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Safuu and my past/future
2 жыл бұрын
A Dining Incident - A Funny Story
Hagamos El Amor Hasta La Madrugada
Di melo
4 жыл бұрын
Na Na Na Remix 2013
10 жыл бұрын
trick shot
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matching horospcope
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shawty Us a Prize
12 жыл бұрын
@linopanic9572 2 күн бұрын
Great job
@colinhutchings1543 7 күн бұрын
Sorry it's long but far too many cyclist's use the road even when the cycle lane is brand new, safer & in better condition than the road. Why would anyone that is just out for a nice cycle ride, think I know what this ride is missing, there is no competition for me, or any obstacle's for me to negotiate & it's too quiet. That's where I need to be, out there with all those fast moving noisy vehicle's, it looks more exciting & more of a challenge, also the danger it offers, feeds my adrenaline. I really feel there are a huge percentage of cyclist's out there that feel that way, based on the amount of people these days that want to sit on the edge of powerful waterfall's, swim with shark's, jump from a 2,000ft mountain in a suit with wings, dive from cliff's into a river, hug a lion, sky dive ETC & now there is a new thing out, that has attracted lots of adrenaline junkie's, with the most stupidest name IMO & it's called Parkour ! When did it become normal to do things that are not normal ? All of the above activities can take your life in a second, if people are that eager to put their life on the line just like that, why not join up ? The bit I find the funniest, is they are all brave enough to chance their lives doing these dangerous things but won't open the door at night, in case it's someone dangerous ! Can cyclist's answer a question that I'm sure is on the mind's of many people & that is, do they think that by wearing the racing helmet, the lycra gloves, short's & top ETC that driver's of vehicle's look at them as anything other than a normal cyclist ! Do you think that because of your attire, people look at you & think Oh watch out ! There's a professional racer there ? You also cannot be that naive to think it offers you much protection if any, if you were to get run over by any vehicle, let alone a cement mixer ETC If the above is incorrect, please can you explain, what is the thought process behind your decision to opt for a road full of potholes & vehicles, rather than a much less dangerous cycle lane. I mean the ones that are set back from the roads IE: on the pavement, away from traffic.
@SteadyFarting 7 күн бұрын
Dont do this in the US. Its attempted merc/manslaughter. Use of a deadly weapon. All sorts of crap.
@cal1believer 10 күн бұрын
Nah thats a hit and run
@katrinaverhey7501 12 күн бұрын
The cyclist didn’t leave a clear meter distance between him and the vehicle😂
@Phantom_Foxx 13 күн бұрын
haha 😂😂😂😂
@EmeraldEyedBabyBee 14 күн бұрын
FAFO. ( Fuck Around, Find Out.) He FA'd, he got the FO.
@terrybane6206 14 күн бұрын
L O L !!! It works every time.
@Marisol-kt1wo 14 күн бұрын
Love this video. dude looks like he’s into the fellas smh
@michaelgerhardt7305 18 күн бұрын
Biker should defend himself against cowardly 4 wheelers!
@Draverd 20 күн бұрын
In the USA (Note: We can tell through deduction this video is not in the USA) bicyclists are considered vehicular traffic and are entitled to ride on roads. That being said there is legal precedent that has been set where if any drivers intentionally assault a bicyclists with their vehicle they can be charged with attempted murder. Even if they are not seriously, or outright injured. They are taking a premeditated action to inflict bodily harm. Alas even though this is the case you would not believe the entitlement from drivers who think the road way is only for motorized vehicles. They will go out of their way to come against their fellow human beings instead of showing kindness, compassion, and love. All because of their hubris.
