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Keto Killing the Carb Cravings
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@PositivelyInspiringTV 8 сағат бұрын
That is very exciting for you! I wish you much success and good health!
@billg4630 13 сағат бұрын
Thks for short fast answer😊
@unfinishedandunstoppable 12 сағат бұрын
Welcome 😊
@belovedbytheKing 18 сағат бұрын
You keep on keeping on. Keep on the plan. A stall is defined as 5-6 weeks with no fat loss, and no change in body measurements. So, measure each week. take pictures. keep a record. And keep going.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 12 сағат бұрын
You’re right! If only we could measure our willpower in inches or pounds-I'd be a heavyweight champion! That is the one thing I havent been doing... tracking measurements! I had written down some measurements back in April before starting Carnivore, but I'll have to see if I can find where I stuck them! Great idea! I just know my clothes are fitting so much better!
@belovedbytheKing 2 сағат бұрын
@@unfinishedandunstoppable That is always such an encouragement when the scale isn't reflecting any change - one more metric to be proud of!
@cap007a1 18 сағат бұрын
Stalls are very normal in any weight loss journey. Just stay the course. Especially with carnivore, you may have a lot of healing going on and that can take some time. The other thing to consider is that your calorie deficit (I know I know) may be to large. So you can try bringing your calories up a bit. This will allow your body to rebalance energy needs and then be willing to give up weight again.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 12 сағат бұрын
Absolutely! Stalls are a common part of the journey, and listening to your body is essential. It's all about finding that balance and staying patient. I have often considered that Im not eating enough, but I'm just not hungry!
@RV-there-Yet 19 сағат бұрын
Hey there Susan~ your channel came across my feed this morning, so this is first post I've seen. Thought I'd answer your question while I'm here, as far as giving up certain ritual/favorite, stalls, etc. I've been eating this way for a few yrs now, having started smack in the middle of "active" menopause, 56 yrs old, 5"6 & 196lbs. The first many, MANY months I lost zero weight~ my husband dropped 60 lbs. Thank goodness I gained all the other amazing benefits or I may not have continued, at least initially. Besides hormonal upheaval, I discovered I was undereating, which can happen for some, since meat is so satiating. I did experience a bit of recomposition, maybe one size down in jeans over that first year or so. When I was finally able to get my protein & fat up~ especially the fat, for me~ I did eventually drop 30lbs that second year. I leveled out around 165 for another solid year, but also increased my physical activity, so I gained some add'l muscle & things were still rearranging. My main point being, not all of us lose weight right away at all~ though it's not the majority. I'm 59 now, still hanging out around 160-165. We downsized a couple years ago into a 21 ft mini Class C motorhome, so my own "eBay horde" was donated in full~ three 16ft box truck loads~ to a local charity thrift store. It was far less painful than anticipated, since once the decision was made, there was no going back. I now stick to "smalls", even though we've landed in a tiny home base & are no longer on the road fulltime. Also, the pressure to list is no longer there, since some other small financial changes have taken place. We don't require a lot to live, so that helps too~ not high maintenence, so to speak. Ok, should hush now. Just wanted to introduce myself, share a bit that may resonate w/others. Plus, we have enough similarities that I was interested enough to listen through the whole video~ which is a solid indicator for meThanks so much for sharing where you're at, sounds like you've got a good grasp on where you're headed~ though it's more than fine to not have it all nailed down, imho. Good to meet you, so to speak! Samantha in AZ
@unfinishedandunstoppable 12 сағат бұрын
Nice to meet you Samantha! I really appreciate you taking the time to share your story and insights! It’s uplifting to hear how you’ve managed through it all and still found joy in the process. So you went from “eBay horde” to tiny home living? That’s the ultimate declutter and upgrade combo! I dont think I could ever do the tiny home thing. I have lived in fairly small spaces my whole life. I am ready for something with some space!!!
@marthabuller4570 20 сағат бұрын
So proud of you Susan. You're like real and honest. I just passed my 8th week yesterday and I am now noticing l am a sugar addict. I find myself wanting to get just 1 donut or a pint instead of a gallon of ice cream. It's hard when I've always been so active to suddenly be old - 80 on Halloween! But I see 93 and 95 year olds running circles around me. I intend to catch them. Thanks for sharing and caring.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 11 сағат бұрын
I really appreciate your kind words! Congratulations on reaching your 8th week and your upcoming big 80th!! I hope to reach that stage and maybe even give those 95 year-youngs a run for their money lol! Recognizing sugar habits is a big step, and I’m cheering you on as you continue your journey! Keep pushing forward; you've got this! Happy early birthday!
