Terraria CALAMITY Ep. 4 Steady Progress
Terraria CALAMITY Ep. 3 B.O.S.S.     R.U.S.H.
Hollow Knight Ep. 6 HORNEEEEEET
21 күн бұрын
Quick Update
Ай бұрын
Terraria Ep. 9 BEST BOSS YET!!
Hollow Knight Ep. 2 FIRST BOSS
Terraria Ep. 5 SKELE-DONE!!
2 ай бұрын
Terraria Ep. 3 I'M SORRY A HWHAT!!
Slay the Princess Ep. 8 BEAST MODE
Let's Talk..
3 ай бұрын
@gaster6670 2 күн бұрын
nice work with another bosses :D here is some tips: -after defeating a boss check chat to see if something changed in the world. (or something else happened) -check Sulfurous Sea (the one next to dungeon) after defeating skeletron there are some interesting things there. -go to the mechanic and buy some Wires, you can use them to make something interesting. -there is a really funny way to make slime god run away: 1) go far from your spawn point. 2) spawn slime god. 3) teleport to spawn point. 4) slime god is confused and runs away. 5) you win and get his loot. this boss is a bit buggy. Before we get into the lore, I'd like to ask how do you like the changes in bosses that Revengeance Mode adds? well its lore time: -Skeletron (Dungeon Cult), The "ancient cult" or Dragon cult (this name is from calamity mod), they are interesting, in normal Terraria they are just the bad guys, but Calamity makes them into.. good guys? em... hard to tell, but thats what makes them more interesting. but what we learn here is they once had an alliance with this Godkiller.. but now the dungeon is full of skeletons and whats left of the cult is hiding. But you may ask how much ancient are they? Well what's formally known as Dragon cult was established around 800 years ago, but their precursors had been around for longer. -Slime god and Onyx Kinsmen, Slime god is the weakest god there is. Interestingly, he is one of the better gods, he doesn't get into fights, he just runs away from them, he uses his Slime Paladins just for defense and he is all about 'balance' his form being 'pure' while the paladins are grotesque slimes. Onyx Kinsmen, this clan was formed by a group of Ninjas who arrived from another continent. They worshiped slime god but.. he didn't really care about them... Their leader and the surviving member of the clan is Statis a Legendary Ninja. He is a character with quite big amout of lore that i can't say yet... but i can say that he has a cool robot arm and leg and he will be very important in the Calamity mods future! you may ask, how powerfull is he? well its hard to tell, first off but he is more of a support to someone stronger, but we speculate that he could defeat Plantera/Golem on his own. Onyx Kinsmen and Dragon cult, they are both similar factions (not many people are left there), working on different sides. There is a bit more lore about them but i can't say it yet. fun fact about the Calamity mod lore, the lore is a bit.. unfinished, as just lot of things are not in mod yet. on one hand is cool because you can sort out the lore yourself and theorize about it. on the other... not having whole lore in the game is.. not good. but another good thing is the active devs, as i sayd before they give us some spoilers almost every day, and thats because they are very active on their discord. you can just ask a random question on some channels and there is a good chance that one of the developers will answer you. or you can just search for information because someone has probably already asked that question. like the age of Dragon cult, i just found it by a small extra research about it on the lore channel. (Additionally, I found out that my timeline for calamity mods year 0 was off by like 1000 years so thats fun) Well thats all i have, thanks for reading this and bye :D
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 күн бұрын
🤣 I can always count on you for the lore deep dives 🤣
@gaster6670 7 күн бұрын
hi there, you really made a good progress :D about that Eater of worlds bug.. em. Calamity mod itself makes respawn time shortened if no boss is alive, so if you have a mod that makes respawn time even shorter then it was that mods fault. em.. you can fight him again with the gear you have now, there are ways to get it before you fight him so yea :D (I recommend it because you can get another scarf and make it into the brain of confusion which is quite good and has a really good upgrade) so.. here is some tips. -deathmode, its much better then master mode. because its not just buffs to the stats, i find it really fun because it makes some bosses better. -check the sky because after The Hive Mind is killed something changes there "The sky is glittering with cyan light" -if you don't want to do a event or a boss (or you just can't do it) you can right click on there name in boss checklist to skip them. -after you killed that big Clam you released the fish guy Amidas, he is full of lore that changes as you kill more bosses and he gives you a really good buff for underwater adventures. speaking of lore… Lore time: so first of calamity mod lore vs Terraria lore thing. Calamity mod completely changes the Terraria lore, mostly because Terraria lore is way too focused on Moon lord and almost everything is about him. while Calamity mod yes makes him an important character, but now the world doesn't revolve around him, thanks to that lore is now much more open and fun. if you want i can write a bit more about terraria lore. but lets start with the lore of the bosses: -Crabulon, as you read that big Crab was looking for a new home, but why did he want to live in mushroom biome? well because familiar blue glow reminded him of his old home, Ilmeran Sea. (now called the Sunken sea) -big Clam he is a simple mini boss with not much more lore but he was hiding someone quite important. -Sea King Amidas "The seventeenth ruler of the constitutional monarchy of Ilmeris since the tribes of the Ilmeran Sea unified, under the Electric Goddess, Otonilou, and the elusive God of the Seas..." we don't know much more about him other then he is respected by others against those who attacked his kingdom. -Eater of worlds, he is a big worm... he can't eat worlds D: -The Hive Mind, this thing stores the rest of what's left of the killed god, from the Corruption lore we can learn that this was one of the first gods that the person writing these Whispers killed. we don't know a lot about this god other than this was rather a evil one but we can speculate that it was a god of wrath. -Queen bee lore, so im not sure if you read that one.. if you didnt you can read it in boss checklist, the only thing that i will say is that, the person who was killing gods.. loves bees :D (that is a somewhat big plot point later in lore XD) well thats all i got, have a great day/night bye.