@bengkelbawahpokok6753 13 күн бұрын
I got a question, why don't the cyclist just give way to the truck? It's not like he'll lose anything, his friend ride on the side of the road with no problem. Why the cyclist don't show compassion and love to the truck? Please answer me
@Draverd 11 күн бұрын
​@@bengkelbawahpokok6753 Again if this was the USA the Cyclist would have the right away, and that would be considered attempted murder in a court of law. Why are you being so malevolent? Exactly how Is that Truck driver being compassionate? It only takes a little common decency, and courtesy to have respect for thy fellow man. I just looked online, and I found out : "According to UK laws and regulations, bicycles are considered vehicles under the Road Traffic Act of 1988, and as such, cyclists are permitted to ride on the road." Let's put things in a different view point. Imagine that both of these cyclists were instead driving Off road dirt bikes. Would you have the same attitude if that Truck driver assaulted someone riding a motorized bike? Well thank you for showing the world your true colors, and the type of person that you are. Under UK law the Cyclists have a right to be on the road. So you are out of line, and so is this video. Not to mention the fact if someone is not adhering to the law it does not grant others the right to break the law. Edit: POST SCRIPT: In the USA I have the freedom of speech, but from what I understand in the United Kingdom, as well as most of the common wealth, that is not the case. People can get into trouble for the things they write online. Even potentially go to prison depending upon the things they say. Therefore it is best for those under such a circumstance to think before writing anything that is going to be put online. DOUBLE EDIT: Actually that being said even the freedom of speech in the USA does not grant people the right to run their mouth unfiltered. That is without potential consequences. People can be sued for defamation of character, libel, etc... etc... etc... Not only that I saw a news story where a US Citizen was extradited to Great Britain because they broke laws in the USA, and in Great Britain. To sum everything up succinctly they basically committed Hate Crimes towards a religious group in Great Britain. Now from what I understand the freedom of Speech grants US citizens the freedom of speech inside of USA. So a person is not going to be arrested simply by bad mouthing religious groups they don't agree with. This how ever was on going harassment by a US citizen of an online religious group from Great Britain. If I recall correctly it was an atheist coming against a specific denomination making all kinds of horrible remarks. Their candor was unfiltered, and completely unrestrained. They just kept on doubling down repeatedly, over, and over... Acting like the lowest of the low. So this group sought out justice on an international scale. At the end of it all the person was charged with committing a Hate Crime, along with some other charges through the court systems. They were extradited to Great Britain, and if I recall correctly they got 7 years in their prison system.
@tonyab1972 23 күн бұрын
So the cyclists deserves to be injured for taking the lane? Actually , the cyclist isn't doing anything wrong. Cars are not supposed to drive less than 3-5 from a cyclist so what exactly did he do wrong here? The driver who ran over the cyclist is the one who is in the wrong. Encouraging drivers to hit cyclists with their vehicles is not a good public service announcement.
@speedcrusader3779 25 күн бұрын
bicycles are treat like another vehicle he could of went around him he was on his ass and hit him 100% wrong if it was dog in the road you wouldn't be cheering to hit a dog would you
@neomagik86 26 күн бұрын
Dah la muka cam palat
@user-xy1eg3tj8h 27 күн бұрын
Yeah I've seen a lot of those spandex clowns acting the same way.
@AmarFox6 28 күн бұрын
Love it!
@grzyb11 29 күн бұрын
Jesus christ how cna you ride this slow even on a bicycle
@soccerpractice0105 Ай бұрын
Paper scissor rock truck!
@jaimatony Ай бұрын
he found out
@kheshi6238 Ай бұрын
@geantos32 Ай бұрын
the cyclist is in the wrong unless this countries law permits riding bikes in double n bloc traffic?
@CityofGoODFortune1782 Ай бұрын
His super hero outfit saved him.
@192kHz32Bit Ай бұрын
Da ist jetzt aber einer hoffentlich den Führerschein los und bekommt eine Haftstrafe!
@Sonik10099 Ай бұрын
@freaker126 Ай бұрын
education doesn't buy you common sense.
@mountainrun Ай бұрын
Bikes are legally entitled to the entire lane for safety purposes.
