@barnowl2655 Ай бұрын
How does this channel not have more subs!?
@psalmbeats 2 ай бұрын
Those who trust in the Lord, without fear, Are like Mount Zion, steadfast and near, Which cannot be moved, always sincere, Abiding forever, year after year. 山々がエルサレムを囲み包む、 主も今からとこしえにその民を守る。 As mountains surround Jerusalem's crest, The Lord surrounds His people, giving rest, From this time forth, eternally blessed, In His protection, they are truly impressed. Peace be upon Israel, shining bright, In the Lord's embrace, day and night. 山々がエルサレムを囲み包む、 主も今からとこしえにその民を守る。 悪しき者のつえ、 正しい者の所領にとどまることなかれ、 正しい者の手が 不義に伸びることなきためなり、たとえ。 The sceptre of wickedness shall not stay, On the land where the righteous pray, Lest the righteous are led astray, Reaching for iniquity's way. Peace be upon Israel, shining bright, In the Lord's embrace, day and night. 主よ、善良な人と、 心正しき人に、幸いを施し給え。 しかし曲がった道に進む者ら、 主は悪を行う者と共に去らせられた。 Do good, O Lord, to those pure in heart, To those who from righteousness never depart. As for those who in crookedness chart, The Lord will lead them and the wicked apart. イスラエルの上に平安あれと願う。 Peace be upon Israel, shining bright, In the Lord's embrace, day and night. Peace be upon Israel, shining bright, In the Lord's embrace, day and night.
@barnowl2655 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for this. Gorgeous work, my sibling in Christ! Keep it up!✌️
@psalmbeats 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for the encouragement