@sesaosalemh 20 сағат бұрын
Dairy prevents weight loss. Actually it causes weight gain on any diet. When you quit dairy, give it time it takes more time than you think. For me it was few months. Quitting coffee is not needed to lose weight. Actually coffee helps weight loss. If you have Hashimoto avoid dairy big time. Carnivore is not the best diet for Hashimoto.. Carbs are essential for thyroid health. You need to help your thyroid up and it will take care of the excess weight.
@stephencarrier6465 16 сағат бұрын
I've been wondering about dairy and the bovine growth hormones it contains, if it will make baby cows grow like crazy, why wouldn't it make everything on us, grow like crazy? What has happened with you with dairy?
@unfinishedandunstoppable 11 сағат бұрын
Thanks for sharing your insights! It's always interesting to hear personal experiences with dietary changes and how they impact health, especially with conditions like Hashimoto's. I have done Keto successfully in the past for weight loss, but this round is more for healing. I'm sure I agree with the whole carbs are essential for thyroid health. I am doing my research and keeping my doctor involved. Im fine with this slow and steady weight loss. Honestly, I have lost a total of 30lbs since mid April so I'm not complaining at all! I had lost 15lbs prior to ever starting Carnivore.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 11 сағат бұрын
I have had coffee with heavy cream the past couple of days and have to say, I think it may be the cause of the bloating I experience. Im going to try to not have cream tomorrow to see if I notice the difference again. When I was keto, I drank heavy cream as well and still lost 50lbs. I think everyones body is different and you really have to find what foods your body can tolerate and what it cant. But also, you have to decide what you are willing to live without and for what reason your willing to deny yourself those things. You have to "weigh" the cost vs the desire.
@sesaosalemh 2 сағат бұрын
@@unfinishedandunstoppable Dairy has the capacity to raise weight dramatically over few days. When consumed in small amounts it is still effective and will stop weight loss for most people no matter how hard they try. Keto makes weight loss in not a healthy way mainly from loss of water stored in the body and from loss of the body mussle. Seeds nuts and seed oils also stop healthy weight loss. It is worth to notice that dairy seeds nuts and seed oils have negative effects on thyroid function. We still need reasnoable amount of healthy carbs to preserve the mussle and to support the thyroid function. Health is more important than weight. Carbs in normal amounts from fruits or healthy sources do not cause weight gain. It is carbs from starches grains and processed foods that causes weight gain and health issues.
@stephencarrier6465 Сағат бұрын
@sesaosalemh thanks for your response, personally, I'm not allergic to dairy, I actually like it, but, I've noticed when I consume it, maybe an hour later my gut is sticking out like I'm pregnant (I'm a guy) , that's why I've been suspicious about it.
@cyndimanka 20 сағат бұрын
Strange thing happened to me in the middle of the month. I got bronchitis really bad and was in bed for four days. I had no appetite and I pretty much just drink liquids. I didn’t want coffee and that never happens. I still haven’t gone back to coffee. And I feel really good about that. I’m the person that said in my carnivore groups no way I will never give up coffee. But I think coffee gave up me.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 11 сағат бұрын
Man, that’s wild! Glad you’re feeling better! Who would’ve thought a little bronchitis would lead to a coffee detox? Keep rocking it! I feel I may be following suit. I have had coffee the past couple days after the experiment and it just isnt hitting the same anymore and I think the heavy cream may be the culprit of my bloating. Still doing trial and error to see what my body tolerates and what it doesnt. I will continue to keep y'all informed!
@sheltonhagerman 21 сағат бұрын
Wow!! That is amazing, Susan! I’m excited to hear what happens next!
@unfinishedandunstoppable 21 сағат бұрын
Amazing, right? I’m just as excited as a cat in a room full of laser pointers!
@sheltonhagerman 13 сағат бұрын
@emmashowalter2792 22 сағат бұрын
Does decafe cause issues! I can't deal with caffeine at all! I went a year on Carnivore then started drinking a cup of decafe with heavy cream and just a bit of cheese here and there! I am 17 mo. on Carnivore and loosing has been very very hard! I am sure I am insulin resistant UGH!
@unfinishedandunstoppable 21 сағат бұрын
After last weeks experiment, I started drinking my morning coffee and drinking my Zevia Ginger Root Beer again. TBH, I started feeling crappy again. I noticed I started feeling bloated and having tummy issues again. So, I believe Im going to cut back again and possibly cut them out all together. I dont believe its the caffeine. as there is none in the soda, but it does have "natural flavor" so who knows whats in there. I think the heavy cream is whats causing the tummy issues likely. I already had my coffee this morning, so starting tomorrow Im going to stick to my decaf tea and see how I feel by the end of the week!
