a thing as truth is a symptom of this general trend. I do not know whether that it was just a rhetorical faux pas or your spirit and mind are deeply corrupted by your intellectual hubris, but I find it abhorrent on all levels and from all perspectives. Some firm lines must be drawn in the sand. Truth is one of them. Truth with normative ethical power to create and sustain individual intra-psychic coherence and social cohesion. The other line is to postulate that the shared perception of physical objects amongst the majority of human beings is reality; therefore, if one sees/hears/smells/touches a blue unicorn where nobody else can do that, it means it is pathological (due to physical and/or a mental health issue). If the human species is to survive itself, it must return to living in physicality. I am extremely pessimistic about it, seeing how successfully virtual ‘reality’ has been sold to the general population. Who is intent on blurring the line between sanity and insanity, and who has an interest in promoting insanity as ‘the new normal’? Who is playing with people’s minds, and what for? I don’t think that they would hook themselves into any machines. And, yet, not many speak about this and unmask the techno puppeteers. You don’t. Why?
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
46:31 You do know that at least some suicidal ideation is an inverted hatred for the existence itself, don’t you? Pain can do that. If societies were saner they would not push individuals to that point. Torture a human animal hard/ long enough, leave injustice unaddressed, and it will kill others or kill itself if it cannot kill others. What cultural mechanisms are there to preempt and manage this? Therein lies another point of contention. You advocate for the Christian model of voluntarily embracing torture. Apart from the obvious fact that it is a pathological way of thinking in itself, it merely conceals the animal aggressive impulses which, then, manifest themselves in more perverse and damaging forms (the very pious homicidal genocidal individual or groups). You, also, say that self- awareness achieved through unnatural adversity (most suffering does not have natural causes) is beneficial, and again, I beg to differ. First of all, not all are able to do that. Secondly, once you have a human turned into an animal, you better make sure that there are cultural moulds and social mechanisms in place to contain it and turn its energy into something constructive. There aren’t any that I can think of. Therefore, why torture them? Just because your intellect thinks it’s cute for others to be self- aware? Even if anyone could achieve complete self- awareness, then what?… Look at what happened with Nietzsche’s ideas in practice. Your and many other intellectuals’ rampant and irresponsible hubris is costing individual lives and threatens entire societies.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
44:05 If I understood you correctly, you propose that capitalism is a viable option. (You are intelligent enough to know that it is not, hence me suspecting that you are being dishonest). In practice, it does not lead to rewarding entrepreneurial spirit and recompensing honest work. It merely gives free rein to avarice, greed, deceit, overconsumption, monopolising resources, the demagogy of ‘democracy’- the ideal that is turned into demoNcracy where all demons run rampant. At the top of the social hierarchies you will not find the ones who are wiser, with a stronger moral spine, or more intelligent. I don’t think that having a high IQ should be classed as genuine intelligence. A monkey who (sic) is more clever and shrewd than the rest is not intelligent. Stealing others’ bananas and selling them back, scratching his/her mates’ arses, having an almost pathological narrowmindness with a concern and attention span of about 5 minutes into the future, and effectively manipulating others are not signs of intelligence, let alone merit.
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
33:20 Absolutely. I could not agree more. However, the suprastructure to mould and harmonise the individual goals is not there. There are NO cultural structures to do that in a sane way. They are cultivating scapegoating, attributional errors, ethnic/religious siloing/dissolution of individuality at the same time, moral cowardice, immoral behaviour, ‘scientifically’ vetted amorality, pseudo- morality, hedonism with a thin coat of sadomasochistic pseudo- Stoicism, spiritual (self-) betrayal, the hubristic idolatry of reason with its dialectical method, complacency, and compliance (to mention but a few).
@claudiamanta1943 18 күн бұрын
43:16 Probably a more granular analysis is required here. If a system is genuinely scapegoating someone (which seems to be a given in any society, though I contend, not a necessity), resentment is a natural reaction (not useful and even damaging at individual and social levels as it may be). If it’s the latter, what if the anger and resentment of the individual are natural mechanisms (let’s stick to a naturalistic approach) to redress the balance, something like a red card shown to the collective? And, as a tangent note, good luck to such an individual who would find it almost impossible to ascertain whether he/ she is insane or a genuine victim. If the victim protests, he/she is labelled as insane or deficient in some way. I am thinking about the human scapegoat Christ, for example. Not many have protested against the idea of having ‘the innocent’ tortured and killed (which I, personally, find extremely frightening). That is my main critique of Christianity. As a cultural product, it should have sought to acknowledge, yes, this animal behaviour of scapegoating, but correct it by reframing via cultural products (religious narratives, properly applied written and unwritten laws, etc). You cannot and should not, nay MUST not, leave humans at the level of mere animals. If you’re a proper, sane ruler, you don’t condone, let alone instigate, the masses to scapegoat any individual, let alone whole social groups or even countries. Isn’t that what culture is supposed to be doing? In the same vein, maybe the human psyche is so that it deals with objects, but should there be no culturally induced perception- conceptualisation habits to differentiate between a tool and a human being?
