@TyFadedd 9 күн бұрын
Love the video! Keep the content coming bro
@Solo-Born 7 күн бұрын
Thanks! Will do! 👌🏻
@DrEdam1000 19 күн бұрын
Nice video 😁
@Solo-Born 17 күн бұрын
Thanks dude 👌🏻
@DrEdam1000 23 күн бұрын
Good luck on the new video. Much support from someone else starting out
@Solo-Born 23 күн бұрын
@@DrEdam1000 I wish you luck with your completionist as well bud, went and watched your videos and left a few comments to help the algorithm abit 👍🏻
@DrEdam1000 23 күн бұрын
@@Solo-Born appreciate mate. I will of course return the kindness 😉
@DrEdam1000 23 күн бұрын
Nice video. I know how long they take. Good job 👏
@Solo-Born 23 күн бұрын
@@DrEdam1000 thanks bud, I appreciate that!
@ValerieKane-xn7ey 27 күн бұрын
Ty a ton for the one hour vid! Def wasnt too long, really enjoyed it! I do however think there is no downside to splitting future ones like this into two, logically I just think it’s more beneficial for the channel in terms of views/likes etc. The loot log for all but the pirates I think could be summarized into one screenshot, as imo the pirates made more sense to have the progression there. I also want to say that the editing felt really smooth throughout the entire video, a good balance between just about everything - music, voiceover, jokes, etc. Something I was going to add that you ended up doing was to show the stats at the end of the video. If it’s not too much work you could put the stats on the screen at the end of each video, for example ”Crafting 55-61”, ”Ranged 83-86”, as well as any gear upgrades that are significant. It might help to give perspective/feel more invested in the series/your character/time spent. The last few mins of the vid was very helpful with the shops, would appreciate more info like that in the future, very helpful to non members/those who have little to no xp. Notheworthy items for people not ending up with a bond or simply taking a break are also Rune Axe, Rune Scimitar and Amilet or Power, two of which are almost impossible to come by in f2p but are significant upgrades. Lastly, do you have any idea how to join a clan, Ironman preferably? I cant seem to figure it out 😋 ty again for the content!
@Solo-Born 27 күн бұрын
@ValerieKane-xn7ey thank you once again for the well crafted comment, always very helpful to hear from you! I like the idea of showing the stats each video, I think that’s a great idea! I shall have to try to remember that going into the next phase ( I haven’t started yet as I am still planning my route for the next run ) I really appreciate the time you spend to help make this a this a better experience for everyone! In the background I’m still afking things like woodcutting/mining as that’s still things I can work towards in f2p what will benefit me in p2p! I will go over things I’ve done while not bonded in the next episode though! And try to explain what the plan is from the start, maybe try make a mini road map or something 😄 As for clans, I personally am in a mixed clan so we have a few mains and irons, but I’m pretty sure there is one big ironman clan. I might be wrong but I think the name is lronman but the i is an L (I’ve not been in there in years though so I might be wrong) As for how you join them, it should be the bottem left tab, then you would probably need to join one as a guest to begin with/get one of the members to invite you after talking with someone with a rank (there is also a RuneScape community discord which some clans also recruit there too)
@ValerieKane-xn7ey 20 күн бұрын
Hi again, late reply! Would it be a lot of trouble/possible to join the mixed clan you’re in? I don’t even have Discord and it seems like a lot of work to find one on my own 😅 completely fine it it’s a closed clan or w/e, just nice to have something to read while doing monotonous gameplay, or a chance to ask questions in game as supposed to using Google. Looking forward to the next vid!
@Solo-Born 20 күн бұрын
@@ValerieKane-xn7ey I’m sure I could sort that out for you, we don’t play all the time ofc but when we do me usually no life quite abit. It’s mainly a uk/denmark player base but everyone is welcome, There’s probably only 10-15 of us atm as we all met through other games like WoW/rust etc Drop me your ign and I’ll hop on and get you invited when I see you online Due to a few reasons I’ve had to take a small break from rs recently but I do have all of the next stage planned out and what I plan to go for in the next bond time! As for discord, we do have one but it’s not a mandatory thing. But a lot of us are usually In there daily, either on rs or other games.
@ValerieKane-xn7ey 20 күн бұрын
At the end of the day the game becomes a small part of life, so I’m glad you’re taking your time and not rushing it 👍🏻 In game name is ”Cedric Kane”
@ValerieKane-xn7ey 20 күн бұрын
I thought I replied but it doesnt seem to show. What I said was that at the end of the day rs/games becomes a small part of our lives, so Im glad youre not rushing it. In game name is ”Cedric Kane”, and sure! that sounds good, I barely know how the chat woks, but im sure there will be some kind of notification if you see me online and send a message 👍🏻
@santiagomaltrapilho1148 27 күн бұрын
Happy birthday man, great vid. also, Gzz on that fire cape.