@LazarusOfficialOG 7 күн бұрын
Ohhhhhh okay!! I think i will fight the worm again just for my own pride 🤣 And honestly I miiiight just switch to hard mode during my.next recording session to have more fun!
@gaster6670 9 күн бұрын
Happy new year. 🎉 Its good to hear you had great holiday :D as for me, i spend most of my time with my family, which was great. 🥳 Going to hollow knight. Im bit sorry that i didn't comment much, but i just didn't have much to say >.> Again im not that good at Hollow knight so.. yea 😅 but a few things have accumulated for me to talk about so lets go: -Try to fully explore all the previous areas, even i know there are some things you missed. -you often miss a bit of dialogue, a lot of Ncps can be talked to several more times before they start repeating, as well as all services (shop, fast travel, e.t.c) have additional dialogue when you are closer to them that also may change by your progress or being in a different place. -Yes watch lore breakdown video! I can't believe that I missed this part while rewatching your previous video. But yea i can go on bit of a rant on the lore of this game because as much like it.. there is no way you fully understand it. More or less because stuff like this: Hornet: "oh you little, i know what your doing and i won't let you!" Player: "really you know what im doing?? please tell me!" So yea.. but i can help a bit now. maybe in the next video you try to theorize about the lore and i can, maybe not explain it fully but guide you in the right direction? Well that's all, have wonderful new year 🥳
@gaster6670 24 күн бұрын
hey, you're doing very well :D I don't really have tips for now but.. i could tell you something about this new class that calamity mod adds. Rogue is a rather fun class that has [stealth] meter. When not using a weapon, you charge [stealth] and when you charge it, your attack will be much more powerful. This means that every weapon for Rogue has two attack types, spam and charge. and it's up to you how you want to play this class, whether you prefer to spam attacks or charge them. I see that you are somewhat interested in lore, so I have an excuse to write a whole paragraph about it :D (no spoilers of course) explanation: Ilmeris is not the whole world of Terraria. the Ilmeris is.. or was a powerful sea kingdom where now is the desert. While Ilmeris was incinerated by "The Witch" a lot of animals had to escape but not the Desert scourge. He tried to live in now incinerated home, he manage to survive for long his body getting used to hot lands of the desert, but in the end he met his end by your hand. there is more to this place, but it's either quite hidden or not in the mod yet, but the main thing you have to remember is that: "The Witch" incinerated this kingdom. but if you want to know bit more about this place here is more deep dive into it: ------------ Ilmeran Sea, whats left of called the Sunken sea. once a beautiful place full of life inhabited by some tribes. Around 1800 years ago these tribes were unified into kingdom of Ilmeris by the Electric Goddess, Otonilou, and the God of the Seas, Alas. This kingdom was ruled by constitutional monarchy, they had massive libraries, and they were a rather peaceful kingdom. Additionally they used electricity to some extent. Last moments of Ilmeris. Around 20 years ago their kingdom was attacked, the people fought bravely, they had the advantage of being underwater and using electricity to block the opponent's attacks. But then The Incineration happened. the Witch burned everything in her way, Incinerating almost the entire sea turning it into a desolate desert, but the people of Ilmeris did not give up even when their defeat was inevitable, they fought until the very end. ------------- oh and also a little fun fact, the update to this mod that i was talking about is for this biome, without going into details it will make it more 'destroyed kingdom like' and with it there will be a lot of new/expanded/changed lore. well as you can see, im a big nerd when it comes to the lore of this mod :D Well thats all, have fun :D
@LazarusOfficialOG 24 күн бұрын
I love lore dives so this was really cool!!!
