@TrainDoctorBobby Күн бұрын
Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@qwerty-so6ml 3 күн бұрын
In John 8:44, Jesus said the devil was a murderer from the beginning. What beginning? Genesis 1:1 In the beginning. Man is a peel, shell, or husk. Man is an illusion, a trap to hunt angels. Genesis 1:27 So ELOHIM created(BARA) man in his own image (TSELEM), in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. ELOHIM = angels, gods (little g) BARA = cut down, formative process TSELEM = image, phantom, illusion, representative figure - especially an idol. Genesis 1:27 So ANGELS created man as a PHANTOM, ILLUSION, ESPECIALLY AN IDOL. Does the Lord God make idols? NO. Satan and his kind make idols. In Jude 1:6-7, Angels left their first estate to fornicate. Are angels male or female? No. How do they fornicate? They take on an idol (human host body) to participate. Are you being hunted? Ezekiel 13:20 Wherefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there HUNT THE SOULS to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly.
@qwerty-so6ml 3 күн бұрын
#### Genesis 1 is ELOHIM (Lucifer and the fallen angels). They made this realm. They made man in their image. (tares) Man is an idol, a trap to hunt angels. Genesis 2:7 the Lord God forms His representative in their system. (wheat) One Gospel: Gospel (GOOD ANGEL) of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself. We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness. If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever. Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods). REPENT FALLEN ANGELS.
@YkkJiali Ай бұрын
@bigoz7 Ай бұрын
Amen 🙏
@rayfiore7779 Ай бұрын
To say it was "the end of the old covenant" is presumptuous, as the Bible more clearly states that it was the fulfillment of God's promises, which makes them more precious and memorable. They should be treasured, not discarded.
@bigoz7 Ай бұрын
Amen 🙏
@johnaustin47 Ай бұрын
@Probability-of-God Ай бұрын
@@johnaustin47 Thank you, I’m glad the message resonated!
@rec2431 Ай бұрын
yes definitely aliens, . . . .or that blue dye was rare and expensive and so reserved for depicting gods, just like purple was for roman.emporers.
@Probability-of-God Ай бұрын
@@rec2431 yes, could be rare color. Still, Dendera temple is almost all blue background inside, which means for temples, pharaoh tombs price was not the limitation. Still, it could be rare. But also could be a skin color. I like to consider different hypotheses without being afraid to go out of the box. The more aspects hypothesis explains - the more viable it is, at least in science. This is how cosmology models evolve, for example.
@rec2431 Ай бұрын
@Probability-of-God It's funny how various hypothesies always default to aliens or lost ancient civilisations.
@Probability-of-God Ай бұрын
@ because they explain more aspects and solve contradictions without creating a new ones, like their skin color, height, longevity, why ancient people believed they came from stars, even building pyramids, if you will. When it is dark matter in astrophysics - no-one mocks it, even though it is absolutely hypothesized something we don’t know, so called it dark. But when it comes to another beings, or divine - bias appears immediately. This is double standards in treating hypotheses.
@rec2431 Ай бұрын
@@Probability-of-God I think you'll find advancing aliens as an explanation for anything creates more questions than answers, especially blue ones. also comparing an hypothesis for an observable, measurable physical phenomonem to a 'what if' level speculation is a gross category error.
@XEndlessSteelX Ай бұрын
Evolution is a fact.
@Probability-of-God Ай бұрын
@@XEndlessSteelX the question is how it happened.
@XEndlessSteelX Ай бұрын
@@Probability-of-God we know almost everything about evolution. You do not get to stuff "God did that" into the tiny knowledge gaps we still have, unless you prove that "God" did it.
@Probability-of-God Ай бұрын
@ until gaps exist - none hypothesis is proven. Also, if proofs for God’s authorship are required, the same approach is applied to any other theory, including SELF evolution. Otherwise, it is manipulation towards preferable hypothesis.
@XEndlessSteelX Ай бұрын
@@Probability-of-God There is enough evidence to prove evolution to be a fact, and zero evidence to even make us assume there could be a deity. Also, please elaborate on "SELF evolution", as you seem to not understand what the theory of Evolution even is.
@Probability-of-God Ай бұрын
@ fossil record demonstrates evolution as development of life. It has unresolved questions. However, how did it happen?Due to mutations and natural selection? Even more question. Not even mentioning the unresolved abiogenesis. You might want to see the full video as I exactly go through each of these topics. Hope you will find interesting ideas for yourself!
