@spitflamez 16 күн бұрын
So is this published or verified anywhere?
@Biblical_DNA 16 күн бұрын
This is my work. This is something that I found out back in 2017-2018. Others also did the same thing I did through NevGen. I'm not in Dr. Yehia Z Gad's lab. What I did was I reported it to him and he informed me through a response email that they will be retesting all of the Royal mummies through Next-generation sequencing (NGS), which was finally published in Nature last month: Egyptian Genome Project.
@Uncanny_Mountain Ай бұрын
Pythagoras means Heart of the Serpent, he was born in Sidon, a fishing Port in Phoenicia. His mother recieved a message from the Oracle of Delphi that he would become a great Leader and Teacher. Sidon means Kingdom of the Fish, and the Essenes, who wrote the Dead Sea scrolls, worshipped Pythagoras. The Sarcophagus of Eschmun III found in Sidon names him as the Widow's Scion, aka Hiram Abiff, the Founder of Freemasonry, of which Tyre was the premier Capital (at least equal to Thebes). In 911BC Rameses II married the Queen of Sidon, home of Jezebel (Daughter or consort of Baal, basically "Queen") founding Neo Assyrian Babylon, an alliance between Egypt and Hiram, father of Jezebel and King of Assyria, and Egypt, forming the Phoenician colonies and building the first Temple of Melqart to commemorate the alliance. The Si in Sidon is the basis of the Latin Exe, or X, and is the basis of the Cross, or Chi Rho that Constantine painted on his shields. Also known as the Cross of Tyre, or Cross of Baal, being Ra-El, or Ba'El. Oddly enough irrational numbers can also be mapped using Euler's number, producing a Templar Cross in the process: a map of where Eclipses are most likely to occur. This cross can also be seen around the neck of Nimrod in Assyria, and is consistent with the Union Jack, and Solstice Calendar found in the Vatican Shiva Lingam. Shiva is the Hebrew word for 7, their culture also found its way to Japan (via the Phillipines) ultimately becoming Shintoism. It was the Phoenicians who gave their name to the Pole Star, which they used to Navigate the Oceans using the Zodiac, thats what the Antikythera mechanism was for, and with it they wrote the Byblos Baal, what we now call the Bible. The first form of the Bible was written in 325BC and called the Vaticanus Greacus, or Son of the Sacred Serpent, a reference to Sirius, the basis of the Sothic Calendar, which uses a Hexidecimal or base 60 system found in all the Megalithic sites around the world. In the second century AD astronomer Valentinus Vettori transcribed it into a Lunar chart of 13 houses, what we now call the Zodiac. Horoscope means Star Watcher, and the Phoenician word for Saturn, or El, was Israel or El, (Fruit) of Isis and Ra. Alternatively El is the Father of Ra the Sun and Consort of Isis the Earth, aka El is the Moon. El is the primary God of the Phoenicians, representing the offspring of Egypt, and his consort Astarte or Ishtar represents the Assyrian half of the alliance. It may be possible to trace lineages and alliances through the naming of gods, which can be traced all the way to Ireland and the Vikings, and to Indonesia and the Americas, even as far away as New Zealand and Australia. It denotes Sirius as Son of Orion and Pleaides, which sits at 33 degrees of the Zodiac. The basis of the Sothic (dir Seth) Calendar of the Egyptians. The New Moon in this position marks Rosh Hashanah, the Egyptian, Celtic, Phoenician, and Assyrian New Year, the first New Moon of September, which is called September because it's the 7th House of the Zodiac, when the Sun is in Ophiuchus. The Phoenix, Benben, or Bennu is the Egyptian word for Heron, a Feathered 'Serpent'. It baptised itself in frankincense and myrrh at BaalBek, and then alights atop the Pyramid, upon the Holy Grail, or Altar of Ra every 630 years to take three days off the calendar during the course of the first New Moon of Nisan, which means "Prince". The Capstone of Pyramids is even called the Benben or Bennu. The Phoenix is found in all religions, which are all Astrological Allegory for the Moon travelling through the Constellations, as a soul migrating from body to body, this is the basis of Joseph Campbell's Monomyth, or the Hero's Journey. The various planets no doubt play their own roles as portents, omens, and aspects, this astrology is the science of the Bronze age, and lasted all the way up to the 20th Century. Reincarnation was an early teaching