@gaster6670 24 күн бұрын
@@LazarusOfficialOG well then, expect more of them because almost every next boss has some good lore behind them :D
@gaster6670 29 күн бұрын
Welcome to Calamity mod. one of the biggest mods to any game there is, not only in terms of size but fanbase :D I'm glad you like the changes that Calamity mod introduces, there is a lot of small changes this mod does, One of them is even changing enemies to deal damage only when they should, e.g. slimes will only do damage when they jump (unless it has spikes) enemies that shot don't deal contact damage at all, etc. Oh and i would also like to suggest a few mods that will make your journey through this mod more comfortable: -Recipe Browser, better guide, no need for wiki. -Boss Checklist, no boss will be skipped :D these two mods are compatible with Calamity mod and are recommended by everyone, there are also other mods you could try: -Stronger Reforges, rewoks all the reforges making all of them good and fun. -Vanilla Calamity Mod Music, replaces all Terraria music and adds a few others. There is a lot of other small mods but i think these will do for now :D as for tips: -I recommend examining these laboratories more deeply, they are very important. -hold shift on the Revenges mode button and it will show you what these new two bars are doing. -don't use fandom Wiki, if you Want to use wike watch out for the fandom one, its full lies and shitpost. Really most of the stuff there is untrue. i don't have much else to say other that... you probably noticed but Calamity has its own Lore. and its really good?! Seriously, Calamity wants to be taken as seriously as Terraria... or even more. Well that's all have fun :D
@LazarusOfficialOG 29 күн бұрын
Yeahhhhh with having a new character and everything it took me SO LONG TO FINALLY GET MY FIRST BOSS KILL
@GetsoomeGaming 29 күн бұрын
Calamity!?!!? Oh it's going to be a blast!! Buckle up everyone!
@TipsGameNation Ай бұрын
i will pray for you and your family sir...hang in there OG
@zvzp4501 Ай бұрын
What’s next? calamity mod lol
@LazarusOfficialOG Ай бұрын
Potentially! If people would be interested in seeing me play through that and just kinda hitting the highlights, I'd be down! I'm gonna do a Master difficulty large world on my own time to get used to the difficulty then a large master get fixed boi world to record because I like a challenge 🤣
@gaster6670 Ай бұрын
Congratulations for beating Terraria :D i'm really happy that you had fun with it and i can't wait for you to try secret seeds/challenges. but definitely try playing them on a new character with no items from other worlds. i mean if you want to do it, then do it, but you know big part of these seeds/challenges is exploration them on a new character and its just much more fun to do it that way. Again if you want to get some help from other worlds then do it, but it will just ruin a the fun a bit. (plus most people see taking items from other worlds as cheating) oh and if you really want to start playing with hard challenges try also playing on medium core so you will drop your items on death :D so: -get fixed boi -master mode -medium core -new character -no items from other worlds -plus don't look up what get fixed boi seed does ;) I also want to talk about mods a bit... one mod to be exact. i already told you that there is a mod that has like 3 addons. and it is a really good first big mod but... i want you to take a some time with secret seeds and challenges because in the somewhat near future this mod will get a big update! and it would be perfect if your first interaction with mods was this new update. but.. this update can take like half a year to finish so it really depends if you want to wait that long. if you want to know more about this mod(or any other Terraria related thing), just tell me :D well thats all, Congratulations again and have fun with secret seeds/challenges.
@LazarusOfficialOG Ай бұрын
Thank you so much for being so much help with all this, and yeah if it's wanted then I'd love to go Get fixed boi master difficulty new character large world! 😈
@gaster6670 Ай бұрын
@@LazarusOfficialOG hmm i see someone told you the name of this mod... well to be honest I should have expected it Calamity mod is the most popular mod. i just didn't want to tell you the name because i didn't want you to spoil it for yourself. Calamity mod really doesn't need a wiki, not only because you have experience with Terraria but also because there are other smaller mods that are compatible with Calamity mod and in a non-spoiler way tell you everything you need to know :D small mods: -Recipe Browser, better guide. -Boss Checklist, every boss is here :D so... I have a little question. Would you wait half a year (maybe less, we don't know) for a update to this mod. Or play it right after you're done with secret seeds and challenges.
@LazarusOfficialOG Ай бұрын
@gaster6670 yeahhhh BUT the only thing I know about it is the name and nothing else and tbh i feel like the challenges and secret seeds could take a bit but i wouldn't mind putting terraria recording down after and waiting for the mod to update!! Plus, isn't 1.4.5 coming at some point too?
@gaster6670 Ай бұрын
@@LazarusOfficialOG oh yea... Terraria 1.4.5 is also on the way..... but we have absolutely no idea when that will come. While Calamity devs are talking to people and post spoilers almost every day. Terraria devs post spoilers every few months. em... but if Terraria devs suddenly release 1.4.5 update then all mods will have to take some time to update to that version, and that will take some time... so its a gamble :/ Well its up to you if you want to wait, maybe you'll become a Terraria mod expert before one of them updates. and if you will want to start moded Terraria please tell us, because i would love to help you pick some cool and little known mods.
@LazarusOfficialOG Ай бұрын
@gaster6670 Ohhhhhh gotcha! I mean sure! I'd be down to try some mods! For a little channel diversity i might record a bunch of it then upload it later and finish up hollow knight and possibly another game I have planned then start putting those videos up
@TagX0 Ай бұрын
sorry for ur dad
@GetsoomeGaming Ай бұрын
Sending good vibes and Love!
@gaster6670 Ай бұрын
Don't worry, we can wait, when it comes to health/family take as much time as you need to make sure everything is ok.
@Meadini Ай бұрын
I'm very sorry to here that, hope things get better!
