:Otherscape 2024 Update
Ай бұрын
Legend in the Mist In Action
Leveling Up in City of Mist TTRPG
Relics in City of Mist TTRPG
@Pazdzioch1993 17 сағат бұрын
Waiting for LL delivery, but also for new crowdfounding product 😍
@CityofMist 17 сағат бұрын
@@Pazdzioch1993 it's all coming soon! Local Legends delivery is planned for November and so far on track 👍
@Pazdzioch1993 12 сағат бұрын
November is month of my Birthday, so I hope for Local Legends and new Linkin Park album at my doorstep 😂
@caseycoker1051 Күн бұрын
Wait, is this a collection of already existing PDFs? Because I already have PDFs for almost every "New" district you mentioned in this video. The only new ones here are the campus and Happyville I believe.
@CityofMist Күн бұрын
@@caseycoker1051 The brand new districts are Happyville, Chinatown, and The Campus, but all other districts have been expanded + got a new case so there's plenty of new content there!
@benheisler2256 Күн бұрын
I was excited about this until I discovered I already bought six of the districts as stand alone. Feels bad.
@CityofMist Күн бұрын
@@benheisler2256 actually, people who already bought the districts will get an email later this week with a discount code. We got you, we're just a little behind 🙏
@dorakincses5676 Күн бұрын
Love the initiative to hire experienced storytellers 😊 absolute dream job to write for this game
@friendlyfiddler5727 2 күн бұрын
Oooh, this looks so good! And I sure would like to know more about Chester, Vance and such, their designs and concepts seem great
@HestiaVesta 2 күн бұрын
I've been looking forward to this for years now I'm even more excited I hate being broke
@dummyspice 2 күн бұрын
Looking forward to the new map! I have already run a couple of the adventures as one shots and they worked out great! Had a great moment at the end of Maestro of Chalk where one character got charmed and started fighting the group, great drama all around.
@CityofMist 2 күн бұрын
@@dummyspice so glad you've been enjoying it already!! Sounds like a lot of drama and Showdowns!
@Zwork101 2 күн бұрын
Do the one-shots contain any elements that tie them together like in Nights of Payne Town?
@CityofMist 2 күн бұрын
@@Zwork101 not as a built in feature - these are actual one shots designed for short, non-committal play, for those nights your regular crew is not around or looking for a distraction in the City
@Zwork101 2 күн бұрын
@@CityofMist Nice, I'll have to check them out, maybe when we finish Nights of Payne Town. We've just gotten to The Alchemist.
@CityofMist 2 күн бұрын
@@Zwork101 😱😱😱 Good luck to all involved ⚗️
@invoquante 2 күн бұрын
That seems very nice. Are there other new themebooks other than Tradition ?
@CityofMist 2 күн бұрын
There is also the Esoterica themebook within The Campus!
@ChandlerLawsonPlays 4 күн бұрын
Absolutely love this video and very excited for the MIGHT rules. My two cents would be: why not try a fusion of the +3/-3 system with the ability to take immediate consequences (example: servant girl killing king gets seen and has an immediate wanted level) or burn tags to lower the difficulty of these checks. I feel like this might allow crunch and narrative focus for both sides and even allow monsters/baddies to get consequences if they punch too far below their might for too long (i.e the dragon that constantly attacks the farming village might eventually stack consequences and cause an adventuring group to find their location) -- I feel like there has gotta be a way to fuse the narrative and crunch rules when it comes to might. Honestly, fantasy does this all of the time with a sort of ebb and flow of power even when a pauper fights a king.
@CityofMist 4 күн бұрын
@@ChandlerLawsonPlays Agreed! It's seems like Consequences are already built into most rolls (especially with -3 or -6 Power), so it won't be hard to do. But we're still looking at built-in Consequences and what they mean. The question is, is there a scenario where the farmer hits the dragon and avoids Consequences? We think it probably should be a possibility. E.g if they burn a tag or sacrifice a theme? Lots to think about.
@FMD-FullMetalDragon 4 күн бұрын
Really looking forward to finally getting to hold these products and read them the way books should be read.
@DM-Nox 5 күн бұрын
Awesome news! How long will the pre-order period run?
@CityofMist 5 күн бұрын
@@DM-Nox books are set to arrive in November, if no special delays 🤩
@DM-Nox 5 күн бұрын
@@CityofMist Great! Thanks for your quick and concise reply 🙂
@straykismet9117 5 күн бұрын
Had an idea for "Storm Trooper aim" You dont hit anyone but you cause everyone in a cone in front of you to use a reaction to take the nearest cover lol
@innocentgreen1338 6 күн бұрын
Can't wait for this!!! I like character option "B" for the girl. My kids and I love City of Mist, but we are all really Gloomhaven and Tales from the Red Dragon Inn players. We love the fantasy world and so immediately backed this! Very exciting!
