➡ For in-depth training courses, head over to our online university: learn.kumul.us/
Got five minutes? Then you've got time to achieve Cloud Warrior Status. 💥
Look, we know the tech that makes cloud systems work can seem complicated...but it doesn't have to be. In this series, we examine topics from the gotta know to the make it so to the what if? And because we know you're busy, we do it all in bite-sized chunks of about five minutes.
Take a look around, and if there's something you want to see covered that isn't in the archives, tweet us @kumulustech or drop us a line at
[email protected]. We will help!
"5 Minutes of Cloud" and "Kumulus on Cloud" are produced and sponsored by Kumulus Technologies (kumul.us), a company that helps companies navigate the process of digital transformation by providing custom cloud consulting and training, with a focus on modern, cloud-native datacenter technologies.