Kumulus on Cloud Introduction
6 жыл бұрын
Cloud Strategy 101- 5MoC-46
6 жыл бұрын
Stop Throwing Away Money on Cloud
@jackieo7113 2 жыл бұрын
Very helpful - thanks. strong suggestion: incorporate examples - it feels like you are talking to peers but if you give examples of each, then beginner's can easily understand. For example PaaS: site an example/product. Thanks again for posting
@KumulusTechnologies 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Jackie. This is a great suggestion! We will incorporate your recommendation in future episodes.
@mmak2909 3 жыл бұрын
Sir.. do you have website where I can find the transcript of your videos. I have some hearing problem.
@KumulusTechnologies 2 жыл бұрын
Turn on Close Captioning - the CC icon on the bottom right of each video - and you can read along with the video audio.
@shrikantmhatre9103 3 жыл бұрын
It would have been nice if presented with some graphics
@KumulusTechnologies 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the feedback Shrikant. We've included graphics in more recent videos and see the value. It's definitely something we are trying to do more of as we keep trying to improve 5MoC.
@vincentpham7445 4 жыл бұрын
do you have any docs related kubenrtes and openstack deployment and integration? your clips touched on this topic a lot.
@ramkumarramagopalan985 4 жыл бұрын
I started on Openshift today having used both EKS and AKS and started wondering after the first few topics what exactly Openshift is giving etc? Not much. I would rather use EKS and AKS which gives everything I want.
@boilami 4 жыл бұрын
Very high quality content. How is this kolla evolving ? Is it still worth to lean ? What direction do you recommend in 2020 ? OSA ? Thanks alot Robert !
@KumulusTechnologies 2 жыл бұрын
Kolla seemed like the way forward when we posted this tutorial and the Kolla Ansible project is likely the way forward if you appreciated the original approach: opendev.org/openstack/kolla-ansible (ps. We've been Ansible fans for a long time, so... biased opinion FWIW. 😉)
@perqvindesland89 4 жыл бұрын
Lol ops manages services and outcomes and not software
@NotFamousReal 4 жыл бұрын
This is very helpful, great video!
@KumulusTechnologies 2 жыл бұрын
Glad you think so!
@sanjivgehlaut884 5 жыл бұрын
Hi, do you mean to say that these days PaaS can be built on top of Kubernetes? Are there any cloud service providers that do that currently? As per my understanding, services like Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) are different as GKE mainly provides Kubernetes interface, but is not really a PaaS service. Kindly clarify.
@KumulusTechnologies 5 жыл бұрын
So there are two major services that are moving their PaaS systems platforms on top of Kubernetes, as a change to when I first posted this... OpenShift and Cloud Foundry :). But in general the question is whether you need that class of service at all, or if you should in fact just leverage the native, and extension capabilities of Kubernetes to manage you cloud (e.g. leverage the embeddded loadbalancing and ingress, add a service mesh like istio, deploy operators for stateful services/applications). Another way of looking at this is: Do you need an additional abstraction layer on Kubernetes, or can you enable the development and operations of Kubernetes on top of what is already there? Stay tuned, I'll do a video on this shortly.
@sanjivgehlaut884 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks. So, the point you are mentioning is similar to what Google Knative is trying to do (for Serverless application though). Looking forward to your next video on this topic.
@jelssonlfflame6823 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the explanation
@KumulusTechnologies 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@opensourceguy730 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, it makes perfect sense to use a product like OpenShift. OpenShift wraps all of the services you listed into one tried and true package. Also, with OpenShift get you services like identity management, which you wouldn’t get with Kubernetes by itself. Finally, I want a product where I can set it and forget, not a jalopy where I need to manage individual components.
@KumulusTechnologies 5 жыл бұрын
This is very often the case, that your use case defines the technology that makes the most sense. Kubernetes is a wonderful tool, and if you need the flexibility in model/integration/etc. it may be the right solution, but if you don't need that, and rather need a clear way to deploy apps, then OpenShift is a great choice!
@Blizination 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much, helping me understand the core topics of cloud computing for my exam.
@KumulusTechnologies 6 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear you found it useful!
@chezzer57 6 жыл бұрын
Are you able to update this video to explain how v3 works. the outputs from the "openstack --debug server list" command is a bit different and I cant see where it requests the token. good explanation and video btw
@thiagofrancisco5147 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent explanation, thank you
@robertkumulus 6 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear you found it useful!