@Abrpatel 8 күн бұрын
I really like the idea of more images (beautiful art as always!) to communicate the ttrpg I’m really excited to dive into. Words are just images we’ve given meaning and a system to. I read in the comments that other creators have tried to do this and failed to pull it off for some of the reviewers and users. The fact that many have even tried shows a desire to actually evolve and innovate a medium that hasn’t really changed much in delivery that much except in recent years because of the popularity, joy and transformation the game can instill in the players that really engage with this beautiful infinite game. I hugely admire the innovation and outside the box thinking the original city of mist had. Follow your creative instincts. Make it more accessible and inviting to even get into for more people. There are no perfect beings from every perspective, so just be perfect from your perspective (and the amazing team you’re working with). Some ripples take years to even surface visibly, doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth every effort to throw the energy stone in the ocean of time.
@CityofMist 8 күн бұрын
@@Abrpatel what a beautiful note!!! Thank you, I think I can speak for the team when I say we'll cherish your words 🙏
@alisoltani5636 8 күн бұрын
Cyberpunk or mythology Both sounds like crap
@Darthus 9 күн бұрын
Huge fan of solo. If possible please stay away from generalized Oracles that put too much onus on the player to generate meaning/create the world and story. For most of us, playing is about playing and roleplaying our characters in the world. The more the events in the world and what we see/what happens is created by the world and the theme the better. Please also consider, when writing adventures, how for a solo player to interface with them (ie writing it in a way where a player can go “scene by scene” and choose as opposed to a huge lore dump the GM is meant to figure out). Failing that (or in addition) solo or GM-less written adventures (or a framework for players to make them would be huge). Agree that your challenges already are really well tuned for GM-less play, the less the game relies on the player to “make sense of random out of context events/keywords” to generate a story, or just saying, “here’s how to make a journey, make one for yourself” the better. Even something like a high level story arc, that is revealed in stages, and in between there are journeys populated with semi-random events would be better than just asking the player to make it up themselves. Thanks, love what you’re doing!
@johnfreymuth4808 9 күн бұрын
The Other Ideas section for Might was very interesting. I think the -3/+3 is a good baseline for the Might Rule, but I really like the idea of incorporating some of the other ideas. Maybe as severity levels to how much more mighty a challenge is? Or perhaps being able to utilize one of the other ideas to counter or reduce the severity of the -3? I just really like the idea of facing a foe and having them burn your tags or burning your themes due to their imposing position. (disarming your sword, destroying your shield, sapping your magic, capturing or killing a close ally, etc.)
@CityofMist 9 күн бұрын
@@johnfreymuth4808 nothing is really off the table at the minute. We're still looking at all the options and like you, we really like the idea of potentially losing a theme or burning tags as part of this. I think you're really going to like the outcome!
@johnfreymuth4808 9 күн бұрын
I am very happy that you aren’t shying away from the Lord of the Rings parallels. So many games try to be different or shake things up from the formulaic “classic fantasy” that they lose a lot of the soul of what made fantasy settings so compelling. I love the examples regarding Might for example. Gandalf should feel immensely powerful if a character gets to play him, but in a situation such as being among the hobbits of the shire or in the corrupted halls of King Theoden, his reputation as a wizard hindered him. I am so excited to see how this system develops further.
@GatlingXYZ 9 күн бұрын
Can't wait to receive mine!!!🙌🏾
@digginsaurousrickrickdiggi928 9 күн бұрын
That gm screen is badasss
@Maiasgameroom 9 күн бұрын
Jealous! I want the books now!!! 😭😆😭😆
@RoleplayUnderMaintenance 9 күн бұрын
So glad I backed this! Can’t wait to run the game in this system when it comes out!
@innocentgreen1338 9 күн бұрын
@GusRenderFactory 10 күн бұрын
Love this talk, Thanks Amit. The Mighty through consequences seems like a fun mechanic. It could lead to moments like the Jamie Lannister scenario in GoT: you have the chance/power to slay the King, but now you will go through life known as The Kingslayer and this will be a cut in all your social interactions from now own, even with your allies or the enemies of your enemies...