@douglasmurray9768 2 ай бұрын
😂Speed bump waiting to happen
@boydm5417 2 ай бұрын
@latezgeauxbraindumb8956 2 ай бұрын
Most cyclists are stupid because they underestimate how many psychotic ex-cons are on the road That are fearless of going back to prison
@spensersun 2 ай бұрын
🤣🤣🤣 Dec22nd,2018 兩名自行車騎士在新加坡白沙隆 (Singapore Pasir Ris Rise) 擋到小貨車。一名騎士蓄意向路中移動,拒絕讓司機超車。司機按喇叭催促、騎士火大以手肘砸毀貨車的後照鏡。司機受到驚嚇,偏離車道,碰到騎士致其撞上安全島。後續:59歲的貨車司機Teo Seng Tiong被判處監禁7週,罰款500美元,並取消駕駛資格兩年。 同時、35 歲的自行車手 Eric Cheung 承認一項惡作劇罪名和《道路交通法》規定的罪行,被罰款 2,800 美元。🤣🤣🤣
@cameronmcmahon8826 2 ай бұрын
Road is for cars period. I don’t care if there is a bike lane, doesn’t make it any better or safer. I’m still not gonna care if you get hit
@zentazym1 2 ай бұрын
I mean it would be one thing if the bikes were blocking or slowing the flow of traffic but they’re keeping pace just fine. If a car replaced the bikers, the truck would be going the same exact speed since the bikers were already matching the speed of the traffic, so just treat the bikers like a car in this situation. I’ve seen videos where the biker has it coming but this wasn’t one of them
@user-ow8mq4jo8c 2 ай бұрын
So the fact that the dumb ass tried to break off his mirror means nothing?
@DCG909 2 ай бұрын
To me it looked like "defensive" driving by the bike, to prevent a car from doing a close overtake. I've done something similar where I have to take a turn, since the times I didn't do that I had to have eyes in my back during the turn and got hit by a mirror once.
@somesortagammon537 2 ай бұрын
Bikes going at least half the limit slower and taking all the lane when there's no need. Then hits the van what does the guy expect
@micklee721 Ай бұрын
@@DCG909they can get out of the way, but they don't. Serves them right. The traffic was only keepin pace because of them.
@Ipernova Ай бұрын
wtf are you on about LOL keeping the pace. you must be blind cause the car in front of them with the cam was already speeding away from those bikers and clearly they were slowing down the lorry. Seriously, are you blind?
@leonsiedark 2 ай бұрын
Guess this is not the USA pedestrians have the right away on everything except for the interstate over here.
@jimr549 2 ай бұрын
Cyclists aren't pedestrians, they follow the same road rules and laws as motorists. I ride by myself and stay to the side of the road even though I can be in the car lane legally. It's not worth triggering someone like this truck driver. And yes I'm in the US.
@6crvxx824 2 ай бұрын
They have the same rights like a car on the streets so the cyclist did nothings wrong
@shin-te1xr 2 ай бұрын
@Leona-Rblx 2 ай бұрын
That was brilliant
@coolcat6103 2 ай бұрын
I dislike bicycles on the road, HOWEVER just remember that everyone has a job to do and not everyone can afford to drive a car. ALSO try to remember that it’s someone’s son, father, brother, uncle on that bike, not “just another AH cyclist” I don’t like it when they choose tiny B roads and cause 5 mile tailbacks because it’s literally impossible to pass and they’ve passes at least three lay-bys and not had the good grace to let people pass, but at the end of the day we’re all human beings not motorists and cyclists. The government hate us, and rob us all day long let’s at least try not to look after each other. My take on this the cyclist had moved over, the truck was about to pass him and the cyclist drifted back out into the middle, idk why the truck driver was in such a hurry because he couldn’t go anywhere it’s city traffic and a series of red lights but the fact that he was trying to pass and the cyclist just drifted back out in front of him was dangerous! He then pulled back over to the side of the road saw the truck close by and punched his wing mirror and THATS why he was knocked off! Maybe if we all just took a minute to wonder why we’re all so stressed and in a hurry, rushing to work to make money for government and big corp we’d focus our anger in the right direction
@Fallen608 2 ай бұрын
People in comment sections get too hung up on who is technically in the right by law. What you don't consider is none of that matters when you end up a paraplegic because you stubbornly wanted to block traffic. What does it matter who was technically in the right if you end up being run over by several tons of truck? You're still dead.