@Solo-Born 27 күн бұрын
Thanks Santiago! 😄
@joenorton8997 27 күн бұрын
4790 zombies, another great video mate and happy birthday 🎉
@Solo-Born 27 күн бұрын
Thank you man, I appreciate it!
@ChristieJade25 27 күн бұрын
Looking forward to this one - I’ve got my cuppa tea & biscuits at the ready!😄 Also… Happy birthday Solo Born🎉❤
@Solo-Born 27 күн бұрын
@harrisonlake7391 27 күн бұрын
Happy birthday!
@Solo-Born 27 күн бұрын
Thank you Harrison! 😄
@nathanielnizard2163 Ай бұрын
This content is ghetto af ^^'. If you are solo do not go into zombie pirates, and if you are in a picke for money, you are not likely to have that much max hp as well meaning that you'll get random one shot all over the place. There are quite few things that are >1M/h and involve chill stuffs or progressing the account. Some regular methods, like hunter rumours for example are decent gp/decent xp on top of progressing prayer without doing naked runs in chaos altar. A bond at 13M is something that is incredible challenging to come by, either you are very good at pvm and have a maxed account or very good a pvp and enjoy ruining others fun, otherwise you should abandon the idea for your own sanity. There are 3 types of people who can do bonds in this game: the ones that are insanes at managing pvp, the ones that have cleared all content and can do it in flow state, like top 0.5%, completionnists who do clues and understand flawlessly the economy. If it takes you more than 2 hour to get a bond, forget about it :). PKing like a boss is actually the best money maker right now but it is incredibly busy.
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
@@nathanielnizard2163 I think you have skipped a hole section of what this account is buddy, it’s an ironman.. 100% solo. Telling players not to engage in content because they are a solo player is a stupid thing to suggest. For 1, Hunter rumours I agree is a way to make money. For normal accounts. There’s not much to be made there as an ironman early on. (Incase you didn’t know we can’t use the GE to sell things) 2. 13mil is literally nothing in this game in the grand scheme of things. 3. People can play this game in multiple ways and we all enjoy different things and that is okay… like I enjoy grinding mobs and bosses.. you clearly like running around doing busy work.. and that is totally fine 😊 4. On most new accounts making a bond in 2hours isn’t possible. Most mains can’t event do that. Honestly I don’t care if you think I should stop for my own sanity. I will continue my series with or without your permission 🤣 I won’t stop because I know this is possible. It might not be for you. 🥲 But hey as you say… you are probably not a maxed main or you are just bad at making money. It’s okay though, follow along with everyone and I’ll show you how to maintain bonds and progression 😉
@stevengibson9864 Ай бұрын
@nathanielnizard2163 You seem to not understand that people play this game in different ways, a lot of people prefer to challenge themselves in weird and wonderful ways in this game 1 chunk accounts, collection log completionists etc it adds a lot of charm to the game in that there isn't a "wrong" way to actually play the game. End of the day if you don't like the content don't watch.
@ChristieJade25 Ай бұрын
@@stevengibson9864 hit the nail on the head with that one! 👌🏼 I think someone may have pissed in his cornflakes this morning.
@DocSkii Ай бұрын
I think we found the chump at 4:48 lol
@ValerieKane-xn7ey Ай бұрын
Yeah, what’s up with that, no 13 mil in two hours on a fresh ironman? What was I thinking enjoying the series 🤪 I wanted to add that even if you have dragon scim, bone crossbow/rune in the future, amulet of power etc. I think one of the things you could do whilst farming and doing voiceovers is to talk a little bit about gear progression, it would be helpful for new ironmen (members). I’d love a none wilderness/pvp method (moneymaker) too for ironmen - slayer seems to be what a lot of people recommend, but that it takes a while to get to that lvl req, but it was difficult to find one that felt reasonable for a new player. Even non combat gear, items like rune axe i know can drop in the wilderness or bought from a shop at a higher level, but a pvm drop source could be useful info, just like where to buy potions, high lvl food, ammo, as it’s technically part of maintaining a bond when farming for it. I have looked into it a bit - it’s just a sea of info on the web and for a new player it’s overwhelming and practically impossible to follow one advice. Anyway, just some thoughts I wanted to add before the next vid!
@santiagomaltrapilho1148 Ай бұрын
That's a lot of efford, ty for the vid!
