@hiteshvala2508 4 сағат бұрын
@EY-bb8nk 4 сағат бұрын
✦ Announcement for a marathon event 00:06 Preparing for the marathon event with dedication and enthusiasm Encouraging everyone to join and share the event quickly ✦ Start of intense marathon covering chapters 1 to 6. 01:07 Sessions will start from 7 AM, covering all chapters till chapter 6. Additional content of Part D of the marathon will be uploaded, along with MTQ for access. ✦ Reviewing chapters one to six for CA Inter Corp Law Super Marathon 02:48 The video aims to cover all messages and interactive revisions Starting with the chart book for complete revision ✦ Starting with Chapter 1: Preliminary 03:32 Chapter 1 is a small chapter without much difficulty We will quickly finish it without any major challenges ✦ The Companies Act has 29 chapters and 470 sections with schedules. 05:20 The act applies to all registered companies, as well as any previous law and special acts created under IRDAI. It also covers notifications passed by the central government for institutions like Food Corporation of India and National Highway Authority of India. ✦ Understanding the concept of Holding Company in Corporation Law. 06:19 A holding company is defined under section 246 of the Companies Act. It holds the voting power of another company and has specific restrictions in India as of September 2017. ✦ Definition and classification of associate company 08:11 Associate company is defined under section 2(6) of the Companies Act, 2013. Joint venture is included in associate company, while subsidiary companies are not included. ✦ Understanding liabilities in different types of companies 09:07 Explaining the concept of liabilities and its implications in limited by shares companies. Discussing the scenario if a company with unpaid share capital shuts down. ✦ Converting from unlimited to limited company requires increasing authorized capital or adjusting share values. 10:51 Authorized capital needs to be increased and share values need to be adjusted when converting from an unlimited to a limited company. Alternatively, share face value can be increased when converting, and remaining portion can be called upon company dissolution under Section 65. ✦ Permission required for transferring interest in Article 11:47 If permission not in article, transfer not possible Classification of companies and meaning of 1 person company ✦ Conditions for transferring shares 13:37 Shares can be transferred with partial payment not allowed Notice to members before transferring shares is required ✦ The auditor will decide the share price and transfer of shares. 14:42 The auditor decides the exchange's price and share transfers within the company. Lien on shares can be exercised by the company for outstanding dues and can stop rights on the share. ✦ Discussion on companies with holding & subsidiary companies 16:29 Explaining the concept of holding and subsidiary companies Criteria required for a company to qualify as a holding company ✦ Listed company shares and specific securities 17:30 Listed company shares are those of companies listed on the stock exchange Non-convertible debentures or non-convertible preference shares make a company unlisted ✦ Understanding the concept of government company and foreign company in corporate law. 19:02 Government company can be held by central or state government or a combination of both. A subsidiary of a government company is also considered a government company if the government holds more than 50% of its shares. ✦ Foreign company's place of business in India 19:50 The place of business can be through an agent or physical office in India. Electronic business activities are also considered as a form of business in India. ✦ Significant transactions and non-significant transactions defined in Corporate Law 21:21 Definition and examples of significant transactions which need to be reported Clarification on non-significant transactions like statutory fees, maintenance expenses, and share allotments ✦ Discussion of important chapters and topics for CA Inter exam. 22:00 The video will start with the topic number three, Prospects and Allotment, followed by the second topic. The session started at 7:00 AM and slowly students are joining the class to learn the topics. ✦ Public company can raise money through various methods 23:42 Public company can raise money through prospectus, private placement, and rights and bonus shares Private companies have only two methods for raising money: rights and bonus shares, and private placement ✦ Private companies cannot issue public shares 24:31 SEBI regulations prohibit private companies from issuing public shares SEBI has strict regulations for public offerings and private companies ✦ Understanding Section 26 and 261 in Prospectus 26:03 Section 26 covers the content of the prospectus, including financial information and signatories. Section 261 mandates compliance with all company law requirements and includes expert reports in the prospectus. ✦ Expert consent essential for writing related content 26:46 Expert's consent required in writing, should not be plagiarized Important to clearly mention on prospectus cover page, all documents attached ✦ Understanding the importance of a prospectus in company share issuance. 