@ritishify 29 күн бұрын
1:55 "...as you no doubt can read...". Because you have eyes. And it is written on the paper. Get it? You can read, haha. Thanks for believing in me, dr. Peterson. Allow me to continue listening to you, sir. Because I have ears. And you're saying things. lmao I like Jordan. And I'll say it this way: he agrees with a lot of the stuff that I think is right. Be yourselves, my fellow sufferers.
@willissudweeks1050 Ай бұрын
Happiness being a hallmark of mental health depends on how you define mental health. There are different definitions. Jordan is off here.
@ritishify 29 күн бұрын
After listening to him for a while, I realized that he's more of a divulgator, like scientific ones, but for psychology, or whatever he actually claims to be interested in (excuse my ignorance). It does have a lot of merit to study all this stuff and having learned this skill of conveying those ideas as he does it, but I guess it's not the same as the person specializes in a certain field, which in this case might be you. Maybe it's even an ability rather than a learned skill as I said before, because we can't deny that he's exceptional, but I would say that it's in the way that I described. BTW I'm just a layman and I haven't even watched this whole talk in particular, but this is what I think of him. An interesting character, but not much else in my view, because a person usually can't talk this much and always be right, as many people seem to believe he is.
@nictegki Ай бұрын
Pffff this is one of my favorites!!!
@shrednanasel Ай бұрын
Wow, this is some of the best knowledge I have ever come across on the internet. I've watched this video about 7-8 times now, and I keep extracting new insights from it, which has strengthened my mind during my detox phase like a breath of fresh air in a world overwhelmed by so many poor philosophical starting points. It's amazing how JBP was ahead of his time even back then. My story is that I was sentenced to psychiatric treatment after committing a murder during a psychosis 14 years ago, and since then, I have received psychiatric medication and competent psychological assistance through the system. JBP has been a great help in understanding how to say "no" to people, and finally, "enough is enough". Finding this unpolished crushing of data from that time and our time, half a year ago, has contributed to me finally breaking free from my alcohol abuse, along with the "new friends" one naturally finds in life after breaking away from all parasitic relationships and showing them the door with a real warning... When I committed the crime, my victim was a socially-employed man from the municipality. And I must say, when the same municipality hires a martial arts practicing, quick-witted "know-it-all" tattoo-artist bandit afterwards because they thought it was "a match" due to the seriousness of the crime and my artistic skills, it can be a reason why I, the recipient of this "new help", might make them even more "stuck" than I was during my stay among almost only psychopathic fellow patients, with my life at risk instead of my freedom, which this incompetent new social worker liked to hold over me, so he could slowly break me down, both humanly and morally, almost completely.. I ended up sitting deep in an alcohol haze with the bottle visible, when the "bandit" arrived on his motorcycle, attempting not the first but the final threat, that he "hadn't written me off just yet", where my concretely-thinking brain thought directly and I said "but I'm writing you off now", after which only a few spasms remained.. And I'm somewhat ashamed and scared to say that I enjoy these situations, but the way Jordan Peterson has stated on Joe Rogan's show that "non-psychopathic aggressive men" have a job to keep the psychopathic ones "at bay"... And now, I have learned to enjoy my shadow, I enjoy JBP for crushing logical entertainment, I no longer have more than a natural consumption of "the dark blanket" in thoughts, and the way I "sharpen my sword" and set boundaries, is exclusively beneficial for the society I live in. Thank you, Jordan B. Peterson
@chandlerburns2381 2 ай бұрын
I'm going to listen to this while pooping high af like God intended.
@HOLWACHAGOT 2 ай бұрын
@antiochiaadtaurum3786 2 ай бұрын
Rambling incoherent mess. Disordered
@emanergza6383 Ай бұрын
Just because you're braindead doesn't mean we all are
@sebazau 2 ай бұрын
can we play some slow sax 8:22 ?
@humanistastv 3 ай бұрын
Now It seems everybody is mentally ill for one reason or another!! So dictatorial!
@static-and-rust 3 ай бұрын
What a great man
@jeffreypmitchell 3 ай бұрын
Kermit deconstructing the studies and assumptions of his and adjacent professions is amazing to listen to. Those who bury their heads in the sand and laugh at his explanations worry me. He’s diagnosing society and his profession that has been in denial of contributing to “mental illness”. He breaks things down as best as anyone possibly could.