@SusaninOhioforNow 22 сағат бұрын
I can't believe how much your story mirrors mine, which is why I subscribed yesterday. I've been ketovore since June 25th. Last year I was diagnosed with acute uveitis and cataracts. One day I realized I was looking at my phone without glasses. So many other great things have happened that I'd shout it from the rooftops if I could. Looking forward to more content
@unfinishedandunstoppable 21 сағат бұрын
Thank you so much for subscribing! I'm thrilled that my story resonated with you. Your journey is inspiring, and I can't wait to share more and hear about all the amazing things happening for you!
@SusaninOhioforNow 15 сағат бұрын
@@unfinishedandunstoppable ! How can I contact you? Please interview me!
@unfinishedandunstoppable 15 сағат бұрын
@@SusaninOhioforNow You can email me via my profile! I’d love to talk about it!
@robertprestonsr2453 23 сағат бұрын
My solution, just a suggestion for those who are really serious about LOSING WEIGHT: Try to go for an ALL RED MEAT diet-- as in just steaks... only ..(with a few minor exceptions) (and my go to for now is mostly T-Bones because they are on sale at my local Farm Market Butcher Store for $6.33/pound !!) Here is what I do: Around 11 a.m. I trim up about 8 ounces or steak-- trimming OFF most of the FAT-- and I cut the meat into very small bite size bits-- and heat this on a very low flame until it is just brown on the outside... season with salt and pepper -- and finally, flavor with garlic-parmesan sauce (Sweet Baby Rays is a 0-0-0) or sometimes with a Bar-B-Que sauce, also 0-0-0...-- I tend to eat only about half of this portion, but I may pick at it off and on until supper time... and then, about 6:30 p.m.-- I do the same thing as above... again... Now, out of habit, I may pick at the left-over bites for a snack whenever the mood hits.. Also, if I MUST SNACK later in the day, I have a supply of pork rinds...( Lowrey's are the best in my opinion-- a micro-wave product that comes out hot and crackling after a minute and a half in the micro-wave....)(they are neat based and very light) Now here is an OPTIONAL kicker: ( I have a good supply of Kopiko coffee flavored CANDY) Eat these individually wrapped candy (I know... I know...) which contain about 1.5 GRAMS of sugar per piece or about 1/20th or an ounce of SUGAR-- and if you eat about 10 pieces MAX then you should NOT lose or go out of Ketosis... ( and, I DO NOT feel that I am addicted to sugar and feel NO NEED to eat any more sugary things) (I do feel that a little bit of sugar is helpful for certain reasons of my own stupid brain..) (but I DO NOT feel compelled to eat more, I often only have one or two per day..) And that's all you get folks... and that's all you need AND maybe YOU try for a week or two.. And yes, I have ONE Large cup of black coffee... (and also my coffee candies at hand) And I only drink WATER, and at times I add electrolyte flavors to my house brand WELL WATER.. I am male, older, 6'1"... was 300 or so lbs. six months ago... Now, 210 lbs.-- 8 INCHES less waist size.. and still losing.... and NO STALLING... Losing pounds every WEEK continuously... And, to and for me... this WORKS BEST for WEIGHT loss... if you limit to about 8 oz. of steak pre-cooked-- TWICE PER DAY... and if you only eat 4 oz. and pick at the rest-- You do not really need to skip breakfast in my opinion... just eat a few little bits of steak -- (I don't even warm it up anymore).. so, Well, then you are EATING and thus swallowing about ONE POUND of food per day MAX.!! or LESS as you discipline yourself...!! as a limit!! (discipline now) So how much weight can you gain doing that ?? Intelligent questions and reasoning why this works so well... I will be happy to answer... I am just a happy guy who wants to share this amazing weight loss plan... simply.. Robert
@unfinishedandunstoppable 22 сағат бұрын
Thanks for sharing your detailed approach! It’s interesting to see how different diets work for different people. Your method sounds pretty straightforward, and it’s great that you’ve found something that suits you!
@gina_990 23 сағат бұрын
You have just gained a subscriber! I love your honesty and encouragement! Let's educate one another and do this! I'm 7 weeks into carnivore, and you just described the same progress I'm having. I'm going to cherish the small gains! Let's do this! 💪🏽
@unfinishedandunstoppable 22 сағат бұрын
Ah, another member of the “Small Gains Society!” Together, we’ll turn those tiny wins into a buffet of success. Let’s keep feasting on knowledge and encouragement, and MEAT!
@deneanepoynter8334 Күн бұрын
Great news! N=1! The thought of losing one's sight is so scary. I couldn't imagine not seeing my grandchildren, sunsets, or just colors. Take care and keep on keeping on..ROAR!
