@Christopher-eq1rn 23 минут бұрын
The fun police desperately need to go outside and get some sunlight, hopefully find some grass to touch
@Myron90 2 сағат бұрын
Me and my shadow clone for life ⚔️
@justrandomstuff6828 2 сағат бұрын
Honestly, this fanbase sucks, the gate keeping is just ridiculous, the literal NPCs ask you to summon them for help, how in the world is that cheating? That's why you can't listen to these people, Elden Ring is not punishment, it's an adventure game about YOUR odyssey
@zaphael7238 2 сағат бұрын
This to me is hilarious, the developers put time and effort in making items for the players to use. This is why there is no difficulty setting on the game it allows you to customize your play through without an arbitrary slider that will make the game less fun for you. You customize how you want to play not some fun sucker that wants you to do a no hit naked run using your fist.
@baderhh9928 2 сағат бұрын
As an unfortunate member of the fun police I agree with most of this, the main people I have an issue with are those who boast beating a boss after using a cheesy build and without actually learning any attacks and just spamming skills while tanking every attack, sure you can call that a play style and you enjoy the game like that, but you cant call yourself good, since beating the boss itself isnt what makes the player good but how you beat it, this game is open world and gives the player far more than what he/she could use, you could say that its too much, I've seen someone act proud after tanking the final boss of the dlc and just spamming the weird lion claw skill, was actually the least skillful fight I have ever seen, not a single time has the person rolled during the fight, even the aoe attacks he just gave up on dodging and just kept going, only good thing about the build is the drip and nothing else
@Rez_U_Rekt 3 сағат бұрын
Can we all agree that people who use all the broken shit beat the game? Like, they did it, but on easy mode.
@comradekims.d. 4 сағат бұрын
People who say lower pevel better are just too lazy to farm. It takes much more dedication to level to maximum.
@narutofan4545 4 сағат бұрын
Fifty tries with a mimic tear
@ReiRei12 5 сағат бұрын
I can't agree with Elden Rig being a fair game lol.
@tek512 5 сағат бұрын
Every FromSoft game has a fun police problem.
@deazee2288 6 сағат бұрын
If it's in the code it's free real estate
@Chetooooooo 6 сағат бұрын
All is fair in PvE. But if you bring Blood infused Swift Slash into PvP, you are just a bad person. If you need to make things easier for you in PvE, go for it, but as soon as you bring easy mode into PvP, you are actively effecting the experiences of other people
@MilkyJoe73 6 сағат бұрын
The people who bitch about what builds are allowed are the same people that a crying that the dlc is too hard 💀 You never see people with actual skill like ginomachino trying to invalidate other players. Its always the mediocre players with an inflated ego that complain...
@Cyphu 6 сағат бұрын
I don’t consider anything cheating, but this game is so unbelievably unbalanced that you can easily trivialize fights, to the point where you don’t need to learn the moveset or even see all the moves. I think that’s why some people will call it cheating. In the past you would need to learn a boss fight, get good at it and eventually overcome it. Now you can summon your shadow clone and melt a boss as they struggle to juggle aggro between two enemies, add some op build on top of that and the boss will die without putting up a fight in most cases. This makes the concept of learning a boss completely optional, which is the entire point of a boss fight in the first place. I don’t know what fromsoft is working on next but I hope it doesn’t have these same issues. I personally hope they consider spirit summons a failed experiment and don’t ever add them to any games going forward
@chrislinks6867 7 сағат бұрын
* Hears accent, hmm Singapore?🤔 * Checks Channel -> Bingo🤓 (Hello from South Africa 👋🏾🇿🇦)
@calibula95 7 сағат бұрын
Fun Police acording to this video: people who want other to play a certain way (aka morons). The real fun police: the MFers who ruin pvp by going as blue phantoms.
I hear you but youre wrong
@KaiHarizor 8 сағат бұрын
Very well put.
@ekaitzjuradoenciso2055 8 сағат бұрын
Personally i think the only incorrect way to play the game is using Glitches or Cheeses, besides that everything is a valid way to play it.