@gaster6670 Ай бұрын
congratulations for killing the fish and butterfly :D empress is everyones favorite boss, she is just so cool. also a lot of people love to rework her for fun. (all of these reworks are really good) While Duke is just a good boss, that you can kill as soon as you enter Hardmode to get really good stuff. And the big man himself Moon Lord. he is a good final boss, he is so much different from other bosses and the way everything quiets down before he spawns is so cool. plus a little fun fact, an update to Terraria is coming (we dont know when it will be) the devs have spoilered a lot of new things and one of them is Moon Lords Resprite. well i don't have much else to say other then, have fun completing Terraria :D
@LazarusOfficialOG Ай бұрын
Thank you so much!! I'll be honest... the last few days have been ROUGH COUNTLESS DEATHS AND ATTEMPTS 🤣
@gaster6670 Ай бұрын
congratulations, you've met Hornet :D i love her fight, its very good first fast fight and her moves are similar to the enemies in Greenpath which nicely teaches you her attacks before you fight her. Journal is a rather important thing if you want to understand the lore. (the lore of this game can be confusing) I recommend either reading new entries as soon as they appear or at the end of the episode. oh and while reading new entries pay attention to the text at the bottom right, sometimes it can be a bit.. different.
@Sandro_de_Vega Ай бұрын
About skeletron and progression. Technicaly originaly it supose to go like that 1. Eye spawns naturaly after some prerequisits. You kill the eye. 2. Now Dryad can spawn. You buy from her purification powder that change evil stone into normal stone which gives you acces to orbs on corrupt/crimson. 3. You kill corrupt/crimson boss. So now you have armor and weapon. But also meteor can strike. So you can make meteor armor and space gun. Set bonus from armor gives space gun 0 mana cost. 4. With that eq you go to kill skeletron. Its really easy when you have infinite space gun that shoot piercing shots. 5. You go to dungeon to find shadow key(for chests in "nether") and its good to get Cobalt shield that prevents you from being push away after hit. This supose to save you from swiming in lava. 6. And then you go to hell. You basicaly change order of 5 and 4. But no worries... XD in hardmode you cant skip non optional bosses. If you stuck at one stage then you will be really stuck. XD
@fieanon Ай бұрын
so glad youre enjoying this gamee a general tip would be that with most bosses you fight, they enter a stagger pose after they take a set amount of damage, and it paralyses them for 3-4 seconds. this stagger allows the player to recollect themselves. you're able to skip their stagger by attacking them. i noticed you probably didnt realise this when fighting hornet because you were so riled up. but this tip would be handy if you later face more difficult bosses. you're welcome!
@LazarusOfficialOG Ай бұрын
Ooooo I'll keep an eye out for it. Thank you!!
@GetsoomeGaming 2 ай бұрын
Use that Shimmer to get all the iron you need for chests! ;) Hint: Anvils!
@gaster6670 2 ай бұрын
wow.. welcome to the endgame :D I'll answer your question first and then tell you what you missed: -unfortunately, bosses don't have banners D: -Destroyer is the hardest and easiest of mechanical bosses. Hard because he can be very random when fighting normaly. Easy because there are a dozen strategies that just destroy him: -what you just did -throwing tnt where he spawns. -infinite piercing weapons. Don't worry that you didn't beat him "fair", Terraria is a part sandbox game so any strategies are ok :D -Golem is bit of a joke in Terraria community, he gets buffed in like almost every update. (he can still be hard. especially when you don't have a good arena) -15:40 is a Torch god :D There is an interesting story behind him. ____ Some time ago, a mechanic called Luck was added, it was unexplained and did a lot of little things, but in short, it had a little impact on damage, defense, drop chance, etc., But one thing that people hated about it was that placing biome torches in wrong biomes could lower luck causing small losses in many things. So the creators of Terraria Re-Logic removed the negative effects of torches on luck, and as an apology they added this boss. ____ So now things you missed: -2 events. there are two events that have some nice items, there both summons are made out of Ectoplasm. -2 critters there are two special critters. one from hallow biome, at night (7.30 to 12.00) one from mushroom biome, he is a fast boy :O they both have a special use and they are rare so they appear on Lifeform Analyzer. I recommend finding them. I'm really glad you like Terraria. its a Really big game with a lot of hidden things. to fully experience it you really have to play it a a dozen or so times. you said that you will replay Terraria a few times, so I'm a bit curious. Do you plan to play Mods for Terraria? There is a lot of them and i would love to help you pick some :D
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Ohhhhh I saw those items when talking to the guide, so I might try to summon them if possible. If not, I can make a new world and speed blitz my way through till I can!! I'll look for those 2 critters, and if there are any fun mods that add new bosses and weapons, just kinda over all expand the game I'd be interested!! That being said, I know I kinda cut a lot out, but everything I did was either my dying to the same boss 30 times OR farming in the dungeons 😅
@gaster6670 2 ай бұрын
@@LazarusOfficialOG summonig them is very possible, you just have to do it at night :D and oh and you have no idea how big the mods to this game are... some mods even have there own mods...
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
@gaster6670 Wha- O.o
@gaster6670 2 ай бұрын
@@LazarusOfficialOG Well there is one massive mod for Terraria that has 3 other big "mods" these mods are called addons and they are made by completely different people who were like: "hmm i love this mod.. lets change it a bit >:D" and now we have these 3 addons that use a mod as base for there mod... of course there is also like a dozen or so other huge mods, some or even most compatible with each other, that combined end up making Teraria like 20/30/i dont even now how times bigger...