@karthikgovindasamy9025 6 жыл бұрын
THank you. you solved my thirteen days issue :)
@KumulusTechnologies 6 жыл бұрын
Great! Glad we were able to help :)
@Monu-modi 6 жыл бұрын
Are u facing issue related to gateway ip , ingress
@68naveeng 6 жыл бұрын
HI, Could you please show us how can we use ingress controller with istio and re direct http to https(currently I m using nginx ingress controller with AWS cert.) an d how I use external DNS with ISTIO (currently under route 53 mu record set automatic creating with external DNS)? Please do needful ASAP
@ahsan-li7sh 6 жыл бұрын
Great video tutorial, keep up good work thanks
@RobertStarmer 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks, we’ll keep doing them :)
@fallsnow660 6 жыл бұрын
Hey, We are working on the same project which you describes in the video. Can you guide us little more about the code which used for automation in openstack. It will be very helpful.
@robertkumulus 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure what you're looking for, as there are a number of tools for automation in the greater OpenStack environment, from tools like HEAT (an OpenStack project) which manages automation of OpenStack resources (e..g Compute,Network, Storage and a host of other OpenStack related components) to tools like Puppet (puppet.com) or Ansible (ansible.com), or even Terraform (hashicorp.com) which can manage OpenStack resources, and the applications deployed onto the compute systems deployed on OpenStack.
@KumulusTechnologies 6 жыл бұрын
You can check out our learning platform at learn.kumul.us. We cover all aspects of cloud computing integration and automation, including OpenStack. We also post tutorials on out blog at kumul.us/blog/
@fallsnow660 6 жыл бұрын
We are using lib_cloud to interect with openstack but we are getting error at connecting both of them. Can you guide us how can we connect them. We will be really thankful for that
@kajalhghavari9269 6 жыл бұрын
please explain in hindi NIST MODEL please
@KumulusTechnologies 6 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, but I don't speak Hindi.
@MDSakib-pp8ej 7 жыл бұрын
Excellent. Thank you very much for uploading. I was able to install and configure OpenStack using kolla-ansible but when I create an instance I can't seems to login or ping those instances. Here is my global.yml file: kolla_enable_sanity_checks: "yes" kolla_base_distro: "centos" kolla_install_type: "binary" openstack_release: "pike" node_custom_config: "/etc/kolla/config" kolla_internal_vip_address: "" kolla_internal_fqdn: "{{ kolla_internal_vip_address }}" kolla_external_vip_address: "{{ kolla_internal_vip_address }}" kolla_external_fqdn: "{{ kolla_external_vip_address }}" network_interface: "br0" kolla_external_vip_interface: "{{ network_interface }}" api_interface: "{{ network_interface }}" storage_interface: "{{ network_interface }}" cluster_interface: "{{ network_interface }}" tunnel_interface: "{{ network_interface }}" dns_interface: "{{ network_interface }}" neutron_external_interface: "br1" neutron_plugin_agent: "openvswitch" openstack_logging_debug: "False" nova_console: "novnc" enable_horizon: "yes" enable_neutron_provider_networks: "yes" enable_magnum: "yes" enable_mistral: "yes" enable_tempest: "yes" nova_compute_virt_type: "kvm" tempest_image_id: tempest_flavor_ref_id: tempest_public_network_id: tempest_floating_network_name:
@spryffee-old 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for so good channel! Me and my team are going to make the research project for Openstack. My part is to research SDN in OpenStack, also comparing some decisions, for example OVS vs Calico and so on. Now, a lot of things is not clear for me. Could you please answer the question - is it possible to bind the GNS and OpenStack neutron?
@robertkumulus 7 жыл бұрын
It should be, but I don't know if there are any automation plugins. I'd suggest you look at using the provider VLAN based network model, as that will give you the most control from the OpenStack side as to what network segments are being created, and from that you can map the connections into a GNS environment.
@taylorwatson3152 7 жыл бұрын
At this point in time, using the advice and programs you suggested in the video, is the Cloud a viably safe option for my company to store data in?
@johnstarmer7554 5 жыл бұрын
Cloud systems, when used following best practices as described in the video, are highly reliable and businesses are increasingly adopting them. While some companies will opt for a private cloud option, often due to legal constraints about _potential_ data access, public clouds go to great lengths to assure data security and integrity.