@clownshoegaming4772 9 сағат бұрын
people complain about using mechanics that are part of the actual game......then log on twitch to watch someone who's clearly using cheat engine or some crazy mod
@lostvarius 9 сағат бұрын
One thing that’s not often discussed is the time factor : this is a very, VERY long game. Most people have jobs, families, etc. Learning how to dodge every attack for every boss, even acquiring the fine motor skills and coordination necessary to do so takes A LOT of time. Most of us simply don’t have the luxury to afford it. So yes, in the limited time I have to experience the content offered by this game, I’d rather use every tool available and have fun exploring, rather than spending my precious time getting stuck on the same boss. Again, if that’s your thing, more power to you ! Just don’t patronize the rest of us.
@radianthero9961 11 сағат бұрын
Everything that is put into the game is supposed to be used. Everyone can decide whether or not they want to use it or not. Nobody is cheating by using mechanics that where put into the game by the developer.
@oosyboosy3549 11 сағат бұрын
the problem is that if you use a broken build you might be taking the enjoyment away from yourself. with the example of your friend, by overleveling Melania, he made the fight easier and it only took him a handful of attempts. because of this he wont have gotten the same satisfaction you got after fighting her for several hours. this dose only apply in some situations. on my first playthrough i used moonvale, but because I sucked at the game bosses still took me many hours to kill, and as such I still got satisfaction from killing them. agents Elden beast i used mimic and commit assure, and as such I did not get the same satisfaction, and robed myself of the enjoyment of the game. struggling against bosses is a kea part of souls games, and if this difficulty is taken away they are simply worse. some people may be less or more skilled at the game, and for these people overleveling, underleveling or using strong or week weapons is important to maintain the characteristics of the game, but if your build means that you kill bosses in a handful of attempts it is probably not the right build for you.
@AussieBeef54099 16 сағат бұрын
The closest thing to a "right way" I can find is to change and adapt your build and toolkit to better deal with specific boss fights. The best designed fights are ones with limited solutions, but never a singular dominant braindead strategy. From soft games, much like all other games in history, are as much about working and adapting within the limitations of the games "rules" as it is about individual expression. One of the only real flaws is see is the game not emphasising respeccing enough. The seemingly finite (not actually true) number of larval tears makes respeccing feel like such a commitment, especially when players assume that you need to build your character centred on one stragetgy to "dominate" the whole game. Yes, technically this game is balanced around being "beatable by all strategies". Doesn't inherently mean it needs to be easily beaten without a few caviats here and there. There are just some bosses you can't beat on RL1, naked, no summons, no talismans, no buffs, no parry, blocking, no rolling, no jumping, no (insert intended game mechanic, unintended exploit or glitch you refuse to engage with), etc without a whole lotta luck.
@LyllianaTV 17 сағат бұрын
as a asian dude i agreed
@184Switch Күн бұрын
I'm someone that beats all the games around level 120, no summons, melee only. Thats just how I play because thats the challenge I like. Anyone else can play the game however they like, as long as they're having fun, that's what matters. The only time I'll say people are playing it wrong, is the people that aren't playing at all. I see people with 2 level 500 summons clearing everything for them. When they're just standing back watching a live lets play of their friends curbstomping everything and not engaging with the fights at all, they might as well not be there. Summon OP friends, do whatever you want, but at least join in lol.
@Lyonatan Күн бұрын
All these morons jumpheavy their way through the game while mocking others for using a bomb.
@hollowhunter7791 Күн бұрын
Personally I don’t find summons cheating. The only time I have an issue with it is when the summon can basically solo the boss without the player having to do anything and then the player brags that they beat the boss first try and that the game isn’t hard enough
@twentypandora96 Күн бұрын
Do what you love. - Collin Wyckoff. Thats what I stand by to this day. I will play how I want to play, and people can complain all they want about my play style, but in the end nothing people say will cause me to change the way I play.