28:25 Explaining the concept of issuing shares without a prospectus. Discussing the implications and actions taken by companies in such cases. ✦ Companies issuing their own shares 29:11 Discussion on the implications of companies issuing their own shares without offering them to the public. Highlighting the regulation and impact of companies directly issuing shares. ✦ Understanding the concept of consideration in corporate law 31:09 Consideration should be correctly defined, not received from the issuing house If the conditions of the offer are met within six months, it will be considered as a deemed prospectus ✦ Understanding the concept of Dematerialization (DEMAT) in Corporates. 31:55 Explained the process and significance of DEMAT prospectus within 6 months. Discussion on benefits of issuing Shelf Prospectus under Section 31 of the Companies Act. ✦ Discusses implications of changing objectives after issuing share prospectus 33:38 Sharing scenarios where changing objectives may lead to refunding investors within 15 days Emphasizing the importance of maintaining consistency in share prospectus and objectives ✦ Understanding Red Herring Prospectus 34:24 Red Herring Prospectus is incomplete with missing data on quantity and price of the security. Filed at least 3 days before registrar for basic purpose of evaluating market demand for company's shares. ✦ Unlisted companies need to decide on the form of issue of shares. 35:54 Unlisted companies need to comply with Rule 9A while listed companies need to comply with Section 29. Even unlisted companies need to issue shares in the dematerialized form. ✦
@EY-bb8nk 5 сағат бұрын
00:06 Announcement for a marathon event 01:07 Start of intense marathon covering chapters 1 to 6. 02:48 Reviewing chapters one to six for CA Inter Corp Law Super Marathon 03:32 Starting with Chapter 1: Preliminary 05:20 The Companies Act has 29 chapters and 470 sections with schedules. 06:19 Understanding the concept of Holding Company in Corporation Law. 08:11 Definition and classification of associate company 09:07 Understanding liabilities in different types of companies 10:51 Converting from unlimited to limited company requires increasing authorized capital or adjusting share values. 11:47 Permission required for transferring interest in Article 13:37 Conditions for transferring shares 14:42 The auditor will decide the share price and transfer of shares. 16:29 Discussion on companies with holding & subsidiary companies 17:30 Listed company shares and specific securities 19:02 Understanding the concept of government company and foreign company in corporate law. 19:50 Foreign company's place of business in India 21:21 Significant transactions and non-significant transactions defined in Corporate Law 22:00 Discussion of important chapters and topics for CA Inter exam. 23:42 Public company can raise money through various methods 24:31 Private companies cannot issue public shares 26:03 Understanding Section 26 and 261 in Prospectus 26:46 Expert consent essential for writing related content 28:25 Understanding the importance of a prospectus in company share issuance. 29:11 Companies issuing their own shares 31:09 Understanding the concept of consideration in corporate law 31:55 Understanding the concept of Dematerialization (DEMAT) in Corporates. 33:38 Discusses implications of changing objectives after issuing share prospectus 34:24 Understanding Red Herring Prospectus 35:54 Unlisted companies need to decide on the form of issue of shares. 36:44 Understanding the process of listing on the stock exchange 38:34 Setting up a separate bank account upon stock exchange listing is crucial. 39:21 Expressing gratitude for support in preparation for the marathon 41:16 Penalties for default and commission payment explained 42:10 Understanding commission payment and maximum commission limits for share issues 43:50 Refund process and timeline explained 44:45 Understanding the differences between Section 34 and 35 46:37 Understanding Private Placement in Corporate Law 47:25 Criteria for private placement in securities 49:11 Private Placement Compliance Importance 50:00 Private Placement and Cooling Period 51:50 Preference shares with dividend rights but no capital repayment rights 53:38 Understanding Equity Shares and Differential Voting Rights 55:22 Understanding financial statement filing and defaults in annual returns 56:03 Defaulting on payments should be avoided. 