@CityofMist 10 күн бұрын
@@GusRenderFactory that's a great example. Yes, we're thinking that built-in Consequences of a greater scale have to be factored in somehow. We will keep working on that and take this example into account too, so thank you!
@TabletopRPGMusic 10 күн бұрын
I really like Might as you described it. An alternative would be to increase / decrease the level of success. So a 10+ becomes a 7-9 automatically if you’re up against something causing you peril, and a 7-9 becomes a 6 or lower
@arcubal 10 күн бұрын
Loving the info inside this update! A thing I noticed is that you kind of answer how to move forward with the Solo/DMless Mode with the segment that follows (Quests, Milestones, Abandon). By keeping the Solo Mode journey character-centric, not only could you keep growing the overall Story by using the (final) Consequence outcome to steer it upward, downward or 'organically' sideways, you could scale that triggering mechanism down to the (follow-up) Consequences and even the Threat Action "AI". This cascading of the triggering mechanisms from Threat AI -> Consequence -> Story Scene would then not only feel intuitive to the player(s) but also save LitM from becoming yet another "mindless" Solo RPG that relies on disconnected Oracle prompts and random AI actions. The Threats, Scenes and overall Story will flow more organically and actually make sense. And you wouldn't even need to flesh out hundreds of branching states in an attempt to capture this natural flow. A template structure for Story exists already in Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey, while the (de)escalation of Consequences simply needs rails on both ends as not to end in Event extremes that unhinge the story. A few example situations could suffice to give the DMless player(s) guidance. I continue to be amazed by your work and use it to feed ideas into my own Solo RPG structure, which has the same goal as LitM: make the experience more cinematically centered around story, not mechanisms. No more stale random-table dungeon generation or nebulous solo journaling activities. These two extremes fail to balance out specific storytelling (with a real plot) with a usable action framework to drape our tales of adventure upon. So, I'm glad we are pointed in the same direction. This is the way forward. Thanks and... keep exploring!
@TheKaptcha 11 күн бұрын
Thanks for this update. It's fantastic, and it gets me excited to put my hands on this work. I was thinking about the systems, and was wondering if you'd consider having a "result upgrade at a cost" similar to what is done in Brindlewood Bay with the crowns. If you're not familiar with it, you can use a "crown" to increase the result of a roll from a failure to a success with consequences of from a success with consequences to a success without. In exchange you can either tell a part of your back story, in the form of a flashback, or expand on a current aspect of your character's life. I think it could be interesting in a game where character evolution is so essential, to add a way to reveal pieces of your background, or do like in "The Between" and have those options reveal elements of your character's evolution. Thanks for your great work!
@CityofMist 11 күн бұрын
@@TheKaptcha I like it, especially the narrative part. We have abilities that upgrade your outcome but it hasn't been done in this way. I'll copy this comment to the Dev team chat and we will discuss it, and see if it's doable without breaking anything. Thank you!
@TheKaptcha 7 күн бұрын
@@CityofMist My pleasure! Feel free to reach out if you want. I'm a former SIXMOREVODKA (Degenesis) dev, I'd be happy to lend a hand! Thanks for reading! Cheers 💪
@nahdacajou9129 11 күн бұрын
love the hat of sorrowbalm A !
@leothelion3909 11 күн бұрын
Love the video! I choose Sorrow Balm B! Can't wait for the book!
@MarkusWagner 11 күн бұрын
So Eowyn was burning her tags when going against the Witchking of Angmar?
@CityofMist 11 күн бұрын
@@MarkusWagner Exactly! There are two ways to do this in the system. Either she burnt a tag (that sword arm was out of commission for a while) or she inadvertently found his Vulnerability (be killed by a woman) and narratively circumvented his Might. It didn't hurt that Merry set her up with a brought-to-his-knees-3 status on the Witch King, which probably also took some tag burning!
@MerPerdonas 11 күн бұрын
I'm really a fan of the Journey idea of small vignettes/encounters!! it is exactly what I've been looking for in my campaign! the camping/rest options also seem great and I actually like their simplicity over the downtime in city of mist, for example (despite it being basically the same, it looks easier to understand). Regarding the Quest and Milestones, I've actually been using basically that for my campaign in which a character "lost" a Theme because they basically accomplished all they were looking for (in this case, discovering who their father was) so when we replaced it it was not because of breaking but by being fulfilled. Finally, about the different Power Levels thing, I actually thing the idea of +3/-3 against different levels works well. It might be numeric based, but considering how narrative the system already is, it lets players get very creative and find unique ways to overcome challenges!!! the alternatives could also work (especially the instant Consecuence one, I feel the adding or removing dice actually could go against the core of the system, and as you noted, when you have good tags or a lot of them, it might just be irrelevant). I don't really know, but in general I love this ideas!!!!!! I'm so excited for it to finally release!!!