of the Christian Church, and likely relates to the lineage of Kings (The Pan is Dead, long live Pan!) Phoenicians represent the interim step between Egypt and Greece, their artisans and culture exceeding that of the Greeks, who literally adopted the Phoenician Alphabet, which we still use to this day, sounding out words phonetically. Phoenician is aliiterated in Venetian, and Vikings, being Kings of the Sea. The Bennu is the Egyptian Phoenix, to Phoenicians the Hoyle, no different to the traditions of the Etruscans, who saw birds as sacred, just as the Celts. Hebrew and Iber as in Iberia have the same root meaning over, as in overseas, as in those who travel "over the sea." A colony called Iberia also appears on the Eastern shores of the Black Sea, where the same Dolmens and Megalithic culture originating in Ireland and Brittany appeared circa 4500BC. _Phoenician_ means Scions of the Phoenix, the first Bible: Vaticanus Greacus Son of the Sacred Serpent (Prince). Then there's the Essenes, Sons of Light, the Tuatha De Danaan, Sons of Light, Annunaki, Sons of Light, Arthur Pendragon means Arthur Son of the Dragon; Chertoff is Russian for "Son of the Devil" and Dracula also means Son of the Dragon, Masons have been known at times to call themselves the "Brotherhood of the Great White Serpent". The Ziggurat of Anu also denotes her as a great white Serpent, while New Grange and the Bru na Boinne in Ireland (4000BC) coated buildings with white quartz to denote the Moon. The Moon itself travels outside the Solar Elliptic by 5 degrees, which means it passes through specific constellations in a serpentine fashion that is always changing, but repeats every 19 years, the time it took to train a Druid or Magi, Magi meaning "Teacher" the Phoenix is also associated with this sacred number 19. The name "Pharoah" means "Great House" or "House of Light" and Cairo used to be called Babel. Pharaoh's themselves wore a hooded crown representing feathers, just as Native American Chiefs, ie the Feathered Serpent, they were also called the Commander in Chief. Aztecs also had Serpent Kings, (Canaan means Serpent Kings, and Sidon was a Son of Canaan, and Great Grandson of Noah) who were called to lead with cunning and guile, being the very virtue by which they claim the title in the first place; but to be seen in public as just and diplomatic. "As wise as Serpents, but gentle as Doves" the old Egyptian flag of an Eagle attacking a Snake is also reflected in the Modern Mexican flag, denoting the Constellations of Serpentis (13th sign of the Zodiac) and Aquila. The dimensions and 12 mathematical constants of the Great Pyramid are also expressed in New Grange, and Stonehenge, as well as in Watson Brake, (2500BC) and Teotihuacan, which correlates to the Phoenician/ Sumerian Hexidecimal system, which is what our modern systems of time are based on. In fact it unlocks a kind of fractal pattern that is reflected throughout creation. Officially no one knows who invented astrology, the zodiac, navigation by the stars, and time keeping. But whoever built the pyramids, and pioneered the 24hr clock in Egypt 5000 years ago also knew the exact dimensions of the Earth, as well as the speed of light. These calculations can all be made using these Megalithic sites as surveyors use a theodolite. Specifically Teotihuacan, which sits 180 degrees opposite Cairo, and has the exact same footprint. The ideal positions to determine the speed of light using the transit of Venus, by which one can accurately determine Longitude for navigation. Capt Cook did the same thing in 1774 when he 'discovered' Easter Island. The only culture that fits the bill was wiped out "not one stone upon the other" by the Romans in 146BC. Tyre, the capital of Phoenicia (israel) sat just offshore from Uru Salaam: City of the New Moon, or City of Peace. The root of the name Jerusalem, and was also seized by Rome in 70AD after a 13 year seige. The gap between is 216 years. Greek Dionysians built the Temple of Solomon (now called the Temple of Melqart) representing the Solar Lunar Metonic Calendar on which this system is based, they also carried mirrors, a practice associated with both the Magi and the Druids as well as Greek and Egyptian scholars, these Mirrors are Astrological charts called "Cycladian Frying Pans" and record the cycles of the planets. The first Temple of Melqart (the Phoenician form of Horus, or Hercules, or Pan, or Thor) representing the 13th