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
@gaster6670 Gods that sounds amazing...
@gaster6670 2 ай бұрын
Hi again, good work with the queen. I see you're having fun in Hardmode, and you even have some nice surprises ;D i dont have much tips so I will answer your questions... (and a lot of other stuff) -night's edge is just a really good weapon, it was buffed in the previous update and its just great, one downside to this weapon is that a lot of swords in comparison are...just bad. -why do you have to wait when you die? some bosses need a bit of time before they despawn, plus its a little break so you can think how to not die again :D -unfortunately, there is no good way to find out what biome you are in, the only way to know is by: Music, Background and a special thing from Stylist. Daggers vs. Shield. both are great, I would say: -Daggers are better against groups of enemies. -Shield for a single to like three targets. but use whatever you prefer, im just happy you got these weapons because they can be quite rare (especially the shield) So you found the Shimmer/Aether biome :D i love this biome, there is a lot you can do with it and it looks nice. one little fun fact about it: when Terraria first added Shimmer, falling through blocks made you immortal which was quite op. i read that other comment and challenge runs you say? well there is a LOT of them you can do: -trying every subclass. (like sword, yoyo, flail) -vegetarian, (only plant equipment) -no walking -no mining -1 hp -0 def -one shitty weapon only (like copper shortsword[and yes there are worse weapons]) -fish (you need water) -and a lot more. And there are also... secret seeds... what are these secret seeds? well.. they change the world in some way as of now there is 8 of them: -Drunk world -Not the Bees -For The Worthy -Celebrationmk10 -The Constant -No traps -Don't Dig Up -Get fixed boi as of now you just put one of these names in the seed while generating new world to make this secret seed.... there are also massive mods..... oh god the mods... if you want to know something about the mods.. or maybe bit more about the secret seeds just ask. so yea.... there is a lot of challenge runs you can do in the future... good luck :D
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Oooooo I'll have to look into those!! I think to prepare for the challenge runs, I'll do a solo playthrough on master once I'm done with this, then do challenges! I will say for never playing this beforei feel like I'm not doing THAT bad seeing as I'm in expert mode too lol😅
@gaster6670 2 ай бұрын
@@LazarusOfficialOG your doing really well :D But I must suggest that you try Master mode with a secret seed. mostly because master mode is not that special and secret seed would add some novelty. Secret seeds from simple ones that don't change much to difficult ones. Easy: -Drunk world -The Constant -Celebrationmk10 (big changes) Medium: -No traps -Don't Dig Up Hard: -Not the Bees -For The Worthy SuperHard: -Get fixed boi
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
@gaster6670 well i mean.... you can't just tell me about Get fixed being SUPER HARD and I not try it on master....
@gaster6670 2 ай бұрын
@@LazarusOfficialOG heh.. good luck then >:)
@Emurrical 2 ай бұрын
Good job on the queen slime! First hardmode boss down, and a glimpse of what's to come.. The mimic reaction was great, good job other random commenter!
@Emurrical 2 ай бұрын
Don't really have many tips, but you should probably preserve your flight time for when you need it.
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Maaaan the person that told me I'd get an item got me SO GOOD
@Emurrical 2 ай бұрын
@@LazarusOfficialOG The items the mimics drop can be pretty good... But there is that little thing with having to kill them first..
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
@Emurrical yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i will say the ones I've gotten after farming are really cool!! But I had to spend a few hours setting up farms and stuff for materials ESPECIALLY for potions
@Emurrical 2 ай бұрын
@@LazarusOfficialOG That's the true Terraria experience!
@christorres7914 2 ай бұрын
You can hit downwards with the nail to pogo off of enemies or the spikes on the ground
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
@GetsoomeGaming 2 ай бұрын
Great video. some great insight. Keep up the good work!
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
I added my email to my channel description if you wanna talk more!
@gaster6670 2 ай бұрын
welcome to hardmode :D so as for video format, to be honest personally I would just like a 5 hours of unedited exploration :D now lets get to some tips: -how to fight crimson? 1) dont let crimson spread! crimson spreads fast on the surface (very fast on sand) in Hardmode more crimson spawns, block it fast. 2) get rid of the crimson. after defeating 1 mechanical boss, an NPC will appear who will help you fight the crimson. remove crimson only where you need to. 3) is it to hard? just plant sunflowers where you have pylons, they will make it so npcs can live in crimson. (you can buy all things you need to plant them from dryad) -Every biome got changed in some way, explore them, there is a lot of new enemies that drop new stuff and environmental events such as blizzard and sandstroms have some new interesting things. -Now you can get souls, if you wants some you need to go kill enemies in 2 diffrent underground biomes, souls make a lot of good stuff, with souls of light or dark you can also make a key, put this key in an empty chest and after opening it again, a new item will appear in it. -There is biome in pre-hardmode that you didnt see yet, its hidden in between the underground beach and underground jungle. Harmode ores work similar to pre-harmode ones, after breaking altar you can get: -cobalt/palladium -mythril/orichalcum -adamantite/titanium if your new world has adamantite then making full titanium armor will be hard. you can try fishing for the titanium or try to find this pre-harmode biome that can help with this. but if you dont want to find this biome or mine more for new armor, I can interest you in a boss that gives you new armor. to spawn them you need to find a special crystal in the pink underground. To fight the mech bosses you need a big long arena. all mech bosses are of similar difficulty and it's up to you which one you defeat first. Destroyer: a lot of hp, weak to piercing weapons, he will slowly take away your hp or kill you fast if you are distracted. Twins: 2 targets, take it slow, understand their attacks and focus on one, if not they will kill you. Skeletron Prime: Survive, his fight get easier as it goes, never be close to his head, run all you want he will always catch up. good luck and have fun.