@unfinishedandunstoppable 22 сағат бұрын
I truly appreciate your kind words and support! It's always a reminder to cherish the little things in life. Thank you for being part of this journey!
@unfinishedandunstoppable Күн бұрын
Please like, comment and subscribe! I’d love to hear your experiences!
@Cynthia_Wood Күн бұрын
Way to go 🥳 so inspiring!!! Your doing fantastic 😊
@unfinishedandunstoppable 22 сағат бұрын
Thank you so much for your kind words! It means a lot to know that my content is inspiring others.
@jvin248 Күн бұрын
Adding exercise increases muscle mass which weighs more than fat so the scale doesn't seem to move. But then the increased muscle mass starts consuming more fat and you are on the journey again. .. Pick up a set of fat calipers; you use them to pinch measure several places around your body to come up with an estimate of fat%. .. When I was on the wrestling team (too many decades ago) the coach would measure everyone to make sure we were not cutting too close to risk. He would take a few kids to the local university sports lab where they used a water tank to most accurately measure body fat so he could verify the calipers gave reliable results.
@unfinishedandunstoppable Күн бұрын
You're absolutely right! Muscle mass does play a significant role in body composition, and it's fascinating how it can impact weight on the scale. Thanks for sharing your experience from your wrestling days!
@littlebird2037 Күн бұрын
My advice is to stop weighing and ENJOY the process!!!! THE carnivore journey is far too wonderful to be focused on the scale. I'm coming up on my 1-year carniversary and have only weighed myself four or five times in the last year. I continue to be amazed at the changes in my body, my mental clarity, and spiritual outlook. The foods and style of eating has morphed over the last year. I continue to listen to my body and follow its lead. I am passionate about life, love, and freedom from worrying about my body. ENJOY THE JOURNEY! 🥰
@crystallong6059 Күн бұрын
Excellent advice 💯
@unfinishedandunstoppable 22 сағат бұрын
Love this vibe! Who needs numbers when you’re feeling amazing? Cheers to enjoying every meaty moment of your journey! 🍖✌️
@randomfandom184 Күн бұрын
Carnivore here. Also in a weight stall and have an eBay room spilling into the rest of the house. Best of luck reaching your goals
@unfinishedandunstoppable Күн бұрын
Haha, I feel you! My place is a mess too. Just keep grinding, and we’ll smash our goals eventually! Stay tuned for my ne channel announcement coming soon where I help people like you an me turn their chaos into cash! Good luck with everything!
@wildcatblue13 2 күн бұрын
I think stalls are fine .. everyone wants things to happen quickly and sometimes things stall . That doesn’t mean good things aren’t happening .. you could drop 3 pounds one week and nothing the next. Don’t use a number every week as a goal . Are you sleeping? How is your mental health ? Are you happy .. I say don’t focas on a number !
@unfinishedandunstoppable Күн бұрын
Hi, thanks for stopping by! Yes, I actually addressed further into the video. I know it was long so understandable if you didn't make it all the way through. My mental health is awesome! Sleep is still trying to get worked out. I am a night owl and carnivore has not helped with sleep yet, because if anything, it has woke my brain up even more and I find it hard to shut it off as all I want to do is create now!
@NellieNeedsMeat 2 күн бұрын
My journey was never about weight loss so if the scale stopped moving, it wasn't anything I was worried about. But here's something I will see often, especially with women in this space: there's a chance they're eating too much. I understand the idea of "eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full", but for someone like me, that never worked. I could feel comfortably full after 1 bite or 100. I started weighing my food with a specific goal in mind. I wanted to eat three meals a day, and each meal should be enough to hold me over 3-4 hours. With breakfast and lunch I would also have a cup of coffee with portioned amounts of cream and butter. The sweet spot for me after some experimenting was 100 gm of food per meal if it's just fat and protein, then each cup of coffee gets 2 TBS each of butter and heavy cream. I reached maintenance weight eating like this and have stayed there for over 2 years. If I start to increase my numbers, my weight will go up. I'm 5'3", I hover around 125 lbs, and I do daily strength training exercises. I know everyone says not to worry about amounts, just eat, but I think for women over a certain age (like me at 49), a smaller amount of food might be just right. I have full day of eating videos on my channel if you're interested, plus recipes 👍
@cgm1786 2 күн бұрын
My husband’s BP went to normal in 3 days on carnivore and has stayed normal on eating Whole Foods for the past 14 months.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your husband’s success story! It’s so encouraging to hear real-life experiences like this. Wishing you both continued health and happiness! I appreciate you watching!
@gjahncke 2 күн бұрын
Take it slow
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
For sure! Sometimes you just gotta chill and let things unfold at their own pace!