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
@@santiagomaltrapilho1148 it seems like a lot, but in terms of quests/stats needed, you only need the medium diary for the wilderness which is 52 agility and 50 slayer as the more challenging side of the diary, the only quests I had to do was between a rock and the enter the abyss mini quest. Most of the other quests I did were just to speed up future progression or to use exp rewards to skip some grinds. All in all I think this process is totally replicatable for other players, but any quests after episode 1 would be totally optional / if you feel you have time. There are probably easier money makers to unlock for normal accounts ofc but for raw gp per hour, I don’t think this spot will be beaten until I get a few more unlocks/slayer levels
@ValerieKane-xn7ey Ай бұрын
I’m saving this video to watch for later, but wanted to comment regardless. First of all: Ty for all the effort and time you put into these videos, and second, I really hope you keep making vids/series similar to this 🤞🏻
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
@@ValerieKane-xn7ey I will keep Builderbond going for as long as I can, I do want to finish the goals I have set! I’m not sure how long it will take me, but I do want to finish them 😁 thank you once again for your lovely comment!
@ValerieKane-xn7ey Ай бұрын
Just finished watching it, only wish there was more 😁 I love the intro/outro music, and I think your music in general is good, but that is also subjective as a lot of things are. Would you consider to sometimes do voiceovers instead of playing music, talking about current or future goals for example, obstacles etc? Will you use the zombies are your main money making method, or do you have alternate ways later in the mid game to more easily or consistently maintain a bond? As for S1 I think it’s much harder to make that content entertaining as it’s incredibly limited and mostly monotonous, but I thought the concept or buying a bond even as a f2p from in game farming was great. Editing I dont have too much to comment on other than to sometimes slow down the sped up clips to normal speed - it’s just easier to watch imo 👍🏻 not to say that you should show hours of xp grinding, but perhaps just normal speed towards the end or the goal. Anyway; really enjoying the series!
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
@@ValerieKane-xn7ey I can talk more about things going on for sure 👌🏻 there are most definitely some hurdles I need to cross going forward and maybe shedding light on those before hand will actually be a good idea! As of right now, the zombies are currently my best money maker I have access too, so these will be like the “bread and butter” if other plans fail then I always have these now as a fall back option. But there’s a lot more mobs I can grind, which tbh is the thing I enjoy in this game so mob grinding isn’t a problem for me 😁 There are plenty more I know of that are going to be a huge part of progress on this account.. it’s just getting them unlocked which can take some time 😅 One major thing I need to over come is farming. I personally hate the skill normally and on a time frame based account, running off and doing side track things like a farm run/clues etc is gunna eat up time which I cannot afford to loose. Herbs I can always get from grinding mobs, but that doesn’t get me farming exp. Not till I can actively get to places in an efficient manner anyway. I do have a plan to overcome that hurdle. But…. And I’m gunna leave that there cause we are stepping into spoiler zone 🤫 Thank you once again for a lovely comment aswell 😊 I’ll work on the Timelapse thing, thought I’d try something there and I will agree! At least the start of the thieving was abit too much, once I stopped running it wasn’t too bad though. I think I’ll just have to take into account how much moving my char/the screen is doing at that point of time.🙂
@santiagomaltrapilho1148 Ай бұрын
good stuff man, keep up !
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
Thanks, will do!
@ArceusRiver Ай бұрын
Looks fun
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
It’s been fun and enjoyable so far, and will only get more enjoyable when we begin to unlock more and more of the game 😁
@ValerieKane-xn7ey Ай бұрын
Havent even watched the vid yet - i was about to comment on your f2p series of how to obtain a bond as an ironman, hoping youd continue the series and maybe maintaining membership as its easier to get the gold in p2p (what npcs to kill similar to ogresses for example). Anyway 🤗 i was so happy to see you made a new vid, and thanks for the f2p series. I didnt even know you could buy a bond as an ironman and i never had a reason to go to the GE
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
@@ValerieKane-xn7ey thank you so much for that comment 🙏 I’m glad I can help show people new things! Hopefully I will be able to show a lot more niche things helpful for ironmen 😄
@Jedilol13500 Ай бұрын
The only quest requiring 50 slayer is sins of the father. Maybe a money maker involving sepulchre? :P
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
@@Jedilol13500 that’s actually not a bad guess, but idk 🤷‍♂️ maybe it’s not 🤔🤫
@fabiang334 Ай бұрын
The back to back to back parrot was crazy
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
I’m not sure what the odds of it are but it was pretty crazy so I had to throw that in there ahaha
@joenorton8997 Ай бұрын
The progress was unreal in this first video. Keep it up mate, looking forward to the next one!