Constellation of Ophiuchus or the Serpent Bearer (hence Orphic Serpent worship) had pillars of Emerald and Gold, representing Isis and Osiris. The Jerusalem Temple only took payment in "Shekels of Tyre" a currency minted during the Jewish rebellion against Rome. "Give that which is Ceasar's unto Ceasar" When Alexander sacked Tyre in 332BC they moved to Carthage meaning "New City" or New Jerusalem, where they built a second temple with Pillars of Bronze. Nebuchadnezzar also seiged Tyre for 13 years, taking the City captive in 573BC: the same time as the biblical account of the Jews. And again in 70AD after a three and a half year seige, also consistent with biblical accounts. Palaset was the name of a tribe of the Sea Peoples, Pallas Set denotes the New Moon of Ammun Ra rising in Gemini, the Pallas Constellation of the Twins that stand before Orion. This occurs due West of the Temple of Solomon in Tyre between the Western Gates of Gibraltar, Gabriel's Altar, and is the basis of the name Pallastein, or Pallas Stone. As in the Philosopher's Stone or Holy Grail, Altar of Ammun Rah, the Rising Sun. The Cross of Tyre or Ba'El ❌ represents the Lunar maximums and minimums and correlates with the Cross Quarter days of the Solstice Calendar. Align the Cross ❌ Chi Rho Christian ✝️ and Star 🔯 to the zodiac and you have a Compass and a timepiece that can be used to Circumnavigate the globe.
@StraussBR Ай бұрын
impressive, this will be ground breaking work if we can understand DNA of the mummies and how they relate to current population groups!
@Biblical_DNA Ай бұрын
Yes sir! I definitely recommended that in my reply to Dr. Yehia Z Gad.
@gamalnassertv Ай бұрын
It's a long project, hopefully results are released periodically. Well done by the way, for pushing Yehia Z. Gad, lol.
@Biblical_DNA Ай бұрын
Yup. I don't see why they cannot have the ancient DNA for the royal mummies done by next year. It will be interesting to see if they seperate the research or collide all of the samples into one source.
@acaydia2982 Ай бұрын
They extract the DNA from a bone inside of the ear now, I believe. From what I hear it’s been discovered to be the most fruitful In extracting ancient DNA.
@Biblical_DNA Ай бұрын
Petrous bone. 👍
@acaydia2982 Ай бұрын
@@Biblical_DNA There you go! Thank you!
@Biblical_DNA Ай бұрын
@@acaydia2982 Dr. Omer Sergi used the petrous bone for the Horvat Tevet samples but could not because of the acidic erosion from what the research suggests. I still have no idea if they were able to actually get a read the samples. Idk.
@acaydia2982 Ай бұрын
@@Biblical_DNA That genomic study hasn’t been released yet, right? I’ve only seen the archaeological report.
@Biblical_DNA Ай бұрын
@@acaydia2982 Do you know if there is supposed to be a Genomic Study coming out for Horvat Tevet?
@AfricaTeacher Ай бұрын
Great work, informative.
@Biblical_DNA Ай бұрын
The Stratigraphy: Stratigraphy: Assuming that soil layers in a deposit accumulate on top of one another, and that the bottom layers will be older than the top layers, stratigraphy allows archaeologists to construct a relative chronological sequence from the oldest (bottom) to youngest (top) layers. Artifacts found in these layers are at least as old as the deposit in which they were found. hraf.yale.edu/teach-ehraf/relative-and-absolute-dating-methods-in-archaeology/#:~:text=method%20is%20used.-,Relative%20Dating%20Methods,to%20youngest%20(top)%20layers.
@BloodlineOfJudah Ай бұрын
What a joke, used rendered images instead of the images of the tombs. The Israelites are black.
@Biblical_DNA Ай бұрын
What a joke, the Israelites were not black and it has already been proven that the Israelites were a continuity of the 2nd Millennium BCE Canaanite population! The Canaanites had predominantly Intermediate skin-pigmentation. This has nothing to do with sub-Saharan Africans.
@Biblical_DNA Ай бұрын
You are not a blood line of Judah. There was no historical eponymous ancesor who birthed the kingdom of Judah population. You are a bloodline of your fathers and mothers ancestors. Now, where do your ancestors actually come from? The West Coast of Africa? Where is lands of the West Coast of Africa ever mentioned in the Bible? No where! These people were not known about in the biblical narrative. Same goes for the West Europeans, East Asians, Australian Aborigines, Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans. The biblical authors had no idea these peoples even existed.