@gjahncke 2 күн бұрын
It took me one year to heal.
@Tabui26 2 күн бұрын
Heal from?
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
Im glad to here you have healed your body! If you dont mind sharing, I'd love to know about your journey and what benefits you received by doing Carnivore!
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
I was wondering the same. Some people may not be comfortable sharing their health journey so we have to keep that in mind. @Tabui26
@crabbypaddy5549 2 күн бұрын
Carnivore here. Do you use sweeteners in your coffee or at all? it ruins your progress. I added more fat during my feeding time and then I lost weight.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
LOL! I love the channel handle! I think this round is just my body is actually focused on healing vs dropping weight. Im fine with the progress. My body composition is changing drastically so that's what's more important to me than the number on the scale! I do not add sweetener per se, but I do add a stevia sweetened Torani Hazelnut Syrup. But giving that up for the week really made zero noticeable difference. I hardly use Stevia. I used it in everything when I did Keto and lost 50lbs in a matter of about 6 months. Thanks so much for the comment and for watching!
@LauraHicks-e9p 2 күн бұрын
Loved seeing your story. I started over a year ago now. I’ve lost 52 lbs so far and have about 40 more to go. I’ve watched a lot of videos and peoples journey and it keeps me inspired and educated about how things go and things to expect, and that we’re all different. My weight is dropping slowly since about six months in but I didn’t get to be heavy overnight so I know it’s going to take a while to get back and my body is healing from all the damage I’ve done. I know I’ll continue on this way of eating for life as I’ve learned too much to go back and that comes with time. Thank you for your inspiration!❤
@LauraHicks-e9p 2 күн бұрын
Also wanted to suggest an electrolyte supplement and magnesium glycinate (?sp) at night helped me with sleep. Just some things to look into. 😊
@unfinishedandunstoppable 22 сағат бұрын
Whoa, that’s awesome! 52 lbs is no small feat! I'm glad my journey is inspiring, that's what I hope to do by sharing it! Just keep doing your thing, and those last 40 will be gone before you know it! You've got this! 🙌
@unfinishedandunstoppable 22 сағат бұрын
Yes, I drink LMNT and take extra magnesium and potassium as well as L-Theanine.
@PanSearedRibeye68 2 күн бұрын
I switched to decaf because caffeine keeps you from getting into deeper ketosis. When your body is using caffeine for energy, you don’t need to burn as much fat.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
I often drink decaf. I don't drink any other caffeine throughout the day except for that one cup of morning coffee. I do think I will be switching it up with caffeine free teas as I came to really enjoy the tea, especially in the evening, I would have some sleepy time calming tea and I do believe it was helping me sleep better! Thank you for watching and commenting!
@foreverfornevervegan 2 күн бұрын
I gave up coffee this summer and don't plan to add it back as a regular fixture. Just a cup here or there if I feel inclined. (I haven't yet, so I'll keep going coffee-free until the time is right, maybe a cup of that or of hot cocoa Christmas morning😊) Quitting coffee was legitimately one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. It took many tries, and then one day I woke up looking forward to a cup, but when I went to make one, the smell of the grinds was off-putting and I thought, yes!! Finally! I haven't had any since. In terms of weight loss, the weight comes off super slowly, and around that time of the month, it fluctuates wildly. So I don't worry about the back and forth as much. I try to dance a few times a week and between that and the diet, I've noticed that I'm putting on muscle. There are days when my pants fit loose and days when they are a little snug; overall things are trending in the right direction. So that's what I focus on more so than a number from the scale. ❤
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
Wow, that’s awesome! Major props for ditching coffee! I feel the same. This past week showed me that I CAN survive without coffee! And I agree, I am seeing the changes in my body for sure. My legs are toning up nicely and my bat wings are shrinking as well as my spare tires! I don't have times of the month any longer (Thank God) but there are still certain times where my body just feels different. It’s cool to see you focusing on the positive changes-keep dancing and rocking that muscle! 💪✨
@MyWorld-bu4ib 2 күн бұрын
Music is distracting!
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I'll keep that in mind.
@robertwhite3503 2 күн бұрын
Walking every day would explain the weight stall. You're gaining muscle which is full of water and water is heavy. All good. Don't worry about it, follow the process and you will be pleasantly surprised.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
You got it! Muscle gain means I'm getting stronger, even if the scale doesn't show it. Just gotta keep moving and let the results surprise me! Thanks for watching and commenting! Are you doing Carnivore as well?
@robertwhite3503 2 күн бұрын
@@unfinishedandunstoppable I am, but need to do it a bit more seriously. I lost a lot of weight. Needed a minor operation so they put me on steroids. This suppresses the immune system, but creates cortozones so put on a lot of weight. Time has now passed, so it is nothing but an excuse now. However for a while this setback demotivated me somewhat.