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much! Tomorrow I plan do do some more Hollow Knight and terraria recording and try to get ahead on my videos again so I'll look into all that!!
@gaster6670 2 ай бұрын
@@LazarusOfficialOG Edit is done now my comment its much better, i hope that you will have fun in hardmode because some number of people gives up at this stage of the game.
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
That seems kinda sad not in like a judgemental way but like a "maaan that sucks that people give up on it" because this game is honestly so much fun!! And as someone that casually plays soulsborn challenge runs for fun in my spare time I'm so ready for the challenge!!
@Umbrella2 2 ай бұрын
I’ll watch some of this. 😊 one of my fave games!
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!!
@gaster6670 2 ай бұрын
Nice work with the False Knight :D I really like this boss, he is a nice introduction to the Hollow knight and he has some interesting things about him. one of them is that if you know how, you can just run away from his fight and don't fight him. one little thing I will also add since you're starting to get deeper into the game is that your starting arsenal has some hidden talents.
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Yeah! His fight was a lot of fun, and is it possible to do a pacifist run??
@gaster6670 2 ай бұрын
​​​@@LazarusOfficialOG You can't really do a pacifist run, but you can do a "i didn't kill him my gun did it" run.
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Sounds perfect 🤣 ooooooo I could do a summons only challenge run
@Zayd-bg1pt 2 ай бұрын
A summons only run requires at least one major glitch, but the rest of the run is glitchless, at least if you stretch the definition of summon a bit
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Hmmmm i could look into it once I beat it!! I love doing challenge runs lol
@DeepakKumar-fi4os 2 ай бұрын
15:42 those are grubs collecting them will give you alot of rewards which i wont spoil .
@Reza-m6u 2 ай бұрын
@rygreenbean 2 ай бұрын
Well. I find any people that play hollow knight to be a good friend. Great game. One of my favorite metroidvanias. Along with the actual metroid series haha.
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Lol I'll be honest I haven't really played any metroid style games since I was really young almost 20 years ago 😅
@gaster6670 2 ай бұрын
good job defeating that bone head :D i dont have much tips i can give you for now. So just have fun exploring the dungeon :D
@LithiumExile 2 ай бұрын
he just like me fr
@fieanon 2 ай бұрын
omg ur playing hollowknight!! what a treat! id love to hear more about your thoughts as you play this game, the lore runs very deep. but they never hand it to you easily unless you work for it
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Ooooooo i do like a challenge!! And i am trying to do my best to explore everything!
@gaster6670 2 ай бұрын
Wow not only you now play Terraria but Hollow Knight? these are some of my favorite games :D Hollow knight is a really good game, you can explore its world in many ways, there is so many small details, in the background in enemies, etc. one little thing that i dont like about this game is that it can be a little confusing.
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Yeahhhhh so far it feel pretty easy to get lost but I'm still enjoying it! And I'll have another episode of terraria up in a couple days!
@Rambo_the_goat 2 ай бұрын
Abilities in the game are totaly free..but you will get them while progressing in the game
@Rambo_the_goat 2 ай бұрын
Take your time in the game and dont ruch at all..use wiki if you are lost...and try as much to get the lore...good luck in this playtrought..
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!! So far this game seems so fun and a nice break from some of the more intense things I've been playing!
@oznek_m 2 ай бұрын
7:55 Why is his first achievment the smashing a heart crystal one? The workbench, timber, no hobo, hammer time, shiny ores were supposed to appear before the life crystal. Has he played terraria before?
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
I personally have never played terraria before but my younger sister has access to my account and I know she had a file a while ago
@FireWarrior2500 2 ай бұрын
The classic "Night plans cancelled by blood moon". I've witnessed it enough times to never state my night time intentions out loud anymore lmao.
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Yeahhhhh and now I'm intentionally gonna summon 6 in a row because money 😅
@ChronosKat 2 ай бұрын
The Unreal modifier on the first try with just enough gold for one reforge is WILD!! And you finally got the pink item from the blood moon! The money trough is super handy to store money and other items like food and potions in. This way you can finally save up your gold when you're out exploring and not lose everything whenever you die. And you're going to need it, that Goblin tinkerer is a money sinkhole (I've probably spent hundreds of platinum on reforges). The Money Trough is a flying version of the Piggy bank (which the merchant sells for 1g) and they all hold the same content so you can place them throughout your world for easy item access. The piggy bank needs to be placed on either a table or a platform, though, which makes the flying one so convenient. Also, once you place money in it, you don't need to withdraw them every time you want to buy from NPCs, they'll automatically get deducted from the bank.