@BloodlineOfJudah Ай бұрын
@@Biblical_DNA "When evaluating Egyptian crania in a contest between the Near Eastern (Lachish) and African (Kerma, Kebel Moya, Ashanti) contexts, the affinity appears to be with the Africans. This observation aligns with the work of S. Keita and highlights the complex patterns of variation and historical dynamics in the Nile Valley and beyond." The lacish reliefs of the Israelites are blacks.
@Biblical_DNA Ай бұрын
@@BloodlineOfJudah "He concluded that the group was fairly heterogeneous, having close relationships to North African, Egyptian, and Nubian groups, thus lending support to an "Egypto-Nubian presence" (Keita, 1988, p. 388). One of the first to oppose the idea of an Egyptian origin was Keith (1940), who felt that the Lachish inhabitants were markedly different from Egyptians, though his analysis was rather anecdotal. Others have since concurred, arguing that the people of Lachish were indigenous, closely related to pre-Middle Bronze Age skeletons in Palestine and the modernday Bedouin (Arensburg, 1973; Arensburg et al.," Egyptians and Kerma Nubians were descendants of the Neolithic Levantine PPNB culture population. This populations had nothing to do with sub-Saharan Africans of Ashanti. You thought I didn't have this source? This source refuted your claims! Susan Guise Sheridan and Jaime Ullinger do not agree your pseudo anthropological understanding of their work.
@Biblical_DNA Ай бұрын
@@BloodlineOfJudah Using 2005 studies to go against me? You better recognize... "The results of this dental morphology study indicate biological continuity in the Late Bronze-Early Iron Age transition in the southern Levant. The similarity between Tell Dothan and Lachish suggests that the two are more closely related to each other than to other sites in the Mediterranean region. There is no dental morphological evidence of major population replacement at either Dothan or Lachish between the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages. Pooling the time periods from both sites also shows no significant difference. Therefore, these data do not support the model of the “Israelite conquest” or the introduction of a distinct group of immigrants who populated the southern Levant during the Iron Age." This proves what I said. It been proven their was no population replacement. It was population continuity from the 2nd Millennium BCE Canaanite population to the formation of the Confederation of Israel. You wannabe Canaanite. 🤣
@user-ll8ym9or8c 2 ай бұрын
"Therefore, Ramses the 3rd could not have been black."
@spitflamez 16 күн бұрын
E1b1b is also originally Black like Somalians or modern Ethiopians, where it is most diverse and likely originates with. North African modern versions are mixed with Neanderthal where the non a black looks come from: North African Populations Carry the Signature of Admixture with Neandertals “Unlike Sub Saharan Africans, North Africans have a similar level of Neanderthal DNA to South Europeans and West Asians, which is pre Neolithic in origin, rather than via any later admixture with peoples from outside of North Africa during the historical period. It was found that modern North Africans derive mainly from a "back to Africa" population from Eurasia "from before 12,000 years ago (ya) (i.e., prior to the Neolithic migrations)" but more recent than 40,000 years ago which seems to "represent a genetic discontinuity with the earliest modern human settlers of North Africa (those with the Aterian industry).” Sánchez-Quinto, Federico; Botigué, Laura R.; Civit, Sergi; Arenas, Conxita; Ávila-Arcos, María C.; Bustamante, Carlos D.; Comas, David; Lalueza-Fox, Carles (17 October 2012). "North African Populations Carry the Signature of Admixture with Neandertals". PLOS ONE. 7 (10): e47765. Bibcode:2012PLoSO...747765S. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047765. PMC 3474783. PMID 23082212. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3474783/
@spitflamez 16 күн бұрын
The debates is between E1b1a and E1b1b, how is this guy getting R??
@spitflamez 16 күн бұрын
Also it’s Black Y DNA R in Black Africa, like in Chad, Google it.
@iam_blacc901 3 ай бұрын
There are many other South Sudanese ethic groups not just dinka
@Biblical_DNA 3 ай бұрын
The study used Dinka. Not my words. You can email them and say the same thing you are mentioning to me. It wasn't regarding South Sudanese in the study rather that of ancient DNA. I would use ancient DNA only for an aDNA study and then all modern-day for a modern-day DNA study.