@unfinishedandunstoppable Күн бұрын
@@robertwhite3503 I understand how having a health issues can derail us. I’ve definitely had my share. I’m happy to see that you have acknowledged that it’s now just an excuse though! I challenge you to make at least one small change to get you back on track! You up for a challenge!?
@robertwhite3503 Күн бұрын
@@unfinishedandunstoppable I am.
@robertwhite3503 Күн бұрын
@@unfinishedandunstoppable It might involve denying myself any cheese!
@MistysH.O.P.E. 2 күн бұрын
When I had a stall on keto, I would eat a carb meal. The next day, my weight would be up, but then it would nearly immediately within a day or two start dropping again. I have never done the carnivore diet, but since you mentioned keto, I thought I would share my experience.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
Ah, the classic carb comeback! It’s like a plot twist in a movie-unexpected but often leading to a happy ending. I have had similar results when doing Keto. Thanks for sharing your story! I may try to add some healthy carbs back in on occasion after I hit my 90 mark. I committed to this for 90 days initially, so Im excited to see what happens over the next two weeks. I imagine more of the same. And honestly, I'm fine with that. I have a feeling I will be eating this way the rest of my life!
@Rvictorbravo 2 күн бұрын
3 months ago I went carnivore solely because I discovered glucose spikes of up to 195 after drinking a sport drink. 2 months later I had dropped from 190 lbs to 163 lbs. I’m 5’ 10” (I’m 66 and in my younger yrs was a little shy of 6’). One month later I’m still at 163, even though I’m eating around 1500 calories a day. I have 16 ounces of Moka pot Mexican coffee every morning with heavy cream. Not giving it up. I figure I don’t want to lose any more weight but am surprised at my new set point.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
Wow, that's an impressive transformation! It's amazing how our bodies can adapt and find new norms. I am 5'9 and my norm in high school was 135. Then after my first child, my norm was like 160. Then Child 2 and 3 and my norm became closer to 195. Then I got Stage 2 Colon Cancer and I actually gained weight. My new norm became 225 which is the heaviest I Iet myself get before doing something drastic. This time, I don't plan on going backwards. My goal weight is 150 in the end but if I can get to 175 Id be stoked with that as well! This time around, its honestly more about body composition for me. How I look and feel in my own skin. And more importantly, my health. Keep up the great work and enjoy that coffee!
@bwink23 2 күн бұрын
Have you ever tried a water fast? I suggest a 3-day water fast to break through that barrier.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
Ah, the classic water fast! It’s like hitting the reset button on your body-just with a lot less fun than a binge-watch session. But seriously, yes, I have actually done a 96 hrs "fast" but it was only a food fast. I still have my morning coffee and exogenous ketones like 3 times a day. I literally felt like I could fly and shoot electricity from my fingertips at the end of it! I had so much energy and my brain was the most alive its even been in my life! Maybe its time for another one! Thanks for the comment!
@bwink23 Күн бұрын
@@unfinishedandunstoppable i would suggest not using the ketones, let your body go to work. It doesn't need the help. Definitely don't use them on a water fast .
@shanditaylor85 2 күн бұрын
I didnt watch all of your video, i was doing coffee and creamer when i first went carnivore (onlyway i could drink coffee i tried other ways) i don't remember when i stopped drinking it, i kmow it was before 100 days (im 205 days now) but once i stopped drinking coffee and creamer i started dropping weight. I just noticed this morning that i havent been eating cheese or sour cream for the last 2 weeks, i havent taken my measurements yet but i can tell it in my clothes, they are a little looser. Keep up the good work!
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
Wow, that’s awesome! It's wild how much changing up what we eat can really make a difference. Keep it up, you’re doing great! Thanks for watching what you did and commenting! I appreciate it!
@shanditaylor85 Күн бұрын
You're welcome I'll watch the rest later today! Thank you and Keep up your great work as well!
@unfinishedandunstoppable Күн бұрын
Thank you so much for your support! Enjoy the rest of the video, and I appreciate your kind words!