57:42 Importance of Register of Members in Corporate Law 58:32 Understanding voting rights under Section 47 and 48 1:00:29 Obtaining consent from 34% of total members for share rights 1:01:16 Understanding variations in holding percentages 1:03:02 Understanding Section 51 and 52 in Corporation Law 1:03:58 Section 52 explains use of securities premium by companies 1:08:39 Discount on Rights Issue of Debentures 1:09:29 Section 53 prohibits issuing shares at a discount 1:11:27 Directors need not be full-time but employees should be full-time. 1:12:25 Understanding Redemption of Preference Shares 1:14:10 Redemption of preference shares and equity shares 1:14:59 Understanding Transfer and Transmission of Shares 1:16:51 Section 56 and 57 guidelines for transmission and debenture certificate issues 1:17:52 Understanding the consequences of not updating the register. 1:20:00 Discussion on Internal Reconstruction and Section 66 1:20:53 Conversion of fully paid-up shares into stock 1:22:44 Rights issue and considerations for companies 1:23:36 Shares can be bought and renounced by others 1:25:28 Discussing potential issues with converting loans to shares 1:26:43 Understanding rights of shareholders during conversion of debentures into equity 1:28:40 Understanding Bonus Shares and Section 63 1:29:36 Conditions for issuing bonus shares 1:31:18 Understanding Section 64 in Corp Law 1:32:15 Understanding Share Capital Alteration and Sections 61, 64, and 65 1:34:27 Share buyback process and implications 1:35:24 Understanding Reduction of Share Capital process 1:37:41 Section 67 explained for company's share transactions 1:38:51 Companies can buy back their own shares under certain circumstances 1:40:40 Understanding the requirements for buyback 1:41:32 Importance of conducting three tests during buy back time 1:43:30 Buyback of shares and preference shares issuance 1:44:18 Important provisions related to Section 69 and Section 70 1:46:03 Responsibilities of Debenture Trustee 1:47:01 Understanding consequences of defaulting on debentures 1:49:20 Upcoming new chapter starting soon 2:01:29 Discussion on Acceptance of Deposit 2:03:01 Understanding Rule 21c regarding deposits 2:03:49 Differentiating between loans obtained from government, foreign government, and banks. 2:05:35 Understanding the concept of receipt of any amount from any company 2:06:32 Compliance with Provision on Share Issuance 2:08:12 Fear of accepting company deposits 2:09:06 Non-interest bearing deposit for employee loans 2:11:10 Understanding Section 67 and related concepts 2:12:06 Understanding chit funds and its impact on deposits 2:13:40 Different rules for accepting deposits based on company types 2:15:04 Companies need to file OAR IN Form with ROC and pass a circular among members. 2:17:05 Discussion on security and circular related issues 2:17:59 Understanding the concept of EMAPN in a Private Company 2:20:17 Understanding eligibility for raising funds from the public 2:21:07 Understanding the criteria of a Public Company 2:23:08 Rules regarding deposits for companies are crucial 2:24:06 Discussion on renewal of deposit and shareholders' capital free reserve 2:26:15 Security creation process and types of assets 2:27:00 Who can't be a trustee in a company? 2:28:52 Non-filing of DPT-3 return within 90 days can lead to severe penalties 2:30:06 Challenges in earning two crore rupees 2:35:59 Responsibility of registering charges on time 2:36:58 Register charge within 30 days to avoid penalties 2:38:42 Understanding the spelling of debenture and its implications 2:39:33 Importance of Registering Charges 2:41:24 Understanding modifications in company charges post charge creation 2:42:28 Discussion on Section 80 and notification settings 2:45:10 Understanding the concept of charge satisfaction in company law 2:46:35 Discussion on CGST amendment in Section 87 2:49:02 Corporate Law Chapter 2 Super Marathon 2:55:40 Sharing notes from Chapter 1 to Chapter 6 2:58:04 नॉर्मल कोर्स ऑफ बिजनेस बोर्ड ऑफ डायरेक्टर्स के प्रमोशन पर सवाल 2:58:59 Understanding Company Types based on Members in Section 3 3:01:09 Understanding the process of address registration and signing of documents. 