@AleksandrBlekh 7 жыл бұрын
Excellent tutorial, thank you! Any plans on updating the tutorial GitHub repo with deployment options beyond Packet, such as VM-based (EC2, GCE, Azure) and other bare-metal-based (MAAS)?
@KumulusTechnologies 7 жыл бұрын
I have some code for a Digital Ocean (also launched via terraform) based system. I felt there was too much "how to launch stuff in AWS" for it to make sense, but I certainly can look at that. In most cases though, the only " tricky" bit of _any_ cloud deployment is getting a useable base OS (the initialize/configure_baseline style ansible helps there), and getting an inventory file that works. With MAAS, the same sort of effort applies.
@AleksandrBlekh 7 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your prompt reply. Should you have a chance to expand the tutorial in that direction, I would be interested in seeing it. I think that a public cloud-based OpenStack might be useful for learning and/or pilot implementations, but most real OpenStack projects IMHO make sense on a private infrastructure, hence my interest in MAAS or similar approaches.
@KumulusTechnologies 7 жыл бұрын
Aleksandr, I've been working with the Digital Rebar Provision (DRP) engine (rebar.digital) for MAAS like functions, as yes, a deployment in Packet, etc. only really makes sense if you want to use the packet infrastructure for VM workloads, and for other public clouds it makes even less sense. Bare Metal private is where OpenStack is intended to be used, or as a basis for a service provider cloud of some nature. I may well build a DRP->OS Cloud on bare metal tutorial in the near future.
@AleksandrBlekh 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Robert. I am aware of Digital Rebar, as I try to follow progress in the cloud infra space. I am glad that you agree with me on core ideas. In regard to Digital Rebar, I am not a big fan of their approach of creating a separate OSS project outside of the OpenStack and Kubernetes ecosystems. I think that it would be much better, if they would join and improve relevant existing projects, such as Kolla. Just my 2c.
@KumulusTechnologies 7 жыл бұрын
I think there are different tools for different parts of the space. DR/DRP fills the "how do I go from bare metal to infrastructure via code" part of the equation, much like Ubuntu MaaS, or I guess Foreman{?} from RedHat. Sure you could go Triple-O and use Openstack to manage your bare metal with MaaS, but you then have a system that owns everything, and in some ways is pretty heavy for just the bare metal provisioning piece. Kolla is great for dealing with the "how do I go from code to OpenStack" question, and starts to address some of the day 2 aspects as well (such as n+1 upgrades, and at least some level of log centralization). Kubernetes still needs much of that infrastrucutre (KubeSpray + Prometheus is perhaps the closest/most similar). But there's still a gap in the day 0 story in my view, which is where I tend to find great value in DRP.
@jawneelogik5744 7 жыл бұрын
First off, I'm absolutely stunned that I'm the first person to comment on this video. Here it is, July, 2017 and the video was posted Feb 2016. ??? Now, to my comment. IMHO, the MOST critical of the 5 characteristics - at least in the real world where we all exist - is broad access to the "Interwebs." I currently reside in a geographic area where internet access is very sketchy and certainly would not sustain a UX that would be conducive to "Cloud" based computing. What I see so often when new web technologies are being conceived, is that the promoters of the new technology are themselves existing in a bubble where they are unable to see the conditions that "the-rest-of-us" exist under. They don't have to suffer Internet bandwidth limitations because their own connections to the Internet are, at minimum, in the tens of mega bps, and many times, in the Giga bps. Until society as a whole comes to the realization that access to the Internet should be viewed in the same light as access to electricity and other utilities, none of this will ever be more than a pipe dream. If you think I'm full of shyte, consider that, according to a Pew Research poll conducted in late 2015, only 67% of American households have broadband access to the Internet. If that is necessary for Cloud based computing to become ubiquitous then you're already done, "You can't get there from here!"
@KumulusTechnologies 7 жыл бұрын
I certainly see the importance of the network, but I still maintain that the on demand nature of services is what really makes a service a cloud service vs. a network attached service. Certainly without network access, the point of most cloud functions tends to be moot, but this model doesn't just concern itself with internet attached services and functions, rather it was trying to distinguish network attached compute services from the dynamic flexibility developers expect from their "cloud" service platforms
@alimatwi 7 жыл бұрын
I read for 2 days on cloud computing and you explained in 5 minutes what I couldn't understand from 50+ articles. Thanks!