@steelgranny9027 2 күн бұрын
I've had a stall too. I haven't tried to stop my coffee, my coffee is something I'm not willing to give up, even though it's only decaf...I have Afib and that does cause me issues...I tried using LMNT like many on carnivore, but it caused my Afib to happen. (Too much sodium) During Afib my heart races as much as 160 beats a minute, and it causes me to pee, a lot, as much as 4 to 5 pounds of water...or now that I'm a meat eater it's only 2 to 3 pounds of water. Sometimes it only lasts a few hours, but the other day it went on for almost 24 hours, it's exhausting. To top things off I had the Afib happen the night before I was a due to have dental surgery, fortunately it stopped a few hours before my appointment. Now I'm on antibiotics so my eating and gut health is all messed up. I'm still focused on eating right, but I think it's pointless to look for weight loss until after I'm off the drugs. Congratulations on your weight loss, that is what motivates us to keep it going.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your experience! It's definitely tough dealing with health challenges while trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I totally get the not willing to give up coffee! I literally have said that in a couple of my prior Carnivore videos. Then I gave it up and I didn't die and I actually didnt miss it much! It showed me that I was addicted to it and that I could actually do without it, as well as my Zevia Ginger Root Beer. I had my 1st can of it last night and it actually gave me some gut discomfort! It also didn't taste the same and was very sweet! Not at all how I remembered it tasting. So that may very well be the source of the bloating I was experiencing in the evenings as that s when I would drink it. Im going to experiment with it again tonight to prove the hypothesis. It may be time say goodbye to my other favorite beverage! I've had my share of those struggles. Just remember to take it one step at a time, and prioritize your well-being above all! I shared your 360lbs deadlift with my son to show him I'm not some crazy granny who wants to start lifting weights! I love that you didn't let age stop you from getting and staying strong! Its inspiring! The gym is my next step. I appreciate you! Take care of that heart!
@steelgranny9027 Күн бұрын
@@unfinishedandunstoppable tell him I was 62 when I started, and fell in love with lifting heavy. I’ve competed in 4 World Championships, first in Belgium, then Wales, Malta and last in Kentucky. I hold the World title for deadlift. Truly, I had no intention of quitting, my goal was to lift 400#…but it’s okay. I got to travel the world and meet some really amazing people, who are friends for life. Funny, before I was downsized from my job I was a power walker, everyday we would walk the neighborhood around school. Later when I joined Gold’s my trainer introduced me to the bar and plates…and so it began. One thing powerlifting taught me, changes take time, nothing happens overnight. I’m in this for the long haul. We can do anything we set our minds to. Anything. ♥️ I haven’t needed a bone scan since I started lifting. 😊 My Dr. says it’s pointless.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 22 сағат бұрын
I wanted to pick your brain to see if you could give me some pointers on how to get started! I have always shied away from the gym because I have NO CLUE what I should be doing. I had a personal trainer for a short time about 11-12 years ago so I kinda remember the exercises but I never wrote down the actual routine and specific exercises. I have some specific goals I'd like to accomplish. 1. build a butt! 2. Get rid of my bat wings! 3. tighten up the ladies 4. strengthen my thighs and finally 5. tone up these spare tires!
@steelgranny9027 21 сағат бұрын
@@unfinishedandunstoppable Yes, I can. In my opinion the best all-around training tool is the kettlebell,. You can work everybody part with them. I'll link some of my favorites...this one is the goblet squat and swing. It works the quads, the hamstrings, and glutes, and the swings work the upper back, the core and shoulders. kzbin.infoKae7cteuZFQ?si=l1QnJ45LD5ThYhoP
@beautifullifesageg.3951 2 күн бұрын
Currently, I’m in a stall…or worse yet, a “fattening up.” I’m allowing it though because I’ve recently understood that I’m in a huge burnout and healing trauma. All that to say that I need to bring my cortisol down. Between generational trauma, menopause, and stress at work, cortisol is keeping the weight on to protect me (Dr. Elizabeth Bright). I’m going to experiment with high-fat carnivore (animal-based) for a while as I heal. Our bodies are our own to experiment on. Better to experiment with health than junk!
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
Are you on or considering a Carnivore diet journey? Share your thoughts and journey with us!
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
Have you ever had a weight loss stall on your carnivore or other weight loss or health journey? What did you do to breakthrough? What struggles are you having on your journey? Lets work through this together! Thank you so much for watching, commenting and liking my videos!
@Not_A_Tourist 2 күн бұрын
One meal a day before 5pm and check into iodine supplementation.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your insights! It's always great to hear different perspectives on meal timing and supplementation. I started taking Iodine this past week actually! I usually eat one meal a day but its a bit later in the evening. Mostly because I just am not hungry earlier in the day. My fear is that I am not eating enough.
@Not_A_Tourist 2 күн бұрын
@@unfinishedandunstoppable I used to eat it much later as well doing keto. Thinking I'll fall asleep before I get hungry. But since starting carnivore, I've seen it recommended a few times to eat by 5 pm, and/or absolutely don't eat after dark. I lost 5 pounds a week for four weeks straight. I ordered iodine 2%, it actually arrives today. I'm hoping it helps with some hormone levels.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing your journey! It's inspiring to see how effective the carnivore diet has been for you. I agree that eating earlier is definitely more beneficial. I did try that a few times and felt better in the evening. I just need to make myself eat earlier. I know it will take time to reset my hunger clock though. It would help if I could get my circadian rhythm in check and not be such a night owl! Wishing you continued success with your health goals!