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
we still have a long way to go! but all we will revealed very soon!
@kewack9294 Ай бұрын
Touching grass... Was that a hint to the method? O: look forward to next episode great content man.
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
@@kewack9294 thank you so much! And good guess 😉
@2tick_rick Ай бұрын
You can put your extra mole slippers in death's coffer. So its a huge win in the long run brother. Crazy luck!
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
That is very true! I could use them for deaths coffer, maybe I might be forced into doing that at some point 😅
@fabiang334 Ай бұрын
The varrock bank method depends on time, sometimes there's like 3 dudes doin the same, sometimes none, great vid nonetheless bro, subscribed
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
Yeah, there will be a lot of competition there unfortunately. But alittle tip is to make sure you have 750 total worlds unlocked, these worlds usually always had a ring spawn. Another tip is, I personally started from the top of the list and worked down, if I bumped into someone, I’d drop to the bottom of the list and work up. This usually worked for me, I’d say on average with competition you will probably see around 200k gp an hour on the low end. Wiki says you can see up to 400k an hour, I assume that’s using the member worlds aswell, so I never saw that much but I did max out at 374k.. so maybe 400k isn’t far off the truth. But 200k-300k is probably more realistic 👌🏻
@gimbolty9176 Ай бұрын
enjoyed the vid - gl with the progress...btw- how did you get into varrock basement vault??! lol genius btw!
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
@@gimbolty9176 secret quest part 2 will show you how, or look on the wiki for crack the clue 3 🫡
@johnvan2280 Ай бұрын
I don't understand how you get unlimited run energy
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
Once you mine the barronite, you get shards. Put the shards in the forge, then enter and exit the vault and you will have full run energy when you leave, bare in mind it costs 750 shards per entry 👌🏻
@joenorton8997 Ай бұрын
That intro 😂
@94Stoka94 Ай бұрын
Turning this series into maintaining bond as ironman while progressing account would be interesting to follow
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
@@94Stoka94 that is the plan going forward! I am also looking to answer a few questions for people. 1. Is it possible to maintain a bond account? 2. How much time would someone really need to play in them 14days? 3. What route do you take? 4. How much progress can you really make in that time? 5. What do you prioritise? Money or progress? With this series I am trying to take “luck” out of the equation. Not everyone gets spooned expensive items, hence the no drop trading. If this wasn’t a rule, f2p would have been finished a lot sooner given my luck from clues 😁 I am hoping to find answers to all of these questions and maybe find a way to make it possible for the average player to
@94Stoka94 Ай бұрын
@@Solo-Born Yeah those are great questions. Id assume it has to be possible but might take a lot of effort :) Luckily in members they added stuff like Scurrius that can give a pretty penny while giving good combat xp to catch up rest of your melee stats and when u want to afk there is always some maple chopping for alching the bows. First couple of bonds will be the roughest to maintain ofc but later once u unlock some profitable slayer monster it will probably become much simpler.
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
@@94Stoka94 The first few bonds will be the hardest part of this, I am also pretty sure it’s doable! For f2p I didn’t really have a plan, I had a rough idea but I was winging it from the start 😅 but if I do the same with p2p that’s a sure way to make a lot of screw ups or waste time. If bonds worked like the old world of Warcraft pre paid time cards. I think 14days worth of play time would be more than enough for most players to make it back. It’s the fact it’s 14days on a timer that doesn’t stop if you aren’t playing. But on the other hand, if it did stop when you wasn’t playing.. bonds would be waaaaaay more expensive 😂
@ageofampire2 Ай бұрын
​@@Solo-Bornas a non iron f2p they are doable, as an ironman you would have to drop trade with your other accounts if you don't plan to do mlm to 200m xp in members
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
@@ageofampire2 I don’t ever plan to drop trade items from this account, but I believe i can still do this. Given the account limitations, if I was gunna drop trade, it wouldn’t be different from any other ironman. I would have also got the bond in half the time because I’d of just done clues, which I kinda only did for a flex 😅
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
Hopefully this guide helps some of you players 👌🏻 and hopefully I didn’t miss anything 😅
@ChristieJade25 2 ай бұрын
Cheers for your hard work with this one dude. Nice, quick & easy to follow quest guide, just the way I like it! 👌🏼😄
@miciso666 2 ай бұрын
when i got a good drop i bought my cat a toy ^^ dopamine for both
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
@@miciso666 I bet your cat loved that!