@boogl Күн бұрын
I think people need to understand that there is no “wrong” way to play the game. Unless you are using some gamebreaking glitch that was not intended by the developers then it’s fair game. The developers at fromsoft had to meticulously code every weapon, ash of war, consumable, spirit summon, incantation and spell so that players could use them! Just because you were able to beat Messmer with your cute little strength greatsword build doesn’t give you the right to invalidate ANYONE else’s way of playing the video game.
@ferbsol2334 Күн бұрын
this game fucking sucks also total pver death
@Messmer_the_impaler-serpent Күн бұрын
Skill issue
@OwlOwl-c4g Күн бұрын
I just dont like Mage builds cause most people i run into using them just...cant use them right.
@kingcrab7837 Күн бұрын
9 minutes and 3 seconds of cope
@Monsterstrike7 Күн бұрын
I played DS1, 2, 3 and bloodborne. I played those games melee with and without npc summons. I am not ashamed to use ashes and summons in elden ring. They are deeply integrated tools with their own upgrade system. the developer gave them to us for a reason. There is only one intended way to play the game. It is called: having fun.
@LeeSoExcellent Күн бұрын
If people dropped egos, and didn't care about beating a video game as if you've accomplished anything actually worthwhile then no one would care but sadly, the community has made beating the game some high IQ play and only the best most sweaty people can beat it, anyone can they just need patients.
@rikisalim6438 Күн бұрын
I use all of those "cheat" and still got wreck. It's not cheating. It's a tool to save you from getting stuck at a certain roadblock so you can enjoy the game.
@Parasiteve Күн бұрын
as long as people actually play the game and they dont just complain its too hard then idc how they play. im just sick of the fake game journalists who dont even play the game and they say its too hard and its bad. you played the game for 3 seconds dude, try harder ffs lol. everyone has their own way of defeating enemies in a game/ own way of playing a game. the game devs game gamers diff ways to beat the game and people still complain its too hard. they gave you options, you're just not trying hard enough or long enough. people give up too easily so like i said as long as people are trying and completing the game, i dont have an issue with how they play. when i played i used the ashes/summons to my advantage. i used the mimic tear i think? to distract wtf is her name...maelina? but its how i beat her. the mimic was distracting her and id move in and hit her then run out when she did an AOE type thing. took awhile but it worked for me. you can't beat each boss with just brute force and yet soo many people do that/ try it and they fail because thats not how the game is meant to be played/work. i used magic, which i never use in fromsoft games, instead of swords which i usually use. i never use shields either, idk why but i dont like using em, it feels...amateurish to me, idk why so thats why i dont use em personally. fighting from a distance is a tactical advantage though and some people prefer to play like THAT rather than be in the mess of it up by the enemy. in dungeons and dragons your whole party is made up of diff classes. you have mages who are glass cannons basically so they stay in the back and snipe to stay safe. you have the barbarians who are basically the tanks who are up there doing CQC. you have healers who are also usually distanced but have to move around to heal sometimes (some heals are touch only). you have rangers who are also ranged attack but also they have a pet thats melee attack too. you have a bard who is a buffer who also tends to stay in the back to stay protected but they buff everyone else to make em stronger. again, as long as people keep trying and dont just give up and complain about the game being too hard. i dont care how they play the game, just keep trying and have fun with it, however you can. some people like a challenge so they play with no weapons or armor which is fine for them, i like doing challenges like that too sometimes but i dont yell at people who dont do that. its lie speedrunning. i get how people see speedrunning as boring or pointless and not fun but for some people its fun for them to see how fast they can beat a game. usually its a favorite game because you have to play it constantly to get faster and faster. for me thats the OG tomb raider, i basically always speed run it while playing casually because ive played it soo much since 1996 lol. i know where everything is so theres no obstacles anymore for me. just be open to the way other people play games. dont be so uptight about it. keep out the tourists but encourage the newbies who legit try their hardest to be good at the game n what not.
@deathandrebirth-y8x Күн бұрын
the only thing miyazaki would want is for the chicks to turn on a feetcam. marika bless him.