@332auto Ай бұрын
@CharlieDavis-k4i Ай бұрын
@hoetakeawalk Ай бұрын
Use your own voice ai ruins this
@misterpresidentlyricist Ай бұрын
This is stupid and false.
@calebtamayo2603 2 ай бұрын
I Love You Jesus Christ..I love you God Amen 🙏
@mandyscarrett 2 ай бұрын
@XEndlessSteelX 2 ай бұрын
The probability is 100%, seeing as it happened. It doesn't matter what "big number" you throw in there, it happened and that's a fact.
@YUIJCYIJMfj 2 ай бұрын
)海外著名民运人士王军涛在拜读了法轮功创始人李洪志大师最近发表的《为什么人类是迷的社会》一文后表示,李大师的文章指出了当今社会乱象丛生的根源,并指明了人类的出路。他理解,所谓现代化并未导致社会进步,乱象来自人心,只要守住心中本源的善,就能走出苦海。 王军涛毕业于北京大学,随后获美国哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院硕士及哥伦比亚大学政治专业博士学位。因在中国投身民主运动而多次被中共关进监狱,目前是中国民主党全国委员会共同主席。 灾难性现象怎么来的 如何走出苦海 自从2023年1月20日起,李洪志大师陆续发表了包括《为什么会有人类》《为什么要救度众生》《为什么人类是迷的社会》等系列文章。 王军涛在先后拜读了李大师的文章后,理解人类到了“成、住、坏、灭的最后一个阶段”。他对大纪元表示,瘟疫、战争、各种各样的灾难“都给人类社会带来很大苦难”,“社会显得很脆弱,人心很脆弱,这个社会之间的关系也很脆弱,这就给很多人带来痛苦。” 他说,“我觉得李洪志大师的这篇文章告诉我们,灾难性的现象是怎么来的,这些人的痛苦该怎么看,特别是我们该怎么走出这个痛苦。” 他谈到读李洪志大师这篇文章的体悟,“这些乱象背后都是人类背离了正确的东西,或者造物主最初创建这个世界的想法,后来这个世界渐渐发生了一些变化,不像最初那么好了,而这些乱象实际上都是这个世界走向崩溃和灭绝的一个征兆。” “在最后的时候造物主怜悯众生,最后给你一个机会,能够到一个新的宇宙中,那就是得救。但是在这个过程中要靠自己本源的善,在这个迷的世界中苦修,然后走出这片苦海。” “另一方面给你固守人心中的善、发扬人心中的善提供了更好条件,就是没有人能去强迫你一定要去做恶,你有更自由的心灵去选择,去选择善、去固有善、去行善、做善事,然后走出这片苦海。” 现代化未导致社会进步 乱象来自人心 过去100年,人类社会快速走向现代化,科学技术极大地改善了物质环境、物质生活。但是,王军涛认为,人们在追求更好的物质生活时,没有了道德约束,就使得战争、人和人之间冲突、凶杀等各种犯罪都出来了。 “社会科学开始以为只要靠着科学认知,可以逐渐找到解决问题的道路,但现在越来越多的研究对这一点发生怀疑。” 他说,“当你用这个科学认知,可以发现更多的物质规律时,可能那些没有道德的人,(把科学认知)用于造成更大的破坏性的环境,和破坏人的传统道德等等,(出现)这样一些后果。” 对于人类社会出现的各种问题,王军涛认为,最主要是人心乱了。 “这种(现代科技)手段如果掌握在坏人手里,或者人心已经坏了的人手里,那它们可能就成为一个坏的工具。”他说,“其实人类社会的现代化,带来很多技术的进步,它并不导致人心的进步,并必然不会导致社会的进步。” “我觉得大家都知道,仅仅(靠)科学和自然的技术,能改善我们的物质世界,能改善我们的物质条件,让我们的生活变得好,但是并不能给你带来真正的幸福。” “相反它破坏了许多原有的这种和谐。在过去传统社会,靠信仰打造这种和谐。现在(科学技术)使得人类面临了很多新的、过去从来没有过的灾难,而且这种灾难越来越多。” 王军涛理解,正如李大师文章所说,要想脱离灾难,“应当回到人心的修炼上,要有一个道德感”。 “其实还是需要回到一个善良的秉性上,我们才能够重建我们的关系,而且用这样的善良秉性,形成新的精神世界去驾驭我们这个物质世界,驾驭物质世界给我们带来的这种新的物质发展的机遇。所以这个我觉得是一个比较大的启示。” 人类社会如何走出乱象:守着心中本源的善 “从这个角度,我觉得李大师的经文很重要,它是给我们人类社会走出乱象,提供了一个指导性的线索。” 王军涛说,“这就是说,第一要知道这些乱象,其实是对你的考验。它的出现都不是偶然的,如果你想获救的话,不论是宗教信仰意义上的获救,还是说你在人生困境中要走出苦海,那么这些乱象都是你必须要经历的阶段。” “第二就是走出乱象,最主要的一点就是要回到人性本源的善,再通过这个善,固守善、发扬善、光大善,通过这个方式能够重建自己,能够驾驭这种物质进步带来的各种新的发展机会,重建你的心灵世界,重建你和人与人之间的关系。” 他认为,“人类社会的乱象,其实不光中国有,实际上在整个世界都有,包括在自由民主国家。” 王军涛表示,“在一个自由民主社会中,好多乱象表现的比专制社会更厉害。为什么呢?因为专制社会实际上是一个大恶,它把很多小恶给压着了。比如说只许它作恶,它可以去杀人、可以放火、可以贪腐、可以去镇压异端,而那些小恶它都给压着。” “但是在一个自由民主社会中,其实没有一个强权可以绝对控制所有人的时候,那么每个人心中的恶,都会有一个表现机会、表现的空间,所以有时我们在所谓乱世中的很多恶,在自由民主社会中表现得更充分。”“当然另一方面,那些向善的人,也有更多的机会去行善。” 王军涛说,“李洪志大师指出,人的出路就是守着心中本源的善,然后从这个迷的世界中走出来,走向一片光明、走向幸福,那么我觉得在这一点上,我们也都有深深的认同感。” “像法轮功修炼群体,还有像基督教教会,都在这样一个物欲横流的世界中,建立起一片片精神的绿洲和精神家园,把这样一些向善的人收在这个家园中,过比较宁静的生活。而在这个家园之外的还在受着各种各样的煎熬。” 他说,“这种内心的宁静,这样的一种人和人之间的关系,其实就是预示着将来,如果他们能够在这个世界之后、或者世界灭绝之后,能感受到这样一个好的宇宙,或者是回到上帝的怀抱中的这样一种幸福生活。” “我理解,当凭着我们内心本源的善,不要被外在的这种物质世界的变化,这种人欲,这种各种各样的变化带来的贪欲,而是要本着本源的善去驾驭好人心,然后通过驾驭好的人心,能建立一个好的社会关系。” 他说,“那么我们仍然在此生中,还是可以体会到很多神的恩典,或者造物主的恩典,还是可以有一些幸福生活。” 人为什么在迷中 如何从迷中返回? 李洪志大师的这篇文章解释了人为什么在迷中,王军涛谈到自己的理解时说,“实际上是因为你们已经堕落了,上帝和造物主为了让你们有一个重新回来的机会,先把你的各种各样智慧、知识都给你封住,封上之后让你在一个迷的世界中。” 人在迷中容易做坏事,他体悟道,“李大师经文讲的就是,从你固有的善出发,坚守住这个善,不要被外界的这些、就是在成住坏灭最后阶段的这个世界乱象牵引,不要为了贪欲,各种不好的想法所诱导。(如果你)最后去享受这些乱七八糟的东西,那你会在堕落中走向灭亡。” “其实这个灭亡,我觉得就是对于没信仰的人也知道,人和人之间的这种争斗、战争、瘟疫,各种各样的自然灾变,都会把你给毁灭掉、把人类毁灭掉。”他说,“那你也可以说这是神的意志、造物主的意志。如果想走出这个困境,你要靠做好人,要向善、要人心向善修行。” 王军涛说,“李老师经文说了,就是要苦修,这是很苦的一件事情,修炼是个挺苦的事情。但是修炼到了修出来时,那就觉得很幸福。” “就是靠守住本源的善,然后通过苦修走出这个迷的世界,这个其实是唯一的出路。” 王军涛谈到自己的两点认识,“第一就是你现在处在苦海之中,在这个迷的世界。而这个苦海和迷都是你们自己带来的,你们违背了造物主的意志,或者说违背了这个世界本来对人应该有的要求,总之你违背这些东西之后,你就要受到惩罚。 “第二能够渡过这个劫难,能够走出来的话,无论是回到比如另外一个新宇宙,还是回到神主的怀抱,还是人类社会能在这片土地上重建一片幸福生活,那就要靠自己的善良本意才能够走出来,我觉得这是一个最大的一个结论性的东西。” 责任编辑:郑浩宇#
@hinoron6528 2 ай бұрын
Who keeps letting the pottery-makers and sculptors write the creation myths?