@zentazym1 2 ай бұрын
They weren’t blocking traffic though. They were keeping pace fine
@garret9068 2 ай бұрын
Yapping a whole lot of nothing with this comment. No matter how you look at it, this is an assault with deadly weapon, with no provocation from the cyclist. He did not look at or touch the truck once.
@79Bobola Ай бұрын
@@garret9068 he’s not actually, I know it’s hard to wrap your tiny brain around that
@dayviduh Ай бұрын
What does it matter who’s right or wrong when you end up in prison for destroying someone’s life over a few minutes of delay
@elmopollard1 3 ай бұрын
Wanna throw hands like a man you get treated like the one you are 🤷‍♂️🫵💪
@Unknown-ll8tp 3 ай бұрын
Owned!!! Hahaha
@Amizzly 3 ай бұрын
Hell yeah!!
@aGradeDubstep 3 ай бұрын
get rekt
@JoeMama-bl8me 3 ай бұрын
@SanctaJives 3 ай бұрын
Cyclists are subject to the same laws as motorized vehicles. He took the lane in front of the truck appropriately. He was not making a turn, so riding on the side of the road would have taken him the wrong way. You have GOT to think of bikes as vehicles. Sure, some cyclists are stupid and don't follow laws, but most do. When I'm riding, I yield if I don't have the right of way, and I go when I do. I obey the law at 4 way stops, traffic lights, and regular stops. If I'm turning left, I do it from the left lane. If I'm going straight, and there's a turning lane on my right, I take the middle lane, which is what this guy did. He was NOT entitled. He was obeying the law. Cyclists are allowed to take the lane when needed, whether it's a situation like this or a matter of safety (eg, there are parked cars on the side of the road, or the road is full of potholes). All of you thinking this guy was entitled and got what he deserved can go sit on a cactus. Driver was wrong, 100%, and what he did was illegal and dangerous. I hope he was caught and appropriately punished.
@fliprodriguez5250 3 ай бұрын
Ba ha ha ha
@hugejackedman1951 3 ай бұрын
the rider didn't slow anyone down or inconvenience anyone... bro was literally just existing and got attacked. i guess that driver felt like a big man hitting someone with his truck. lots of impotent assholes in the comments seem to get a thrill from it as well. bullies are so gutless.
@sianach 2 ай бұрын
he was right in the middle of the road, blocking traffic. driver went too far but i can see why he was annoyed
@hugejackedman1951 2 ай бұрын
@@sianach traffic is coming to a stop light. the cyclist stayed in his lane because he didn't want to block the turn lane. (not sure where else he could have gone) once through the intersection he went to the side to allow the asshole to pass. but instead of passing, the asshole chose to weaponize his vehicle. the only person obstructing traffic was the asshole. he chose to slow down to hit the cyclist instead of passing and continuing down the road like a normal person with empathy
@shin-te1xr 2 ай бұрын
@@hugejackedman1951 are you blind? dude moved to the middle of the road cutting him off. bike lane you can see it and he's out of bike lane too LMFAOOOOOO you must be one of those mofo lmfao
@VeerSingh-hj4kv 2 ай бұрын
@@hugejackedman1951for your information in the full video the truck was honking for a pass but he didnt get pass and then the asshole rider decided to give a pass and bashed his mirror and then the strike of karma came 😂
@hugejackedman1951 2 ай бұрын
@@VeerSingh-hj4kv where's the whole video?
@user-vz7wy9rr9i 3 ай бұрын
Bad news for entitled motorists. He has every right to use the road
@ccrow9147 3 ай бұрын
Loved it! Bikers are entitled a$$holes.
@therivalryan 3 ай бұрын
Beginning of the clip the cyclist can see a redlight ahead of him hence why no need to move over, but the van driver is a moron and isn't paying attention. The van driver shouldn't be that close when passing the cyclist so he is in the wrong.. also you can't use your vehilce to ram a person.. he should be in jail for that. If you think this is karma your a total moron!
@Katiecs 3 ай бұрын
😂👏 fafo