@KumulusTechnologies 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. It makes us realize that we are providing some value to the community of cloud learners. 😄
@blessyelizabethpaul7300 7 жыл бұрын
Great video..u explained the concepts very well ..i think all the beginners should start from here...Thank u so much 5 min of cloud!!1
@KumulusTechnologies 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the kind words Belssy! Keep it going!
@srikrishna1412 7 жыл бұрын
i did multinode deployment of openstack using kolla-ansilbe. everything got deployed. everything is fine. but am not able to boot a image in the comptue node. when i check nova-scheduler log it says no valid hosts available. but when i check with nova hypervisor list it shows my compute node. but its able to do boot the image in te controller. the error occurs when i try in the compute node. please help me out in this
@KumulusTechnologies 7 жыл бұрын
Sri, this is usually due to a mismatch in the hypervisor type: kvm vs. qemu. If you are deploying in a virtual environment, often you need to explicitly call out qemu as the hypervisor type in order to allow virtual machines to launch. Have a look at lines 40-48 of this script: github.com/kumulustech/kolla-multinode/blob/master/debian-network.sh This will set the hypervisor type correctly for kvm vs. qemu systems.
@KumulusTechnologies 7 жыл бұрын
Kumulus Tech it taking expressions of interest for a full OpenStack Kolla course - want to learn more and stay in the loop? Check this link: kumul.us/openstack-kolla-course/
@TimCook_trunk_loathe 7 жыл бұрын
Well stated ! I could not agree more .
@KumulusTechnologies 7 жыл бұрын
@merlymatingou9241 8 жыл бұрын
Great video! Thanks.
@KumulusTechnologies 8 жыл бұрын
Glad you liked it! Hope it answered your questions. If you are looking for more introductory-level cloud content, check out our channel's Cloud Basics playlist!
@mtgears 8 жыл бұрын
Clear English and in HD, no way!
@KumulusTechnologies 8 жыл бұрын
We try! ;)
@nirbhayashrestha6272 8 жыл бұрын
Hey, can you provide me report about "Network virtualization for opencloud"? With the development report too. It would be very helpful.
@KumulusTechnologies 8 жыл бұрын
Check out www.opencontrail.org/
@robertkumulus 8 жыл бұрын
The "get a tenant scoped token" happens here: kzbin.info/www/bejne/j2O1g3aPndWAr68m23s. You need to pass a JSON object, with the user, password, and tenant (project) id. that section also looks at the API openstack document. Once you get the token back, you pass the X-Auth-Token parameter (key/value pair) in the request headers. At this point in the video, I'm highlighting the JSON object that is being pushed to the system: kzbin.info/www/bejne/j2O1g3aPndWAr68m18s. Note the JSON object that would be loaded into the data field of the rest client. You'd also select "POST" as type rather than GET. The response should be another JSON object, and in that (fairly verbose) output, you should find a tenant ID section, as seen here: kzbin.info/www/bejne/j2O1g3aPndWAr68m16s. Note, the token request is against the keystone endpoint (IP:5000/v2.0/), and then _using_ the token is against the nova endpoint (IP:8774/TENANT_ID/) which is listed in the result of the token authentication request as seen here: kzbin.info/www/bejne/j2O1g3aPndWAr68m20s Hope that helps!
@loveanimals-0197 8 жыл бұрын
Where do you get the "X-Auth-Token" value from? Also, where do you specify this token value if you are using a GUI tool like a REST Client on Firefox?
@KumulusTechnologies 8 жыл бұрын
Check the video at ~2:35 you'll see the X-Auth-Token value being highlighted in the output from the nova --debug list command. At 8:00 you can see the token being pulled out the response from an API POST request. Have not worked with the GUI tool you mentioned bu this might help with your question: kzbin.info/www/bejne/eWmao4eNiqyMppY
@loveanimals-0197 8 жыл бұрын
Well, mine is a specific vendor's distribution of OpenStack - so, I am unable to execute any GET requests (like shown in the video you gave) because it gives back a "not authorized" message. This is why I am trying to figure out how to pass the Auth Token via GET requests. I am confused.
@allenbrown8582 8 жыл бұрын
thank you for sharing this information. your explanations were very helpful!!!
@KumulusTechnologies 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the feedback. Glad it was what you were looking for!