@CharlingWang-j7j 11 күн бұрын
The so-called landscape--I would say it's quite great, but Isn't it too linear to players? It seems there's no real choice if without a machanic that explain how exploring would be. it's like, a journey should be charted, Gandolf choose to venture into Moria but not cap of Rohan, right? If it's called "Landscape", players would thought they have the right to see different things and choose their path. Also,about the Might,why don't make the power(+3/-3) related to number of themes?
@CityofMist 11 күн бұрын
@@CharlingWang-j7j so starting from the end. Might will have a more detailed version that is connected to your themes. This is the quicker/simpler/keep the story going version. Re:Journeys, they are there to represent moving from one major scene to the other, with the journey being a sort of its own scene composed of little vignettes. The journey doesn't have to go from one vignettes to the other, and I totally agree we should highlight the fact players can take action to scout ahead and make educated journey choices. In such a case, after a successful scouting action, the Narrator would perhaps offer players two areas to explore, each being its own vignette. Of course, in a place where each stop is a full blown scene, like Moria, it could be that you'd write a whole adventure full of Challenges, rather than just a handful of vignettes. We'll learn more as we playtest this.
@CharlingWang-j7j 10 күн бұрын
​@@CityofMist That's great! Moria was a bad example, haha I didn't think twice before commenting, now I notice the environment tags and the way you present all the vignettes can be easily used to support the discover effect. Thanks for this update and reply! Becoming more excited for litm :)
@CityofMist 10 күн бұрын
@@CharlingWang-j7j well please don't think twice about commenting in the future, because thanks to you there will now be a segment in the player-facing side of Journeys that encourages players to scout ahead and in the narrator-facing side for offering such choices. You helped improve the game!
@cetiah 11 күн бұрын
I'm really excited about the quests and milestones. They seem like a good way to start getting specific with a general theme right away, they give the player built-in motivations, and they give the MC build-in story hooks. I also like that the focus is on milestones rather than on completing the quest, as in many cases it feels like that just is easier to focus on in the story, especially when everyone has personal quests. There's just a lot of stuff to like in here, and a lot of stuff you can do with it. I'm excited about it.
@MoodyViewz 11 күн бұрын
I like the A design! ♡
@whiplashw3948 12 күн бұрын
Sorrowbalm B!
@SixAlbarn 12 күн бұрын
Sorrowbalm B! So excited for this :-)
@delongjohnsilver7235 12 күн бұрын
I’m still trying to figure out exactly how to do it myself, but perhaps y’all could borrow a modified version of Position from FITD style games for Might differences, allowing players to spend power to improve their Position on the next roll or improving another PC’s chances Alternatively, it may limit how much of a success someone can get. For example, an adventurer tier PC may only be able to get a 7-9 even if they roll a 10+ when facing a mighty foe, where as a mighty character may be able to treat even a 6 or less as Dynamite! when facing an origin foe
@CityofMist 11 күн бұрын
@@delongjohnsilver7235 how does Position work exactly? It sounds like another character taking action to give the next character a positive status or a narrative opening. Regarding upgrading/downgrading the outcome categories as you suggested, we definitely do that here and there with Improvements/Specials, but I wonder if it will be interesting to play this way when every roll has fewer possible outcomes?
@MarkusWagner 12 күн бұрын
Have you thought about Might granting an additional die, but keeping only two? So if you are imperiled you keep the lowest two dice out of three; if you are favored you keep the highest two out of three?
@CityofMist 11 күн бұрын
@@MarkusWagner yes, and I think I mentioned it in the video. That's actually what we looked at statistically: adding another die and choosing highest or lowest two scores. It doesn't shift the balance sufficiently. We didn't take a look at adding/subtracting a die altogether from the sum; that could work, but the issue is Power remains the same. It does give me an idea to add another Power die, that add to/subtracts from your Power as well as your final score. This could work! (scribbling notes)
@PigSoldier1 12 күн бұрын
for me is Sorrowbalm B
@undecidedstate3972 12 күн бұрын
Awesome update!