@AncientRylanor69 3 ай бұрын
@jacquietarr7280 3 ай бұрын
Brilliant. Thank you 🙏
@michelleadams1212 3 ай бұрын
@sephiroth1class22 3 ай бұрын
@devinlee5077 4 ай бұрын
Holy crap Jordan. You seem so jacked up like you are on cocaine or something in this video. I'm not suggesting you were. Passion has that effect. I much appreciate how you have mellowed in your advancing years (despite your antagonists and character assassins). I don't subscribe to your religious/Jungian interpretations of psychology but it has been useful to be exposed to an intelligent and considered perspective that does not align with my own. As a Canadian I feel embarrassed that your practice was taken away from you for political motivations and I feel bad for your clients that you were forced to abandoned. They didn't deserve that. However it seems that you have taken it in stride and leveraged your infamy to address a larger audience. I'm glad that your old content is still up.
@churroman29 4 ай бұрын
Professor JP brings me so much more understanding and sense of depth and joy than New JP. Thank you for preserving this!
@etnek01 4 ай бұрын
Gosh Jordan, you were a mess even after all your accomplishments during this time this video was recorded; but where you are now? Jordan you have really pulled yourself together in a very inspiring meaningful way.
@theQuestion626 4 ай бұрын
He talks with his hands a lot, he doesn’t make iContact with his audience, he basically rambles. He provides no actual logical argument, he provides no evidence. Why would anyone listen to this rambling dead eyed crank? He’s just making things up as he goes along it’s basically stream of consciousness nonsense.
@Spartan1853 13 күн бұрын
Thank you for admitting you have a sub-60 IQ for everyone to see.
@teddibeard9346 4 ай бұрын
Wrong. 38:22. Yes. A nice set of rationaliizations. Yes. But then no. This particular series of proffered ‘potential’ rationalizations is not comprehensive. When someone becomes a methamphetamine addict, maybe they just thought life is so worth living, that I’ll risk something; or that I’ll risk everything; in the pursuit of success in the endeavor.
@m3po22 4 ай бұрын
Last few minutes are terrific. Of his talk.
@ayy2193 5 ай бұрын
chaos complexity overwhelm typically as weakness, alternative not failing to consciously illuminate expectation of outcome whats gonna happen , re-conceptualizing if can , & or testing pushing through initial pain difficulty as strength , Don't think it's mainly about a desire to avoid negative response of realising your past and present decisions are a big part of current state of things (people in negative placr often know that because of their negativity bias and ruminate on it unpractically instead of exploratively for adjustment , and alternatively it can actually can be empowering to realise u can stop that). it doesn't make sense as core reason for passivity , the example of an unclean room , u don't not look at it and not do it because of fearing recognition you are responsible for a messy room and negative self image that recognition that gives u. U already know u are the cause of that. U don't do it, because of weak thinking traps that u can't or failure of choosing empowering strategy , not caring enough about what allowing chaos has done to you & not recognising it as the enemy to living, addiction to overstimulated mind with little room for reward in basics so think not gonna be satisfaction in the adjustment , and not having the track record habit of establishing thinking counters like questioning whats gonna happen whats the problem which would illuminate the initial snapshot Think the tendancy to excessively label things with negative emotion as initial snapshot default, is simply energy conservation mechanism turned up (inadequate, creates mess drains energy) and thinking traps as attempt to reduce complexity out of poor self perception to deal with unknowns and a strategy self preservation mechanism that hasnt been countered / recognised what that brings simply not having the recognition of ongoing battle of strength supporting expansion Vs weakness supporting mess (u lose the battle by default if you think you aren't fighting) , And not having the alternative mental framework as tool , counters / thinking shifts that shift towards ongoing expansion integrating complexity which is what a human/life in complete form is
@kirra77 5 ай бұрын
He’s so complicated. Talking circles around average IQ individuals.
@charlotte8659 5 ай бұрын
Does anyone know what I can read on this topic?
@devinlee5077 4 ай бұрын
There is a lot to read. I suggest starting with philosophy before hitting psychology. It is the precursor to psychology and it helps you exercise rational thinking. If you dive into psych first you might lose sight of know thyself and question everything.
@PedroSantos-qi5cs 29 күн бұрын
@user-ju5rk8wj3t 5 ай бұрын
Does he mention any reading?
@koerd85 5 ай бұрын
Big words to say social engineering
@Yetipfote 5 ай бұрын
24:20 as much as I love him, I strongly believe that thoughts are the primary determinant of how much well-being I allow in my life. They are like a filter.
@josephe620 5 ай бұрын
The real Jordan Peterson!
@theQuestion626 5 ай бұрын
Did you know that this man was an alcoholic? Did you know that he only achieved his teaching position at the University of Toronto by the works of Professor Bernard Schiff? Did you also know that he is basically rambling?
@JCResDoc94 5 ай бұрын
13:00 synchs + collective UC [early] _JC