@merchantotin6266 Күн бұрын
Before I begin this comment is merely my opinion/observation on what I will discuss. (I’ll promptly forget I ever wrote it anyhow) So when I think of fun police I don’t pay much mind to the words of the Er community but I do have to deal with the side that I can’t ignore the invaders. Now I don’t think invaders as a concept is bad, I think the idea that they can appear to be an interesting change of pace. But where my problem stems is a few reasons: Reason 1. The invader can track you: now I get why they need it for this game but it makes avoiding them all together no longer an option since they will eventually reach your proximity. (My only other times dealing with invaders was Ds3 but them having to find you in my eyes sort of justifies the fight - not that I respect them on a personal or moral level of course.) 2. This games Invaders’ behaviour/playstyles: only made more apparent by new weapons like back hand blade is that some invaders are not here to have a fight (even though they could go where they belong in the coliseum, a place of like minded pvp players) but more to just ruin a coop experience for the sake of it… I’ll never understand what drives them, what does one get out of invading in this game past Varrè’s quest being completed early? No matter, I don’t really want to know why those with a lack of morals do what they do. Reason 3: This is more so a thing I’ve noticed by seeing their behaviour recommended to me despite my attempts to remove that from occurring. It would appear many of them hate being ganked which in another context would be fair. But in this scenario? The one they themselves decide that instead of going to a place added for your kind you instead pursue those who wish to avoid your kind by any cost when possible. So is it any surprise they and the cooperators who they brought to tag along for whatever decide to treat you like any other enemy? Well it shouldn’t be a surprise, especially when you know why they want you gone immediately… As we reach the conclusion I am aware of unique or in some cases honourable invaders which is nice but they are overshadowed by the greater pool of the immoral. You may wonder why I take such a stance on Er invaders? Well it’s simple, I often coop in this and bloodborne and it is a surprisingly huge contrast to go from an invader every near second to they don’t exist outside of 2 areas that you often just summon for the boss. Perhaps it is just a difference in the moral’s between the games since bb constantly tells the player to just hunt beast or kin or great ones and offers nothing to invading since you can get the single emote from NPCs. That will be all, I am a invader hater for I am a pve player like many of you. Now I return to the digital sea once more. Have a good day or night pve enjoyers.
@sephiro2063 Күн бұрын
Recently a friend of mine got in the game but he was frustrated because he didn't feel like he made any progress because he tried it "the correct way..." He was at the point of giving up and abandoning the game. It was then that we decided to give it one last try but in coop since he knew I breathe fromsoft games 😂 and during the first few hours of our playthrough I made sure to guide him to a few easier bosses he didn't find during his first try to make sure he builds confidence in beating them. By the point when we reached Radahn I was still helping him but instead of using my strong endgame/ dlc stuff I gradually changed to weaker equipment and began holding back way more, only pulling aggro when he was getting too frustrated and within just a few tries he beat him. That was a few days ago and yesterday he told me he's sorry because he started a ng+ without me 😂 Now we're in the dlc and I can barely stop him from rushing it.
@christopherkelly6833 Күн бұрын
I have played every single fromsoft souls many times starting from dark souls 1. My favorite game franchise to date and I used mimic for the dlc cause I was getting frustrated on rellana. Beat the rest of the dlc having a blast, and now I'm going back through 2nd challenging myself with no summons. There's no reason to impose restrictions on yourself out the gate if it's not fun. There is no correct way, its a game, just enjoy yourself. Glad to see your friend won't go hollow now, good shit
@Parasiteve Күн бұрын
yeah people care too much about playing it "hardcore style". "you're not a real gamer if you dont beat it naked with no weapon!" like no, thats just ONE WAY to play the game, not the ONLY WAY to play it. as long as people keep trying, i see it as a win. its when they give up instantly and say its too hard where im like "ok gtfo then tourist" lol. dont be tryin to change the game just because you dont like to try for more than 3 seconds.
@david_kingori 9 сағат бұрын
What some people need is just a helping hand and eventually they leave the training wheels behind. You're a good friend.