@fireknight4151 12 күн бұрын
I really would like to do Avatar The Last Airbender using legends in the mist
@V-vision 11 күн бұрын
In case you didn't already know, there's a TTRPG for Avatar
@taragnor 12 күн бұрын
I like the concept you're going with for Might, where lower Might things are beyond notice and the higher Might things are powerful, but likely to miss the smallfolk. That's a great concept, it really mirrors how a lot of fantasy stories flow where beginning heroes are able to get away with things simply because they're seen as insignificant and there's a benefit in being unnoticed. As for mechanics, I guess for might it'd first start with how you handle Stop Holding Back type actions in general. My first thought from games like CoM is that it feels like if you're a standard knight going against an epic dragon, you're using some form of SHB. You're punching above your weight class and that's the sort of thing SHB is for. If there is no SHB-equivalent in LitM, then maybe go the route of tags becoming crispy (auto burn) if used against someone 1 Might higher (or maybe 2 depending on how many Might tiers you decide on). And then after you're past that threshold of auto-burning, tags of even lower Might aren't significant enough to matter. Statuses could automatically degrade a tier or two. As for higher-powered beings trying to find lower Might beings, I think a tag cap could work well here. As the archmage you can't use your divine crystal ball, master of magic and staff of the ancients to all help you scry a peasant, you can possibly only use one of those (or maybe even none). Against a knight you might get a max of two tags. Using these powerful treasures and skills on someone so lowly could also cause themes to start to degrade as well (or negative statuses for dangers). The dark lord who must put so much personal attention into finding lowly hobbits finds his servants doubting his power. One would think a Dark Lord would have more important things to do. Are his plans really so small in scope?
@CityofMist 12 күн бұрын
@@taragnor Some great ideas there! Well definitely review this again before locking anything in. The idea of using an Stop.Holding.Back esque rule did come up, we may revisit that.
@derrickferry8872 4 күн бұрын
I can also see how might and somthing like fame/infamy could be used to "enhance" or "hide" the perception of might. Tricky groups may get themselves in trouble if they attract attention and don't have the oomph to back it up 😅
@kavega21 12 күн бұрын
love me Sorrowbalm A
@KekkoNoTsuita 12 күн бұрын
For the hole Might think. I am currently working on a Fantasy Setting which was inspired by the Kickstarter vor Legend in the Mist. In this setting the skill level of a person is mesered in a scale from 1 for beginner to 7 what is some thing of a Mythic person. After this video my idee for this +3 -3 for my world would be something like the differenc determens the boni/penelety (or differens multipied). But for that one would need more levels. Nether the less I thought sharing that could be helpfull for some folks :D Bye the way gerate work and Thank you for this wonderfull systems :3
@CityofMist 12 күн бұрын
@@KekkoNoTsuita hey so that's sort of what we have planned for "Detailed Might" - the more crunchy optional solution mentioned in the video. It works off of the current rules for Scale used in all other games, where you have a Might number for each character and the modifier is the Might difference.
@doug3648 12 күн бұрын
You mentioned making the rulebook almost like a story book - those don't generally work out well in the long run (based upon my own experience as well as people that I have gamed with and also many reviewers online). The core rulebook needs to present the rules so that you can initially read it but also so that you can refer back to it. It is more important to me to be able to quickly and easily refer to rules which are presented in a well-organized fashion than to have a story within - save that for the setting materials. I very much like and appreciate that you are making it so that lower power-level characters can adventure with higher ones, and they can both contribute.
@CityofMist 12 күн бұрын
@@doug3648 not to worry, this will still be a rule book that you can refer to. Just visually, it will be less dense and less daunting to flick, so we expect just a nicer experience all around. We will start with a choose-your-own-adventure comics, but all other chapters will be rules and content as expected.
@dorakincses5676 10 күн бұрын
I really liked what you did with City of Mist, having some scenes of the examples drawn as a comic
@jasonbratley9924 12 күн бұрын
B. But the choices were very close.
@flareinc7413 13 күн бұрын
This is such an amazing game! Very different from any D20-system but when you take your time w it,it will be so epic and amazing and fun and deep and aaaaaa so so so good <3
@Cointelpronoun 24 күн бұрын
I hadn't heard of this but City of Mist was brilliant so I pre-ordered it immediately
@smoati9ap309 25 күн бұрын
about 5 minutes for a fight with two thugs... and that's refined, and with a concession that the players and MC remember all the tags and moves. In reality, this would have been ten minutes min, probably with additional questions and explanations taking it to fifteen) idk, i love the theme and many of the mechanics that simulate it, but it might turn into a slog. And it's so rare that players just go into a battle without a five minute council) but CoM and other narrative-first games seem to at least alleviate this burden
@juandgalanv6631 27 күн бұрын
God i expecting this a lot, I love it