@absolutemalkavian4974 2 ай бұрын
Homo Erectus...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Freddy-df2 2 ай бұрын
@hinoron6528 2 ай бұрын
and yet you have nothing to say...
@scottpowers705 2 ай бұрын
Tell two kids not to do something....well what are they gonna do...god wanted them to eat it ....
@YJJUKYUKYUIK 2 ай бұрын
一位没有听说过法轮功的美国读者Laura Hampton读了李洪志大师写的《为什么会有人类》之后表示,李大师给人一个非常积极的信息,得到这个信息的人就得到了希望;而中共就是不让中国人有希望。 今年47岁的乔治亚州居民Laura Hampton是一家公司的财务秘书。她表示,自己相信耶稣但却不跟随任何教派。 “这篇文章很有意义。”她在日前接受大纪元采访时说,“李大师的文章和我的信仰有相似之处。” 法轮功创始人李洪志大师发表《为什么会有人类》。 中共不想让中国人民有希望 Hampton在这之前不知道法轮功,看了《为什么会有人类》之后,她搜索了关于法轮功的消息,得知中共一直在迫害中国的法轮功修炼者。 “在我看来,李大师所说的这个功法对中共政府不会有任何威胁,我不明白中共为什么有如此的反应。我认为李大师想解决问题,但是却得到了负面的对待,我不明白这一点”;“这完全没有道理可言”。 她说,“李大师给了中国人民一个机会,让他们可以超越面临的压迫。我的意思是,他给了人们一个非常积极的信息,而得到这个信息的人就得到了希望。但我认为,中共并不想让中国人民有希望。” 人行善会得福报 Hampton完全同意文中所说的“生命做的好就有福报”、“苦能消罪业……从而生命得到提升”这些说法。她说,李大师的文章“可以让所有人都受益”,所以她理解并称颂在迫害中坚持信仰的中国法轮功学员。 “(迫害中坚持信仰)这是值得称赞的。这也说明(他们的信仰)是真的。”Hampton说,“只有当一件事对你来说是真的,你才会为之舍生忘死。” Hampton感谢大纪元刊登法轮功创始人李大师的文章。 “可能有很多像我一样的人,如果不是这些真相曝光在我们面前,我们甚至可能不会去了解法轮功。”她说,“我原来根本不知道什么是法轮功。现在我知道了。” 此文让人受益 绝对值得一读 另一位从纽约搬到田纳西居住的原法庭工作人员Caro Lanzano 表示,《为什么会有人类》一文“绝对值得阅读,人们可以从中获益,尤其是对那些没有任何精神信仰的人”。 Lanzano说,李大师讲述的道理和她的信仰很相似。 “我记得文章的‘要坚守……正理’‘保持善良’等内容。”她说,还有一个相似的地方是,“神会回到地球上来纠正你的错误;你的业力决定了你的生活。” Lanzano说,她记得当她读完此文的时候,“整个人都感觉轻松起来,非常好。”◇ (大纪元记者Catherine Yang对此文有贡献。) 责任编辑:孙芸#
@ianchisholm5756 2 ай бұрын
'Who is the entity?' You're putting your answer in your question, and then using a 'God of the Gaps' argument. Hardly inspiring.
@Probability-of-God 2 ай бұрын
@@ianchisholm5756 a right question is half the answer
@ianchisholm5756 2 ай бұрын
@@Probability-of-God You mean if you put your desired answer in the question, you're halfway to your desired answer. You have just assumed that 'someone' created consciousness and then wondered what their name was.