3:02:04 Directors' obligation to disclose interest 3:04:02 Section 447 implications on company and members 3:05:03 Explanation of chapter 4 doubt with details 3:07:13 Eligibility criteria for becoming an OPC member 3:08:22 Criteria for being a natural person in Indian company law 3:10:31 Understanding Section 8 Companies under Companies Act 3:11:37 Understanding the concept of nomination in the context of a company 3:13:34 Penalties for License Cancellation 3:14:37 Encouraging students to focus on marathon revision rather than demanding extensive notes 3:16:49 Understanding Section 8 Company Restrictions 3:18:31 Discussion on merger of two companies under Section 8 3:20:24 Understanding the Company's Scope of Activities and Naming Guidelines 3:21:25 Importance of correct placement of OPC in the name 3:23:27 Incorrect or fake name submissions can lead to cancellation and penalty 3:24:25 Name change process for reservation within 60 days explained 3:26:24 Process of changing ARSII 3:27:35 Discussion on shifting registered office and compliance requirements 3:29:18 Importance of advertisement in legal matters 3:30:11 Explanations about Capital Clause and Liability Clause 3:32:04 Understanding Application of Entrenchment Provision in Companies Act 3:33:04 Filling of Form No. 20 for companies within 180 days 3:34:41 Importance of penalties under various sections 3:36:07 Power failure in West Bengal leading to electricity issues 3:38:46 Alteration of Articles 3:39:40 Company books must be given within 7 days as per Section 17 3:41:43 Holding company subsidiary shares 3:42:43 AITC holds the shares of holding company through legal representatives and last bas not the least 3:44:45 Authorization of Document Proceeding Contracts 3:46:28 Discussion on binding nature of director's signature on company documents 3:48:31 Importance of Management and Administration chapter in CA Inter exam 3:49:25 Importance of Maintaining Register of Members and Form MGT 3:50:58 Foreign registry details and updates 3:51:45 Foreign Registry vs Indian Registry 3:53:28 Declaration of Beneficial Interest 3:54:17 Understanding declaration of significant beneficial owner 3:56:14 Non-disclosure may lead to company investigation 3:57:04 Need to hold shares for transactions until dividend is received 3:58:43 Explaining the process of applying for corporate tribal
@mandalaart2222 4 сағат бұрын
Thanks dude
@bigfan4824 5 сағат бұрын
4:51 * preliminary
@dipanshukashyap8619 10 сағат бұрын
1:58:10 1:59:34 2:07:11 2:06:44 2:10:11 2:15:33
@Xyzabc15016 10 сағат бұрын
Thank you sir for the efforts ❤
@saurabhsrivastava9217 12 сағат бұрын
Abhi tak Accounting standards bilkul ni padha Can i watch this or these lecture is only for revision purpose Please reply and help me🙏🙏🙏🙏
@adityamantri1304 13 сағат бұрын
Gurudev dhanya ho aap❤️🫶
@eldhobiju4479 16 сағат бұрын
@nehasharma-yd1c 18 сағат бұрын
Amazon ❤❤❤❤❤❤revision video
@Rushikesh612 18 сағат бұрын
@Cyberdine-sytem-model-101 18 сағат бұрын
sir system hang krdiya , thank you for the session!
@akansha21-v5 19 сағат бұрын
Wow, best revision video sir thankyou so much amazing charts 😊🎉
@user-wq9xy5yf2t Күн бұрын
@nadimansari4161 Күн бұрын
Most underrated teacher
@divinerythm-6393 Күн бұрын
30:00 cost of ppe calculation
@teesha8128 Күн бұрын
Koi time slab lagado pls
@isha_agarwal Күн бұрын
8:00 ques 41
@rerapzod6754 Күн бұрын
Sir dusre chaps kab lenge ?
@TheAdityaGoswami Күн бұрын
@prachikala7157 Күн бұрын
please send these audit questions pdf
@shivammittal4633 Күн бұрын
law ke saath audit CSG ke saath
@aarjavjain7400 Күн бұрын
@harshgogna9940 Күн бұрын
@tanviraina-bs8gm Күн бұрын
Most needed thing 🥺🥺 Thankyou sir ❤
@Cookewithpihu Күн бұрын
Any idea duration kya hogi iski
@Nupoorinamdar Күн бұрын
2 hrs
@toffikkhan4235 Күн бұрын
Proud to say he was my classmate in school since 4th class.❤
@TheboysReviewz Күн бұрын
Anuacdmy mic nhi diya abhitak apko gareev sala😊
@aanchalagrawal3067 Күн бұрын
Sept 24 wale dkhle isko
@abdulrakib4933 Күн бұрын
@user-wq9xy5yf2t Күн бұрын
illu 7 02:00:00
@Arvindha12 Күн бұрын
Sir such to bola h comedy kr ke padhaiye pr aap jo krte ho vo bkkchodi h
@ShahzaibTeach7 2 күн бұрын
❤❤❤ love you sir G ❤❤❤❤
@ShahzaibTeach7 2 күн бұрын
Thank you so much sir jiii
@palakadlakha5275 2 күн бұрын
Thank You CSG❤❤❤❤
@simalupadhyay8989 2 күн бұрын
When the new chapter conduct
@sushil1330 2 күн бұрын
3:15:54 Sir FY 29-30 ko count nhi huaa hai
@LovishSharma-x5i 2 күн бұрын
Thank you so much sir you explain in a very easy way❤
@sushisoban9210 2 күн бұрын
Part 1 of FS is not uplaoded. Kindly upload sir
@sids1672 2 күн бұрын
FS part 1 not uploaded here ???
@siddharthgupta1553 2 күн бұрын
Important no 9 10:00
@juhiray6024 2 күн бұрын
Sir k google drive k link dedo koi
@BansiGondaliya 2 күн бұрын
Happy teachers day to the India's no. 1 educator for law...... ❤❤❤
@shubhamverma2234 2 күн бұрын
sir kya is video se cover ho jayega sara
@aadilokesh 2 күн бұрын
Is material available in telegram channel?
@EY-bb8nk 2 күн бұрын
@shrutigurav7670 2 күн бұрын
Thank you so much sir
@adityajain4649 2 күн бұрын
great work sir thannkk youu
@vishalsrivastav6877 2 күн бұрын
thankyouu sooo much siirr
@AdityaKumar-hq7bt 2 күн бұрын