@grantdaily9662 Күн бұрын
I have had people say im "Cheating" for having 40 Vigor on builds, like sorry you want to constantly get merked by everything. I'd rather have a better chance of living more than a light breezs, yeah i still die but im not immediately getting a "You died"
@Th0rn5555 Күн бұрын
It's fun to Vigor checks scrubs. Bonus points if they use a Sore/Scarseal.
@grantdaily9662 Күн бұрын
@@Th0rn5555 ah the two talismans that get out classed by Godricks Great Rune as soon as you revive it, lovely for early game
@Parasiteve Күн бұрын
eh see i wouldn't call that cheating, id call it being a wuss lol. but even then im not meaning it in a bad way. some people like having more health because they feel safer that way and its better for them, im totes ok with that, its just a different build than what people normally go for. i usually go for more STAM than anything and endurance so i can wear to cool armor. sometimes i also make a healer type character who only uses miracles. people really are too uptight about stuff. you're atleast TRYING to play the game, ya know? most people give up at the start, cry its too hard, and tell people to stay away from it cuz "it sucks" and THOSE people are the ones who need to gtfo the community. people who legit try need to be encouraged to keep at it. took me 5 days to beat nameless king in DS3. the only boss in the whole game i had issues with too! 3 days straight i tried to beat him but took a break then came back and one shot him. i screamed and cursed him out so bad after i beat him lol. the last boss was a one shot for me, seriously he wasn't as hard as the nameless king and his POS bird. a lot of the game too is observing the patterns and learning how to deal with it.
@grantdaily9662 Күн бұрын
@@Parasiteve currently on my Dex build I have 30+ endurance with 40 Vig and 40+ Dex, it's fun running around not insta dieing and shredding through with Bloodhound Claws.
@swagleo7414 Күн бұрын
Me with 55 vigor 🙃
@Pooobers82 Күн бұрын
Idiots don’t realize that the whole point of fromsoft games is providing a massive challenge while also providing tons of different tools and builds to approach that challenge in your own way. There is no “right way” to play the games, and acting like players are breaking some kinda unspoken rule by using the tools at their disposal is a stupid way to think.
@bashfulwolfo6499 Күн бұрын
I’ll never understand how people can get so upset over how someone else is playing the game. Why even care? You don’t control their life, just focus on your own gameplay rather than whining about how someone is using a summon or how someone is using spells. I enjoy seeing other people’s builds, especially during invasions, and I’m a very happy person when I play Elden Ring since I don’t worry about meaningless stuff <3
@Christopher-eq1rn 10 минут бұрын
Because they place their personal value on beating the game with a handicap, so they get salty when others can claim to have the same accomplishment without having handicapped themselves. The simple version is that they need to go outside, touch grace, and find meaning in places that aren’t exclusively a video game
@Gigawolf1 Күн бұрын
I didn't get properly into Elden Ring until after SOTE, and only faced Malenia after a ton of grinding the bird & trying to face the DLC final boss. Between the levels, the gear, the much harder boss I'd started getting used to, and the Mimic Tear, I had a "I thought you were stronger" moment when I got her on my 2nd try. I might try a fairer fight against her on NG+, but I only just started that and she's a long ways away. Meanwhile, I didn't use shields except against the Hippo & the DLC final boss (went with a tank build against him, which took about a week to work out), and don't think I parried anything until I wanted to get the talisman from those freaky frenzied eye guys you can't kill without parrying them. Planning on trying out Frenzy for the 2nd journey, so it might even end up being useful
@Parasiteve Күн бұрын
i never use shields, idk why but i hate em. i also used the mimic tear to distract her so i could beat her. i did that after like my 5th try to see just what her moves are n what not. beat her easily after that lol. IMO the hardest boss in the series is the nameless king. hes the only boss ive had issues with. 5 days to beat him. 3 days straight of trying and failing, one day break, then i came back and beat him first try. i cried tears of joy and anger as i cursed him out lol.
@184Switch Күн бұрын
Just a heads up for frenzy, madness only works on certain enemies. Human npcs, invaders get affected by madness, but basically nothing else does. The spells are still fun and strong, but you'll likely only get the talisman effects when you inflict yourself with it!