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
@gaster6670 2 ай бұрын
hey its me again, so what to do now? so to quickly answer your question, here's what to do after killing the eye: -make arena in crimson and kill the brain -get hellstone for upgrades -make arena in underground jungle and kill queen bee. -make arena near the dungeon and kill skeletron. -explore dungeon. -explore all the biomes as much as you want. -kill more bosses... as for other tips. Unfortunately Zenith is an endgame sword and you wont be able to get it for a long time :( anything made with Mythril anvil is unavailable to you for some time. there is a boss that is summoned with crimtane ore, lens and material from the Underground snow biome. you don't have to craft Light's Bane, this sword is the equivalent of Blood Butcherer. try using Blade of Grass, its dmg is low but its one of best swords for now. Minishark is good on enemies that have low def but if enemy has a lot of def minishark can be bit bad, shark tooth necklace can help a bit. good luck.
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much!!
@Emurrical 2 ай бұрын
My advice for beating bosses is that you should probably make an arena. Just make a straight line of platforms and add things like campfires (life regen!) and heart lanterns (made from life hearts). Your current weapons should be good enough for now, but if you're still struggling after that, you can head into hell to get hellstone with your new pickaxe. Hope this helped!
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
It does! Tbh my next step is building the arena platform and farming tissue samples from the brain and Crimtain ore from the eye! Plus I have about 6 blood tears so I can spam blood moons for money and supplies!
@Mikaeww 2 ай бұрын
You should also clear the top of the dungeon too! It's crucial for winning against skeletron! About your current items i think you should combine the horseshoe with the balloons for extra space in your accessories
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Oooooo I'll look into doing that!! I gotta say I love that this game let's you combine your stuff like that!
@ChronosKat 2 ай бұрын
Without any spoilers, there's a very useful drop from blood moon enemies, specifically the drippler and blood zombie, that you can try to get (its pink). Its got a 1% drop rate but considering the amount of enemies you kill in a single event, I'm surprised you still don't have it yet after going through two blood moons.
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Oooo I'll look into that then!! I have... a lot of blood tears so I can just summon more blood moons 🤣
@gaster6670 2 ай бұрын
hi again, sad to hear that your footage got corrupted D: but well I hope you had some fun creating a new world again... as for tips: -you don't have to wear information accessories in accessory slots, they will show info just from having them in inventory, so you dont have to have a watch in your accessories to see the time. -if you don't want to lose coins, Merchant sells a Piggy Bank, it will show up when you want to buy something from npc. so you just put your coins in Piggy Bank and you wont have to worry about them anymore. -Try fishing in the blood moon, maybe you'll catch something nice. NPC don't like when it's crowded, when there are a lot of NPCs in one place, they start to raise prices and won't sell you the pylon. But there is an easy way to fix this, make towns in other biomes. Of course, if you don't want a pylon and don't mind small price rises, you don't have to worry about it. but if you want pylons, here you have a tutorial: -go to a biome where you don't have a pylon -build 2/3 houses there (two times smaller than the ones you are building will be enough) -put npcs there (icon next to accessories) -Nurse + Arms Dealer, they will be happy with each other so much that they will sell you the pylon in all normal biomes except the snow biome, where instead of Arms Dealer you place Merchant. -after buying a pylon and placing it, you send these two to other towns to buy other pylons, and replace them by other NPCs who do not have to be happy for the pylon to work. Well that's all, have fun :D
@LazarusOfficialOG 2 ай бұрын
Yeahhhhhh i had HOURS of footage just gone Ooooooo that's all really good info!! I've kinda reached the point where I need better armor and some way to buff my damage before I can take harder bosses lmao😅
@glitch9497 3 ай бұрын
Me at the zoochosis
@fieanon 3 ай бұрын
HAHAH your greenscreen makes your eyes look like the endless abyss when you look at the camera. 🤣
@LazarusOfficialOG 3 ай бұрын
Yeahhhhhhhh lmao I'm working on getting my greenscreen tweaked
@Tommysimonsen 3 ай бұрын
You really need a hook, try showing the guide the topaz.
@ChronosKat 3 ай бұрын
It's not a true terraria experience until you get jumpscared by the Dungeon Guardian amirite xD You could try to get more NPCs before you attempt to fight more bosses. If you have an unoccupied house available, an NPC can move in provided you meet certain criteria (like having gold in your inventory for the merchant to arrive). It doesn't take much resources since houses don't need to be that big. I usually set my spawn point at the Nurse's place so that I can recall home and get insta-healed by her if I'm close to dying during a boss fight.
@LazarusOfficialOG 3 ай бұрын
Oooooo so do i just build a house and wait inside for people to show up or do i have to find them?
@BIGZDAWG 3 ай бұрын
@@LazarusOfficialOG most NPCs can move in automatically (some will have to have certain conditions met) and some NPCs will have to be found.