@johannaj2009 Күн бұрын
Fat fasting !!! Skip the protein altogether and opt for very high fat foods like mascarpone, butter, cheese, avocado, eggyolks, liverwurst. I dropped 10 lbs in 10 days and I am NOT overweight 😊 drink water and decaf coffee. Also alternate day fasting and eating high fat low protein is a great option
@sherribrink5664 2 күн бұрын
Loving your videos❤. Enjoying the real talk?
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for commenting and being here!
@deneanepoynter8334 2 күн бұрын
Hi Susan! Good to see you this week! I like the direction you are moving in with your channel (s) and look forward to watching.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
@@deneanepoynter8334 Thanks so much! You are my most loyal subscriber! 💕 I so appreciate your support and encouragement! It really means the world to me!
@suzannereeves7768 3 күн бұрын
Have you tried the sardines fast? So many carnivore influencers have videos on this. I tried a three day fast twice and lost 3-4 lbs. I had to do something drastic and this fast worked. Get beyond the fear of the sardines. The depression I had of my stall was worse than doing the sardines. I look at this fast as my cleansing so I can make better choices when I go back to my carnivore eating. I also have Hashimotos.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
@@suzannereeves7768 I’m not that desperate 🤣! Sardines is just a hard pass for me! Nope …. Not today satan lol 🤣 I literally would 🤮. I do appreciate the recommendation though! I may try fasting a couple days. I’ve fasted for 96 hrs once, where the only thing I had was exogenous ketones and…… you guessed it ….. coffee!!!! 🤣 I know that’s technically not fasting but I felt like I could fly at the end of it!!!
@intentionaltom9447 3 күн бұрын
I love coffee! The smell, the taste, the warmth is just magical! Giving up coffee would be tough for me!
@unfinishedandunstoppable 2 күн бұрын
@@intentionaltom9447 Yes, I almost have a meltdown when I have to get bloodwork done in the past and not have coffee. I was actually surprised with how easy it was! It’s ALL mindset!
@randyszymkowski882 21 сағат бұрын
I'm on carnivore and I drink lots of coffee(no creme) and have no issues. I also put mustard and pepper on my food and no issues. I've been on carnivore since February and otherwise have not deviated a bit. Lost about fifty pounds, 67 years old, never been this lean in all of my life and I feel great
@sandrafoster2806 4 күн бұрын
Awesome ❤
@sandrafoster2806 4 күн бұрын
KZbin is gonna come through for you. You have an awesome community to support you🧑🏼‍🌾🌺
@unfinishedandunstoppable 3 күн бұрын
@@sandrafoster2806 Awwwwww thank you so much Sandra!!! 💕
@sandrafoster2806 4 күн бұрын
You’ve got this Susan. Wow!!! You are 62 and looking great. Love your confidence in telling your story🎉Have you ever tried intermittent fasting? 🧑🏼‍🌾🌺
@unfinishedandunstoppable 3 күн бұрын
@@sandrafoster2806 Hi and thanks!!! Yes I have!
@sandrafoster2806 3 күн бұрын
@@unfinishedandunstoppable Awesome
@KathleensRaulsplace 5 күн бұрын
I love your channel name!! ❤ Your editing is the bomb 💣 We are all in this together! I love your tips. Don’t just think about it… do it! I want to do affiliate marketing and improving my health
@unfinishedandunstoppable 8 сағат бұрын
Thank you! Are you doing a specific eating plan?
@beautifullifesageg.3951 6 күн бұрын
Hi Susan! I just subscribed and as if this moment ..we BOTH HAVE 870 SUBS! Synchronicity at its best! Thanks for reaching out! Can't wait to catch up on your content and am excited to have another carnivore buddy!❤
@unfinishedandunstoppable 5 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for subscribing! I'm thrilled to have you as a carnivore buddy and can't wait to share our journeys together!
@robertchandler3914 6 күн бұрын
Excellent job, love the cost.
@unfinishedandunstoppable 5 күн бұрын
Thanks! I aim to be both excellent and cost-effective-it's my secret superpower!
@lynnfrench4969 6 күн бұрын
@ronpreece3429 6 күн бұрын
Higher fat may help 70/30 ground beef and fatty prime rib steaks ! Yum
@unfinishedandunstoppable 6 күн бұрын
Right? Nothing beats the richness of a good fatty steak! Bring on the flavor! 🍖Thanks for sharing!