@Adum 12 сағат бұрын
I always used summons for her but on my recent playthrough I decided to solo her with just my main weapon. It took about 7 hours of attempts but I was able to do it.
@lorencalfe6446 Күн бұрын
its because ppl foolishly treat elden ring as an iq test so they want to show off when they beat a boss. By having easy ways to complete the fight two camps of toxic ppl emerge, the dsp style delulululu who cheesed the boss with braindead method yet acts like they are a genius or something, and toxic gatekeepers who feel threatened that maybe them beating the boss isnt so impressive since they lose the exclusivity when anyone can cheese the fight. The issue is ppl take this game way too seriously. Elden ring combat is a goofy bug filled unbalanced mess. Thats the reality. If you disagree with my point and use cheesy exploits, well maybe you should just take the L when i beat you with quickslash.
@shoken4421 Күн бұрын
So here is my take on elden ring and people saying I didn't beat it "the right way" so if you didn't buy my system,the game or my online pass or are paying my light bill .... STFU ABOUT HOW I PLAY MY GAME! I'm not tryna hear you or your fake chest puffing talking about :you used a mimic or you used spells or you cheesed the boss. No because at the end of the day my mission is to beat the game ANY way I see fit because it's my game I payed for . If you don't like it tuff ,you think you can do better you post your playthrough of you beating the game . Other than that a win is a win .
@Parasiteve Күн бұрын
IMO if you stun lock a target thats more of a cheat than using the mimics lol. i mean, we all take advantage of it if it happens. just wail on that mofo until he dies because hes stun locked in a corner lol. HE WOULD DO IT TO YOU!
@shoken4421 Күн бұрын
@@Parasiteve exactly Miyazaki had these bosses made to be cheap so imma be cheap back ,I'm not spending 2+ hrs being stuck on a boss
@teacupbirb4711 Күн бұрын
I am of the mind that people can play however they want. If you use strong tools duch as summons in PVE, your playthrough is just as valid as someone who didn't. If you use cheesy mechanics during invasions on either side, that is fine. Invaders are meant to be annoying and halt progress however they can, and host side should be able to do whatever they can to repel them. The only thing I will judge, however, is the use of gimmicks and cheese in arena. I am aware that there is little to no competitive scene for ER pvp, but I would prefer if arena didn't devolve into nothing but chainsaw glitching. This is coming from an invader-centric player who has parried both Malenia and Radahn to death with curved sword parries solo. This whole elitist gatekeeping nonsense is often just a bunch of upset folks circlejerking a derivative of "if I suffered, you should suffer too." Play however you want. You paid for your game, so you don't have to let the FromSoft equivalent of an HOA dictate what you can and can't do (just don't be a dick in arena though).
@biggyjo4323 Күн бұрын
i beat the base game and the dlc at 270 and use all the mechanics the game as to offer this is my first souls game i really dont care what people say that im cheating if the creator put it in the game its not cheating
@brandinicole1372 8 сағат бұрын
Same here and for me the correct way to play is however YOU want to play the game. If you want to use magic and summons, use a tank and shield build, use dex and bleed it doesn’t matter as long as you’re having fun ignore the gatekeeping elitism nonsense.
@Tobythecatrocks Күн бұрын
Big coping from the bots that need easy mode.
@monkeygamer94 Күн бұрын
One of my buddies got mad at me because I used mimic tear for Malenia. He was mocking me for using it. He got stock with a dlc boss that uses 2 swords (You all know who 😂). I went and kill the boss first try “Like a normal souls players should do it” He took it like a champ so props to him
@Gigawolf1 Күн бұрын
There are 2 that dual wield iirc, and they are very, VERY different levels of power
@monkeygamer94 Күн бұрын
@@Gigawolf1 the magic one
@onyxviper69 4 сағат бұрын
Took me 5 tries with summons and 40 without on rellana, I totally recommend refighting her without summons because I had so much more fun and appreciation for the boss my 2nd time around