@Probability-of-God 2 ай бұрын
I mean, in neuroscience, formulating questions about consciousness and intelligence is difficult in itself, and the question sets the direction of the research, as you rightly noted. Therefore, if the question is asked incorrectly, it will not lead to the truth. You can ask: how does a thought arise - and all the answers will lie in the plane of neurophysiology. Or you can ask: who thinks these thoughts, and then they will lead beyond the material mechanism of the brain. Thank you for this conversation!
@ianchisholm5756 2 ай бұрын
@@Probability-of-God You make some interesting points, but I would caution against making leaps to personality being disconnected from or 'beyond' the brain, since that is likely to land you back in supernatural speculation again.
@uknownothingoohkilledem5393 2 ай бұрын
Satan has always tried to play lord never forget that the lord conquered Egypt and freed the jews
@vicarofrevelwood 3 ай бұрын
God is a shortened term for Elohim. Elohim is a multi-plleural noun, much like church, gang, group, or words like audience.
@NoahsAugust 3 ай бұрын
This AI stuff is not gonna work
@Karmaholik 3 ай бұрын
Thank you
@PunkDogCreations 3 ай бұрын
Jesus is the Only Way, and He loves you so much that He died on the cross for you. Stay blessed my friend.❤
@joshuagraham967 3 ай бұрын
Good question
@karldunne5595 3 ай бұрын
But, is the singularity below the Planck length 🤔...........
@leszek9037 3 ай бұрын
It cannot be infinitely dense lol. Infinite means infinite, it would atract everything and swallow it immediately. Singularity in black holes is limited by Planck's length
@jadindell 4 ай бұрын
These are not gods. They are entities created by the one true God - Yahweh the God of Israel. They turned away from Him because of pride thinking they were equal. Came to earth to become "gods" to human beings.
@shawns0762 4 ай бұрын
The fundamental phenomenon of dilation explains dark matter. Mass that is dilated is smeared through spacetime relative to an outside observer. It's the phenomenon our high school teachers were talking about when they said "mass becomes infinite at the speed of light". A graph illustrates its squared nature, dilation increases at an exponential rate the closer you get to the speed of light. A time dilation graph illustrates the same phenomenon, it's not just time that gets dilated. Dilation occurs wherever there is an astronomical quantity of mass because high mass means high momentum. This includes the centers of very high mass stars and the overwhelming majority of galaxy centers. The mass at the center of our own galaxy is dilated. This means that there is no valid XYZ coordinate we can attribute to it, you can't point your finger at something that is smeared through spacetime. In other words that mass is all around us. Dilation does not occur in galaxies with low mass centers because they do not have enough mass to achieve relativistic velocities. It has been confirmed in 6 very low mass galaxies including NGC 1052-DF2 and DF4 to have no dark matter. In other words they have normal rotation rates. All binary stars have normal rotation rates for the same reason.
@imponentusgamer3247 4 ай бұрын
I wouldn't say it's Biblical... something cannot come from nothing... if you find a house in middle of a field, you wouldn't assume that it manifested itself out of nowhere... someone must have designed it and built the house there... The same did God with our world... Now, not everything that you said is totally false according to the Bible... if you read Genesis 1... on the second day God divides water from water, then on the fifth day God creates birds and fish... the inconsistency with what you said is that you are assuming that these animals manifested from the "waters" when it's God who created them in there for them to survive...
@jimjenke3661 4 ай бұрын
Prohibitionists don't like Lotuses. but I do
@autopilotlevel7296 4 ай бұрын
Wrong it’s a preamble to the story. It’s like me saying I had a car accident and then I go into the details of how the accident happened. Does that mean that it was two different car accidents?
@Probability-of-God 4 ай бұрын
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@Probability-of-God 4 ай бұрын
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@Probability-of-God 4 ай бұрын
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@Probability-of-God 4 ай бұрын
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@Probability-of-God 4 ай бұрын
Full video at: kzbin.info/www/bejne/gqu5d6WMnd1slaMsi=Q1KaXX5ZD3H17odG
@Probability-of-God 4 ай бұрын
Full video at: kzbin.info/www/bejne/bp3HZqGQjcR6bcUsi=S5A38DnUaiNuOoXR
@Probability-of-God 4 ай бұрын
@Probability-of-God 4 ай бұрын
@Probability-of-God 4 ай бұрын
@Probability-of-God 4 ай бұрын