@zanespel 3 ай бұрын
If you mine for more rare ores, you can make stronger armor. Look for Tungsten or Platinum. Also you can find better weapons in chests or on the sky islands. That skeleton head is meant to be unbeatable. (It's always funny to see it jumpscare someone for the first time) You'll have to talk to the old man at night to summon Skeletron (the curse), once you beat him you can enter the dungeon and that skeleton head won't kill you. Thanks for another great video! Congrats on 100 subs! 🔥
@LazarusOfficialOG 3 ай бұрын
THANK YOU! Ohhhhhhh I guess that makes sense, ngl. I LOVE bosses like that in certain contexts like when I DM d&d I love showing off the BBEG early as this like breaking the laws of reality powerful and my players have to figure out how to overcome them!
@gaster6670 3 ай бұрын
@@LazarusOfficialOG Small correction, your world does not have Platinum or Tungsten. Terraria worlds have 4 basic ores, but these ores have other variant of them. (What your World Has / other variant) Tin / Copper Lead / Iron Silver / Tungsten Gold / Platinum The variants work the same, the only thing different is there stats for weapons/armors. there is a way to get other variants if you really want them but its hard/random and It's not worth it for making armors. So you should look for Silver or Gold... or go to Jungle
@bertilrodin7432 3 ай бұрын
Almost at 100 subs!!! ❤
@LazarusOfficialOG 3 ай бұрын
I knowwwwwwwww I'm so excited!!
@Vinterfint 3 ай бұрын
Next time you fight a boss you should make an arena using platforms, also good job on the video.
@LazarusOfficialOG 3 ай бұрын
Oooooooooo i can do that!!
@zanespel 3 ай бұрын
@@LazarusOfficialOGAlso you can put a campfire on the platform as it will give you regeneration within a range.
@LazarusOfficialOG 3 ай бұрын
OH YEAH!! I forgot I read about that when I first started 😅 lmao I think I'm just so used to soulsborn games where any regen stuff just really isn't worth it so I forget
@gaster6670 3 ай бұрын
Hi again :D Your doing really well, maybe you didn't kill any bosses but that's ok, it just means that you need to explore more. So let me tell you something about the biomes: -Snow biome, go there If you just want to get some bit better items without dying much. (there are no boulders there) -Crimson, going into one of these Red caves will give some good stuff (there is a way to destroy these Red blocks but i wont tell how) Plus you need to go there If you want to craft Eye of cthulhu summon. (You need 6 Lens from demon eyes to craft it) -Jungle and Desert, these two have really good stuff but are much harder to explore, one thing about these biomes caves is that they are very different from one another, Jungle has one deep long cave (can be blocked by a some structures) and the desert Has a LOT of small caves so you need to dig a lot. One thing that can help you explore is Gem hooks, made out of 15 of any kind of gem, they are powerfull tools that will make exploring caves much more easy. Something interesting about Gems is that there are tiers to them: I - amethyst/topaz II - sapphire/emerald III - amber/ruby/diamond Some interesting things about the gems: -Diamond is the best gem, with the best items made out of it. -Amber is easiest tier III to obtain, but you need to be in a specific biome to get it. -tier II is good enough to somewhat easily kill the Big Eye. How to fight bosses. The most important thing you need to fight bosses is a good arena, Without it avoiding there attacks is really hard. there is a lot of designs. a lot but Short: ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Few of them, but long: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ or some mix of these. (I prefer one massive arena near the dungeon that covers half the world :D) As for other things, your accessories are good enough, but you need better weapon. And for armor, I recommend visiting the jungle. You said you want a set up a teleport to the mushroom biome... well you can! make 2 more houses/rooms and 2 more Npcs will be able to live with you making a small town. (3 npc make a town) and if they are happy they will sell you a Pylon, and with it you can teleport to other pylons in other towns! So... You can make a lot of small towns with Pylons in them so you can teleport all around the world. But there are restrictions in getting/using pylons: -Pylons are assigned to a biome and you can only have one of each biome. (So you can't have like two desert Pylons) -Npcs have to be happy to sell pylons, that can be hard to get right, some npc have to be living with other npc they like, or they need to live in biome they like, but there are siblings npcs who will be so happy when reunited that they will sell pylons in every biome they live. (One can move in right now if you just build more houses and for the other you need to go to the Underground desert) -there is one biome that npc don't want to live, Crimson, they all Hate it so much that they prefer to be homeless then live there. -Pylon can teleport you if at least 2 npc are near it and if there is no Boss actively trying to kill you. 23:10 classic terraria moment. Well i think that's all, good luck.
@LazarusOfficialOG 3 ай бұрын
This is all super useful thank you so much!!!!
@LazarusOfficialOG 3 ай бұрын
BTW i was wondering with the hooks, aren't they for the fishing pole? Or do they somehow increase my damage?
@gaster6670 3 ай бұрын
@@LazarusOfficialOG Hooks are a powerful addition to your movement, and have a dedicated accessory slot (above armor) (further explanation, spoiler) they work as grappling hook. they shoot out of you and make you stick to a block (with some exceptions) but they can also be used as omni-directional dash (if you fight on a platform)
@gaster6670 3 ай бұрын
​@@LazarusOfficialOG oh yea I completely forgot to tell you something. You can sleep in bed, you just need to click on the right side of it instead of left. Sleeping doesn't change night to day immediately but it speeds up time. Oh and sleeping doesn't speeds up time in a few situations.