@Shenskinvarg81125 2 ай бұрын
I love Camdozaal
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
@@Shenskinvarg81125 it’s my favourite place to afk for f2p, there’s just so much you can do with them 1 clicks 👌🏻
@agyle4983 2 ай бұрын
Does it still crash after switching "Resize Type" in the Runelite plugin settings from "Keep Window Size" to "Keep Game Size?"
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
This is not something I have tried yet, so I’ll have a check soon, hopefully this works, thank you for the advice 🙏
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for this, it does appear to stop that issue! This has been bugging me for ages and i haven’t been able to fix this so I am extremely grateful for that! Do me a favour and drop your ign here for me 👌🏻
@agyle4983 2 ай бұрын
@@Solo-Born Good to hear. IGN is Agyle.
@Solo-Born 29 күн бұрын
Very sorry I missed this, for some reason I don’t get full notifications on KZbin! I will get you added and pop you a message when I see you online! Please add either builderbond or Solo Born if you play with private/friends only
@Thestoicharbinger 2 ай бұрын
Great video, mate. Love it.
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
Glad you found it entertaining 😄
@SublimyMonkey 2 ай бұрын
The broken bot script at 15:21 constantly prayer flicking 😂
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
@@SublimyMonkey it’s a shame ones that blatantly obvious don’t get banned sooner
@miciso666 2 ай бұрын
Bryo has a 100% beginner drop
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
Yeah ngl it took me a few kills to actually notice that myself 🤣
@Stasthagod 2 ай бұрын
Please organize your playlist
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
Confused as to what you mean by this?? *I think I understand what you meant, have a look again and see if I’ve sorted out what you mean, hopefully that’s fixed the issue
@Stasthagod Ай бұрын
@@Solo-Born I just checked, you got it figured out. Can’t wait until next upload. Thanks!
@Kaleo_kai 2 ай бұрын
You are a legend!
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
I’m not sure I’d go that far but thank you 🫡🫡
@lucasbaasch2247 2 ай бұрын
How you returned tô crandor?
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
@@lucasbaasch2247 during the quest, there’s a wall you can open, I show it in “the last f2p quest”
@Rohun 2 ай бұрын
Nice content mate - hope im your 100th sub ! keep up the good work
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
@@Rohun thank you! I hope I can continue to keep everyone entertained with season 2! 🫡🫡
@Zudexa 2 ай бұрын
Very cool video. Wishing you luck with the ever increasing bond price lol
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
@@Zudexa initially, I do want to try limit myself to the 14days a bond will give you, which I think would be technically possible. tbh I wanna see someone speed run this now… who knows 🤷‍♂️maybe even after some time I’ll give it another shot and also do it all again but as fast as possible
@joenorton8997 2 ай бұрын
Another great video mate, the effort you’ve put into this is unreal!
@CallitContent 2 ай бұрын
Your autism has earned a sub.
@kewack9294 2 ай бұрын
F2P Ironmen use the rof as their main smithing experience method. I don't really mind people knowing about it cause I only need em when I need em. Haha not for dollar dollar.
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
@@kewack9294 that is correct yes, but I am sorry if you do see more people there now using it as a money maker, it’s one of the best you can do as a f2p iron, but takes a lot of prep work before you can really go hard at it for gp, also people won’t like as much world hopping. So that might be enough to turn a few people away from the method 😅
@Spirit529 2 ай бұрын
nice vid gamer
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
@@Spirit529 thank you 🙏
@Noraborialis 2 ай бұрын
Absolute bangers 🔥
@hashlamon 2 ай бұрын
have you tried capturing the runelite client as a window in obs instead of your whole screen?
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
@@hashlamon I have, something to do with my gpu that just says “nope” I think obs is having trouble picking which gpu to run runelite and which actually processes the game. initially at the start of all my recordings I was using the capture client, but that’s what caused all the sizing problems whenever runelite opened or closed a side panel 😅 hopefully I’ll be able to figure out what’s really causing the problem
@kylewest2770 2 ай бұрын
Please touch grass solo born. Mustve been hard to even try and attempt this. Looking forward to what will come next
@Solo-Born 2 ай бұрын
@@kylewest2770 I’m already pre planning for season 2 😅🤫 Honestly the worst part was the world hopping, not a fan at all 😂
@thor2043 Ай бұрын
​@@Solo-Borntry world hopper plugin
@Solo-Born Ай бұрын
@@thor2043 I use that a lot, when recording this though I decided against it as I felt it looked better overall then using runelites world hop feature
@kylewest2770 2 ай бұрын
27 days
@whysotuvious3250 2 ай бұрын